>Dobson is always wro-
Dobson is always wro-
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He’s still trash human but after a failed stint at video essays he seems to have mellowed out.
The original is far superior. The REAL question is whether or not nintendo is going to keep the annoying item swapping from the original.
>rack focus effect
>what is tilt shift
What a dumb assole
Shouldn’t he be freaking out about how Link is blonde when he was apparently ALWAYS brown haired?
yada yada broken clock
>an adult male is exited for his toys
Yeah, just imagine.
He's referencing a rant dobson went on about links hair one time.
What Zelda game doesn't have item swapping? To this day, I find the GB pause menu faster to use than some of the later bullshit like the item swapping interface for SS.
wtf i hate LA remake now
It's faster in LA but there's so much more of it than in the other games that it feels even worse.
This is why we need to remake the entire series.
why is dobson wrong everytime he writes?
is it that hard to think before you write something?
>this is an indication that the 3DS is effectively dead
Woah, hot take from son of dob.
Anyone else is a bit rooting for Dobson deep inside? I mean, guy got no talents, humor is objectively something alien to him and he isn't any close to grasp a sense of how society nor politics work.
I kinda make me happy that he happen to be right once in a will, like you can be the less gifted invididual ever but still earn the right to breath or something.
When was the game revealed? I wouldn't be surprised if he waited a bit for the general opinion to be known before speaking up.
>He’s still trash human
What did he do?
why are nintendo fans always like this
Would you have sex with Dobson, Yea Forums?
this, dobson thinks using big boy words make him smart
only if he has a huge dick, im a slut for those
calm thine tits
I'd rather regain my virginity and then be condemned to preserve it forever.
He's a bitter, hateful human being that has held grudges for literal decades because a person teased him or became more successful than him. He will openly shit talk things he decides he doesn't like while knowing nothing about it while being completely unable to tolerate people criticizing things he likes. He's also had a habit of latching onto movements/fads just to hope it improves his standing.
In short he's Yea Forums as a human being.
The focus literally shifts while hot to different subjects, though.
tilt shift is the one that makes things look smaller
rack focus just changes focus in the same shot
in the new game, the focus stays relative with link, it moves with him
I hope they keep it because it's the closest thing to a puzzle the game had.
You know what I hope they get rid of? The seashell hunt
Anyone has those very rare comics of his about those two tumblr caricature in college? Some of it was really funny because it was like a right wing parody
Original is pixelshit garbage that aged horribly, nostalgia
He should stay away from the internet for his own good
Except Yea Forums doesn't take itself seriously
>would I fuck a fat, ugly, bald guy with a shit personality who probably smells like a dumpster
Why would you even ask this?
If you like this remake you're on the same level as Dobson, just putting that out there.
>that time he told Zelda Williams to calm her tits not long after her father's passing.
>Dobson has a contrarian opinion
>Yea Forums as a human being
No, and you're leaving out the juiciest part about his shitstorm
>son of dob
>He's a bitter, hateful human being that has held grudges for literal decades because a person teased him or became more successful than him.
Sounds like your average Yea Forums poster
>post a remake
dobthony sontano
>implying people on Yea Forums don't also have absolutely disgusting fetishes
Only difference is he actually drew it
He throws tantrums and people make fun of him
The tantrums have slowed Down and so has his online presence lately which is a shame there goes one of the best lolcows ever
There's 26 Seashells, and you only need 20 (1 can become unobtainable, but the others will disappear once you get 20 anyways).
I see no issue with the hunt.
"calm thine tits"
Same day that he posted his opinion, February 13th
holy shit Dobson is retarded
no, he's not wrong. But he's also not right
Nintendo never intended to continue on with the 3DS
also, the fact he likes the art style makes me a little concerned...
>advocates women's rights, lgbt, and censorship in games
>drew a slew of azumanga daioh inflation porn that he desperately begged people to delete from archives
Yup he's definitely the personification of Yea Forums lol, great job!
thread's fucking over
inflate the fuck out of here
>*dobs on the haters*
Well in LA, the sword is an item that takes up a slot, so you effectively have only one item slot. This means that you have to switch items much more often than in other games where you get at least two.
Because hes the same type of person as in the anime girl ERP threads where everyone talks about fucking each other
As always
>also, the fact he likes the art style makes me a little concerned...
Most people hate the look anyway since it's a bad style.
But yes, if you ever needed an indication that nintendo is doing something wrong, dobson loving this style should be enough to make even the most ardent shiteaters reconsider.
yes, hence him comparing Dobson to Yea Forums you fucking clown
don't forget the inflation porn
for once I agree with this shitty meme
Only if I could mind break him and then rebuild him from the ground up as not trash
Both look plenty soulful to me
He is wrong, the single biggest problem with this remake is that fucking blur filter covering an entire quarter of the screen.
The real shame is that Dobson has the potential to create great things, but his pride, self-righteousness, and overall abrasive personality have gotten in the way of that. He never thought of how he could be a better artist creating better and more imaginative content. He's always settled for just being good enough for his own tastes which unfortunately has actually made him a worse and worse artist.
That dude still posts shit?
The art looks like shit though. I mean, objectively the graphics are good but it looks more like pikmin than Zelda to me.
DX is literally just awakening but colored in
The first three Zelda games had only one item slot, as the sword was hard-locked to a singke button. At the time, having two was a big deal, and then Ocarina came along with three AND a designated sword button.
soul is the original Gameboy, Gameboy Color is soulless
Whatever gets your zoom zoom a vroom vroom, zoomer.
Wrong or liar.
You need to equip Pegasus boots AND roc feather to clear some chasms and you need bombs AND arrows equipped to shoot arrow bombs. Any time you don't have your sword equipped because of this, then you can either jump to avoid enemies, or you can use whatever other weapon you have equipped.
I wonder if Zelda still browses Yea Forums. It's certainly become much shittier since then.
i think it was exactly 1 year from the date of his death, hence her post about being stressed out or whatever. but i could be wrong
He cute
Plus new content. DX is technically not the original, but thanks for playing anyway.
He is.
>drew a slew of azumanga daioh inflation porn that he desperately begged people to delete from archives
Why? I mean, he's a grown man. The internet is bursting with fetishists, why would him being one be any different. There are children, legitimate children far more accepting of their playground fetishes than him.