Games are not about fun

Games are not about fun.

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Fuck Bobby

I actually just finished Uncharted 4 last night for the first time. I thought all the bitching about Nadine on Yea Forums was just overblown bullshit. When she just rides off into the sunset without any sort of comeuppance after beating the protag and his brother's ass simultaneously, I was pretty annoyed, took away from the game for essentially no real reason.
Then I started looking into it and saw how Druckmann allegedly forced Amy Hennig out and changed the script after it had been in production for nearly a year, apparently made a change that Nate had to have a gamer gurrrl daughter instead of a son like it was planned. Now apparently Nadine and Chloe are big old lesbos now because lol reasons.
Fuck this virtue signalling shithead.

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This fucking kik ruined Uncharted 4 and will now ruin The Last of Us 2. But at that point I dont care because I sold my PS4 and went back to PC gaming.

games are not about fun

they are about FUNCITEMENT ! - neil druckmannnn

this rat single-handedly ruined Naughty Dog's reputation
>inb4 some faggot gives me crap how TLoU is great and Uncharted 4 even moreso
I don't care. I stuck around since Crash 1, and seeing them become this way is just sad

>this is the face of a kike who pozzed snoy


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>From the point of view of people who actually respect and enjoy the gaming industry, they all saw the writing on the wall as Druckmann looked to push out a talented director in order to usurp control over Naughty Dog. He proceeded to rewrite the story in Uncharted 4 where Nathan Drake was given a daughter instead of a son after being influenced by Anita Sarkeesian. Since then he has gone on to use the studio to proselytize his own sociopolitical agenda

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Druckmann is playing 4D chess. He wants people to think of him and his upcoming game in one way so he can later flip our expectations upside down with a good twist

he's a slimy rat nobody wwants to be willingly associated with.
It's clear he sucked dick for the job

>male feminist good!
>actual female bad!

>with a good twist
The faggot couldn't write himself out of a paperbag. Even if he did he'd just leave through the opening instead of it being creative since he can only write in predictable cliches and generic characters.

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This twat looks like jack dorsey

More relevant than ever

It's common for people who weren't skilled enough or had the right dick sucking lips to make it as a director in hollyweird to go into vidya in order to fill the void inside them

Just look at Neil and Chris Roberts

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Completely unreliable as a news source for video games.

Every video game news site is completely unreliable as a news source for video games

I'm a bit conflicted since I like MGS 1-3. Those games were cutscene/dialogue heavy but outside of that I enjoyed finding secrets/unlocks and doing different runs.

you are just blinded by your hatred, which is understandable because he hates you too and actively tries to piss you off. He pitched TLOU from the ground up, it was entirely his idea when he was still just a designer for Uncharted 2 and the Naughty Dog presidents bought it and let him and Bruce Straley make a game of it.
And the vast majority of people who played his game seemed to agree that the writing was among its greatest strengths

>and will now ruin The Last of Us 2
But the first TLOU was already bad. The only difference is that the protagonist on the second game is an angry lesbian.

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Yeah Tlou 1 was a bad game but I enjoyed the story in a guilty pleasure kinda way. Joel's relationship with Ellie was ok.

She will be revealed to be a bad person if not outright villainous character, just watch.

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Having sex with kids is not about sexual pleasure

>Now apparently Nadine and Chloe are big old lesbos now because lol reasons.
nigger what? Time to neck yourself

Those are still games where gameplay is king despite the amount of cinematics. They're games that are fun to play even if you skip everything. Imagine playing something like The Last of Us or the new God of War repeatedly like that. You'd have to be insane to do that.

I'm thinking everyone in the tent dies from fireflies still looking for Ellie and the cure.

>have character you've known for all of 10 minutes
>barely characterized
>random soldier appears
>it's all to obvious bitch is gonna die
>bitch is dead
>cue melodramatic NOOOOOO and sad music so you know you must cry now
>"10/10 amazing writing I never saw it coming" says Journo who's never watched a single zombie or post-apocalypse movie
Even the fucking parodies of post-apocalypse and disaster movies have better writing than that shit. They at least can have a fucking plot twist. It gets even worse as you play through the game because you just know exactly who's going to die upon meeting them.
>but critics
You mean the same critics who take pride in being incompetent? Why would you value their words, ever?

It's because MGS1-3 knew when to be a movie, and when to be a game. And when it's either of them, they are very good/entertaining at it.

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>tfw wanna replay mgs 3 but dont have any controller pressure sensitive buttons
is there any other way to use cqc without button pressure ;-; i really miss that game

And there is nothing wrong with that. If the game has a story and characters, connecting with the latter is essential to giving any fucks about the former. That is why good dialogue, good voice acting, animations, facial expressions and cinematography are super fucking important. Besides, when i put down 60 bucks for a game i expect the designers to have done all the work so the game entertains me, not give me a fucking sandbox and tell me to "go make your own fun", if i wanted to do that i'd be sitting in a literal sandbox building a fucking castle.

There is not a single game with a good story, dialogue, voice acting, animations, facial expressions and cinematography.

Didn't Amy Hennig leave because Neil Druckmann was a snake and she got sick of all the bullshit?

but muh open wurld gameplay FREEDUM

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Druckmann want to change games and using naughty Dog, the leader of the fucking industry, to do that is just logical. He's trying his hardest to change the perception of what video games are and who they are for. Just like there was a post rock and post punk era, there should be a post video game era. But unforutnaly there are still fuckheads like you who hold the industry back and let it have the image of something only lardass male virgins play. You can't just let the industry stay stagnant with the same fucking games and philosophies the past 30 years you stupid fucking retards.

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No, she left because ND didn't need three game directors and she was the weakest link after Uncharted 3.
From then on they've only made one game at a time

stfu you stupid biased retard.

no retard lol

Fuck you and your movies, faggot.

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>You can't just let the industry stay stagnant
>Makes another cinematic third person shooter
Get off your high horse. ND is no better than any other dev studio that found a money making formula to framework all their games around.


Thank goodness Japan still exists.

Nadine literally had her entire army taken away from her with nothing to show for it. Not only that, she got betrayed by her right hand man too.
If that's not comeuppance for her bullshit, I don't know what is.

>the country that does nothing but desperately try and make games more westernized like Resident Evil 2 Naughty Dog Edition

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Too obvious. Everyone knew Sarah was going to die in the original but that's because it was pretty much impossible to hide. The actual events that happened in TLOU's plot (besides Sarah) were generally not predictable, what was predictable was that Ellie and Joel's relationship would develop into a father-daughter thing since he had already lost his real daughter in his arms

This guy will always be remembered as the antichrist of videogames, the guy who ruined the industry for everyone else.

>i'll shout simplistic opinions in hyperbolic fashion that i know are wrong to bait a couple (you)s
here have one. are you happy now?

>naughty Dog, the leader of the fucking industry
wtf are you on about user?

They also gave us one of the purest video games in recent memory.

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>play Uncharted 4
>bored to death, forced myself to finish it, overall a terrible game
>start playing Crash n'sane trilogy
>didn't remember these games were so fucking fun
>good gameplay, the graphics are colorful and fun to look at, nice music, doesn't even need a story
It's incredible how low Naughty Dog went, holy shit, they're lucky because there an army of fanboys defending them because Sony, because you can always expect good reviews for SJW games, but if TLOU2 were multiplat most of the users wouldn't be happy about it at all.

Well you didn't prove me wrong as expected so yeah, sure. Feels good to be right.

RE2 doesn't have anything to do with TLOU you imbecile.
Also Megaman 11, Nier Automata, Octopath Traveler, Xenoblade 2, DMC5, Monster Hunter World, Dark Souls, Yakuza, Kingdom Hearts, Dragon Quest, the west is fucking dead.


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Only nazi bigot altrighter antisemitic incels care about "fun" video games

play the spinoff with them
by the end of the game they act exactly like 2 lesbos I know irl

Yeah it seems to be that way.

Because no matter what you'd say that it's shit even if the whole fucking industry agrees that it's a masterpiece.

At least RE2 is a video game.

But Uncharted 4 was terrible...

>let me list a bunch of mediocre shit

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What does this mean? Clapcom has always been westaboo as fuck and if anything it has more gameplay than the original, I just wish they didn't cut a couple enemies/areas.

The presentation, shitty forced dramatic acting and swearing/talking to yourself every five minutes is copy and pasted from any fucking modern Naughty Dog game.

you shouldn't need much characterization to feel sorry for a cute little girl dying completely unnecessarily

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Name one zombie movie where a daughter dies like this you fucking moron.

You aren't getting a (You) for that gay shit.

*in your opinion

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She was a drug dealer so it's ok.

>parroting AIDS ridden cuckold can't even argue
Where are the color coded enemies, 30FPS lock, dedicated dodge button, lack of lock-on, lack of directional attacks, lack of styles, easy S ranks, shitty devil trigger that just floats up the enemies while also requiring a retarded input to use, lack of taunts, lack of multiple playable characters etc.

user, you don't play video games. Why are you being such a relentless nigger?

If you want a movie just watch movies bruh.

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>megaman 11, Xenoblade 2, Octopath Traveler, Yakuza, Dragon Quest
>the west is dead

Jesus fuck this has to be bait.

>if the whole fucking industry
So pozzed journalists? Damn. Well at least you were retarded enough to out yourself as a spineless moron who relies on the opinions and approval of others instead of your own arguments.

I don't know I thought it was pretty fitting for Leon, maybe they could've cut back on the quips a bit but what really annoyed me is that there was no one-liner for killing the tyrant

>Trashes Crash Bandicoot
>Trashes the Jak and Daxter series
>Takes control of the company to sink it in ultra liberal/PC politics swamp
Fuck you.

Nope. You're favorite dicklet japanese devs hail it as the game of the decade too. Stupid cuck.

I knew she was going to eat a bullet the moment I saw her. It's such an easily shat out moment meant solely to be emotionally manipulative. Grade school film-tier.

>You can't just let the industry stay stagnant with the same fucking games
You mean like how ND haven't innovated once on their third person shooters while a fucking pantsu fanservice TPS managed to change the way you approach shooting by adding a single mechanic?
>the leader of the industry
Lol, the only thing they lead in is being generic trash. They can't even make a game less casualized than a pantsu game your kind say can be played 1 handed.

Kys fgt

Crash Bandicoot is full of outdated concepts like boss battles and level design.

And yet it's never been done in the realm of gaming. That's why it's revolutionary. First game to actually have a serious story that didn't treat its audience like a 5 year old.

Who? Kojimbles? An actual westaboo? Lmao step up westacuck.

>You're favorite
Get out of here, filthy ESL nigger.

That is Capcom, yes. They've always been that way, maybe even moreso when Inafune was on board.

This, they have ALWAYS been that way, Inafune like Hackjima, just pushed it further.

>And yet it's never been done in the realm of gaming.
Cheap high school grade tier of indie movie schlock being introduced in vidya isn't really a worthwhile addition. Or an achievement.

And Metal Gear Solid 2 did it first.

Wow jumping around like a sperg and hammering O
Sick gameplay mate

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He is in an entertainment industry.
Video games should be entertaining because they are entertainment.
The word 'Fun' is a synonym for entertaining, so no, video games (on an objective god damn factual fucking level) are required to be fun.

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Every TPS nowadays uses the Last of Us as a template. From it's stealth sections, gunplay, enemy layout to its "hearing" ability,

>Naughty Dog are true innovators of the TPS genre
Stands proudly in the buff in their path.
>no health regen
>no auto-cover
>tight timer so you can't play like a pansy playing keep away
>no melee attack tracking(you aren't on ice skates and don't home in on enemies)
>unique mechanic that combined with the timer adds a whole extra layer to the game
>doesn't yank control away from you to show off cinematics, just lets you play the game
>You get to destroy tanks and helicopters and even a battleship without being interrupted
>no hitscan
>Well balanced difficulty options
>stealth isn't just hiding in knee high grass and requires careful planning and cautious movements.

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Everyone knew it was going to happen. That doesn't mean it wasn't important that it did happen and you saw it, at the very least to understand why Joel became the way he was and developed such feelings about Ellie throughout the main game. But also the intro showed the craziness of the start of the outbreak, something not really seen in other zombie games or even in many zombie movies

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>Comcept President Keiji Inafune
>Keiji "Japan is dead" Inafune dicksucks a westacuck game
What a surprise. What a complete outing of retardation you just performed on yourself lmao.

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>The actual events that happened in TLOU's plot (besides Sarah) were generally not predictable
You seriously didn't call the two brothers dying by one of them having to kill the other then themself. That shit was so painful to call as soon as I saw them. The game had been pushing non-stop melodrama that the second they showed up I called it.
It would be a plot twist at that point for them to not die.

Only insecure pervs favors having daughters over sons. You either wish for a heterosexual son or just settle with what you got instead and hope he passes his genes via vitro fertilization and/or she doesn't turn to stripping/porn.

>influenced by Anita Sarkeesian
lol. Game developers need to stick with their original artistic vision instead of letting others sway it for political purposes

>We need games to evolve!
>By removing player agency in the process
Absolutely based

Is everyone named Neil a fucking hack?

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That's the thing, people find entertainment in different things. If I want to be in my autistic, high score, no death run game that's fine. If people want some cinematic bullshit 'mature' experience then let them at it. I have friends in both camps and we'll shit on each other in good fun about our tastes.

As opposed to all the reliable ones? Back to discord

I thought they were either going to die or be split up with the player in some other way but I couldn't predict exactly how. I knew there was no way they were coming along the rest of the game up to the Fireflies though, or whether the fireflies would even be there, or whether Joels brother was still alive, or what they would be able to do with Ellie and her immunity

>attack enemies as they spawn
>they run around you instead of bashing your head in
>Try this in Bullet Girls
>get shot and slaughtered because enemies don't just run to a designated point before their code starts registering, if you interrupt them they just start attacking you
God damn, they really can't beat a pantsu game can they?

It was a fun ride seeing Inafune call the Japanese gaming industry creatively bankrupt only for him to go on and push a Mega Man style game.

This board is full of sub IQ virgins but there’s literally nothing wrong with Druckmans statements.

When creating a game you’re setting out to create a memorable experience for the player. The concept of “fun” in the grand scheme of things is utterly meaningless as in the end fun doesn’t always equal to memorable experiences.

True, games are about engagement.

>all those PRESS X TO AWESOME magnetized take downs
Way to prove him right.

>says while most likely defending shit gameplay from a QUAAZZYY japanese action game

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fuck off Cuckmann

Everything he said is true. Even Phil Fish embarrassed stupid japanese devs.

user, you're a pozzed, moviegame watching westacuck. You don't know what "gameplay" even means.

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calm your tits, that's just having fun in the easiest fight of the game. It's a shooter not a melee game (though melee is very useful, it can also get you killed if you leave yourself exposed to gunfire as you do it)

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Fucking what?

everytime i see this kike my blood boils

>Every casualized TPS nowadays uses the Last of Us as a template
Fixed that for you
>Stealth sections
Ah yes knee high grass and box truly a marvel of gaming... Oh wait, Bullet Girls 2 did it better and made you have to plan your route carefully around enemies and just getting past someone isn't good enough since they can turn around and spot you from behind putting the whole base on alert.
Hitscan isn't something to be proud of, that's called being too lazy to program bullets which again Bullet Girls has done since it's first game so again, worse than a pantsu game.
>enemy layout
Was way too easy to work around and predictable.
>hearing mechanic
Imagine needing an easy mode to find enemies. Meanwhile BG1 and 2 both have the player sometimes lose their radar or if the player chooses can just have no supporter so they have zero help and radar meaning they find the enemies themselves. Surprise tanks are fun once you get good and can bait enemies in front of them..

>Unironically being a snoy golem

here's an actual hard part of the game handled competently at full speed

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>video games

fuck off movies aren't video games

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>It's a shooter not a melee game
I know, so is the game I'm talking about. Uncharted has enemies spawn in and run to a set point before they start attacking you. A pantsu fanservice game has them attack you when you interrupt them from moving to that point. Even shooting them will have them stop just running and start attacking you.

it's a piece of shit for casuals who have no place here.

Most are, but some certainly aren't. Pic related.

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>hug this wall until your screen stops being gray
This so lame senpai. Just another chest-high wall covering aim assist third person shooter.

He probably thinks that just because naughty dog won a game of the year award over rockstar. I don't agree with him, but a lot of normies think like that.

You literally haven't even played it and wouldn't even be able to beat the first chapter on Crushing difficulty you fucking retards.

Naughty Dog are the only ones pushing games forward both from a story and technical point of view.

>m-m-my shitty linear "cinematic" cover shooter is super duper hardcore guise
>I totally earned my gayner streed cred

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They do react if you interrupt them. The player didn't hit or touch that guy who ran past so the guy finished his spawn animation. Anyway you can only easily even get up there to spawn kill them like that on the first attempt of that fight.
On crushing, immediately blitzing straight into gunfire where the enemy spawns to try and catch them before they can spread out is often a surprisingly effective strategy

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>from a story and technical point of view
>Can't even make a less casulized game than pantsu fanservice shooter
What did he mean by this? No really, he can't seriously be implying that yanking the controls away from the player is good can he.

Played the trilogy on the PS3. Pirated of course. Wouldn't give these hacks a single dollary doo.
Also I had to drop the first one. It was dreadfully slow, boring, bland and outright bad at times.

>on Crushing difficulty
So a difficulty that just ups the damage of enemies while turning them into bullet sponges, making you wait EVEN LONGER behind cover until you auto regenerate your health before peaking out for some gallery shooting? My dude. Your moviegame is utter trash. It's irredeemable shit.
If you want a real TPS for certified lads you go with Vanquish. Coincidentally a Japanese game :^)

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>entire army taken away from her with nothing to show for it
Just a big fucking treasure chest, no big deal.

As someone with a role in games journalism, I would gladly sacrifice any potential writing career if I had the chance to interview him and sock him in his fat fucking nose. Of course he's too self-important to meet with anyone though

>The player didn't hit or touch that guy who ran past
Maybe I phrased it poorly. Interuptting an enemy has the enemies in that group all attack you. They don't run past or ignore you if you get too close. They prioritize you over their position. Something like them running past you wouldn't happen. At worst they slip past you then immediately shoot you in the back since surrounding tactics are highly effective against you.

you didn't disprove any of what he said

Technical because Naughty Dog makes it's own engines. What they did on the first Uncharted with lack of stuff like SSAO is fucking legendary.

imagine wanting to be a video game dev your whole life, working hard to get were you are and are finally at your dream job doing what you love and then some faggot says, "we are not allowed to say or have fun"

lol loser.

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Someone shot this guy

They’re about walking at a brisk pace.

>So a difficulty that just ups the damage of enemies while turning them into bullet sponges, making you wait EVEN LONGER behind cover until you auto regenerate your health before peaking out for some gallery shooting?
>recommends Vanquish

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They work very closely with Sony since PS2 era to a point where they are literally first developers to see and get their prototypes/devkit consoles along with even having impact on making hardware itself. This is not ,,legendary'' this is expected from them you fucking retard if every studio would have opportunity like that they also would be able to do same things if not better.

Opening the door and passing directly through it is his spawn animation. Combat AI is immediately activated after. That guy detected the player but the combat AI decided it would rather have him move to cover and shoot him than attempt to melee him (possibly due to the cramped spawning space, or because of the player's NPC allies shooting from the back). Enemies will never stand still at point blank and just shoot you in the back. This is for balance reasons - they only melee at that range.

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Honestly back when I was a kid my dream was to work at Naughty Dog and make fun games. I had no idea they made TLOU, so when I finally played it(having never played Uncharted since it didn't look like what they'd make and not trying to keep up to date with game news) I was fucking heart broken. The gameplay I fell in love with had become this clunky unresponsive piece of shit. There was auto-tracking on melee, they pulled away my control regularly and it was all so they could show me some poorly written story with characters I just did not give a single solitary fuck about. Don't even get me started on the level design and """puzzles""". It was fucking horrible. How did the people that made Crash and Jak make that travesty of bad decisions. I know now its because the people that had love for games are fucking gone but this was back when I hadn't lost that faith.

Not shocking. His facial structure and unkempt appearance give him a very criminal look.

>the two protagonists from this game are on a card together wow
>twitter retards reply with lesbian fan art of them, ND says nothing
>this is somehow newsworthy

>I didn't read the article or watch the videos lol

games are about entertainment value, which you can find in any way you want
because video games are not serious business, stupid edomite retard

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>This is for balance reasons
So they're easy mode plebs, gotcha. If you can't deal with 3 slags with rocket launchers, 2 from point blank range and a tank shooting at you without taking a single hit then you aren't good enough.
>They only melee from that range
So they aren't even trying. Shooting someone from that range is smarter. Melee is if you're literally on their ass.
>having allies to help you
Are you still trying to say it isn't easy mode? Imagine needing someone to actually give you cover fire and it's not even optional. Pathetic.

If you're playing Vanquish as a standard cover based shooter you're doing it wrong. Sasuga westacucky.

>TLOU2 is going to sell millions and win GOTY and there's not a damn thing you can do about it

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Ah yes, a very memorable award. Who won last years anyways? I think it was Persona 5 with how many people I saw talking about Joker and how cool he was or something.

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God of war

>I think it was a generic anime dating simulator

It was God of War you stupid cuck. Stop pretending to be retarded.

What are you trying to say?

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Is Ellie the worst part of TLoU series?

>when your game is so garbage you can't even unironically say that it'll be a good game but instead opt out to bring up journalists' opinions
lmao cuck

Really? No seriously. For real? I saw no single mention of that game during the post awards threads nor on any normalfag sites. I saw a fuck load of people talking about Joker though.
What was that about anyways? I mean it must've been massive for the GOTY winner to be totally and utterly ignored and forgotten.

the allies (usually you only have one, occasionally 2, occasionally 0) are generally useless for damage, only good as distractions and for the little interruptions and stuns they give you when they shoot enemies. Sometimes they finish enemies off for you when you really need it to save your life, or you can use them for tag team melee moves which are always 1 hit kills on unarmored opponents. And they can help you get out of struggles and grabs faster.

idk, it's fun. It's definitely not as easy as you are assuming it to be. I know from personal experience that the game can be incredibly frustratingly difficult on the hardest difficulty. But when you finally get to the level where you are doing really well on said difficulty it just feels so good

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Always do the opposite of what kikes say.

Loved the first game, won't be buying the second

You're a retard.

Calm down Schlomo. That's not how you shill.

Granted, this never really happened and was all made up.

games are not even about gameplay. It's about diversity and writing.

After Uncharted 4 this cunt can suck my used dick balloon

>janky animations
Wow, that looks like shit.
Was the video edited, or can't they even make proper animation transitions anymore?

westacuck moviegames*

get fucked

If it's a bait, well done. You put out some good effort.

If it's not a bait, you should put the barrel of a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger. End it. It would save us all a lot of time.

they just prioritize fast, responsive controls over realistic animations, despite their big reputation for having pretty animations. Games with the opposite approach, like RDR2 or GTA for example, have slower paced action as a consequence

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Nah games should be fun

he's just trying to phrase it in the way that will piss you off the most

Rockstar just did that though

This is literally /pol/ the thread

Will the moderators do something about this disgusting site?

Get the fuck out of here. I know this board has changed a lot, but we don't need cancerous trash like you.

The word has little meaning. I loved RE2R but I wouldn't say it was fun. It was very enjoyable, but not "fun". At least not in the way that hack and slash games are fun. But if I told people that they would think I meant that the game sucked, because everything should be fun, right?

Whatever do you mean?
It's not like they are taking advantage of the strength of the medium or anything. Their games are movies first and foremost that have gameplay segments thoughtlessly put together or otherwise they wouldn't be justified being called games.

Enjoyment is fun. Literally websters definition of the word

RDR2 sucked because it was't fun, shore it was neat hunting and helping out people on the side of the road but everything in the game was shallow and got old real fast. I remember almost nothing of that game because it became a chore to play and not fun

>that have gameplay segments thoughtlessly put together or otherwise they wouldn't be justified being called games.
TLOU multiplayer exists and is actually pretty good.

Uncharted 4 (which also has MP) is not bad either, there are plenty of fun-looking webms of its gameplay ITT

Attached: desperado.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

T. Butthurt incel

Makes no sense, try again

Nah. She is just a dumb young girl. She will get raped and or murdered right in front of Ellie.

Nadine was not the main antagonist of the game, retard. Rafe was and he got his ass beaten in a sword fight and had his own treasure dropped on his head. She was an anti-hero.

An antihero is not a role like antagonist and villain. The protagonist can be (and often is) an antihero.
I would say Nadine is antagonist and Rafe is the villain, like how Talbot was antagonist in 3 and Marlowe was the villain.

>responsive controls
Everything looks magnetized, which means they already do not give a shit about gameplay, which is the opposite of control
Final nail in the coffin is adding friendly NPCs, that are invulnerable

>over realism
Why do they try to make more realistic models then?
Why do they go for muh real graphics over proper framerate then?

To me it seems they are simply hack frauds.
The only game with a proper frame rate was Jak & Daxter 1. After that they tried to copy GTA and failed.

dat nose

She's literally a hamsa wearing Jew.

>Beats the protagonist over and over again.
>Allied with the main antagonist until he screws her over at the end.
>She's just a misunderstood good guy.

Attached: 1470609749565.gif (236x224, 1.87M)

>hack frauds
overrated hack frauds

I originally though this too, but that would mean Druckman would have to have an ounce of self awareness. He was genuine in thinking that telling Ellie people are supposed to be afraid of her actually was romantic and not creepy at all.

Rock and Punk are a genre of music you retard, video games is not a genre there can be no post

I still like Neil Peart’s drumming.

I really don't give a shit. TLoU2 will release, NDfags or moviegame fags will be happy and I'll still have my own games to play. I just wish people would understand different genres exist for a reason.

Attached: Andy French.jpg (720x480, 213K)

TLOU has better animations than RDR2 yet it isn't riddled with input lag.

Attached: tlou1.webm (1024x576, 2.69M)

>Everything looks magnetized
Just because it looks that way doesn't mean it is.

But in this case it is.

Exactly, they are about killing time and numbing the mind

>It looks magnetized
>Doesn't mean that it is magnetized
Choose one
That's actually one of the sources of the janky animation shit.
And that combined with the "realistic" models makes it look like crap.

fuck this retard.

I do kinda remember that he / ND tried to trick everyone into thinking Nate died in UC4 before it came out.
Also that one interview where he talks about having to kick out the UC4 focus group tester who was cursing and yelling "Not you too Naughty Dog!" to seeing Nadine beat up Nate kinda sounds like he just made that story up to piss off Yea Forums and gamergate fags.
I wouldn't trust everything he says, or the way that he tries to hype his games

Hey fuck you dude. Neverwhere was good.

I 1000% agree, user!! The best way to stop stagnation is by making video games a knockoff version of movies!

god you fucking pretentious faggots are insufferable. you're the same as the fucking people who think that a story isn't good if it doesn't have good morals in it. radically changing a piece of medium into a knockoff version of something else doesn't make it "innovative" or "unique". it makes you look fucking stupid like you don't understand or respect why video games were interesting in the first place. go back to sniffing your own farts on discord and get the fuck out of Yea Forums, you fucking faggot.

Attached: 1552079160813.png (955x825, 1.65M)

They go for the most responsive controls possible. You don't seem to understand that the player *wants* to get those magnetized fast melee takedowns *exactly* as they are, and that that original webm is a testament to how responsive the controls are in how the player was able to execute such a near perfect and fast sequence of melee takedowns without being shot in the back a hundred times in the process.
It's a TPS first, the melee is just one of its mechanics. They make it easy because closing the distance on specific isolated enemies that you can safely take out with it while being shot at is by everyone else is hard

You are the only person who thinks this.
I think its just you m8y

>most responsive controls possible
Then they would go for rock stable 60 fps.
Which they aren't.
Which makes your post BS.

is not the same as
What they are doing is making the game easier.

>a near perfect and fast sequence of melee takedowns
If the game didn't have this magnetic shit, the player would have simply failed. And failed he should have, failed like your post.



>Games are not about fun
Then why play games at all? The reason I even invest into this hobby is due to video games being fun.

what a cuck

Uncharted is so fucking bad and boring I couldn't play it longer than 2 hours.

Just imagine a mario game with such magnetic (shit) gameplay.

>pressed jump button way too early
>Oh, don't worry. We will just pretend that you pressed it at the right time
>pressed jump button way too late
>Oh, don't worry. We will just pretend that you pressed it at the right time.

>couldn't figure out how to create proper friendly AI
>instead of fixing this shit or changing it up altogether
>Oh, don't worry, retarded Jewish Politically Correct dog. We will just pretend that you are actually able to make proper games. We will even send people to 4chins to defend your shitty work.

Just imagine Resident Evil 4 would have been made as "well" as these turds and rushed out of the door, and then people would have even defended that shit.

Very sad.

You are alone

This is a pure kusoge. Stop being an ironic weeb.

>Pure kusoge
>can't prove any arguments against what was said he needs to use a meme because a game didn't have 10 billion dollars in advertising.

the multiplayer is actually 60fps / 1080p on the pro, and 60fps / 900p on the regular PS4.

They chose to have paired, synchronized melee animations (which causes the magnetism) because they generally look very good and allow for grappling, and because the melee is just a risk/reward mechanic to supplement the shooting and the stealth. You melee at the wrong time / place and you will get bogged down in a struggle and lit up by guys with gunfire. You do it at the right time and you can get a very fast, safe or silent kill and quickly reposition.
The magnetism between different cover positions is actually supposed to be used like a flow, where if you time and direct the cover-transitions perfectly, you will move faster, stay lower and be hit by less gunfire. It is an extremely responsive system. But you couldn't know that because you've never played it.

Attached: melee fail.webm (1280x720, 3M)

>When creating a game you’re setting out to create a memorable experience for the player
Breaking my leg was a pretty memorable experience, that doesn’t mean it was enjoyable

Are you 10?

they should be about education, but they arent.

What an absolute trannyera roastbeef of a reply

Something tells me this dude is gay or have a weird yuri fetish for ugly women.

When I said rock solid 60 fps, I wasn't talking about crappy pseudo 60 fps with tons of dibs.

>Yep he is assblasted
You will die alone, virgin

But did you know shed become the most widely used model to make sfm loli porn?

That just shows that normies have shit taste. like in every part of life.

Dont bother explaining game design to these people

>generally look very good
Choose one.
Fuck off with your nu-stealth

Attached: nu-stealth-short.webm (640x360, 2.19M)

Not an argument

He isn't. He doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about.

>Im fucking plying
Rafe did nothing wrong besides kill the guard at the start for more money. Besides that he was doing shit legally and digging on his own property before sam tricked Nate to slaughter the military group he hired to fucking dig. Sam is the real antagonist

Attached: 1549585035659.jpg (598x792, 62K)

imagine being such a mad nintendo fanboy that you make this seething post filled with meaningless comparisons and false statements because the guy trying to talk about game design to you hasn't responded to your shitposting fast enough

Rafe is a psycho. He hates Nate to death.

No you are alone, infesting this board with your shit taste.

>"narrative advantage of games"
I want to strangle that guy.

>nintendo fanboy
Ctrl-F "nintendo" - 2 hits and the first is simply a URL.

hey you're the one who made the Mario comparison

Whenever someone thinks of "next gen" they generally think of amazing fucking graphics that looks realistic or better than previous console generation. Naughty Dog is the only dev and maybe two others who continually put out "next gen" looking games.

Have sex

That wasnt even me you gigafag. People just reacting to your utterly bad opinions


He left Nate alone and even sprung his brother out of jail who then immediately betrayed him and dragged Nate into assaulting a fucking auction. He only started doing shit when Sam started fucking with him which is completely understandable.

Based and Yuipilled

Nah. Most people enjoy these games. You are just being contrarian because the game isnt a cartoon platformer.

This is playing in Easy, like I've seen in other places, playing in harder difficulties means you have to stay behind walls more time, because enemies will shoot you just the same but they're gonna make more damage, and you will have a longer recovery time, therefore the game is more boring the more difficult you make it.

That's fucking terrible gameplay.

Yet you cant articulate a coherent believable argument.

No. But it's only because I choose not to, it's not involuntary. I SWEAAAR

>Someone mentioned Mario, so must be a Nintendo fanboy
That's not how that works.

So wait, what you are saying is that Mario doesn't have responsive controls, but Naughty Dog games have?

What you are saying is that none of the 2D or 3D mario games have perfect rock stable 60 fps, but Jewish Dog shit has?

It seems there is a fanboy in here.
And it's not a Nintendo one.

Rafe is the reason Sam was in jail all that time.

This. Say what you want about Druckmann, but he is the only dev today who has the balls to try and want to turn the entire video games industry on it's head.

Hack writer. That's all that Jew is.

What a stupid post.

The thing about Uncharted is that only in the easiest difficulties you can do a lot of crazy shit without getting killed. But the game doesn't require you to do that at all. And if you play in hard you can't do that shit.

Games are about whatever the author wants em to be.
And this does include fun.

kys, merely pretending or not

that's actually on crushing and the player only got hit by like 7 bullets from the weakest gun in the game. You just suck and are trying to play it like whack a mole, you're supposed to always be moving and doing guerrilla warfare ambush shit with the little stealth system. If you move quickly with the cover transitions and takedowns the right way you will barely get hit even on crushing. You don't hide while your HP regens, you move and then attack again as soon as it's back (like 3 seconds).

and on crushing they mix up the number / types of special enemies for every encounter and actually add a new enemy type that you do not see on any of the other difficulties (the gas mask guys who grapple with you and hold you down)


It is the truth. You are in the smallest minority with this absolute fringe retard opinion.

>Druckmann want to change games and using naughty Dog, the leader of the fucking industry
That has to be the most gayest thing I have ever read here.

Attached: dick.jpg (600x401, 36K)

What shitpost would you have made if that other poster would have mentioned Devil May Cry or Burnout Paradise?

Not true man, also that comment comes from plenty of analysis I have seen from the video, I played all the games on hard because I figured might as well have them being a challenged, and they were boring as fuck, I never really played them on Easy, I guess I was missing out.

Do you have any evidence of that being the hardest difficulty? Because I find that hard to believe and you people lie a lot to defend this shitty game.

The Last of Us is the video game equivalent of Oscar bait and it entirely lacked direction and soul. It's a waste of time with nothing to recommend it other than shiny grafix and it's not even worth it for those. One of my favorite games of all time is Yume Nikki so I know how to be a pretentious fuck, and this game was so far below my standards that I was offended at the praise it got.

I see more and more youtubers agree with this shit, and everyone in the comments agreeing with them. Literally the only people who like Uncharted are paid reviewers and sony fanboys, normal people don't get tricked by movie games anymore, it was a huge thing last gen, but this time is not.

>vidya critics
Those are literally brain dead.

Attached: paid-reviewer-vs-chicken.webm (640x360, 2.32M)

They are the most revered dev in the industry today. Whenever the release a game others take note.

Attached: 37712-Tomba!_[U]-5 - Copy.jpg (1024x768, 250K)

oscar baits are usually good movies though, if not exactly sincere

>strauss zelnick
>this guy
fuck the tribe

I agree.
Dragon Age Inquisition was fun AF.

Excellent argument.

I made the webm and I'm telling you it is crushing, here's another one. The only way I could prove it to you is to have another video where he gets shot just as many times by the same gun and measure how much less grey the screen gets

Attached: Uncharted 4_ A Thief’s End™_20161109013732.webm (960x540, 2.98M)

>b-but youtube incels agree with me!
Shitty ND moviegames still sell gangbusters retard. Stop thinking your insular internet communities represent the world at large.

>others take note
So what groundbreaking thing did they invent?
We know what Mario 64 did to "the industry".
We know what Resident Evil 4 did to "the industry".
Devil May Cry.

>Laura Croft
Yes, that's what they copied. Badly. In a cinematic way (which is another word for badly)
And then the new Laura Croft developers (burgers as well) made a copy of the copy, which made it even worse.

Compared to literally every other villan in Uncharted, she got off waaaay easier by not fucking dieing cause she's a nigger bitch

What an amazing webm

Sure they are, it's just that our lives are so shitty that even a grindan game is more fun than reality

faggot, if you like video games it's not because you need someone to tell you that is art or not , it's about fun

Attached: uwotm8.png (482x601, 444K)

>hold X to play the game

wow looks super fun for the first 20 mins.

What about each babby gets their own niche and shuts the fuck up? I want my fun, bobby dude there wants his moviegame, let the retard have it. We enjoy a medium where literally ANYTHING is possible, why the fuck limit it and claim to "change the industry" change this, or change that, this is the new standard and shit. Bunch of short-sighted morons.

Attached: 1422912969708.jpg (640x480, 67K)

>TLOU2 is going to sell millions.

Yeah because they'll do what they always do and bundle it with every new Playstation after it launches to artificially buff up sales figures. Those bundle copies immediately get returned to stores and the price falls through, the game becomes worthless but Sony brags about the sales figures.

Attached: U3.png (1251x342, 191K)

sweet fuck have mercy, who the fuck designed this camera work

hey dumbass, op was just quoting some

>retard opinion
Stay absolutely mad, amigo. I tried UC 1-2 and felt no need to go onward in the series. I know vidya fags, casual or the opposite, that just couldn't get into the series as well. I do enjoy seeing ND's work on animation and graphics since they're incredible and ahead of the pack for sure on that.

>I just wish people would understand different genres exist for a reason.
I do too but for some strange reason the people that like this genre of games always seem to be the people more than happy to try and ban and censor other games because they don’t like them.

fucking hell,
this post was meant for

There's still a metric shit ton of Uncharted 4's at the Best Buy near me.

Attached: 1348197854820.png (500x382, 213K)

The player? You can freely rotate it at all times, yes even during melee animations

>Reee it's because of all you virgin losers that my mommy and daddy won't ever take my hobby seriously
Grow the fuck up you dork, lmao

What part of that post shows you i am mad? and besides the gameplay in UC4 and TLL is 9000 times better than any ps3 uncharted so you admit to talking about shit you are ignorant of.

do you have any sources to back that up? The majority of people like these games so you are basically saying the majority of people want to ban and censor other games

TLOU and your pantsu games both suck. Stop posting.

>Something that sells okay-ish has to be great.
>Something that sells badly has to be bad.

Tell me how much again did Sony spend on those movies and how much did they earn?
And how did for example Nintendo spend on 2D mario games and how much did Super Mario Wii - what it's called - sell and earn?

So according to your logic, which one is better than the other?

Granted, at least those movies are better than Spider-Man 2 or whatever the fuck it's called.

Plus better than waman Ghostbusters.
That's something to be proud of.

>$229,147,509 (movie ticket sales only)
>6 gorillion copies

Let's be generous.
$30 x 6 gorillion -> $180 million

I rest my case.

>this guy is wearing some random pieces of armor, this means he can shrug off being shot in the face with a grenade launcher
This is a big reason I hate modern third person shooters. THEY ALL DO THIS.

>Uncharted 2
>6 million copies

Attached: BTFO.png (518x137, 26K)

numbers arent updated

That means Uncharted 2 is dog shit and crap, right?

jesus don't be dense, the shakiness when punching/kicking, the zooming in in close contact/aiming, the switching position from overhead to left/right over the shoulder/off center
the "context sensitive" constant float is horrible

Wut. I'm not acting like I know anything past the first two. I plainly stated what I tried and that I personally know people that couldn't get into the series either. It's not rare. Are you perhaps confusing me with another poster?

They get their money by getting people to invest in a PS4 console over their exclusives. That's why their exclusives are so often bundled and so heavily discounted despite getting high enough reviews that they could easily ask for more. Once Joe Blow buys a PS4, he'll continue on to make every game purchased for the rest of the gen on his PS4, and Sony will get a cut of each of those games sold just because it's on their platform

You see, the problem with baits like these is that, unironic or not, they end up shaping the board itself. This kind of shit has been going on for years once kids finally found out that anonymity means absolutely zero consequences, which means that a MAJORITY of controversial posts are no longer genuine opinions, but baits no one believes in that people willingly participate in despite them being blatant baits.
That being said, unironically end your own life. Suck it up a tail pipe, put a shotgun in your mouth, end it. This the only place in the whole wide internet where you can "be yourself" for better or worse, and disingenuous posts like yours do nothing but keep transforming Yea Forums into the rest of the internet, normalized, ironic, never honest.

Attached: 1552340335651.png (877x1079, 599K)

>all that autoaim
Why bother making that a webm, honestly?

How can you ruin something when it is already bad

The cinematic narrative masterpiece got blown the fuck out by beep-bopp-Weheeeee-1-up-It's-a-meee made with the budget of $5.000.

That's called cinematic narrative aiming nowadays.

I'd say the same thing if it gave me an excuse for the shit gameplay and ludonarrative dissonance in ND games. I wouldn't buy an TLOU or Uncharted game anywhere near full price, and I say this as a PS4 owner. Almost zero replayability unless you find hunting for pallets in water sections to be exhilarating.

it looks pretty good to me. Shaky like a Bourne movie maybe, but that's not necessarily a bad thing. The zooming thing looks really good even, and there's absolutely no reason for it to awkwardly try to stay over one side of the player all the time other than to keep it from triggering your autism
And the "float" you're talking about has fuck-all to do with the camera

Attached: use the cam stick.webm (800x450, 3M)

(((games are not about fun they are about social issues and politics)))

Attached: jdfgjdfgjdf.png (430x440, 280K)

What I never understood:
Why is it called Uncharted?
Isn't the whole planet "charted" by now?
Did they forget to bring their iPhones?
Why don't they just Google Earth?
It's pretending to be playing at current times, right?

At least Indiana Jones made a bit of sense.

They're as hollow as your mom's vagina after I pull out. When you set out to get attention, rather than to make something of quality, then anyone who isn't a retard will notice and enjoy the product less. Hollywood keeps falling for Oscar bait because they want to, really, so I guess calling them retards for willingly sucking their own dicks isn't fair.

RDR2 sold that many in its first 2 weeks

>not necessarily a bad thing
>looks really good
>muh autism
Back to red it, zoomer.


They don't have to be about fun. And (You) don't have to buy them. At least he's being honest about what his games are.

I thought all you fags actually wanted SJW's to make their own games. That's literally all that's happening.

The power of marketing.

But call me when it actually sells well.
Like for example Wii Sports.
83 million.
I doubt even RDR2 will come anywhere close to that.

If this guys name is on a product, I won't buy it.

>Social Jew Warriors
>Make their own games
But they didn't.
They broke into our games, fired a nice writer lady (not that competent, but way more competent than the Jew) and fucked everything up.

Where is Donut Drake?

Time travelling SJW Neil Drcukmann's been working at Naughty Dog for well over a decade now. He worked his way up and is now on top, making the games he wants to make; the games (You) told him to make.

Have you even browsed internet around The Last of Us release? This game was shilled so fucking hard back then I thought it will come out of my fucking fridge. It even had massive bilboards and TV ads in my eastern eu shithole literally no other video game had such marketing campaign before in my country before.

>He worked
I will take things that never happened for $500, Alex.

A Jew never works.

I'm pretty sure there are some places deep under the ocean in which we don't know what the fuck is going on

>he leader of the fucking industry
thats rockstar user
followed by activision and EA

That's why it sold as "well" as it did.
As I said - the power of marketing.

>no other video game had such marketing campaign before
Until RDR2, which is also cinematic trash.

>If it doesn't outsell the best selling video game ever made, it's a failure

Attached: Dy_WcyGUwAARBit.jpg (640x723, 22K)

Quite weird that this "Uncharted" series isn't underwater then...

Why does it not surprise me that this way out of context quote still manages to get 500+ reply threads all these months later?

Attached: 1550837999448.jpg (500x667, 47K)

What's your argument that it's not? It's just your stupid opinion, no better than mine. Except you've never even played it and you just come in here already hating the game with a blinding anti-ND bias so I guess your opinion on it is kinda worthless actually
>inb4 other seething ND haters come to your aid and try to shit on the camera

Attached: moving combat.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

>Wii Sports is the best selling vidya.

Attached: 1548587608372.png (1073x535, 86K)

>bad game
>bad game now with lesbians
you guys sure neil doesnt just have a yuri fetish?

>blinding anti-ND bias
Back to red it, normie.

The PS2 ND produced 1 (one) good and properly made game. They have produced shit since (and lost basically all competent people on the way).

Attached: how bad things really are doggo.jpg (2048x1302, 154K)

like I said, blinding bias and hatred. This time it's over muh lost cartoony games, usually it's over hating Druckmann
to retailers yes
not to the public

nigga the float is what I described, it is nothing but the constant shift of the position of camera
it's horrible and designed to hide the fact that player input is very simple and barebones, but that's not cinematic awesome amazing, can't have that

The Jew will get what is coming.
And you will get it too, Jew lover tranny.

My god

Uncharted is like a braindead easy Syphon filter, how the fuck i just noticed that now

Attached: Dear god.png (1340x1080, 773K)

>>They made 1 good game
>muh blinding bias and hatred

Attached: 1548278228383.jpg (645x1000, 46K)

You're a retard dude. This is like saying Star Wars original trilogy didn't change the way movies were made.

I don't really like him. I am just able to keep my opinions on games separate from my opinions on people.

Maybe you should refresh yourself with some syphon filter gameplay because it sounds like you're just basing that off superficial similarities like the perspective and running animation

It's a great game but Uncharted 4 is much harder and by no means "braindead"

lemme guess, it was Jak 1? And you implied everything before that was good, so the logical conclusion is you are mad at them and hate them for becoming more serious and less cartoony, especially with their success causing many other devs to follow suit. I've seen many a seething post blaming them for being the downfall of mascot platformers like Crash as a popular genre

sex is not about pleasure

You're buying rabbi Druckmann's next video game, right Yea Forums? You have to prove you're not a bigot or some dumb 12 yr old Drumpf supporter living in his mom's basement, you can prove you're not by preordering The Last of Us 2™.

Even the dog knows.

yeah youre right
in uncharted rolling makes you totaly damage proof

in syphon filter it only protects your head from headshots that can one shot you

Eat shit OP

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

>in uncharted rolling makes you totaly damage proof
literally a false statement

literaly true by all the videos showed in this fucking thread alone

here's one then

Attached: BTFO.webm (640x360, 2.98M)

'fun is a buzzword' is an old Yea Forums saying
i hate to see Yea Forums forgetting its roots

roling makes he stop taking damage while staying on cover made him take damage

I might actually buy it out of contrarianism, but
>movie games

That entire area was bullshit.

>so called male "feminists" forced a woman out of the series she created

Fighting for women's rights by forcing them out of work, this is considered peak feminism in the west

Attached: giphy (1).gif (294x281, 900K)

>he says this as if sonys melee focused game spiderman didnt also have the magnatism on attacks

god of war had it too, its terrible

>Then I started looking into it and saw how Druckmann allegedly forced Amy Hennig out and changed the script after it had been in production for nearly a year, apparently made a change that Nate had to have a gamer gurrrl daughter instead of a son like it was planned.
This was my biggest gripe. I really wish Hennig could have finished it.

he gets shot at 13 seconds two times by the guy in the middle of the screen during a roll animation. It arguably happens again at 20 seconds from the guy on the left. Rolling reduces enemy accuracy but it certainly doesn't make you damage proof. Plenty of times I have been shotgunned in the ass mid-roll trying to escape an armored dude and died

Attached: how does it feel to have autism.png (571x214, 17K)

>sandman is a hacking job


a 30% cut
just like steam takes.

actually for these tombs to have anything of value inside other people would have had to have been there in the past hence the area is charted

Well if some zombie shooter is the Citizen Kane of vidya, then the medium never had a real chance.

imagine the smell

Hennig was 100% forced out and they threw out 8 months of recording and the script when she was kicked out. I wish I could see the original script. Changing it so that Nathan had a daughter instead of a son is a symbolic that they made many dumb changes.

Those games don't have grappling so they don't need it like U4 does.
Also GOW and Spider-Man both flow much better for having it. Whiffing attacks in an action game is never cool, that 's why even in Jap hack and slash games like DMC5, the distance-closing attacks tend to soft-lock onto directional targets even when you don't even manually lock on. Not like manually locking on and automatic soft lock based on your direction are so different anyway when everyone just uses lock on to make sure they hit

Attached: basic SM melee.webm (640x360, 3M)

hennig was the superior writer. druck knew there was no way he could surpass her on merit, so he relied on nepotism to have her ousted. based male feminist

Oh shut up. The only reason anyone ever defends Hennig on Yea Forums is because they hate Druckmann. If she still worked there you would be shitting on her today.

>Whiffing attacks in an action game is never cool
thats why you're supposed to get good at the game instead of the game just saying you're a good boy

The only attacks in dmc that target an enemy without locking on are guns

>Play Uncharted 4
>Nadine is some kind of warrior goddess who makes a guy that's annihilated hundreds of trained mercenaries look like a flailing kid
>Play Uncharted LL
>Now that she's on your side, she gets her ass kicked several times by some middle aged Loo

wrong, her interview with the guy from watchtower was great. And you are an asshole.

That means the Loo could have killed Drake within a minute of encounter.

DMC5 does automatically turn you to face the closest enemy in range when you swing though, even if you are facing the other way, and Dante takes a step forward towards them with each regular swing of his sword.
Also whiffing attacks IS lame, whether you deserve it or not. I'd rather you more easily connect them and the enemies just have more HP to compensate, with more technical and stylish moves doing more damage so you can still shred through them even so

Let’s see if he shows up.
FFXV is worse then anything from current Naughty Dog and will be worse then The Last of Us 2.

DMC, and derivatives like bayonetta and dragon's dogma use a soft-lock-on system. The game auto-aims you at enemies you're close to.

This is actually my least favorite part about these games. I would rather have complete control over where I aim my attacks. Souls games for example let you do this.

>it looks bad when a camera actually follows the action and ensures that I'm not off-screen hitting another off-screen target in the middle of my fast melee attacks

Souls games without lock-on are clunky as fuck. It's not suitable for an action game at all, that's why no action game devs ever do it

kill yourself discord tranny

Miyamoto may be out of touch, but god damn you know what they say. A broken clock is right once a day.

>Souls games without lock-on are clunky as fuck
No they aren't. It's the way I play those games 90% of the time.

>It's not suitable for an action game at all, that's why no action game devs ever do it
Having full control over your character is not suitable for an action game. Okay.

ND died the day Cuckmann was given complete creative control.


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that's not what they say though


>there should be a post video game era

At the rate things are going there most definitely will be

ND were always trend followers not setters. They always cashed in on whatever was popular at the time. Back then it was 3D cartoon furry platformers and shitty Mortal Kombat ripoffs, now it's cinematic experiences.

It's how the game was designed to be played

Well, after playing TLoU i can confirm that is the case for his games.

That's the one thing I really liked about nu god of war's tps camera/movement system. It was zoomed in too far but the free strafing allowed you complete control in aiming your attacks, the frustrations were almost worth not having to deal with lockon.

>Purest video games in recent memory
>Fill with cutscenes

you are supposed to follow the action not the game

funny because U4 is actually annoyingly strict about enemy vision cones (very long range) and detection speeds during its action-stealth stuff. But it's okay because as long as you're not surrounded you can just find a way to lose them and try again

We're not doing this song and dance again, ACfag.

Neil Druckman makes 1 game that is entirely his and he's making it how he wants to and no one is forcing you to play.

Meanwhile, Miyamoto ruins every Nintendo game that is in development at nintendo.

And yet, this thread exists.

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this, it's about dominating other person

then it would look even worse to you because the player could never control it in the heat of combat as gracefully as the camera automatically assisting them to face their melee target center screen

peak millennial

holy shit

>Neil Druckman makes 1 game that is entirely his and he's making it how he wants to and no one is forcing you to play.
This. He's literally outright said what his intentions are, it's not like he's trying to trick anyone into playing it.

You still can follow the action all you want, the camera just guides towards enemies that you are striking in the face during the beginning of the striking animation. You can even rotate the camera in opposite way to counteract it if you really want to make sure you're off-screen of the action

was he a hack?

Attached: neilpizzarmstrong.jpg (600x850, 264K)

This made me laugh slightly

wrong. soul reaver all day

Sony's current policy shift
Steam not holding up its promise of being an open platform
The many many articles decrying the evil creature known as women with boobs bigger than an A cup and aren't ugly goblins.
You can't seriously be so blind as to not notice that the defenders of these kinds of games hate, despise and outright want banned games that tarnish the possibility of games being considered art

It makes me sad because it's true

Oddly enough this is something Senran Kagura of all things doesn't do. You can attack in a direction and there's no soft-lock-on. It's great if you know exactly how wide a swing is that you can run between two enemies and strike them both. Locking on will set you to face your target but if it's not on you have full freedom of movement. In some cases it's ideal. For example
>lock on to bear ninja
>start attacking
>two more are sneak up behind you from two directions that you wouldn't hit them both if facing one directly
>turn off lock on
>turn to face behind you and use Cross Panzer
>Smash their faces in and knock them back then return to focusing on the enemy before
It's also great for Ryobi's ricochet shots as you can get a bullet to bounce behind you.

>Kneel Fuckboi

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Yeah, sure. What will happen is she's gonna beat all these MALES effortlessly.