Dwarf Fortress

Just started getting into this game. My fortress has been running for a few years. Both the best and worst parts of this game is how complex it is. I have multiple floors, a cemetery, various workshops, and yet I still have no idea how to get meat and hide from animals my military kills or how to appoint someone who can trade with trade caravans despite already building a trade depot.

tl;dr - Dorf Fort thread

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lol wtf how i get this ore it surrounded by lava???

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Dig around a 200x200 square from the ceiling to the surface above the ore, hold the entire section with supports, make an orphanage, a tavern and an hospital in that square, hold exactly 408 elves in your prison, capture a necromancer, execute all non-elves prisoners in front of the necromancer, close the gates, remove the supports making the entire landscape and your fortress plummet to its doom, use your last survivor to dig a hole through the circus and then all the way back up, then get the ore.

military usually dont leave a butcherable corpse behind, or if they do its usually set to Forbidden. butchers only butcher things near the butcher shop, so you need to set a animal corpse stockpile next to it

If it's butcherable and not set to forbidden, anyone able to do the butcher job will butcher it unless they can't for various reasons such as blocked path, item taken by someone else or their undead kid trying to rip them apart.

Ah shit. I guess I should have tried too train more animals, or at least started off with breedable cows. Next time.

Hold it right there!

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>military usually dont leave a butcherable corpse behind
I don't think it's to do with them being military, necessarily
OP your problem is probably with "standing orders." check the wiki.

What was that? You say you want us to build a bigger army?

I remember when I executed one of my dorf for being a tiny elf
>weaponsmith have a mood
>makes a fucking chestnut hammer
I don't care about the legendary skill, what the fuck is this shit.

I'd like to imagine the conversation between them and the other dwarves to be like
>Look, the craftsmanship is good, but you can't just go making stuff out of trees. That's elf shit. It's a bad example for the kids.

How do you deal with your nobles?
I execute them via drawbridge """""accident"""""

Why would anyone play that shit? It's just gibberish text and no graphics.

You can change the way it looks. This is the tileset I use, which I find quite a bit better than the default.

Attached: dorf_fort.png (1920x1080, 192K)

Last accident was an actual accident, retard turned his lungs and brain into pasta off a waterfall after stepping on a platform that some dorf was removing while on his way to his lava throne.

>how to appoint someone who can trade with trade caravans despite already building a trade depot
There's a screen that lets you manage nobles, iirc it's under the same menu as the stocks etc. There's a bunch of stuff you can appoint, but the bookkeeper (lets you actually see how much shit you have instead of a vague guess) and the trading guy are essential.

Oh, they're nobles. I thought I was missing something in the labor screen. Thanks, user.

Broker and bookeeper are necessary
Chief Medical Dorf is important if you want a general idea of your dorfs health
Hammerer is to avoid
Never found use for a Manager

manager lets you assign tasks from the manager screen. use it

Speaking of the bookkeeper, is there any reason not to use the highest available precision?

I try to get a manager ASAP.
He creates work orders, which cuts down on workshop micromanaging immensely.
After appointing you get into the unit menu [u] -> then access the manager screen [m].
From there you can basically ask for anything, like 5000 plant brewing orders.

The precision affect how often and how long it takes to do his job.
The highest setting means he'll spend a really long time in his office. Not that much of a problem on a good fortress but if you are lacking hands it's pretty much an idling dorf.

He takes longer to update the books, but you're never short on no-skill dorfs doing fuck all so it's best to just pick one and use the highest precision.

Don't worry, user, a Premium version will be releasing within the next few months to fix that problem!

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basically no. the initial work takes ages, but updating it is pretty fast and he can get some other work done
I usually make mine a bookkeeper/manager, and until I'm a year or so into the fort and the manager side is really busy, he'll still have time to do some hauling or crafting even on the highest precision

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can't play this game, but watching other autist play it and RP on it is great for some reason

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Manager is also required for manually designating workshops to only be used by specific dwarves. Mildly useful if you for example have several masons but only one of them is highly skilled and useful for making high quality goods whereas everyone else is supposed to be churning out more blocks for construction.

Or if you want to play around with burrows and make sure a highly skilled dwarf has his bed, food, his own workshop, basically everything in one location. Apart from being efficient I like to roleplay that a master smith is supplied all the possible luxuries to his doorstep.

>Just started getting into this game. My fortress has been running for a few years
which one is it asshole

Horrifying screams come from the darkness below!
Game start slowling down dangerously as the number of creature page increase dramastically.

The game isn't even complex, you're just too retarded to figure out how to get meat and leather despite clearly seeing a butchery and tannery among workshops.
Or just use the wiki.

One exception though, if you ever kill a forbidden beast or any other unsightly creature with your military, that nigga can be butchered.
Your dwarves will feast on its remains for years.

>this is the average poster now
kill me

Anything can be butchered as long as it's not too mangled or humanoid.

>Forgotten Beast blood that rot anything it touches
>entire map get covered in a single in-game month from moving weapons, armors and wounded soldiers and walking on it
>everyone is either dead or stuck in the hospital
>Some migrants has arrived, despite the danger.

>goblin siege
>squad of elite swordmasters returns from a raid at the same time
>goblin watches helplessly as his friends die in front of him

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Play it long enough and you won't even see the code.

I've been thinking of locking mine up with a captured vampire I have.


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This kind of shitposting has been around for years

I've messed around with Dwarf Fortress before, but I haven't played it in ages. Should I stick to the version I got back in 2015, or get a newer version?

>I have improved my observation. That was satisfying.
I really imagine the goblin saying that as a bolt narrowly miss his head.

Oh boy, FUN!

I think the current version is more or less an across-the-board upgrade on that. even if you choose to ignore the tavern/visitor stuff, sieges are (mostly) fixed and dwarves use mugs.
the only reason to use an old version is if you want to go back to the ultra grisly, harder, BigMeme days of 2D

I see. I only played a small amount of DF back then, but I've been thinking bout giving it another go lately.

there's a relatively upgrade coming ""soon"" (ie. probably in 2019) that I think a lot of people are waiting to come out before they get into new forts. but it could be months away so maybe it's not worth waiting

>relatively upgrade
relatively large update.

>dabbling writer

>dwarf sees a dead goblin
>has a nervous breakdown
Why are dwarves such pussies?

Who the fuck develops a video game to pay for medical bills?

There's not enough goblin to make a goblin thong.

at least it's not as bad as it was a few years ago
they still get fucking spun up about buzzards and kea though

I always thought that logo looked like a ghost giving you a present.

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>keas arrive on the map
>steal your entire fucking cart before you even get the chance to settle in
>giant keas exist
>it's exactly the same but they also tear your dwarfs in half on the way
Keas are fun.

kek, giant kea are hilarious
>takes a wheelbarrow full of stone off the map

but I wouldn't mind the stealing and even the injuries if not for the way dwarves react to them.
>job cancellations
>bad thoughts
>fps slowdown
>farting bolts up into the air so they land all over the place and have to be collected one by one
>6 months later they're still upset about it