>game contradicts lore for cutscene tier bullshit logic
Game contradicts lore for cutscene tier bullshit logic
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>bidogaem lore
found the problem lol
It's established that she's lying, though.
Isn't it a direct sequel? Like you do your first adventure with the Iron Shortage, and then angry mcwhatshisface kidnaps you? Also lets be honest who the fuck likes Khalid? Or do you mean the fact that they can't resurrect him because his body has been desecrated? Because yes, there are ways to ensure people can never come back in the setting as well.
Why would she be such a cunt?
Khalid unironically deserved better.
And people claim she is the best romance
>there are ways to ensure people can never come back in the setting as well.
Only through trapping their soul, usually.
Otherwise you can bring someone back even from a fucking pouch of ashes provided the spell is strong enough and the person is willing to come back.
there's a lot of bullshit in D&D magic, yeah, I wish games who used it were more free with cutting stuff.
>resurrection, creating food/water, curing disease/poison, etc.
if you want to make a high fantasy paradise where this stuff is common go ahead, but for most games they should just be cut or severely limited
The problem is that you don't belong here, redditor.
Bullshit, companions can perma-die if their health reach negatives.
So she's not lying.
They are limited by the fact 99% of sentient player race creatures in the setting are level 0 commoners, the number of actual level 10+ people is extremely small.
Not to mention the fact the strongest spells are meant to have costly components in gold/materials.
Also, most adventurers die young and poor since adventuring is unironically BG1 tier difficulty, which explains why they are looked in disdain by many and why parents don't want their kids to grow up and become adventurers.
To be fair you could strongly argue Khalid didn't want to come back. The guy was a mess when he was alive, he seemed afraid of everything. He'd probably feel far more at peace embraced by whatever his god is.
Keep in mind that most people don't actually have those spells, thats why clerics and what not rocking up to small villages and towns are seen as a literal god send.
Shouldn't "wish" make this work?
Ressurection and True Ressurrection are enough to deal with bodies with missing limbs or the head itself.
Wish is for trapped souls and what not, situations completely out of the normal like a soul literally sent through a hole in the multiverse, or one imprisioned by a demon lord and so.
Also: Regeneration easily fixes Aerie's wings.
Or she could just cast fucking Fly, which is a 3rd wizard spell.
inb4 'muh radiation' fags who can't explain how literally everything else keeps working except Kat's shields that are based on technology of the same origin as the glassing beam
wishes make me lul
>A wish can lift one creature per caster level from anywhere on any plane and place those creatures anywhere else on any plane regardless of local conditions.
It's not against the lore. If a character get gibbed in the game they cant be ressed.
But there's permadeath in 3.5.
>Only through trapping their soul, usually.
Well, didn't he mingle with 2 Bhaal spawn souls? He probably did something to Khalid, maybe for his golems. Despite that, Jaheira couldn't have done anything for him. There are monsters that delete a member from your party if they get a natural crit to the point that even the portrait is removed.
There is a reason they often don't go as planned if you wish for more than boring default things
Also, why did Irenicus leave with Imoen and the Cowled shitters in the beginning of the game?
Did he just want Charname to grow in power during his search for her?
Can't you read?
I think there's also a religious aspect to it for her. It would be an affront to nature to return him after Irenicus had experimented on his body.
in the book she have affair with the protagonist but it is long time since i read it so i do not remember the detail
>the book
kinda funny that her romance start like 5 minutes after this
Either this, or maybe, just maybe... she doesn't actually know how everything works
fuck off yes it was bad ...
Which is why even sloppy drider cum ridden drowess vagina is better than this.
well if one of your party member receive a godawful crit, i do recall he blow up in numerous pieces to the point you can't even ressurect him at all
>yfw portraits aren't based on cropped porn anymore
Meanwhile in Arcanum resurrecting one of your party members is a key event in their quest. I don't understand why people act like this trash is some sort of an RPG masterpiece.
Ok but then why can I not bring back the fake gnome at the start of Aracanum as a ghost and have him actually answer questions instead of his generic lines. When it's shown there ARE ghosts you can summon who'll answer you questions?
Resurrection doesn't cure mental trauma
Did Shar conspire to have Viconia meet Charname in Athkatla?
Considering he saves her life twice.
No, but Heal can cure even insanity, and there are spells that subject you literally to the ecstasy of living in the Upper Planes.
>viconia went from bratty looking teenager to absolute hottie
i wonder what happened in between games but i don't mind that change
You've never played above the default difficulty and got chunked did you?
Chunked means nothing. Per lore, even a 100 year old body who's just ashes, and just having merely a pouch of some of those ashes is enough to revive creatures through the strongest revival spells.
>who the fuck likes Khalid?
he's a better party member than jaheria
I always kicked her out then killed her to keep khalid
she's even worse in 2 just due to how much more annoying she got
What even is the purpose to make annoying characters? I mean really. Who likes them? Is it unintentional?
>companions who disagree with me are annoying
What is annoying to you might be quirky to others. Some people like Sera ffs.
Beamdog is a guilty of a number of different crimes. Here are the major ones:
1. The Enhanced Editions are essentially a collection of free mods that had existed for nearly twenty years. Beamdog gathered them all up, slapped "Enhanced Edition" on it and resold it as a new product. There's very very little in the Enhanced Editions that wasn't already out there, and most of it is stuff you don't want (like obnoxious character outlines).
2. The games didn't sell so well and the originals were still far outselling them, even twenty years after their release, so Beamdog had EVERY digital distributor stop selling the originals and ONLY sell the Enhanced Edition. If you want to buy a digital copy of the originals now, they're "bundled" into the Enhanced Edition. Now these scumbags can claim sales from people just wanting to buy the originals as their own.
3. The infamous 600+ bugs on launch. The game is still riddled with bugs (as even a perfunctory glance over their forums show) but the fact that it took nearly two years for them to get a game that had been working fine for 20 years to reach playability after launch is telling of their wild incompetence.
4. This is where we get to the ones that really piss people off. Beamdog couldn't just remaster the game, they had to fuck with the content too. New dialogue for existing NPCs like Jaheira, Viconia, Safana, Kivan, et cetera was written in to make the characters more progressive and leftist friendly. Beamdog shills will argue that "adding content isn't changing content XDDD" but it is when the new content changes the core personalities of the existing characters. This is in addition to adding a slew of their own LGBT (hitherto there were none in Baldur's Gate) NPCs, all flooded with OP attributes and magic items to encourage people to play them despite their cancer.
5. Siege of motherfucking Dragonspear.
>What even is the purpose to make annoying characters?
it's bioware's specialty
full party creation>npcs who follow you on a quest for no reason of their own
based beamdog poster
Explain. It sounds like something repressed people say to justify being gaslighted.
How about you google the word and save us both time? I dont really see what is there to explain. I dont lug around Jaheira anyway. Id rather suffer Aerie being annoying. At least I can knock her up.
>missing out on part interactions
>There's magic to change your sex
>Some NPC still feels the need to be transgender
Didn't they also delete all trace of Black Isle in the credits too? Why couldn't they just release their own franchise?
There exists surgery IRL yet people are still transgender.
the party interactions are dogshit for the most part
.. and doing HRT + surgery. The point is that magic can actually make you fully the other sex. Gouging a hole where your dick used to be aint the same thing.
Some people identify as genders that would require magic to transform into. Or quantum physics perhaps?
But in 2 she actually gets better, the non-romance dynamic improves a lot and she starts actually respecting your leadership and decision-making.
Only if you have dogshit companions like Aerie.
You literally get a cursed belt in BG1 that changes your gender why would you ever be a tranny instead of just actually fucking completely changing your gender?
Because friction makes for the best kind of party banter. I always keep Korgan, Viconia and sometimes Edwin even if I'm running a good mc. There's just way less fun by having a party of yes-men.
>khalid’s strength stat is 15
yikes. Pathetic for a fighter
Not worth keeping in your party, I used to kill him in every play through to keep Jaheira
>why would you ever be a tranny instead of just actually fucking completely changing your gender?
>through the strongest revival spells.
yeah because those just grow on trees
There is no way your party had access to that spell at that point in the game.
>not playing solo
>not playing Zerkmage
It's entirely possible to have characters you or your companions disagree with without them being annoying.
How interesting is a tranny in a fantasy world thought? Especially since they wont have modern western sensibility.
Not sure if you understand the difference.
A transgender person is one that feels trapped in the body that doesn't correspond. So they either just act like the sex they feel they actually are (pre-op) or just butcher their genitals to resemble the sex they want to be (post-op, many don't dare to go that far).
If you could literally just change sex, with magic, why would you still be transgender? You're not trapped anywhere anymore.
They actually CAN perma-die in game if their health becomes way too low, though
Anyone has a link to the full picture of Zdeňka Podkapová that they used? I can't find it.
>implying that doesn't make the game easier and is impressive in any way
of all the things to knit-pick resurrection-wise in Baldur's gate, it's Viconia, an epic level cleric, dying to poison in her epilogue lol
>A transgender person is one that feels trapped in the body that doesn't correspond.
This always sounded like utter bullshit to me. More like they have nothing interesting about them and dont have the mental fortitude to deal with it.
I think people overstate how annoying Jaheira really is, only in the 1st game her reputation is earned. The voicelines for clicking on her and not sticking to a moral compass are annoying, but in 2 she improves a lot more after going through her personal quest.
Fascinating. Post a picture of your psychology degree please.
Sorry tranny, I dont need one to laugh at you.
>high fantasy paradise where this stuff is common
That's literally how magic worked under ancient Netheril in the settings.
Then the god of magic of that time did an hero when an archmage managed to mind-control it.
Then his successor decided that every spells should be super hard to cast, and very high spells would simply return a 404.
But when magic wasn't managed by a no-fun-allowed god, even the lowest, dumbest farmer could spam minor spells to help with his everyday life.
>know nothing about lore
>still talk out of your ass about
1. In old FR-Fluff it is well established that if you desecrate a body badly enough nothing short of a wish can bring the person back which one more reason as to why undead or raising undead is a big no-no.
2. The longer person is dead the harder it is to bring her back, even with a wish because a Soul loses its attachment to the mortal world it might as well happen that once you found someone who is powerful enough to cast a Wish/True Resurrection spell for you and actually have the money for the spell components your loved one tells you "Nah, Im happy in paradise I dont want to go back".
3. Jaheira due to being a druid is connected to the spiritual either way. In her romance she dreams about Khalid telling her to move on, which might actually have happened.
4. OP is humongous faggot and needs to stop talking out of his about FR before I BTFO him even harder.
>go back to being Jaheira's bitch
>or stay in Neutral Good afterlife
Yeah, no.
Elf puberty?
How old is she, canonically?
>Also lets be honest who the fuck likes Khalid?
Why do I have to share a board with people like you
You forget that the dead person needs to WANT to come back.
Would you wnat to come back to that bitchcunt?
based and redpilled
& redpilled
>of all the things to knit-pick resurrection-wise in Baldur's gate, it's Viconia, an epic level cleric, dying to poison in her epilogue lol
Also well established in the Realms. There a few powerful beings that concoct poisons/curses that cant be simply cured/dispelled without the caster himself undoing it or a more powerful Deity protecting you.
Usually this has to do with Deity-Fuckery and Lolth wanting you dead is peak Deity-Fuckery.
More like biased. He tried that same shit on /vr/ and got banned for it.
>well established
Post some proof, then. What are the rules for it?
thanks for confirming that you are that one cancerous faggot on /vr/ who thinks posters should be banned for the Beamdog-Pasta.
Sure looks like you got BTFO so hard by the poll on /vr/ disagreeing with your SJW trannyfaggot-ass that you came back to Yea Forums.
Prove that you know anything about FR first.
Prove that you know the difference between fluff and crunch.
Prove that you are not arguing in bad faith.
This comes so out of nowhere
like at no point do we get the notion that she's on the run from lolth or something, why would lolth care about a random drow chick
specially in the realms where drizzt is a much bigger affront to her
I know that SoD change a lot of the pre-existing characters within the "expansion", but how were the pre-existing characters edited to conform to Beamdog's politics within the original game?
Ressurection and True Ressurrection spell descriptions in official AD&D sources literally allow Khalid to be revived.
You literally can buy a Rod of Ress by doing 2-3 quests out of the starter rapedungeon.
Stop talking out of your ass.
Yeah, you got me. I don't know shit about FR, or tabletop RPGs in general. I only asked you to post the rules because I expected that you wouldn't be able to, on account of there aren't any, on account of you're talking out your ass.
Nothing wrong with that. he worst offense of BG2 is forcing a canon BG1 party on you.
>through the strongest revival spells
Yes because a level 7 or so adventurer is going to have easy access to those spells.
Actually, Jaheira gets pissy if you DON'T make any deals with demons. She's True Neutral, and although she'll never leave the party over it, she starts bitching about how your good actions are going against the Cosmic Balance or some shit after you reach sufficiently high reputation.
Gotta balance that selfless heroism by murdering some innocents every now and then, or you endanger the status quo.
>Not worth keeping in your party, I used to kill him in every play through to keep Jaheira
>missing out on Khalid and Jaheira's adorable banter
By Throne of Bhaal you're level 20, though, and you still can't resurrect Khalid.
Or even just cast Speak With Dead to ask him how he's doing.
and yet there are about 100k clerics, druids, and rangers wandering around the world so that the enemy groups you fight can have healers? I agree that's how it should work in reality but it just doesn't hold up in a game
kek faggot
>Raise Dead: The Cleric simply points his finger, utters the incantation, and thedead person is raised. This spell works with men, elves, and dwarves only. For eachlevel the Cleric has progressed beyond the 8th, the time limit for resurrection ex-tends another four days. Thus, an 8th level Cleric can raise a body dead up tofour days, a 9th level Cleric can raise a body dead up to eight days, and so on.Naturally, if the character's Constitution was weak, the spell will not bring himback to life. In any event raised characters must spend two game weeks time re-cuperating from the ordeal.
Original D&D, Men & Magic,Vol.3, 1974
AD&D 2e
>This spell restores life to a dead creature (such as a dwarf, half-elf, halfling, or human...or other creatures, at the DM's option) who has not been dead for more than one day per caster level, as long as there is a relatively intact body to hold the creature. The caster points at the body and utters the words of power, and the soul is returned to it. To survive the ordeal, the raised character must make a successful resurrection survival check, and if they survive, they lose 1 point of Constitution. They are raised at 1 hit point, and must regain the rest through healing. The person so raised is weak and helpless, requiring bed rest for one day for each day they spent dead.
>as long as there is a relatively intact body to hold the creature
Get fucked, sperg.
"Unfortunately, they do not make artificial situational awareness"
Quote from the robot arm accessory. Kat's shields were fully functional, she was just too caught up in her first Glassing to turn them on. The team's intelligence expert got dumbstruck and the Field Marshall got lucky, that's the tragedy of it. Like Jorge, her death was completely pointless and could have been avoided.
The game(s) do cop out though since having reputation 20 will only make your neutral characters whine while having reputation 1 or 2 will make them leave the party. IIRC
>This spell works with men, elves, and dwarves only.
Fucking racist magic.
reminder to play Imoen Romance mod
Read the whole reply chain, you double svirfneblin. We were talking about Viconia dying of poison in the epilogue.
>This comes so out of nowhere
She literally had prophetic dreams about Lolth wanting to hunt her down.
Lolth who is also known as extremely petty goddess who is known lent her power for the sake of showing off HOW petty she is.
At some point she literally sends a fucking demon to fuck you up while you are resting.
How dense are you?
You can bring someone back from nothing if you use wish first.
I had Khalid last time I played. He won't panic as much if your party leader has high charisma.
Except by ToB you can cast easily cast Wish and True Ress
>True Ressurection:
The priest is able to restore life and complete strength to any living creature, including
elves, by bestowing the resurrection spell. The creature can have been dead up to 10
years per level of the priest casting the spell. Thus, a 19th-level priest can resurrect the
bones of a creature dead up to 190 years. The creature, upon surviving a resurrection
survival check, is immediately restored to full hit points and can perform strenuous
activity. The spell cannot bring back a creature that has reached its allotted life span (i.e.,
died of natural causes). Casting this spell makes it impossible for the priest to cast further
spells or engage in combat until he has had one day of bed rest for each experience level
or Hit Die of the creature brought back to life. The caster ages three years upon casting
this spell.
The reverse, destruction, causes the victim of the spell to be instantly dead and turned
to dust. A wish spell or equivalent is required for recovery. Destruction requires a touch,
either in combat or otherwise, and does not age the caster. In addition, the victim is
allowed a saving throw (with a -4 penalty). If the save is successful, the victim receives
8d6 points of damage instead.
The material components of the spell are the priest's religious symbol and holy water
(unholy water for the reverse spell). The DM may reduce the chances of successful
resurrection if little of the creature's remains are available.
>Ressurection and True Ressurrection spell descriptions in official AD&D sources literally allow Khalid to be revived.
We know there are bunch of spells like DESTRUCTION for example or rituals that can desecrate corpses or whole areas that wont allow Resurrection to work.
Get your facts straight you autistic faggot.
She says in the OP's image that Khalid's body has been desecrated and is beyond resurrection, so she is literally describing the rules you just posted you fucking sperg.
There are still high level spells that could work as others have mentioned in this thread though.
about to do sarevok
twatch / davaeorn
>any living creature
> including elves
Das racis
Why do they feel the need to explain that elves are a living creature?
>True Ressurection
Thats how sloppy you are, you Wikipediafaggot. True Resurrection didnt exit in AD&D.
>Literally says in the text that there are exceptions when ressurection doesnt work
And you managed to prove yourself wrong by the way.
Normal resurrection don't work on elves but True Resurrection does as stated
Are you too dumb to read or have you just gotten confused as to who you arguing with?
I said that only a Wish-Spell could raise Khalid and even then only if he actually wishes to come back.
We know from brain scans and evaluations/measurement of their neurochemistry that trannies do experience dysphoria and its effects. It's a well-documented disorder. You can say that trannies are generally insufferable (something that I would agree with), but the disorder they're afflicted with isn't "utter bullshit."
Couln't a wish pretty much force him to come back
He could be Reincarnated if they were quick enough. Though a week probably has passed, it would be fun to have Badger-Khalid literally being badgered by Jaheira.
If the some of the FR-Novels are any indicators the answer is no.
Cosmology of the Planes/Planescape kinda implied that you can only bring back creatures whose souls are still Petitioners aka have not been claimed by god, sent to hell or stuck into the Wall of the Faithless.
>Also: Regeneration easily fixes Aerie's wings.
>if the character's constitution was weak
>viconia has shit-tier constitution
It all fits
being ignorant doesn't make you cool, user.
Again, there a certain things that can prevent any sort of resurrection short of a wish or miracle-spell.
Like desecrated or unholy ground which autofails raise dead and prevents resurrection. You can also do the same with a body if you dissolve it acid or inscribe it with profane, unholy symbols or sacrifice someone to a demon.
its not contradicting lore
most resurrection spells dont work if someone has been dead for more than 3 days. exception is Wish but theres no way you have Wish at that point in the game without cheating.
>most resurrection spells dont work if someone has been dead for more than 3 days.
Read the thread retard.
All it states is that in her case she needs to roll system shock which is easy enough by just quaffing a pot of fortitude.
By the time she could cast it herself she's strong enough to easily survive it, so yeah.
Her CON is shit, dumbo, and all she knows is that some people die during the process of the spell. Since she's pretty frail, it wouldn't be worth the risk.
How about you read it instead?
Because he is absolutely right.
>potion of fortitude gives you 18 CON
they needed to kill off noble team and ran out of levels to do it, honestly pretty much every noble death was fucking stupid anyway, except maybe Emile's despite y'know being attacked from behind despite having a motion tracker and being the CQC specialist and such
Still have a chance to fail. Obviously the stories of the strong buff hero suddenly dying due to a botched Regenerate are going to be the most infamous.
Ehhh. She whines about her wings so much for such a long time you'd think she wouldn't mind taking that risk.
You're missing the point of her character arc.
>When the priest casts a raise dead spell, he can restore life to a dwarf, gnome, half-elf,
halfling, or human (other creatures may be allowed, at the DM's option). The length of
time that the person has been dead is of importance, as the priest can raise persons dead
only up to a limit of one day for each experience level of the priest (i.e., a 9th-level priest
can raise a person who has been dead for up to nine days).
Note that the body of the person must be whole, or otherwise missing parts are still
missing when the person is brought back to life. Likewise, other ills, such as poison and
disease, are not negated. The raised person must roll a successful resurrection survival
check to survive the ordeal (see Table 3: Constitution) and loses 1 point of Constitution.
Further, the raised person is weak and helpless, needing a minimum of one full day of
rest in bed for each day or fraction he was dead. The person has 1 hit point when raised
and must regain the rest by natural healing or curative magic.
A character's starting Constitution is an absolute limit to the number of times he can be
revived by this means.
The somatic component of the spell is a pointed finger.
The reverse of the spell, slay living, grants the victim a saving throw vs. death magic.
If the saving throw is successful, the victim sustains damage equal to that of a cause
serious wounds spell--i.e., 2d8+1 points. Failure means the victim dies instantly.
The very first revival spell already has a minimum 9 days limit.
18-24 CON means 99% chance of passing a system shock check.
Considering how much she misses her wings...
She wouldn't anymore at the end at her arc, sure, but in the beginning? Most of her dialogue is about muh wings muh avariel
She's not aware that she would have a 99% chance of succeeding, and her real chances would only be around 65%. All she does know is that people can die when the spell is cast.
No, not even then. It's the same reason why she doesn't kill herself when prompted. She values her life more than her wings and has trouble moving on.
Unless I misremember, Reincarnate sidesteps most every defilement but still requires a (relatively warm) body. So Destruction or otherwise pulverizing the body would prevent it. You could argue that RAW states it must be a whole body, since it states "corpse". Though a headless corpse is still a corpse.
It's not like it fucks with the rules since it's pretty much playing roulette for the chance that you might bring someone back at only half (or less) their levels.
BG wasn't 3.5
Save me, dear sir. Please, save me.
BG1 is considered difficult now?
>it's ok to have sex with teenagers
videogames will never be able to do tabletop justice
temple of elemental evil got the rules down, but it's not exactly great
do yourself a favour and find a group of people to play this shit with irl
I think he means that one unlucky hit will get you killed or even chunked very early on, which is what would probably happen to most adventurers.
At least the rules can be done right with the added convencience of not having to roll one trillion dice whenever you want to have more than 2 encounters/day with more than 4 foes yourself
>built to fuck, literally
>there is something wrong with doing just that
kys so yim
You can easily take shortcuts when it comes to rolling dice. Like instead of rolling damage in that .webm for each individual creature you could have the spell caster roll once at the start and apply that damage to everything.
>all she knows is that some people die during the process of the spell
>she doesn't know how her own spells work
Also, couldn't the rest of the party just resurrect her for another try? It's just a normal system shock this time. Her body's right there, and hasn't been desecrated.
Half the fun in tossing around fireballs and shit is getting to roll half your dice bag at once.
I hope you're not entertaining impure thoughts about my waifu.
>and hasn't been desecrated.
*unzips pants*
System shock is more of a biological response to a specific type of stimuli. You'd have to have a very relaxed or dumb DM to allow characters to know the exact numerical mechanics behind their actions.
Well I think she takes the harper business a bit too seriously, but youre right
You wouldn't let them know the exact percentages, however, even at 8 CON it's already 60%.
It stands to reason a pot of fortitude would be know to give you the literal fortitude of a heroic barbarian, and that regeneration carried extremely minor chances of doing you harm if you had that.
Not to mention Aerie can even literally draw upon the might and constitution of her god for both flavor and mechanical benefits before she casts it
How do they even know? Did the previous owner brand the item with his name and face beside it so others will know it's his property?
>Obviously the stories of the strong buff hero suddenly dying due to a botched Regenerate are going to be the most infamous.
Already addressed the barbarian thing. All it'd take is one story about a near legendary hero losing a finger and dying from the subsequent Regeneration spell to put enough doubt into someone that isn't ready to risk their life.
RPG merchants just know somehow.
Maybe it's magic? There are identification spells, after all.
I've had a runthrough where Imoen got crit and exploded in gore. Her portrait was completely removed instead of becoming greyed out. Couldn't revive her at the temple either.
I guess that's what she meant by desecrated.
Was my favorite play through too.
Who else steals everything from poor athkatlan jew merchants as soon as you start here?
I can't resist it.
Feels great not being Lawful Good desu.
show me a playthrough on core rules where nobody dies and no quick loads are used
just one, pussy
>Khajiit selling apples
>Khajiit selling anything
>not trying to fence goods
Don't need an identification spell for that shit.
>Drizzt in bg2
You mean you didn't make sure his body exploded into chunks??
>nothing personnel, kid
>not literally getting killed and reincarnated again and again until becoming OP race
>not literally getting killed and reincarnated again and again until becoming slut race
Couldn't she, like, pray to her gnomish raccoon god and ASK what the magic powers do?
Like, that furry fuck literally lets her perform miracles in his name, and you're telling me he can't be arsed to answer a simple prayer about what those miracles are?
That's not even all of them.
I have NO idea what would happen if you picked 17.
She knows how the spells work bro. It's her body's response that might kill her.
Explain please. I'm a lorelet when it comes to Fallout.
T-51b is the most advanced Pre-War model of power armor and is featured in Fallout 1,2,3, NV, and 4.
T-60 makes its first appearance in Fallout 4 and is stated to be created Pre-War, is widely common, and is vastly superior to the T-51b
Thanks senpai.
that's a valid point but couldn't care less about khalid
>See that hamster on the big guy's shoulder over there?
Seems like he feels in charge.
He was just frozen, it's not like his eyes ever had the need to adjust or lose acquire light sensivity in the first place, though it might also beg the question why he recoiled at the surface light like that in the first place from just being in the vault for 20 mins.
>angry mcwhatshisface
His name is Potato Jon Bitch.
>"Khalid is dead"
>Khalid means immortal in Arabic
the irony...