Exclusives do not encourage companies to improve their services, since there is no objective way to improve over an exclusive. The best they can do is get their own exclusives, which is NOT being objectively better than your competitor, because, and this should be obvious, THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT GAMES. It just encourages companies to grab as many exclusives as they can. Gamers won't be choosing the objectively better service, they'll just be choosing whichever service has the games they want, which is a subjective choice. Neither of the companies are going after the same audience (since each person wants to play different games), they're not competing, and all it does is segregate the playerbase.
For the fifteen-trillionth time, EXCLUSIVES ARE NOT COMPETITION
Steam getting Halo while GOG and epic don’t IS competitive
And Epic has Metro. Your point?
Exclusives are competition.
That’s competition
i think we need to separate traditional console exclusives from what epic's doing, though.
console exclusivity benefits consumers overall because some games would never have been made without it. generally, they're either made by the console manufacturer or funded by them during development. it increases choice for consumers by giving them more games to choose from than they'd otherwise have.
what epic is doing is coming in at the last minute and moneyhatting games that have already been made, all just to keep them away from other stores. they're not making or funding these games, they're just paying publishers to not release them elsewhere. they are only reducing choice for consumers.
Literally no one cares about Metro more than Halo
Halo is also on the Microsoft Store, how is it exclusive?
Are either of the games objectively better than the other? No? Then it's not competition.
halo isn't exclusive to steam. it's also on the windows store.
Why would you start a console war thread to bitch about console wars when you just want a console war thread? Fuck off to Reddit you piece of trash
>anime poster
>has a retarded opinion
Every time.
>Having better more desirable games is not competition.
>Animals having better more desirable genes is not competition
>Women having better more desirable traits is not competition
Retardado mental idioto.
So it’s okay GOG doesn’t get it?
Exclusives drive innovation and competition, hope epic got more games
Reminder that there is literally no argument for exclusives that is pro-consumer and all the shitposting in the world won't change the fact that people who defend exclusives are paying for the privilege of sucking corporate dick.
Valve didn't pay them off, Microshit made a decision not to release it on GOG
having good games instead of 60 metascore trash is pretty pro-consumer
Dumb weebposter
That's why platforms need to pay for exclusives to overcome consumer inertia.
>console war thread
>is CLEARLY referring to Epic vs Steam, two PC services
Because GOG only supports drm free games. Halo REQUIRES windows 10 and a microsoft account
>back then most games were made for 1 platform (ported by other developers later after release)
>working on 1 platform gave then more time and resources to make a polish game and refine content
>with a smaller budget it gave them a lot of creative freedom to make wacky weird games
>7th gen more and more developers going multiplatform
>working on multiple platforms meant requiring a lot more money and developers
>a lot more money meant less creative risk and developers pushing DLC and microtransactions to recoup the costs
>making a game for a larger audience went you had to dumb down and streamline mechanics for a majority of people to understand
Saying multiplatform is good is like saying open borders are good
This. Exclusives are good, most of the best games this gen were exclusives. Most would not exist if they were not exclusive.
That's some Destiny level dishonesty right there.
>"Exclusives create healthy competition!"
Look at the exclusives that are getting made.
>Sony makes third-person movie game shit
>Nintendo makes bing bang wahoo shit
>Xbox makes dudebro shooter normie shit
And the quality of all these games get worse over time. That's not competition. The big three don't compete with each other, they're content to just split consumers into three groups and keep shoveling shit at them, and the consumers will be happy because they're playing a shitty Mario game instead of a shitty Kratos game or a shitty Master Chief game.
Where is Nintendo's answer to The Last of Us?
Where is Sony's answer to Halo?
Where is Microsoft's answer to Super Mario Galaxy?
There is no competition. There is only the illusion of competition. It used to be that you would have rival companies with extremely similar franchises like Mario vs. Sonic. Then they all realized it's way cheaper and easier to just target certain niches, because then they own that playerbase forever and can get away with declining standards. Because what are you going to do when the next big exclusive sucks? Jump ship to the other console that has shitty games in genres that you don't like? Nope. You're staying right where you are and you're eating the shit you're served and you're going to be fucking shilling for it or otherwise the people eating different kinds of shit will laugh at you.
This is literally the most basic method of Orwellian control and if you don't recognize it you are an NPC.
They don't need to be objectively better, because consumers aren't objective. Some are going to value Halo more than Metro, and vice versa.
That's retarded.
>windows store
so it's basically an exclusive
It may be competition in the most cutthroat establish monopoly sense but it's not going to make better vidya, since in order to buy an exclusive you're giving up money that would otherwise go into R&D.
I'm the one who made the thread. That's obviously what I was referring to, because that's all anyone fucking talks about on this board
>Comparing antique specialized hardware landscape to modern consoles with most chips made by intel and mostly PC guts and APIs because they work and are plentiful and cheap.
>Saying multiplatform is good is like saying open borders are good
Nice try but no.
Exclusives are pro consumer though. Devs don’t have to waist time developing, porting, and optimizing for other systems. There is also no time and money spent of QC for other systems meaning that all the time, effort, and money can go to making the game for one system.
Tough shit, get a job.
>exlusives are pro consumer because devs can be more lazy
No, it's Monopolies. Microsoft has a monopoly on Halo games, just like Sony has a monopoly on Bloodborne. 2 consoles with different exclusives are just 2 different monopolies.
That's not a monopoly. That's like saying Nabisco has a monopoly on Oreos because they own the brand.
If someone wants to makes a platformer that competes with Mario and does the things Mario does right they can. They just can't call it Mario.
>exlusives are pro consumer because devs don’t have to waste resources on other systems
Nabisco doesn't make it impossible for you to eat Oreos without a specific milk cup that only they sell. Oreo is a trademark, because you cannot own the concept of cookies.
Halo is a copyright, the Pillar of Autumn and Cortana are owned by them. They can lock Halo games exclusively to their shitty hardware because they have a monopoly on Halo.
Nabisco could lock Oreos out of stores that aren't Walmart if they so wanted.
why are weebs so fucking stupid
>modern consoles with most chips made by intel
They're made by AMD.
Dumb anime poster
>Companies are supposed to share their assets that put them ahead of the competition because exclusives are "mean".
Do you faggots even know how stupid you sound? Video games are not a human right, you don't need them to survive. Companies make exclusives because they want you to buy their products.. Welcome to capitalism, it's all about getting ahead.
don't pretend capitalists give a shit about what you need to survive
Epic Games didn't make Phoenix Point. They didn't even fund it. This excuse does not hold up.
Capitalist do care what you need to survive. You are worth more to them alive then dead
Wow it sure is too bad that capitalism which has only existed for less than 1% of human history is apparently the only option
You are right copyright is a form of monopoly, but that isn’t a bad thing it encourages the creation of new properties.
Off yourself, retarded corporate bootlicker, you won't be missed.
mfw replying to bait