Metro thread

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Artyom please, I beg you.
Fuck Anna already and finish inside.
I don't have much time left, hurry up and get her knocked up.
RIP ;_;

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ded gaem

Besto daddo

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Metro used to be fun this crap was just awful cinematic after cinematic.


>Anna makes a joke about "working" on grandchildren later in the night
How would you feel if you wanted grand kids and your daughter says to you, "Okay. When we're done talking, my husband is going to fuck me raw and cum deep in my pussy just for you."?

i enjoyed this game unironically

boring ass corridor shooter >hold E to do x, y,z

Playing characters that are not your of your own and romancing them is the ultimate c u c k way of playing a game. You are literally playing someone else having sex with someone else. How do you guys not fucking cringe at that?

This is why silent protagonists or self-made character are 100 times better.

She’s married and in a successful, exclusive relationship with a man that can adequately take care of and protect her, as far as I’m concerned he could literally explain in graphic detail his sexual exploits with her, she’s continuing the family line with a high tier male who is reliable and empathetic. It’s not like Artyom is a bad dude.

I hope my kids can joke with me like that someday. You're a parent for so many years and one they leave and do their own thing you can finally be friends with them.

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Fucking Steve Blum

Why does this game try to make us sympathize with dirty mongols? They enslaved Russia for a thousand years and when the shoe is on the other foot after the war Artyom goes all Tabitha Kunta Kinte slave rescuerer on the pretend Mad Max guys? Fuck the Mongol subhumans.

Based boomers.

She was cute

With all that radiation there is no way Anna or Artyom can produce kids. Especially after the last chapter of Exodus. Dude was elephant foot levels.

She was filthy mongol animal who spoke an equally disgusting subhuman language. Would have turned her ass in in a heartbeat if these dumbasses didn't make Artyom a mute yet again.

The game has always been filled with lots of cinematics. But yeah, the game is at its best when it just lets you play. It certainly doesn't help that most of the cinematics are badly animated or awkward and the voice acting is hot garbage.

Artyom is basically silent unless u count the introduction screens

Just wear a gasmask while fucking, problem solved

it also doesnt help the open world meme people kept pushing was so incredibly false

I bet your ancestors got raped by mongols lmao

Oh, so those chinese looking motherfuckers were mongols. Thought they just were retarded that spouted nonsense. I wanted to turn her in too but the game didn't let me, sadly.

Yes, Guil is a filthy mongol subhuman who probably eats shit stinking beef and drinks mud water.
t. Mongol inbred subhuman

Putin-bot does not like Ukrainian Game industry?

Werent they just kazakhs? Also i hated how that fucking bitch talked, especially in the russian dub.

No I just hate animal mongols like the chinese and this game trying to humanize them is just irritating.

No they're 100% mongol shit stinking beef eaters.

I wish he weren't. His voice acting in the diary entries on load screens is really good and the story would be so much better if he were actually conversing with the other characters.

I never understood why radiation could be blocked with gas masks in this series, or make you choke

This game should have Artyom talking because so many moments being a mute was just so unnecessary. Like meeting the Baron or Anna demanding you to say something in the forest to let everyone know he's alive. I just wanted to fucking strangle him because the silent shit doesn't work anymore.

The air is full of particles and you don't want them in your lungs with their radiation. Nothing to protect little artioms though if he didn't wear lead underwear.

Main radiation intake comes from the microdust in the air
Basically in a place where there's no source of radiation completely blocking yourself from outside world with a hazmat suit and gasmask or shit like that is pretty effective.

based russki

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Agreed. There are so many instances where the other characters are seemingly waiting for a response from him and he says nothing. It makes no sense, you can't write that way with a silent protagonist.

Artyom was sterile in Metro 2035, was it retconned in Metro: Exodus?

Get the bad ending in Metro Exodus.

Glukhovsky is a kike so obviously he had to ruin one of the chapters

So many retarded moments where he needed to talk but couldn't

The books have never been followed that hard. If they were, you would have had Artyom shoveling pig shit for a while. They're more of a guideline for cool shit they can put in.

Katyusha a cute
But Duce a cuter

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I forgot about its existence

Games outside of Steam are invisible

>tfw we'll never get a sequel because it flopped due to Epic

Who the fuck taught this guy how to shape his beret?
He looks like a fucking cook.

Isn't 2035 supposed to be the end, anyway

Fallout. Beta radiation is weak, but it gets everywhere and if enough gets inside you it causes serious damage. Thats why you need a gas mask, to filter out the fallout aka radioactive dust.

I've never read the books, but the game leaves it plenty open to probably one last sequel. Artyom vows to return to Moscow and free everyone in the Metro and lead them to Lake Baikal which was untouched by radiation and bombs But there's no way we get that game now.

>But there's no way we get that game now
How bad is it flopping? I was under the impression it was doing okay


>anna's diary entry has a rabbit with hearts cause of her nickname for artyom in LL


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I've already done the math (mostly to combat the Chinese Epic shills plaguing the board with their lies). The devs bragged about a 50% increase in sales on console over Last Light, but that isn't as impressive as it sounds since Last Light actually only sold 1.5 million copies on console. So, a 50% increase is just 2.25 million sales on console for Exodus. Steam pre-orders before it was removed were somewhere between 50-100K, and some of those probably refunded. It hasn't sold any copies on Epic at all because no one is using it. The game's budget was a lot higher than the previous two games. So yeah, basically, it flopped.

Girls und Panzer

Epic had to have also paid for exclusivity, though, no? I dont know if the promise of a larger cut of sales wouldve been enough to entice them to abandon Steam.

my hero
is it any good tho?

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Epic indeed paid the publisher for exclusivity, but not the devs. The devs won't see any of that money. And the larger cut for sales isn't a benefit to them when they've made no sales at all there. I would be surprised if 4A isn't shut down in a few months for it not selling even though it's seemingly not their fault at all.

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It's great if you like cute girls and tanks

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Can I watch? Can I join in?

I like that Artyom is silent. He seems to be the type that approaches things with an open mind and lets everyone state their case.

the games are separate from the books

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he clearly is talking in story but not in game
it works horribly

Why do they retcon so much stuff? The jammer was a shit concept, I explicitly remember a guy receiving a radio transmission from the nuclear power plant in Polyarnye Zori in last light

Anna is the best waifu

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Anna is written in such a way that I'm pretty sure the writers are virgins who have never met women. As you say, she is like a perfect dream waifu. It's completely unbelievable how she behaves. No woman is capable of such love and devotion and her behavior is the most fantastical element of their fictional world.

This lad needs to get that beret unfucked, what a disgrace. It's like he didn't even shape it.

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Why do people like slabshit so much?
You think if i made a game featuring loads of slav stuff people would buy it?

Game has soul