What to do, my elf character looks so much better with her tattoos on. But they are slave markings
REMOVE ELF (tatoos)
Remove the Vaseline
>Mfw I 100%ed this game
>"We wanna make realistic characters!"
>They look worse than the average person
I did but then I kinda regretted it. The romance ends basically right after and I felt like I forever ostracized my elf from her clan
But she's so pretty with them
It's really not worth it
The general consensus is that DAI is a really great 40 hour RPG that was stretched and padded into a 100 slog, right?
>Remove muh chains cracka!
>Ok here you go
>Dayum now im not a balla
>looks so much better with her tattoos
No she doesn't, no one does.
The open world exploration is the good part
i stopped when it felt like i was just running around in the wilderness closing those dimensional rift things
you tried, but hot damn inquisition characters literally are impossible to look good in any way or form, customs especially
I like mine
The general consensus is great main quests while everything else is lacklustre.
more or less. I think the open world stuff would've been more tolerable if there were even a couple more big story missions that weren't just pure combat, things like the palace ball, to break it up. the exploration was kind of fun in a few areas but all the combat really started to feel like padding.
What the jesus fuck?
you get a few different dialogue options in the trespasser dlc (which is very good, if you haven't played it) if you romance solas, so it's not entirely a dead end
I wouldn't know, I stopped around 15 hours in due to boredom.
It's funny how people complied that Dragon Age 2 was to small and repetitive when it came to maps, so Bioware went to far in fixing that issues.
It's not bad, he just needed to tone down the lips.
Say that they’re their as a reminder. Nothing more than sentimentality
I don't know, I don't think the big maps weren't the problem. they looked nice for the most part, and some of them could've been fun to explore if the game had let you. it was the repetitive missions and extremely repetitive combat against 2-3 types of enemies which killed them, and those were also problems in da2, just not as glaringly obvious.
I ain't wearing a slave mark.
But that changes it from a slave mark to a mark of empowerment
>Not bad
It looks like a mask that someone doodled facial features on to
It feels like you're playing part of an MMO alone
That's just because of the low graphic settings
It would have been more tolerable if not for the banter bug.
There are "people" on Yea Forums that unironically like the steaming piles of shit that Bioware has been shitting out in the last ten years. This is what this board has come to.
>banter bug
what's this now? let me guess, there was way more chatter that either got cut or fails to fire in-game?
remove game and play DAO.
Fails to fire in-game, it's supposed to set off every 12 minutes or so but there are a lot of factors that causes it to delay or not play at all.
>Same bug across multiple games
classic. found a compilation on youtube and I think I probably got about 30% of it when I played through
DAO and DA2 didn't have banter bugs
Andromeda had it.
They're not thoroughly unenjoyable. They are when you compare them to their previous instalments, but they're ok games. Not great by any means, but ok.
i just take slider presets and skin mods from nexus, ended up using pic related slightly modified.
just takes a lot of effort
Cute elf
the only people who get mad about signs of slavery are those who never were slaves.
> DAI is a really great RPG
no, it is okay-ish, sometimes approaching good, but never for long.
whats there is never even remotely as good as what bioware was famous for, neither mechanically nor narratively.
I liked the game a lot and got platinum
I wanted my elf to look a bit worn down for Blackwall romance.
And which game is this? Because that doesnt look bad at all. I only played origins
>graphics makes you want to play a game
hang yourself
Its great smut and thats about it, if you play them as a tragedy its pretty fucking kino at times
>Hawke watches her family die around her due to her own failures
>Fails to protect Kirkwall and is forced to kill the man she loves
>Watches the world burn around her thanks to events she was involved in
>Dies alone to the Nightmare of the Fade
Inquisition, unmodded.
We didn't see a body, and even then a decapitation has never stopped anyone in a bioware game
this. the fucking state of this board
>I enjoyed DA I!!!
are these people literally third worlders with sub 100 IQ?
Leliana must be an amazing fucking actor if she can pretend to get her head cut off
All part of the game
the Dragon fights were pretty fun imo
they were, in fact the combat was pretty good in general, the problem was that there was so much of it that was meaningless, especially in the wilderness areas.
>want to go from a to b
>have to fight like 6 groups of pointless wild animals or bandits to get there
>every single time