Every day embarrassing new information comes out about dinosaurs

Every day embarrassing new information comes out about dinosaurs

Are dinosaur games forever ruined now?

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No, the only people who complain about featherless dinosaurs in Jurassic Park and video games are spergs.

Only to retards that only absorb pop-science instead of learning all the actual cool shit we keep finding out about dinosaurs.

its like when you know a guy who was a chad in highschool but he turned into a fat loner by college

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t. chicken

Imagine a world full of dinosaur, imagine them farting


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Jurassic World Evolution thread?

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Just for clarification, a T-Rex would have looked NOTHING like the OP image. That thing would overheat taking a single step. We know many tyrannosaurs possessed feathers but can only speculate if T. Rex kept them through adulthood, and in what quantities or locations on its body. We already possess evidence it had no feathers on its underbelly.

Have you ever been near a crocodile growl?

So is there any reason why ye olde lizards would look like overgrown turkeys instead of komodo dragons?

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>lizards turn into birds

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We've actually simulated the kind of hiss a T-Rex would have made and it's fucking scarier than a roar. Imagine a crocodile hiss that's so loud and deep it makes a fucking room shake.

So it just had a lot of hair/feathers on it's back? Making it look like a fucking balding old man or a swamp creature?

Fucking cringe. Fuck Nu science for ruining dinos

Thiks is a psyops smear campaign by the liberal agenda to remove the "toxic masculinity" of the pre historic era

they were actually more closely related to turkeys than komodo dragons

Got a link, I want to hear this.

crocodile growls are pretty cool tho



Dinosaurs aren't lizards. They're a different kind of reptile with some stark differences. Theropod dinosaurs are closer to birds than lizards, at least in body structure and likely behavior.

>deep, loud hiss
Isn't that just a roar?

Cyrus is the ultimate chad though? As the picture shows; safety ALWAYS off. His dad was a fuckin' prick.

I unironically think that T-Rex is cooler looking than just a giant lizard.
The feathers and shit are neat.

Both kind of dinosaurs existed so why does it even matter?

> Scientists say

They know jack shit.


Amazing honks

where the fuck are the arms, you know the things we have the bones of? solid evidence?
it's all bullshit made up by faggots trying to reinvent established theories for attention

>like a goose
That shit would be frightening if it came from something as big as that.


t. Shaggy 2 Dope

Just upgrade them to fantasy beings like dragons and you're all good. Maybe come up with a new name.

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why should every game be realistic? do you complain too when japanese 13 year old is being sexualized in game? dinosaurs roaring is just awesome

I hope MHW2 removes roars

Reminder that birds are literal dinosaurs

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To be fair Cyrus gets bested every time by Ricky and true chad Julian

arms arent that visible in a lot of birds

Emu's for example have arms but they are kind of hidden due to the feathers

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For some godforsaken reason it's not on YouTube but video is accessible from here

dumbfuck retard detected

>b-but muh childhood fantasies
grow up already
and get laid

I kind of like the idea of dinosaurs being huge weird, ugly and colourfull creatures.
It lends a sense of absurdness to the past.

>Honk like a goose
Honestly even scarier than a roar

Yes, dinosaurs definitely had feathers, definitely didn't roar, and they were definitely basically large chickens. Don't doubt this because it's SCIENCE!

What's that? Oh, yeah we did say some pretty different stuff and it was definitely irrefutable and scientific at the time. But not anymore. We'll probably have a new, conflicting truth in the near future when we need more funding so stay tuned and ready accept it without question. If you have a problem with any of this you just don't get science. Like a flat earther!

>waaa science doesn't support bullshit Hollywood stuff I grew up with

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MH got a new monster that kinda follows a design like that.

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It's not known. Maybe it had just a streak running down it's spine like a mohawk.

>dinosaurs honk instead of roaring

We're reaching peak clown world now.

that's a very large pseudo-chicken, I wonder what it tastes like

>don't blame Hollywood for lying to you for money, blame scientists for telling the truth for money

dinosaurs aren't real. the "fossils" are just rocks carved into the shape of bones. paleontology is basically just fanfics.

Tell me you wouldn't empty your intestines and your bladder all at the same time
It would actually be scarier because you'd get pecked and ripped to shreds much slower and with much more pain.

Tucked up into the feathers, like emu wings

why can't americans into science?
did hollywood rot their brains?

>Are dinosaur games forever ruined now?
No, in fact they become more badass fantasy monsters.

t. christian

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>tfw we now know for a fact there were soulless ginger dinosaurs because we found pigmentation in Sinosauropteryx fossils

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and Steven Spielberg has his own source of correct information?

Yeah, imagine that.

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>Autistic dinoscreeching

he has access to jewmagic

Y'all do know the sound effects in Jurassic Park were fake right

The famous T-Rex """roar""" is a recording of a baby elephant slowed down and mixed with some tiger and gator noises

Like god damn y'all always treat that stupid movie like it's the bible or some shit

his dinos looked cool and badass, so I stick with that

>actually trusting nu-science

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>Theropod dinosaurs are closer to birds than....
That's like saying Mammals are closer to Marsupials than....
Birds ARE theropod dinosaurs

Maybe you dinodorks should get laid
Wasting resources learning about dead lizards while people starve to death, utter shit

honestly that makes them way more fucking scary
imagine a huge canada goose running after you

>giant chickens
no wonder they died lmao

That's actually better than some big dumb roar, a deeper, louder version of that would be horrifying

A giant ass honk would be fucking terrifying god damn

>Honked like a goose
Always thought Dinos where kinda for fags

Reddit fag doesn't understand that Yea Forums is run by boomers

No actual argument presented. Brainless retards that will believe literally anything their "authority" tells them.
I guarantee you don't understand anything the about the science you push as "fact"

as opposed to science-science

>retards talking over the actual sound

You're right, though most people don't recognize this so I glossed over it for clarity's sake.

And yet the zora turned into the ritos.

Hang y'self

We know for a fact that some dinosaurs had feathers and some didn't but also we're slightly sure, not very sure, and completely unsure about other dinosaurs and their featheryness

Nothing is all that black and white. And our knowledge of prehistoric animals changes all the time. Who's to say that we can't discover something groundbreaking about dinosaurs next Tuesday? Heck, we only JUST recently found out that some pterosaurs had branching, feather-like structures, when we previously thought that it was only just simpler fibers.

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>western virgin dinosaur

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>while people starve to death, utter shit

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dinosaurs are a psyop they never existed

You missed the Z there.

Sure buddy

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Yes, only a retard would consider these obvious giant bones and dragon bones to be something called "dinosaurs".

Zoomersaurs suck, I want the cool old Boomersaurs back.

Makes sense. Why the fuck would a dinosaur ever roar? It'd only serve to scare away their prey.

what is the whole point of scientists and research if nothing is to be believed anymore?
what's the point of any authority ever?
please gtfo of modern civilization and go live in the woods or something you dumbfuck lmao

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bit disappointing, sounds like a guy thudding his mic across a desk before turning it off

Darling threads all over again.

>feathers look stupid
Okay retard

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When you eat chicken you're actually eating an evolved dinosaur.

West can't into dinosaur design.

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only nerds who end up becoming paleontologists should be obsessed with dead creatures that died 200 million years ago.

Cassowaries aren't really hiding it

>dinosaurs had feathers
>ok some dinosaurs had feathers
>ok some dinosaurs on some parts of their body had feathers
>today in program dinosaurs didn't roar

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considering how fast and precise chicken movements are, they would probably scare the shit out of you if they were larger than you. even decapitating them isn't enough to stop their implacable onslaught

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dinosaurs actually turned into goombas and koopas.

bearded vultures are cute though

How did we descend from the dinos though?

When are we gonna get a game about feathered betasaurs who honk?

t. american bible fucker

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Hearty chuckle.

what evidence was there that dinosaurs roared in the first place? crocodiles dont really roar

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that nigga eats bones.

It's not as grand as a roar but imagine hearing that at sundown off in the distance and tell me you wouldn't shit yourself.

Monster Hunter is literally the most poorly designed shit I have ever seen

based bird poster. birds are totally scary and just like dinosaurs and not just stupid and lame.

>Brainless retards that will believe literally anything their "authority" tells them.
Just like you believe the "authority" that told you that dinosaurs were lizards, right? Or are you a paleontologist that somehow discovered that all by yourself?

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Neither can the east to be fair.

Movies. That's it. They had dinos roar because it was cool. And people took that as fact because of cultural osmosis.

The only people who want feather dinosaurs are furries. Go fuck a dog instead of fucking up dinosaurs faggots

If we can revive the dinosaurs, we can eat the dinosaurs. We can also use them as slave labor in construction projects and elsewhere, like the Flintstones.

you don't have to be religious to deny trannies as hard science

why do they keep feeding onions to the dinosaurs first feathers now they're making them honk like geese UNBELIEVABLE

The funniest part is how so many of these cucks readily embrace these new “theories” because they relish the thought of someone else’s childhood being ruined by “the woke truth”, but these are often the same people who will deny scientific evidence that races are different or that gender dysphoria is a mental illness.

Reeeeaally gets that noggin’ a joggin’ how science only seems to matter when it serves their own agendas...

Go back to COD kid.

I'd rather research things that are forever and always like your virginity LMAO

Maybe you should stop reading shitty facebook clickbait headlines.

this is how I thought they sounded all along though, why would they be able to roar

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We don't.

paleontologists literally used to say dinosaurs were lizards. it was the best science of the time and if you were alive back then you would be calling people idiots for not believing in giant lizards. science is such a stupid religion.

There was no evidence, it was just how everything with sharp teeth was intimidating at the time.

When will Nintendo finally give Yoshi feathers?

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is there any actual proof dinosaurs even existed?

only a projection of mammalian traits onto a totally different class of animal, because mammals are the current apex predators so other apex predators must be the same. thats literally it

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Is this your mind on tranny acceptance?

bill nye told me that Almighty Science spoke to him and that there are 87 genders.

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go back to your garbage weebshit, nigger

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holy shit user you are such a massive moron

lizards don't have feathers

I mean they also turned into mammals

why he bully the lizard :(

I didn't know how much I needed this in my life until now.

control of the plebs
the western society has degenerated into soviet style lies and propaganda machine over the last few deceades. whatever's convenient is the scientific truth the (((scientists))) are made to say.

when science is funded and/or controlled, they have no choice but to bend or outright make up results that their benefactor wants to get to keep their funding.

Never, he's not a dino.

>dinosaurs slowly turning to just big birds
Fuck paleontologists and fuck archaeologists

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he already has them inside his ass to make it less painful when he poops out eggs.

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I'm not even sure dinosaurs existed. I mean how many dinosaurs in museums are actually 99% the real bones and not what scientists THINK they were


Honestly, just design a fucking dinosaur whatever way you want to as long as it looks like a dinosaur, it’s not like dinosaurs in media were hyperrealistic to begin with anyway. Who the fuck cares if something has feathers or fur or pink dildos all over its body, there are dinosaurs in games that are made of lava or something. Dinosaurs in games should be cool, not following whatever the trend of the scientific year is. And if a dinosaur looks cool with feathers, then fine, but it’s not like it’s any different from designing dragons.

yeah but id die laughing. getting killed by a giant chicken? cmon son

Beyond fossils? Yes, we have a direct evolutionary line connecting them with birds.



Can we have sex with them though?

It was looking for its eggs.

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Archaeologists don't study dinosaurs

what games have unconventional breeding mechanics?

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>he's not a dino
That's LITERALLY what he is

humans have fish ancestors


This. If we define gender to be a social construct, then so is transgenderism.

Crocodiles still sound pretty cool though.

and feathered dinos benefit those benefactors how exactly?

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lmao get fucked you dumb chicken

muh dick

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yes he is, zoomer.

you mean besides the fact that we find skeletal remains of them all over the world? what would you consider proof? selfies on facebook?

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muh dikkop

Dinosaurs didn't "roar" because when scientists are talking "roaring" they mean something slightly different than that normal people think, "roar" in scientific terms is something that only mammals can do naturally, some birds might imitate a "roar" but they aren't truly "roaring".
It is difficult to tell what sound dinosaurs made because we haven't found a fossil that maanged to preserve the organ that dinosaurs used to make sounds, so depending on which paleonthologist you ask you will get different answers, given that Crocodilians can growl and birds also can make noises we assume that dinosaurs made noises too, it's the only sure thing we know, even that parasaurolophus recreation made a few years ago starts on the assumption that they used it to make noises, which we are not sure


Rocks aren't real. They are just very old trees that have petrified.
Thus, logically, we can deduce that while dinosaurs weren't real, trees shaped like dinosaurs must have once ruled the world.

He was supposed to be a Koopa at first, aka a turtle.

No, he's a Yoshi.

Come again?!

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>burn the heretic!

0 (zero)

Curbstomped that motherfucker

A lot of them aren't complete but we've found multiple 99% complete skeletons of dinosaurs dude.

god i wish that were me

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You seriously think we're told dinosaurs have feathers so the government can control our thoughts through propaganda?

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Neither is true. Lizards are their own thing, not a reptilian body type or something.


god i wish that snake was my dick

/an/on here.
I thought the feathered dinosaur thing was debunked as stupid pretty early on. Given the fact that feathers don't really serve much function on dinosaurs as they are there for FLIGHT and scales serve as pretty sufficient environmental protection. Idk this whole thing seems to be pop science bs.
I can believe the roar thing though cause you know, reptiles generally don't do that or have the organs for it.

>Scientists from decades ago were somehow less knowledgeable than scientists are today.
Wow! It's almost as if we discovered new information, and the theories of dinosaurs changed to fit that information. Oh hey! That's why scientific ideas are called "theories", because unlike Christians, scientists aren't conceited enough to think they completely know everything about the universe!

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>walking forest, hiking
>suddenly start hearing 0:20-0:40 bellows in the distance

so, based retard, what are dino bones actually from?

Amazing. We need to uncover more of these freaks for my enjoyment.

you may not believe it, but this is a velociraptor

Why dinosaurs would evolve to drop their sharp weapons is beyond me. Smaller yes, but what is the reason to completely drop down the food chain?

>there's no such thing as ethics or peer-review
The dumbing down of America in full-swing

im shaking. this is LITERALLY koopa-washed lizardphobia and dogwhistle speciesism.

So a roar....

So if you whipped out your dick and moved it up and down by flexing...

Why do nu-males and soibois get so triggered when people try to understand and advance paleolithic knowledge? Is it just because they are so nostalgic for "muh Jew movie director said this is how dinosaurs are supposed to look, REEEEE!", or is it something deeper? This is a bit like getting triggered about something as retarded as historians saying Gladiator is not 100% historically accurate. It's just a fucking long dead reptile, who cares if they look a bit silly?

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Look at that thing and tell me it isn't made of nightmare. Who the fuck care about honking? I will most likely die of heart attack as soon as it looks in my general direction.

I think that this whole new look on dinosaurs is lame too, but
>People would call you retarded for believing the Earth wasn’t Flat
>Now they call you retarded for saying the Earth is flat
It’s almost like we constantly discover new things that change our outlook on things.

There are dinosaurs hiding in every one of us.

Go fight a cassowary if you think they are so lame.

>find new information you didn't have previously
>change your views accordingly
>this is a bad thing
I'd say drink bleach, but that would probably improve your IQ

there is more that we can know though. we don't know what their lungs look like, but we can do acoustic modeling of their skulls. the shape of the nasal cavities and mouth have a huge impact on the sounds animals make. it is a primary factor in how birdsongs work, so their evolutionary ancestors can be expected to have some similarities

>as they are there for FLIGHT
You couldn't be any more wrong.

i think it's just shitposting

>okay that is information was bullshit but this new stuff is totally real you've got to believe me this time

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literally me when i kick homeless peopel

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nu-males and soibois are the ones putting feathers on everything, even dinosaurs that didn’t have them. Boomers are the ones stuck on Jurassic Park interpretations.

I vote for the following changes to dragons/wyverns
4 legged scaled, featherless birds/lizards
bipedal scaled, featherless birds/lizards

why boner

>implying we could even begin to imagine the sound it would make

An animal that large and distinct would make something unlike anything we’ve ever heard.

Not to mention raptors in fiction make noises like goose honks just more guttural, did the raptors even have an outright roar in JP?

>I thought the feathered dinosaur thing was debunked as stupid pretty early on
Not only was it not debunked, there is suspicion that some larger herbivorous dinosaurs like Triceratops had rudimentary quills on their backs. What you need to remember is that evolution isn't guided. No trait evolves BECAUSE it is useful, traits die out because they're detrimental. If these quills that later became feathers developed far enough back in the evolutionary line of dinosaurs, they may have carried over to later species that had absolutely no use for them, persisting simply by luck and because they weren't making it harder for those dinosaurs to survive.

what the FUCK was his problem

there isn't one single dinosaur bone anywhere in the world dumbass

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Try a japari bun, you dumb slut.

I know right? I cant believe these people believe in modern medicine and vaccines! Leeches were working perfectly fine for years until science came up with some new bullshit cures.

that's fucking adorable

Cause he was a fag.

I repeatedly stomped on a small snake when I was hiking once. Feelsbadman,

>because unlike Christians, scientists aren't conceited enough to think they completely know everything about the universe!

what are you blabbering about

Feathers on dinos other than Archaeopteryx started out as basically a meme, but then more evidence started coming up once paleontologists actually considered to look for them. It's basically accepted across the field that a large number of dinosaurs had feathers

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Dinosaurs are cooler than starving people.
What have starving people ever done for me? At least dinosaurs gave us cool book and movie ideas.

Because a lot of those people, especially featherfags, are genuine brainlets that believe every bit of contrarian clickbait and regurgitate it as fact, then get offended when people who can do basic google searches tell them why they're wrong.

>What if dinosaurs were trans?
>What if dinosaurs had gay sex?
>What if dinosaurs sucked dino dicks?

You're a retard for not understanding the most basic rule of science, that it's an approach, not a bible handed down from science priests.

However, my brother worked on the computer simulations and modeling on T-rex musculature, and it was absolutely hilarious to see his claims turn from "based on all currently existing large animals like elephants and emus, we can roughly guess how much muscle the t-rex had and where to "t-rexes are fucking chickens!"

>honk honk

The (((Science))) Guy

>devs tease an April update on Twitter
It better be fucking decorations, the actual park building mechanics have been massively neglected

Are dinosuar shaped chicken nuggets the next evolution of trees, given that dinosaurs turned into birds?

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It's worse, there's a dinosaur skeleton inside you.

ITT: Americans, /x/tards and Bible humpers come together to display their insanity

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Feminizing men by making it seem like cool and badass things were actually soft and puffy the whole time.

i will destroy that bird with mma style strikes and grapples

Theres packs of wild turkeys were I live. They're about 5 feet tall. Its fucking terrifying when they walk by you.

fuck off with this shit

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>meteor storm
glad they nerfed that shit. wiped the dinos out way too quick. how the fuck do you counter that?

i have it right this time! nevermind that i was wrong for hundreds of years but insisted you believe me anyway! surely our current beliefs are the correct ones!

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We descended from tiny shrew like creatures that were the first placental animals

It would have had feathers on the spine if it had them at all.

In a sense, yes. Population control is about ever expanding and solidifying your power over the subjects. This in itself probably isn't harmful, but it's a nice primer or test of how much you can get away with telling people. How much they will accept. If you can convince the world that dinosaurs for one existed, and then that they suddenly had feathers, then I don't think there's much of a question that we are indeed fucked and moulded perfectly for control.

Every little idiotic idea they can implant in us makes us more suggestible. The more stuff you believe, the easier it is to believe the next incredible thing.

then what did those bones originate from?

Anyone have the "please stop" edit

god damn scientist ruining our dinosaurs

Not him, but
>*Most scientists are actually christians and other people of faith wanting to figure out how God(s)’s universe works*

I hope you don't ever use any sort of technology, particularly in the medical field user because all progress uses that same thought-process. You use what is proven most effective given the current time unless you can prove otherwise. Just because some retard was right about the earth being a sphere before it was known doesn't mean there would be any reason to believe him if he couldn't prove it.

I choose to believe Dinosaurs sounded like this

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fuck off this thread is great

Based fucking retard.

what has science done?!?!

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plz no bully snek

you just know...

you joke but this is coming. they will "find" fossil evidence of a manosaur cutting off his own dick.

It's just evolution.

Meant to say placental mammals

Looks cute until you remember he's trying to rip and tear her flesh.

If you show your work and allow people to poke holes in your theories themselves, there is literally nothing wrong with this.
It's the basis of the scientific method you daft twat.

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What's his end game?

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It doesn't even make much sense for dinosaurs to have feathers. Birds evolved from dinosaurs, but that doesn't mean they had feathers before that. Dinosaurs evolved from amphibians coming out of the ocean, so it makes more sense for them to have looked like lizards. Crocodiles are some of the oldest fuckers on this planet and they don't have feathers, do they? And as far as we know the world wasn't exactly cold back then, so they didn't have to evolve feathers to stay warm.
I personally think that feathers started appearing near the end of the dinosaur age. The world cooled down, oxygen levels fell, size of animals decreased. Good time to have some new models. Before that there's no reason why lizards out of the ocean should have had feathers.

Goddamn it, I am laughing my fucking ass off at this. It’s like something out of a fetish animation.

Theoretically, if an animal that only left fossilized remains could spit out some sort of self combusting chemical, would we be able to know?

>sounds of karate and ju-jitsu in the distance

>huurr you don't follow my cult don't use muh technology

Not her, just the sweater. A scavenger can tell when something is dead or not.



To have sex with the zookeeper.

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Science and history are eternal
Those people will be forgotten in years

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>literally thunder lizard

what's bad about a bit of floof?

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well thats how it is in monster hunter mostly.

tfw no bird gf

Nu-males and soibois are the ones who are obsessed with Jurassic Park the most though, it's up there with Starwars, Indiana Jones and Back to the Future in terms of their pop-culture gods.

Fair enough people who make shitty pictures like the one in op are to blame as well, but these people are straight up doing SJW /bible thumper shit going full on "I don't want it to be true so it isn't, stop spouting lies!!!" nonsense. Only in this case it's even more ridiculous since it's not the whole basis of their faith they are defending and going full on retard over, just some fucking dead reptiles.

Why is it that the science community, a community based around discoveries and scepticism, get so mad when people are sceptical of what scienctists say?

You never learned anything new as you grew up? Or learned anything that changed what you already did know? Do you still believe Santa Claus is real and not your parents putting the presents under the tree?

Attached: Hawk walk.webm (888x500, 2.66M)

Claws and muscles are heavy.
The bones needed to support all that and still be able to attack are heavy too.
Flying is hard while you are heavy.
Dropping weight in the form of reduced claws and hollow bones is a good trade if your size is no longer an advantage. Especially if you are able to fly in return, which is a huge advantage over most species.

there are no bones

It's very important to remember that the age of dinosaurs covers hundreds of millions of years, and that evolution is not by design. Traits don't appear because they might be useful.

There is no reason, evolution doesnt have a reason, cells just replicate and what can survive does.

Archosaur bros

Thats one thirsty Ostrich.

you just know

>video is 10 minutes and 02 seconds long

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good argument

>new research suggest OP is a faggot

embarrasing new information about original posters comes out all the time, is Yea Forums ruined forever?

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i never called anyone an idiot for not blindly believing in my ignorance.

yea but whenever you bring up the subject or wrongly identify something with extremely specific details such as nu-wyverns you get shitstormed.
Broaden the terms


where is the proofs?

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New Ridley alt.

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Attached: Duckling drop.webm (1280x720, 1.58M)

thanks /an/ or /pol/, either one

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Dinosaur is a blanket term for lots of different kinds of animal. Modern birds and modern lizards both descended from dinosaurs.


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I probably know a fuckton more than you about dinosaurs.

Imagine a Canada goose the size of a bus. That "honk" is going to be plenty intimidating.

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>Cold blooded creature in ice enviroment.

>ostrich tag

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Top kek

proof of what? there are no dinosaur bones anywhere. they don't exist. bones don't last for millions of years without decaying.


Dinosaurs were warm-blooded


because their prey didn't have tough scales. warm blooded animals out-competed them and proliferated, as evidenced by the world today

>ostritch; lolicon; ahegao; nakadashi

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Goddamit i didn't spent the best years of my life studying this shit to watch morons debate about clickbait pseudoscientific blogs
As of now, the only things we can be almost sure about dinosaurs is that
A)They were huge (Why? we don't know for sure)
B)They got extinct 65 millions of years ago, along with anything above 25kg (Why? we don't know for sure)
There are theories both for gigantism and mass extinctions, but we'll never know, we can't explain even the deep sea gigantism as of today
Everything else, and i mean, EVERYTHING else is logic guesswork, based on 2 factors:
Historical/archeological clues, and our imagination, which is mostly limited by the things we know.
The modern rappresentation of dinosaurs is mostly given to Charles Knight, a scientist over 150years ago that literally looked at skeletons and painted them as he imagined it would look like. This is where Jurassic park dinos come from, and even if his guesswork is surprisingly accurate, he filled many things with modern reptiles. And the modern discoveries about dinosaurs are all of the kind "Hey, we dioscovered some rocks that suggest 85kk years ago the average temperature might have been higher than 84kk years ago, which means that probably this skeleton from 89kk years ago might have uses this void space we can't fill to have additional glands!"
The period of time, and the diversity of species considered might mean that the same species might have feathers and later lost it or viceversa in the same era, or that different species in different climate zones had different equipment you're screaming about pointless and uncertain shit

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Same, I wouldn't mind more dinosaurs but the park materials need some serious love. Give us shit like 1993-aesthetic buildings, the Explorer vehicles, observation platforms like the fake log in Roberta's paddock, and decorations and QoL objects like benches and vending machines and shit.

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Despite only being 13% of the population...

yes, they examined the fossilized blood and determined it was warm at the time of death.


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reread what he said. it's about what authority figures say, and you accepting it unquestioningly as your parents accepted theirs, the same way you'd accept earth being a flat plate floating in the center of the world 1000 years ago. beta male slave morality.

rather than being skeptical of everything and temper every single "fact" from all sources with a mountain's worth of doubt you lap up everything some guy says just because he's supposedly important according to slave masters. the entire world is one big theather.

dinos may have been lizards, or birds, or even aliens. we just don't know and the articles here are about as truthful as the ones 100 years ago. there's no reason to base your worldview on something like that.

>"God created the universe"
>"Actually, there appears to be an event known as the Big Ba-"
>"But according to these readings of microwave radiation at the edge of the universe-"

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they're animals

"mmmmmMMMMMMmmmmmm it's time to make my move!"

>what is a fossil
they have decayed, idiot. that doesn't mean they don't retain their shape

>sweet, non-threatening caresses
>the stimulation seemed to be her reward
>she would make a soft trill noise
>6 children and 3 grandchildren

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But traits prevail if they offer an advantage. But then, its already a mystery to me how the fuck things like wings even come to be. I mean wings are fucking useless unless fully developed to fulfill their function. I refuse to believe that animals run around with useless limbs for hundreds of thousands years until someone got the idea to fly with them. So how does the development of wings even start?

it's not a bone

But you're complaining about how scientists continue to learn things and adjust theories.

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Raptors still have huge claws
TRex still have huge teeth

>Are dinosaur games forever ruined now?

I mean, that's kind of wrong. Science is all about faith. A scientist believes something to be true and they spend their life trying to convince others. They may be right, or they may seem right until someone proves them wrong, but the reality is we never really know. And the average person doesn't have the time to know most things, so they do the next best thing: they use expert opinion as a heuristic. The problem is those experts are human, too, and they are just as susceptible to ignorance and arrogance and blind faith as any one of us. Scientists are getting caught all the time fudging the numbers or flat out lying, and replication rates are notoriously horrendous. And most of the greatest scientists of all time, we know for their beliefs which we now all agree are "true," but they also believed tons of other shit. Isaac Newton, for example, was way less interested in gravity than he was alchemy.

This isn't to say you shouldn't trust scientists or that science is less reliable than the Bible or some nonsense like that, but it is to say that no one should be impervious to skepticism. "Skepticism" should be a scientist's favorite word, but today, I hear more and more about how it's anathema to science. That's not good.

Yes. God created the universe 13 billion years ago. No one actually believes the universe is 2000 years old or whatever.

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Not how it's done.

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>modern lizards descend from dinosaurs
No they don't. Birds are the only ones.

no i'm not

Who is that Pokemon?

>Yea Forums getting this heated over dinosaurs

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can't wait for the "i never saw it coming he such a good boy :((((((" headline

Everybody knows that. You are not smart.

I thought science was about challenging preconceptions
that's like asking Copernicus why bother with astronmy when you don't know what's in the heavens anymore

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>No one actually believes the universe is 2000 years old or whatever.
You've never been around evangelists or Baptists.

Stupid Amerishits denying science.

>fatter than the other birds
Truly the perfect mascot for our country

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You don't understand, a tag means that there's more than fucking one.


This is a scaled up sound of a predatory bird to the size of a T-rex. Up close you feel the rumble through your body.

One theory is mammals naturally find this noise unnerving due to an evolutionary throw back to when these things hunted are small relatives.

Games? How about movies and TV. Plenty more of those than games.

their nests look like ugly shit and they sound stupid
fuck the america bird

Science is about proposing something and then others trying to prove you're wrong you fucking moron.

sorr, you're right. we should be arguing about something of real importance like whether Trish is a man

>mfw watching people argue about dinosaurs

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then why ask where the bones came from, brain?

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looks like the preconception of dinosaurs being just big ole lizards got challenged hard and jurassic park fanboys are on suicidewatch now
where's the problem again?

>A scientist believes something to be true and they spend their life trying to convince others.
Wrong. That's pop-scientists.

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Never participate in a science discussion outside of Yea Forums.
It's fine here since this is a shitposting thread but these worthless posts are utter time wasters in a serious environment.

It's 5000 years ago you pseudo-Christian heretic, you'll be burning with the fags and the traitors in hell

thanks for posting this

Doesn't MH go: sapient - Elder Dragon, non-sapient and scaled - Some kind of wyvern?

>tfw trex bite each others' faces during sex.

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Yeah I'm fine if they sound like this, not if they're honking like those fucking GEESE

worth the pirate?

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They don't. Like you say, science is based on skepticism. Scientists debunk other scientists all the time, which is what happened with dinosaurs.

They get mad when retards like you think you know better than them despite having zero relevant knowledge and dropping out of high school.

exactly. a real scientists takes a grant then studies whatever the money guy tells them to.

A less developed brain too.

Daily reminder nu-rassic park has not topped this character

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This is the most productive thread on this board, dumbass. Discussing science instead of shitposting.

Everyone knows the real T Rex roar sounds like this:


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because its a commonly accepted term that is easier to say that something like "remains of bones" or "fossils of bones". because in the past, they were bones, and the fact that they are no longer composed of living tissue is not important to the discussion

shhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh fuckin shutup

it's true. they examined fossilized porn videos.

oh yes

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>No one actually believes the universe is 2000 years old or whatever.
It's actually 4000 years old. And all those fossils saying otherwise? Planted by scientists, to kill our faith in God. IT'S A CONSPIRACY, I TELL YOU!

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>*Still ignores the fact that most scientists are actually theists of some religion*
>*Still only ever attacks christians and no other spiritual faith, even when said faiths continue to assault/murder others*

I'm not the guy your are arguing with and im not interested in arguing about semantix. The General Population calls the fossilzed remains of dead animals bones.

so, what, does the artist want every young man to sign up in the army and go start a war somewhere so they can kill people?
Is that what makes you a good and honorable person, going to fight a war over someone else's ideals?

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Most people here are just shitposting retards though and drown out the intelligent posters actually talking science.


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example, 'gender is actually a social construct!' or 'there is over 90 genders and new ones are found every day!' or 'vaccines cause autism! use natural oils and magical crystals instead!' or the fan-favorite 'earth is a flat pancake under a glass dome!'

look at what dumb, easily controlled people buy into every day. 100 years ago ideas like that would be ridiculed so hard the people suggesting them would die of shame.

>1989 (when SMW started development)
Nintendo keeps getting shit right again. This is more mindblowing than the Mozart theories that claim that I'm still alive.

or because it makes your myth more believable if you say bones instead of rocks.

Now extend that logic to your whole stupid book and stop believing in nonsense because you're afraid of having no friends.


Yes. It's still lacking some things but the updates and DLC have really helped it.

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Well you've convinced me

Go post this shit on /an/ and it will be disproven in seconds. The feathered dino myth has been disproven so much its not funny

Dude, is America. They mutilate their dicks because that was more hygienic before the invention of running water.

They get mad other times, too. I hear anthropologists and some people that study evolution get into screaming matches at conferences. I think there was a fistfight between two math professors at a university near where I grew up a few years ago because they disagreed about an equation.

Most hardcore Christians believe precisely that. I don't think you understand how stupid your own people are. Maybe this should be a wake-up call for you. You are on the side of people this retarded.

cringe and featherlesspilled

>present your findings with evidence and reason
>some american starts holding up his bible, screams how the government is controlling your research and talks about how wrong you are when you know for a fact he has not read your paper at all

>make dumb joke about dino and leave the thread for a while
>dino aren't real
>fossils of any kind aren't real
>science is a religion
What happened, what did you do
What did you do

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To add, people knew about feathers on dinosaurs way before Jurassic Park, even though featherless was still in the public's eye, but was clearly explained as due to their DNA being filled in with frog DNA.
Aside from that, feathered dinosaurs will always be ugly as fuck and 100x less wicked cool than featherless dinosaurs.

I fucking love gators, where my gatorbois at?

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>if this nigga don't shut the fuck up...

I blame /pol/ and the dumb phoneposters.

only the old age elder dragons were sapient but most got wiped out.

generally speaking the elder dragons have 4 legs+wings and wyverns use their wings as arms if they have them.

also any monster that cant be put into any category gets classified as elder dragon.

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I don't think I've ever seen an animal purposely mock another animal but this is definitely what's happening.

welcome on Yea Forums

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so lets hear your theory then. were they actually stone giants, and the fossils are their skin? or maybe thats just a natural sedimentary pattern that always happens to take on vertibrate morphology. this should be good

dante vs vergil

>raising other people's kids
i'm glad the cuck bird is dead now

Oh fuck it's the giant maneating roosters.
What the fuck Miya?

>has eyeliner
>feathers look like spats
>does moeshit runs
>has a natural desire to stamp on things that look like snakes

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Somewhere up your family tree, two fish fucked.

Wouldn't you like to know

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American hours

you're nuts. paleontologists just carve rocks into the shape of bones.

You did this.

Beautiful animal

fish don't have sex you utter retard

Most kinds of vultures are endangered, there's no time to care about cucking when its the survival of the species.

>Present your findings with facts and evidence about the Earth being flat
>Some faggot named Aristotle disagrees with me
>He starts screeching about how the Earth is round and shit despite what our society believes

money or force can control every narrative. bribe or threaten enough scientists and they'll peer review and accept flat earth as reality.

scientists aren't some magical faeries. they're human.they're also greedy, power hungry cunts who are willing to say sky is green if they're offered a good enough incentive.

don't treat peer review as some magical "can never be wrong" tool. it's as easily corruptible as anything else. see 'climate change bad! tax the carbon emissions in the developed world and revert it back to middle ages to save the world!' bullshit.


They have outside of body sex.

most honks come from clown dinosaurs

Swiper no swiping!

In monster hunter, "elder dragon" is just a catch-all term for anything that doesn't fall into the guild's evolutionary tree or is just really powerful and hard to explain

Kirin, a scaled thunder unicorn, is classed as an elder dragon, and so is Nakarkos, a subterranean cuttlefish that likes skeleton cosplay

Neither you do lmao

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How can they descend from dinosaurs if they got nuked to death by meteorites?

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So they didn't fuck.

>tfw science isn't based on how many people who disagree with you have had their asses kicked by you

>447 posts in less than an hour

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I'm kind of surprised this thread hasn't turned into a discussion of duck penises yet

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They built bunkers.

it makes sense don't question it.

It's more
Weather changer/extremely large = elder dragon

I've yet to see anyone here actually recite a paper and present arguments against feathers, you dishonest shitstain
>muh movies
>muh bible conspiracies

Yes they did, otherwise how would you be alive?


Reminder that ducks and chickens were already almost fully evolved before the extinction event unlike other species of birds
Pic related

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Neither do you lmao

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>cool! a dinosaur thread!
>filled with boring modern birds

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The problem isn't people challenging the status quo, the problem is people failing to realize that in 99.99999% of cases, scientists are proven wrong by other scientists, and not mommy bloggers googling about vaccinations giving their kids autism.

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Where are the fossilized feathers tho?

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technically they do. sexual reproduction just means combination of DNA from a male and a female. even plants have sex

Even back during Jurassic Park scientists were saying that the dinos didn't look right. This has been going on for like 30 years user. Don't worry, Dinosaurs will probably always look and sound like they do now

That's not a duck.

Cool shit like they're dead and jurassic park is 100% accurate and no proof otherwise will ever matter

That's what reptilians want you to believe.

Fuck off, Chris.

That's not "fucking" though

>Neither you do

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They decayed?

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>he thinks dinosaurs died because of the literal physical impact of the meteor
How do people like you function day to day?

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They only suck if they start making them look realistic
If they keep making them looks like fake dinos then it will be fine.

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some retard folks every dinosaur thread with birds then wants to talk about their dicks.

some quills remained

What went wrong?

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why are birds such degenerates

The estimate is more to an age of 10,000. 2000 sounds like something like a JW would believe.


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It's genuinely disturbing how fucking stupid Yea Forums posters are.


A bipedal, feathered carnivore that makes supersized squawking noises sounds pretty spooky to me.

My cockatiel REALLY REALLY likes my yarn yoshi amiibo.

If i let him, he'll fuck it like 12x a day.

I'd say that's enough evidence that birds == dinos.

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How were dinosaurs so big?

Sorry but a significant portion of your people think that the bible isn't metaphorical at all

Complaining about dinosaurs being portrayed in a realistic manner is the exact equivalent of complaining about a lack of niggers in historical games taking place in Europe.
That being said, I'm fairly certain only the young would have that kind of plumage. They haven't found feathers to the same extent on adults.

Why would it?
Dinosaurs didn't exist in the first place

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in mythology, dragons were typically feathered too.


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That's her baddest bitch walk.

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some really smart scientists told him that so he believed it. are you saying they were wrong?

are dinosaurs dragon types or ground types

the problem isn't in feathers per se, but how people ironically listen to scientists as the word of god. it's so weird how defensive people are for something they were 65 million years too late to see in person

''modern'' dinosaurs aren't lame, you just have to ignore stupid reconstructions like the one in the OP (image is allosaurus though)

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Washimi is best girl

>the beak that runs the place

1-Evolution has no purpose
2-Only a group of dinosaurs evolved into birds
3-Turns out that having smaller bodies was better to survive a meteor

a)Meteorite is just a theory
b)If true, the meteorite that created the gulf of Mexico wasn't big enough to create a shockwave big enough to cover the whole planet.
A celestial body with such mass and energy would simply shatter the planet, see earth/moon initial relationship
c)The extinction is attributed to the subsequent climatechange

why the fuck would an ambush predator roar in the first place?

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both. they are dragons with rocks for bones after all.


More oxygen

Both sexes also look identical

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america was the ground zero. today this trash is present worldwide, from europe to asia to africa and middle east. europeans, esp. western ones want to do what america does, africa and middle east still believe in flat earth and vaccinations being the tool of satan, asia tries to copy the west.

Alpha as fuck

No fucking scientist says that the meteor impact killed the dinosaurs. It wasn't a fucking giga-nuke that scoured the Earth.

Based brainlet

Even Christians believed that Dinosaurs existed. Well, most do to be fair.

>some really smart scientists told him that
I don't think they would do that because that's not what they think happened. Why are you so scared of scientists?

I googled "jurassic park chris" and it ended with Chris Pratt, I don't remember much of the first reboot and I didn't see the second. Guessing he said something similar in an interview.

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Reality always ruins the fun
Can't have cyclops, can't have magic, can't have giant lizards, literally no fun allowed.

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except they did say that very recently. it was true because of science but now if you believe it you're too retarded to function. science is so confusing.

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It's neck looks like rolled back foreskin.

>1-Evolution has no purpose
Wrong, evolution has the purpose of selecting the most fitting for survival trough random minor changes
Right now, all species on earth are the most adapt to live in their ecohabitat, and they're all thriving to get even better.
Except for pandas, they gave up on life decades ago

>most scientists are actually theists of some religion
Source: Your gaping asshole still dripping with semen

In awe at the size of this lad

Cockatoo's are about as smart as a five year old. They can and will mock you if they think they can get away with it.



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I can never tell if Yea Forums is the worst board or the best board

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Would you trade your body for a slightly frailer body that could fly?

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>Why birds matter

no of course not they have much more advanced truths now

2D > 3DPD

China one upped us by believing stds are a western construct ergo causing a massive boom in every std known to man

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virtue signaling is gay, unless you're spending your hard earned money on other people, you're just a larping faggot

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No you fucking idiot
They say that the debris from the impact did it


Pretty sure the desire to fuck Yoshi transcends species

Kinda like how men turn into trisexual abominations

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I think feathered dinosaurs are cool. Imagining velociraptors with greenish-blue pearlescent feathers is neat.

>Still only ever attacks christians and no other spiritual faith, even when said faiths continue to assault/murder others
Well, most religions are fine with science, buddhists and shintoists couldn't give less shit
Muslims are a few chapters behind in evolution, so we ignore them and praise them when they stop murdering women for showing ankles
Fundamentalist Christians and Jews are the only faiths in the west that oppose scientific progress to a certain extent, and well, you can't criticize Jews. Also they would be a minority in the debate

If this image is true the how can anyone have any kind of faith in any kind of bone structure reported to be something from the past?

Yeah, I see nothing wrong with the feathers, in fact, they look better in somr cases.
Winged punk hair velociraptor is goat.