Think I'm fighting the final boss

>Think I'm fighting the final boss
>Only halfway through the game actually

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jrpgs man
its bad when the games shit and you want it to end
its even worse when you masterbate


I know this man.

Kid Icarus Uprising was great for this.

i thought the princes of lothric were the final bosses... boy was i surprised

every dragon quest

>you think you're half the game
>but it's the end
Thanks Bloodborne

I just started trying to learn Japanese today. This man has very messy handwriting. I did the first two (four if you count cutting them in half as separate ones?) lessons and I've been practicing with the flashcards online and its not so bad so far, does he remain good throughout his whole series? I read that he does a really good job at the fundamentals but I feel like with his messy handwriting and drunken antics later on it might start to all go downhill. What should I supplement his videos with? I've been looking at the DJT guides but it isn't concrete on what programs and courses are generally best

50 times in your motherfucking notebook you bitch.

If you can find it, Pimsleur has a really good audio course which will teach you lots of phrases, grammar, some vocab and pronunciation. Start there and the rest will make more sense to you

Happened to me the other day with Zone of the Enders 1. Maybe not halfway, but I thought I still had another 20% of the game to go through or something. But then the credits started

What's up, Dragon Quest VIII?

Getting them now, thank you for the recommendation

>reach drangleic castle
>cool this must be the end of the game
>but then shrine of amana
>undead crypt
>thought Velstaldt was the end but now have to backtrack to get to aldia's keep
>dragon land
>now I talked to the dragon I have to be done but nope
>backtrack again to go into giant memories
>now for no real reason Nashandra decides you are ready to fight her
>game ends

Drink beer

Oh man, I beat the Dragon and saved the princess!

...what? Dragonlord?

Kid Icarus Uprising

it's fucking ku

>saves the best potions for the last fight and never uses them
>full backpack of not used potions by the end of the game because boss was fucking easy

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>except for the fact you're only on the first disc out of two
Sadly Symphonia didn't manage to fool anyone.

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Name 47 games that do this
actually just name six, and don't mention Kid Icarus Uprising or Okami because I already played them

You dont even have to kill the dragon or save the Princess. It makes a slightly different ending.

Okami does this at 20h mark and then you have another 40h to go.

Dragon quest 7


rayman 1 kinda
>get to the final area
>can't access it until you go back and collect 100% of the cages

symphony of the night

this was awesome, I didn't know about it at all

As a kid I killed Richter and thought "oh, i guess I beat the game." It was such an amazing moment when I found out how much more there was afterwards.

Holy shit, seriously? They thought to do that on one of the first RPGs on the NES? That's fucking amazing.

is it bad for a game to be incredibly long?

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Oddly enough, Miitopia.

Its only a couple lines of dialogue but considering the limitations of the game its pretty neat.




>think I'm fighting the final boss
>'man this game was short, but the levels were pretty replayable, so I'm not like, mad or anything'
>fake credits
>it was only mission 9 of 25

>final boss was only 2nd to last

any examples?

They did this in Child of Light. I was glad the game wasn't over, it was too charming to stop.

Portal 2

>Think I'm fighting the middle boss
>Credits roll
>Game ends
Wtf. It was just getting good. Fucking hydrophobia

Depends if it drags on.

Tales of Xillia


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>he thinks he can learn Japanese with that

My first experience of this was Legend of Legaia. I was expecting credits to roll after the first Mist Generator, but oh. oh muh god.

That guy taught me Japanese

>Drink beer
>It's actually good for you
Games that do this?


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Dragon's Dogma

Age of Ethanols

Namasensei is a terrible way to "learn" Japanese

ITT: things that never actually happen

t. retard who doesn't know how to learn the best way

Resident Evil 4

only if it does not manage to keep you entertained

I partially blame it on the Nightmare of Mensis being a strangely anticlimactic area.

Every tales does this. I only liked it in ToS.

Literally the first thing in the DJT how to start learning japanese is namasensei you fucking mongoloid

You bitch

If you do, thank you for being around for the FUCKING SMASHED UPDATE

>Namasensei is often watched by beginners learning Japanese, because his alcohol-fueled antics are strangely both entertaining and powerfully motivating for some anons. Unfortunately, this is a double-edged sword; as he’s always shitfaced drunk, tends to teach in an ineffective fashion, has terrible handwriting, and messes up the stroke order of some of the kana.


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Pikmin 2

I want to archive all of Namasensei lessons, is there some torrent of them or do I have to download them by hand?

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I wonder how many years we have to wait before more PIIYM this time.

>think i'm fighting the halfway point boss
>the game ends
it's gungnir

You posted the exact paragraph I literally told you to look up. Reread that first sentence in the paragraph. Write it 50 times in your greasy fucking notebook you mouth breather. Since you seem to be some kind of mozart of learning languages, why don't you hook us up with your sick learning method so that people can actually learn to read the washing instructions on their dakimakura to get the crust off

Every western game

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Final Fantasy VI

fucking japanese cucks just drop this retarded chink shit

You managed to read the first sentence. Now read the 2nd one if you can.

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Okami? That game has like 3 points that feel like the ending

Sonic and the black knight
It even gives you credits

Nightmare of Mensis literally felt like a halfway point or something. I was expecting some serious full nightmare realm shenanigans.

I just beat the game this weekend and it was 40hrs for the whole game

>save potions and boosts for final boss fight
>boss fight wipes your inventory before even getting to use them

Namasensei might not be the best for every part of Japanese, but he sure as fuck taught me te forms properly and I'll never fucking forget it as a result.

The only bad thing about it is that he’s shitfaced and his sloppy handwriting makes it hard to read his kana.

Load up youtube-dl and put his channel as the url

>play for 12 hours straight
>total completion: 7%

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Chrono Trigger

>never bothered learning kanji
>know most of red ones and some of black ones from doing core 6k and reading
Sasuga oresama.

okami like three times

What does Nama Sensei say when he starts his videos? Sounds kinda like yoroshiku?

Okami was wonderful

>Lean Hiragana
>give up

lmao fuck my life

Is he still smoking in a cramped majong parlor in Japan?

Okami is wonderful.

and will be wonderful

you bitch

Chrono Trigger. 12,000 B.C. is too short.

>make it to final boss
>use all of my potions
>barely beat him
>he has a second form or there's another stronger boss
>you start off back at the first boss without your potions

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fine something that will get you hook in. maybe try my japanese coach to get you started and then if your confident enough then try a real learning tool.

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I just had a brainfart when I finished learning all hiragana (3 months ago, but still can perfectly read them).

But when I went to learn some Katakana my mind got fucked pretty hard and couldn't even learn a single one after a week spending 2 hours every day

This. Even with the fishing quests and collecting all the beads the game is only 40 hours.

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What is Okami.

nashandra fights you at the end because she could not pass through the trials vendrik had setup to stop beings of darkness like shrine of amana and the songs to lul her to sleep. you clear the path for her and she's trying to snatch the reward from you. as for why vendrik didn't kill her himself, when he pered into the dark soul or w/e the line is, he saw her and he loved her even if she was skelly bones and "evil" so intead he constructed a fuck ton of shit to stop her from reaching the throne

OP pic guy and his friend made some kind of flash animation about a fast food restaurant years ago, but I can't find it on youtube.

No I know he says that. But he also says YOROSHIKU(sp?), YOU BITCH


Why give up there you're about to get to Katakana which is easily the most fun part because youll actually know shit

Wish I had more time to study Japanese. I can already read easy light novels and stuff but my skill is slowly deteriorating due to not reading much.

>Want to learn Japenese
>Hiragana and Katakana are pretty cool and fun
>In order to be competent in written Japanese you must learn Chinese

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Whatever happened to namasensi? He had that "cooking" series and I heard a crazy story that he attempted to crowdfund a second season but one of the dudes ran off with the money and I haven't heard about him since.

He made like some kind of electrical tool but im not sure it went anywhere. You can find him promoting it on his youtube channel
Yeah It pretty much becomes try to remember the pictures that look really similar with slight variations.

How can japanese highschoolers do it

They start as children bro.

There's some logic to the shapes of the kanji. When you've learned enough kanji you can quite likely guess the pronunciation of a kanji you haven't seen before when it's a part of some word.
Also you only need to know about 2k to read basically anything. This is doable by anyone with some time.

You dont need 2k to read anything. 2k is if you wanna be able to read books or financial documents. You can very easily be fine with a few hundred


wait, why would he bother teaching kana? that's something you can memorize in a week tops

>When you've learned enough kanji you can quite likely guess the pronunciation of a kanji you haven't seen before when it's a part of some word.
you can attempt it too, when you learn the radicals (an affair of like 2 weeks). But it doesn't always succeed, even common words like 土産 screw you with irregular pronouncing.
Or Japs decide to be assholes and pronounce in a really strange way, like here.

Some people learn differently. + Supplemental study for people who already know

Ok maybe about 1.5k or whatever the amount of Jouyou kanji is. But I don't think a few hundred is enough to read books comfortably. I can probably recognize about 500-800 kanji and I still have to look up quite a few words when reading LNs.
They don't have to.

Somewhere a long time ago, some Japanese guy thought this was okay to adopt in addition to their two alphabets.

I want to kill him and prevent this terrible thing from happening.

Yeah readings are a bitch sometimes I agree. But I like how Japanese grammar is extremely easy compared to something like English which is also a foreign language to me.

Don't worry about learning kanji, prioritise learning how to actually speak the language with solid vocab/grammar.

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what do you mean supplemental studies? do you suddenly forget the ABCs?

Even 1.5 is still overboard. Obviously it depends what youre reading but with 1k kanji you would be good for life

>Think boss in JRPG is generic
>It's actually final boss and game was shorter than 20hrs.

JRPGs should be 60hr minimum

Books, no, but I can read most signs, menus and posters just fine with ~500

To be honest the latin alphabet doesn't work very well with English.

For instance I used Memrise to learn Hira/kata but I still enjoyed watching nama-sensei for refreshers

>1st disc starts off slow but the last 20 hours are pure, 10/10 kino
>2nd disc immediately turns into a slideshow where the main characters read a sparknotes summary of the plot
Guess the game anons!

Playing it for the first time now and this is just abysmal. At the Anima Relic ruins or something and for the first time since the sand cave at the beginning I have no motivation to go forward.

i just don't get what there is to refresh. it's not like they have a multitude of meanings and pronunciations. A is A, あ is あ. wouldn't ever need to look any of them up again.


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Sonic and the Black Knight

for the most part I get grammar, but I really hate those endlessly compounded sentences that just never end. For example in "what happened last volume" summaries that try to cram much info into little space.
I also hate colloquial suffixes, slang and so on which is hard to look up in jisho.

Come to think of it, I'm a masochist. Just why do I bother with this infernal language... oh that's right, games and porn.

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>learn kana
>learn 2k kanji
>dont learn grammar and start reading to solidify my knowledge
>forget maintaining my knowledge
>im back to square 1

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Some people dont instantly remember and lock it into their brains in one go. Sure I saw what every sound was but occasionally I fucking forget ク ケ which. Sorry I dont have your fucking autist brain that saw a kata character once and locked it in your brain till the end of time

maybe this is why people flunk math, they mistake sigma for delta or something

You should be able to solve this.

sorry to hear that. At this point I couldn't put the game down and I found that part of the game the most captivating, with all the fucked up shit going down.

Plus, the final boss sequence is cool.

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>not starting off with a grammar first
what are you doing famalam

Is Yea Forums unironically proud of recognizing simple letters?

>tfw I did this
>tfw I know a lot of grammar but few words to use it with

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boomers out

are you proud for calling it out, cause that seems worse. your post adds nothing much like you.

still great though

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living the mistake I call my life

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Math is not symbols. The symbols are used to represent concepts and without understanding these concepts the symbols are useless.

No, it's my duty to put down shitters who gain unwarranted self-importance from memorizing simple shapes

Nothing wrong with that desu, you've got a solid foundation to build from. The inverse is much worse - I've seen people grind out entire vocab books only to come out speaking like an autistic five year-old.

so it would be like you having to look up the meaning of sigma or delta each time you encounter it


The events would be really interesting if I were actually playing them, or even if it was atleast the characters talking, but its just a retrospective narration of the events. Its really jarring after adjusting to the story telling of the last ~40 hours.
I'm still gonna stick with it because the story and characters are 10/10 and I'm sure it gets better, but the revelations at the onions facility on disc 1 were way more impactful than anything on disc 2 so far due to their presentation.
I will admit though, pic related at the beginning was really neat and well done.

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tfw when terrible even at middle school math but learned 1600 kanji already. Must be because the latter is more useful for porn.

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>save best potions for the last fight
>very strong boss appears and keep doing 1HKO on your party members
>do flanking tactics and keep using all your rare consumables
>finally lose the battle after using all your stuff
>it was one of these boss battles you are supposed to lose as a part of plot
>last save point was 5 hours ago

Basically yeah. Not to mention the meaning of sigma or delta can be literally anything the writer wants to represent with the symbol.

>Incredibly long
>Tfw beat Okami in about 40 hours doing a Completionist run and the game still felt incredibly short
Fuck, man. It went by so fast it left me hungry for more. I dunno how anyone think Okami is long.
Maybe if the pacing wasn't so fucking fast

Chrono Trigger did that to me because I wasn't really into JRPGs at all and didn't know anything about the game itself.
>Beat Magus
>That was barely the first third of the game
My mind was fucking blown.

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>game starts off slow in some generic futuristic setting that is so bland and annoying that I want to turn it off right then and there
>go to some other planet or time zone where we medieval now
>help cute /u/ girls fight their medieval war and its comfy and fun af
>this is just the first chapter of the game and after that its back to futuristic garbage and aside from a couple more qt party members, its some absolute cringe trash characters and more futuristic shitty environments and the game gets way worse
>turn that shit off but its ass, and haven't beaten it to this day
guess the game

It could work if spelling was corrected every 200 years or so. A lot of languages do that, but Englishmen and French are too proud.

>think I'm halfway through the game and I'm about to fight the fake final boss before the second act begins
>it really was the final boss, game was short as fuck

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I agree, but he absolutely has his place among learning resources.
>learning the language a couple years ago
>making progress
>hit a wall
>textbooks and anki and other traditional learning methods are driving me up that wall
>frustrated and annoyed af
>take a break and don't even touch the language for like 2 months and probably would have quit altogether
>discover this based man by sheer chance
>his videos take the bullshit out of learning and just make it comfy and carefree
>able to use it as review and learn some new things in the least stressful environment
>get back into it and continued learning and didn't quit as a result

way too many homonyms, though they should have invented something like hangul

People UNIRONICALLY thought Magus was seriously the end of the game?
Literally fucking how
By that point you should already be fully aware of Lavos and that he fucks up the entire world
Magus at no point is treated as the final boss of the game, MAYBE the Final Boss of Frog's story arc, but that's it
Damn you're retarded

It's because the advertising were focusing on Mesdua's rise and revenge which was already the perfect set for a reboot

I ended up killing the final boss of Persona 4 by just dumping all of those items that invoke attack spells on her.

Don't worry I'll inform my 8 year old self he's a fucking retard for you.

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If it stagnates then yes, but you can keep a long game fresh.

I still mourn for Put It in Your Mouth, but at least Nama-sensei will stay with us forever.

Yes, for the same reason too much of anything can be bad. Imagine you're having a crazy attractive girlfriend and you have sex for the first time. It's great, even the second time immediately after. You give in for a third run although you're beginning to get tired. But she just keeps going and going even though you're exhausted, rubbed raw and just want to take a nap.


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Not that user but the fact that he's been in the DJT OP for the past 5 years is proof enough that he's worth watching you fucking mongoloid.

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Time for some pretty intense japanese lessons with Emiri.

He's in the OP because he is popular, not because he is good. It's a warning, not recommendation.

Everything past the crypt was incredibly retarded. The whole drangleic - amana - crypt thing was amazing. I was really hooked into trying to find the king and understanding why he fled. Everything felt mysterious and haunting with great atmosphere. Velstadt was an amazing boss with great sound design and reaching the king in his decrepit form felt like a really fitting conclusion to his pursuit. They should have just put the flame right behind him and let you decide to ignite it or not and that would be it. Maybe put Nashandra there if they REALLY needed that bitch to fight you, but that would be it. The memories of the giants didn't add absolutely anything we didn't already knew and felt extremely convoluted.

>think you're fighting a mid tier boss
>the game ends

Fuck you brutal legend

Hopefully we'll get a sequel
They were working on a few unrelated games, were they not?

Fucking this. I thought Gherman would reveal some secret realm to me and we would leave the Hunter's Dream

>DQ7 - Turns out the big boss wasn't really the big boss and what you thought was originally God was really the Devil in disguise! Now do it all over again.
>Suikoden - Evil Army, now you fight evil friend army!
>Chrono Trigger - Now that you killed Magus and fought Lavos, it's time for Magus Backstory.
>Chrono Cross - You turn into the villain halfway through.
>Ogre Battle 64 - Kill the King? Who cares, the King wasn't the enemy, now gay prince is god. Go fight the armies of Hell and Heaven, revolution ain't shit
>Earthlock: Festival of Magic - Silly Bunny-Man, you went after the wrong bad guy!
>Tales of Maj'Eyal - You beat not-Sarumon who the game was leading up to, now get attacked by Orcs invading the country and seal the Portal in not-Mordor before it summons gigantic demons to destroy the world! It's not sueable if we change all the names!
>Wizardry: Forsaken Land - Oh, good, you made it to the bottom of the labyrinth. Now go through a hell portal and kill God.

And a fuck ton of other shit, mostly JRPGs.

there's actually a spiritual sequel in the works that's supposed to come out either this summer or after it, pic related

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Depends on who's playing

I heard many people complain about Okami's length but I personally loved the shit out of it and I really didn't feel that the game dragged on at all.
It's a fact that this game is really long, especially for Zelda standards, but I still enjoyed it, so I guess it's subjective.

Well tbf the quest to get the Masamune is waaay longer that it needed to be, giving the impression that you were creating the ultimate weapon to vanquish all evil, making the build up to Lavos's lair greater.
But then again both the future and 40 million bc or whatever were obviously not fully explored yet.

Magus's lair, not Lavos

Yes, it's one of Okami's main flaws: It just drags on ad on. Fuck you Orochi I'm sick of fighting your ass when it's the exact same every time.



I dont know about Dark Arisen but you're beyond 50% through the game after beating grigori

I love Bloodborne but I can't imagine playing it without the DLC and not being pissed off at the end.

Bravely Second.

Code: Veronica X
I was retarded and thought the game would end at the Tyrant fight on the plane

nigga they all chinese

>>never bothered learning kanji
>know most of the red ones from learning kanji
Sasuga, baka-kun

He married a cute Japanese girl. What have you done with your life?

She was ugly as fuck and looked like she had twice his age.

While playing RDR2 I kept thinking I was approaching the end only for the game to go on another 3000 years.

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I really wish I had fun with that game, but I honestly don't think I ever did.

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