That feel when you have to sell your soul to the devil to download and play vidya these days

>That feel when you have to sell your soul to the devil to download and play vidya these days

Attached: withdraw.png (1031x594, 193K)

simple, just don' accept, don't buy.
But we all know nobody has ANY self control these days and "lol dude who cares about that"

No judge would accept that as a contract.

Do I even want to know what this is from?

I wish there was a way to get vidya without agreeing to any of these contracts.

Looks like division 2 in the background

I bought the Division 2 and got that, honestly had no idea what the fuck I was reading.

Abusive contracts are illegal in many a part of the EU

>that feel when u realize he won't MAGA

Attached: Blobble Blump.png (672x644, 771K)

This. A "contract" can say that, but the law says otherwise.

What's in the contract. The usual stuff like you won't cheat, redistribute the game, and to always he allowed you location and info?

Once you accept the terms of a contract and have offered consideration (money) you're bound to perform it.

What's the problem here?

That's the thing. There is no mention of this ominous contract before this point.

>lose my right of withdrawal from the contract
this doesnt exist
you can sue them just because they wrote that

Then do it. Make a class action suit and make some money.

Why the fuck would anybody buy this shit? It is straight up telling you not to buy it. Look at the red flag waving in your face. Jesus Christ.

This won't hold up in any court of law.

What does this even mean?

>tfw I just realize MAGA means make america great again

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It means you accept the contract and can't back out. You pay them money, they license you game. The contract is performed, you can't reneg and get your money back.

what contract though?
Since there isnt a contract anywhere on that screen, looks like a great deal
> by downloading this game, I agree to nothing. I accept that the game will be immediately provided to me, and I acknowledge that I will lose nothing
based ubisoft

>mfw finding out wakanda is a real place

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What did you expect?

It shows before any game you install from uplay

Devs should be forced to let consumers know before they buy their products that they have to accept a ridiculous agreement to even play their game.

What pisses me off is when you get banned for doing an exploit in a pve game because it fucks up their online store.

I fucking hate EA for doing this.

100% agree, I was thinking the exact same thing

Yeah suing companies with teams of lawyers is always a good idea and wont cost you an arm and a leg even if you win.
The only one who could possibly do something like that would be a very bored lawyer who could represent himself.

.The only one who could possibly do something like that would be a very bored lawyer who could represent himself.

It would still take a legal team to successfully sue a corporation the size of Ubisoft. They have an entire legal department I'd bet.

>class action lawsuit
spotted the lawyer, nobody wins except the lawyers in class action suites

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the EU in general.

>I'm going to take more hours off my day(s) than 10x copies of the game is worth to get justice against this bullshit contract

Yeah, no.

>division 2

just play the first game already. You get italian accents everywhere, better performance and less bullshit for a much cheaper price.

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>Once you accept the terms of a contract and have offered consideration (money) you're bound to perform it.
>What's the problem here?
because you can be legally illiterate like almost all people, and made to believe that the treatment the contract stipulates is in fact legal when it has no grounds to stand on.

>contact support, asking for a refund
>they refuse based on yadda yadda
>this is in direct violation of EU laws as
>collect your refund
This shit is to discourage people from trying at all, nothing more

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What the fuck is this even saying?

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