Doki-Doki's plot is like a bad LSD trip, when you're creative

Doki-Doki's plot is like a bad LSD trip, when you're creative
Thought loops, irrational stuff etc.

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I want to fuck Monica she probably loves Wonder Bread flavored sandwiches with tons of mayo and enjoys hard anal and hair pulling

We get it, you're a white supremacist.

Who's best girl Yea Forums?

Monica because she's white and Japanese

doki doki is dogshit and if you think it's good you're a retarded 90iq subhunab

This right here is the Dark Souls of VN's, and, like with Dark Souls fans, anybody with a brain should make fun of you. No, there's nothing original about these games, they're a copy of older stuff that did what they did, and better. Play more, and stop praising these turds, you look like a clown.

I probably would have liked this turd sandwich better if I didn't play it straight out of Danganronpa v3 which did everything it tried to do but better.

spoken like someone who has never taken lsd

I did 4 times, and last one was so hopeless and like in a maze mentally, that it definitely fits Doki Doki

>visual novel

Remember, Sayori might be a cute, cinnamon roll who you want to protect.

But long-term, Natsuki would be the only one you could have a normal life with.

It's sad, but also the truth.

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based and fpbp

nah m8, you've never got a bad trip
I got a bud that never came back after acids, that shit leaves you scarred for life

just monika obviously. nobody has ever altered reality just to get closer to me

Natsuki is objectively the best girl
>likes manga
>likes cooking

Natsuki because she's cute and not a pointlessly crazy bitch.

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natsuki is the only sane character in that game

normal life is for pussies, i rather hang out with sayori

not him but that shit is powerful enough to effectively rewire parts of your brain. lsd is what you take when you want a truly different perspective on life. It's like becoming a new person inheriting your old body and life. It's waking up for the first time, in a sense.

that says more about you than lsd. the drug is a hand mirror