
>church is evil
>god is the final boss

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Just like the real world.

Ironically, Jesus teachings were close to asiatic religions. It was almost Taoism.

>church isn't evil
>god is still the final boss

>Warring states game
>Oda Nobunaga is the final boss

why do the nips hate this guy so much? Didn't he create their country or something?

I don't remember Christ being a gopnik.

Is there a more söyboy genre than JRPG?

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>story is bad
every fucking time

he was too ambitious

>getting raped by the based filter
look, I agree with you, but you're making it hard to.

Name three

>Phoneposting bad

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>church is evil
>but somehow, church isn't connected to the final boss and saying it was evil was pointless
>boss is a wannabe god

Good luck making OC or editing pics from a phone

>not evil
>releasing your divine spark
>not akin to fighting a final boss

>God is a social construct

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Can you elaborate?

It's impossible to benefit from being created. All possible pleasures are just filling up holes in your heart, first you need to have an itch so you can scratch it. Creation of the universe can be at best morally neutral.

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>Who would win
The 1500 years of tradition considering how many Protestant countries are becoming more secular. Can't blame them, proddies are fucking cancer

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>church is good
>main character is a priest
>you defeat the faithless piece of filth

He was dishonorable and used gaijin weapons

Not really. Try looking for philosophy essais about the theme. But the Holy Trinity and the rule of love one another ressembles the Tao principles

stop playing videogames you heretic!

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>1500 years of tradition
Roman catholicism was barely 500 years old sweetie

>Warring states anime
>Oda Nobuna(ga) is a girl
>still no season 2
Japan loves Oda just like China loves Cao Cao these days. Even if they portray him as a bad guy. They just like bad boys.

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>phoneposter is a wojak poster
die stormfaggot

He had a cruel streak. There was that one time he burned a temple down with all the people inside because the asshole warrior monks from there kept fucking with him.

Trinity shows up a lot in various religions. One of the reasons the Irish converted so quickly is the idea of the trinity wasn't new to them.

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>Teenagers kill the pope


Well, some writings say that Jesus went to other lands before becoming a prophet, and it is said that he took some teachings of Buddhism


Protestants lost in the end

Abrahamites and their invasive semitc faith is completely alien to Japan, which else do you expect? They don't even ban abrahamite shit actually, nips just can't be fucked with it and it can't spread when it can't violently destroy native religion and intimidate and brainwash population over multiple generations.

>St.Peter's cross is satanic

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Protestants sucked bourgeoisie cock instead of stay with the common people. That was their end.


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Jesus, every...fucking....time

>knows a wacky little sects that get weirder every day
>hypocritcal greedy powerhungry assholes that rape little boys
They both lost

You kill god (after the pope turns into him) in Grandia II as well.

>hairy monkeys who blow things up
conspirators who suck blood from baby penises

>Morally neutral

Humans are emphatic by nature and one might argue that nature requires us to be morally right (if not flawless) in order to advance as a race. How good would human race perform without morals?

It can't be helped!

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This still happens today. Look at Blizzard vs red shirt dude.

>city builder game lets you create a theocracy

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>an edgy retarded saturday morning cartoon villain somehow asspulls the power of a god to himself
>the real god(s) appear and smite the ever living fuck out of him for being an eyesore

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There's only one winner in all the space occupied by all the Abrahamic religions, yes, that one who acknowledges only Old Testament but nothing else. Others always end as their servants or stooges somehow. Really makes you think, ain't it?

Bruh look at this dude

>incredibly angry protagonist gets the power of god by becoming even angrier
>god shows up
>protag beats him to death with his bare hands

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