>"Double kill"
>"Triple kill!"
>"Running riot!"
"Double kill"
Other urls found in this thread:
based and beyond redpilled
we're coming home guys
I've never played online multiplayer Halo, only singleplayer and split screen campaign+multiplayer.
Monster kill
>they fucking changed the voice in Halo 4 and 5
That was the first sign
>Halo 1-3: ssslayer...
Thanks I never would have guessed...
Halo 2 announcer was the best
Worse, they changed it to Sarah Palmer of all fucking people. FUCK Halo 4 and 5
>343 finally learned they dont need to change everything about the game in order to make it "theirs"
>classic halo is back
>"Double kill"
>"Triple kill!"
The excitement in his voice when you got a Killionaire was great.
>Halo Infinite opens with Master Chief shooting Palmer in the head for the bullshit she did to Halsey. No words, no lines, just boom out of the story for good, never seen again.
Would be GOTY just simply from this
What were they thinking adding this in Halo 4
what the fuck
its detonated user
>screeen fades to blac-
>FUCKING NIGGER JAKE presses X and cancels the countdown
*reports Xbox live account*
>kill teammate for his sniper rifle
>20 seconds later
>xbox waterdrop soundeffect
>1 new message
its flag taken you absolute mongoloid
>host loads up fat kid
>1st round
>get killed for my weapon
>"Press X to kick"
>press X
>disrupt you for the reminder of the game for betraying me
>boot you if you get mad and betray me again
>dont even gloat
Was it worth it?
Turbo Killer
Gamerscore 16023
Zone Pro
>you just fucked up faggot i'm going to hack your account, say bye bye
>wait until my teammate gets shot by an enemy
>kill him
>kill counts for enemy
>get sniper
>someone betrays me once on purpose
>go full autismo and spend the next 10 minutes constantly peppering them with a plasma pistol or ar
I cant wait for all the cool obstacle courses in the sky and fun crap like Hurricane Katrina
>forgeworld garbage
wowowwoww spoiler that shit you fucking retard
i'm not coming home until I know for sure I can avoid the cage for the rest of my life
>teammate kills me for sniper
>no option to kick
>revenge kill him
>immediately kicked
Oh fuck I'm nostalgic for halo
How fucking old am I what the fuck I want to play halo again fuck
I have no idea how that shitty kick system worked. I've had teammates kill me 3+ times in a row with no option to kick, other times it's on the first TK, other times I kill them once and I get kicked. Seems completely arbitrary
>tfw killionaire with the scorpion on blood gulch on reach
oh shit i just looked myself up on the old bungie website.
damn i was trash lol.
You'll never be able to choose maps loser. Just deselect the game.
Why didnt more games rip off have Quake and UT style announcers?
losers play on forgeworld
winners do a 360 and walk away
MCC has been in working condition for a long ass while, and back compat bolstered Reach's numbers as well. All these people are suddenly pining to play Halo when they could have easily for years.
>Last Man Standing!
Those were the days. The kid would think he was roasting you and it just added to the lulz.
Sometimes they even got creative.
Same, my halo 3 stats were trash. Did ok in reach though
where can you find halo 2 stats?
rate me
bonus points for not using the scratched visor helmet
>Subject: wheelchair balls
Fuck man
solid 7/10
Rate me user
It's coming home bro... it's coming home
>Puke colour
>Head looks tiny in comparison to that bulky torso/shoulders
Best helmet, good color, dogshit shoulders. 6/10
Thanks for creating this thread guys, I had so many good memories from playing Halo.
>tfw I still have Reach and replayed the campaign for the hundredth time
The server is full of Mexicans for some fucking reason.
>drive teammate to get flag
>we drive back
>betray him and take the flag right before he gets it to the point
>game ends
what the fuck was his problem?
Can still hear this shit
couldnt find a full pic and didnt play anything after 3
he just listened through rock and metal and time
>Hell's Janitor
post em
I'm still mad they made killtacular not come after triple kill
>can't choose maps
uh yes you can
god I was so fucking good at halo, like 20+ kills in every team deathmatch. can't wait
What made Reach so polarizing?
armor abilities
people that read the book didn't like the story
When's this available? Is it for w10 only??????? Fuckk
It's on steam my dude
>1650 online games in halo 2
>at 10 minutes per game that's 275 hours
that's not even counting campaign and lan parties
good times
I still can't believe it. We're finally going home bros
God this is so based
Blooms being removed, what kind of armor abilities?
Didnt the earlier Halos have powerups but on the map?
Get hate mail, and immediately report them for cursing. Get a message from Xbox Live saying “thanks for making Xbox Live safer.”
anyone else rock the ODST set?
you're a bro if you did
>Melee weapon of choice
>Retcons out the ass
>Weak characters
>Dull art style/colour pallette
>Casualised multiplayer that killed the hardcore scene
>Armour abilities that broke the game like Armour Lock and Jetpack
>Inferior ranking system
>Forgettable soundtrack
>Maps ranging from 'meh' to 'shit'
Shitters would rage at armor lock denying them a kill for like second and a half longer.
some of us didnt queue into swat all day
Holy fuck your zoomer is showing
>Its true
Why was bloom such a problem? It’s in like 90% of games nowadays, though I guess you can disable it on PC
Maybe I just don’t remember it being so bad
>New Zombie
>New Zombie
>New Zombie
>Round... Over
>Teammate kills me for sniper rifle
>Keep busting his shields with melee
>He gets headshot by a DMR
>Take sniper back
True. Ill probably still eat it up anyway, I want the full collection.
Halo 3 at least had like insivisbility and over shield on maps. Which was nowhere bad.
I switched the PS3 around 2010 so I never played anything past 3. Not that I wanted to.
>tfw got a "ROAD TRIP!" for the first time and was so shocked by the announcers enthusiasm
>Forgettable soundtrack
fuck off reach had one of the best soundtracks
armor abilities you got to start with and power ups were like power weapons you had to go get.
people said aa's like sprint affected the general speed and design of the game because it had to be accommodated for.
I never delved too much into the arguments but that's the gist I have of it.
Halo isn't built around Bloom. Bloom exists to balance Aim Down Sights systems. Halo is built more like an arena shooter but with slightly slowed down gameplay, so holding fire consistently while moving is more important than sprint > ADS > pop n shoot gameplay.
Adding bloom and a focus on scoped/ADS weapons effectively undid the entire balance of the game by making mobility less important during combat.
I did Team Slayer, Lone Wolves and Social Big Team most of the time. Swat was for tryhard faggots
That’s spread, who the fuck calls it bloom
>only 275 hours
absolute casual
>some enemy being a retard
>light him up without taking any damage
>they armorlock for 5 seconds giving a chance for their teammate to stop drooling and notice the fight
>kill them and start shooting the second person
>they armorlock
>repeat forever
Why don't you instead explain why armor lock was a good thing? Or how about interesting? Fun?
>Valhalla CTF starts
>go through mancannon
>get Spartan laser
>blow up the banshee flying full speed at me
>the hood of the banshee flies across the map and kills a guest on my team
>kicked from the game
>be warthog driver
>make a daring run to the enemy base
>drop off my bros right outside the entrance
>zoom around dodging grenades, sniper shots, and enemy vehicles
>pick up my teammate when he gets the flag
>make a mad dash back to base
>flag captured
Or the alternative which I did much more often:
>load up a full warthog
>immediately drive into water and kill everyone
It was fun as fuck when some faggot tried to run you over with his ghost and you armor locked right before the impact, making him explode instead.
Spread is randomization in where the bullets land within the aim reticle
Bloom is changes in reticle size in response to firing
Halo had Spread on weapons like the BR and Plasma rifle even in Halo 1.
>Playing team slayer
>Our teammates disconnect, so it's only me and some other guy
>Without any voice communication, we proceed to operate the shit out the fully stacked enemy team, and beat them
One of my most vivid multiplayer memories. Truly the greatest feeling.
>instead of having to dodge vehicles you just press the X to Win button
>vehicles almost useless on most maps as a result
Yeah great fucking game design right there.
i'm on the same boat
even tough i probably played 4 people split screen more than a lot of people played online
i can't wait to experience what has been denied from me all these years.
i get to play the game i'm most nostalgic about but at the same time experience it for the first time.
i feel blessed
i'm coming home guys
>most halo players were/are console kiddies
Give me 2 (two) reasons to take you and your beloved game seriously.
>Give me 2 (two) reasons to take you and your beloved game seriously
it's fun
>game only released on console has audience largely devoted to playing on console
Are you actually so fucking stupid that this only just occurred to you?
Halo CE and Halo 2 were on PC. Retard.
I want shitters like you to stay as far away from my game as possible
I'll be your friend.
I like you :)
most of the people that owned a 360 now own either a pc or a ps4 that's the point
Wut, it's same dude in H5 he's just getting older.
99% of this thread is about Halo 3, turbospergs
>used to aggressively mic spam and shoot the shit with other players to coordinate teamwork
>now too shy to get on mic, no one else is on voice chat or is in a party chat so they wont hear me
what happened?
All the kids moved to Forkknife. I still experience mic chat depending on the game.
it's not a cinematic experience
Discord, party chat, etc.
>Look up my old Halo 3 stats on Bungie
>Last online 10/18/2010
>get killed for weapon
>follow him
>pop his shields with br and melee without killing him
>teabag his corpse when he goes down
>get shot myself while teabagging
>repeat entire match
an angry gravemind was the most intimidating villain in vidya i think ive ever seen. shame that didnt have some kind of boss fight payoff.
halo pc had a lite 15mb or 90mb version. was so cash.
>some of the people on Yea Forums in 2019 were 8-12 years old when halo came out
>surprised that halo players are literal console kids
yeah, I spent a lot of my middle/highschool playing halo on xbox, so what
it's fun
I wish they had done more cool shit with Gravemind, I want him to progressively take over Halo's systems and eventually corrupt Guilty Spark's AI. Imagine Flood infested Sentinels.
What's Halo online like? High skill ceiling? Fast paced? What's the learning curve like?
Go check your buddies profile
>last online 04/22/2008
>not l-l-l-ludicrous kill
>holy shiiiit
i pity nu-gaymurrs
How many people in this image do you think are still alive?
The best FPS game ever made by man was a console exclusive. No other FPS comes close to what this game gave the player out of the box.
Were going home bros
God that looks like laugh out loud fun
95% unless this is some tranny group
Don't. Nobody fucking needs you.
i miss long nights of standoff btb with my frens. they all have mcc on xb1 too but they won't play anymore.
MW2 did it better
>When my friends moved on to CoD4 and Bad Company because they were more "mature games"
I'd still kick their asses at LAN parties
My favorite medal ever was getting the perfections in halo reach. Match ends and you hear that "PER FECTIONNN" god I can't wait.
Absolutely not.
>everyone keeps delaying
>everyone agrees enough is enough
>screen fades to black
>screen slowly fades back in
>host can't kick because the black screen blocked my name out
It's actually flag stolen my friend.
Literally my best memories. Fuck playing this game, messing with my friends was the fun.
Hell yeah my nigga. Feet first into hell.
12 year old me was shit at the game and also didn't have very good fashion sense
R8 me
>i was playing against 12 year olds
Fuck me, I was 21
>bad helmet
>robo arm
What website are you guys using to find these?
Imagine falling for the BATTLEFIELD IS FOR MEN meme
Shittiest shoulderpads in the game but i appreciate the golden look with eva helmet. Blue visor doesn't fit it
>Find a Warthog
>drive around my teammates honking
>random homie jumps in
>we just cruise around while he's on the minigun spraying niggas
There's been nothing that fulfilled my sense of community ever since
This is pretty basic bitch ass shit isn't it? This was my Reach character from fucking 9 years ago
battlefield has been overun with tea bagging cod kiddies since bf3
Unironicly COD>BF.
good taste for picking Gungnir
>teammate betrays me for the sniper
>everytime he tries to shoot someone I shoot him in the back
> he dies
>i pick snipe back up
>tries to betray again
>dome him with the sniper
Nothing personal kid
sound like a faggot please don't invade my kino game fagboy
Gonna be honest, Halo is going to look really awkward at first with the FoV settings. Its for the better, sure, but seeing tiny arms on your spartan while he's holding his gun WAY in front of him is going to look silly.
>halo reach stats were last update 7 years ago
Flag taken, flag dropped, flag taken..
Yo Coaxe, whats Killtacular mean?
God damn, am I excited for Reach.
>360 implies you look behind and forward again
so winners play on forgeworld?
I was going to make a joke about the sure to be coming Halo Reach "ODST Battle Royale" custom games, but that actually sounds fun as fuck. Would you guys play that?
>Those colors
>Mismatched shoulder pads
Based user
I cant wait to flag run again
How many people actually hit Inheritor?
>charge Spartan Laser
>joseramirez2002 and his two guests suddenly drive in front of my shot
>kill them all on accident
>not powerhouse
>400 a week
There was supposed to be one in the level Cortana, but it got cut for time.
>pretend to be afk
>kill someone once they grow the nuts to come close
Shit, that sounds pretty fun. If you made a game mode with random spawns, random weapon and vehicles spawns, and no respawns it would be fun as fuck. No need for a gay ass ring because its only like 20 players tops.
>that one friend who used the female Spartan model in reach
>pick up sniper first in Reach's Blood Gulch
>consistently get kills every 15 seconds until some spaz tries to kill me for it
>dodge his melees while zooming in and getting a shot in in between
>when the enemy vehicles would come around our base they focused on him
based enemy team
Were Elites only in Halo 2 multiplayer? I think they had a bigger head hitbox than Spartans and thus were usually easier to kill?
I don't remember if you can make random weapon and vehicle spawns. A possible idea is to send them in with launchers, and possibly get a random trajectory.
For spawns that's easy, you just need way more max spawns than players. Team spawns can also work. I remember an old trick where you could sort of get the simulation of ODST drop pods by putting two of the small, human height metal barriers (the ones with the little square hole at eye level to shoot out of) facing each other, with a spawn on the inside. When the match starts the player will fall with the barriers while inside of it. It's pretty neat.
I think I also remember a trick to make people not spawn with guns. If not, they can spawn with pistols.
Halo 3 too, and Reach but only in Invasion/custom games
they were in 3 multiplayer too.
Home at last.
Ah. I'm hoping they're going to be back for the MCC PC multiplayer but if not I can deal with it.
Who here not a auto rifle noob and over 2.5kd
They are, it's the exact same games man
What is the best CTF stage and why is it Hang Em high?
That's not Blood Gulch.
Infinity would be fucking cash with huge flag runs in warthogs, can't ever recall playing ctf on it though
Name a comfier map, I'll wait.
I never played halo 3 online because my parents refused to pay for online multiplayer. As a teenager I could never find consistent income to pay for it.
I am looking forward to this.
this is the reach community
a bunch of newKIKE retard faggots
Infinity is great, but then you have the fags who turn off vehicles and just want bridge duels.
Beaver Creek.
/ultimate cozy/
pwnt by myg0t rifk
>the absolute STATE of my 11 year old color palette
also my last played match is from 2010. cant believe i havent touched this game in almost a decade
Fucking newfag
thanks doc
Rate me
>shooting teammate every times he tries to aim with sniper so it takes him out of scope
>emp with plasma pistol on teammates
>destroying vehicles
>running the flag back to the enemy
>trash talk
fun game to grief
Sweet helmet my man
it was a different time...
Rat Race is the be best CE map. Don't (You) me.
If Halo 2 isn't your favorite game in the franchise were you really even there for the best times?
Sidewinder .... home
stained urinal/10
Thiccest spartan posted yet
I can't believe we're going home bros.
I just hope you can use the old graphics as well.
>I just hope you can use the old graphics as well.
Maps where you can see the ring are easily the comfiest
>Blooms being removed
is the title update coming?
We can. We're going home. We're really going home.
12 year old me had patrician taste
preferred avalanche
frankensteinesque bastardization
A-are you me user
i love how broken the maps were in halo 3 and all the OOB shit you could do, trying to find new glitches felt like an adventure
thread theme
>You will never spend a whole weekend playing this map at your buddies house in the basement
>You will never be laughing and shit talking eachother in the middle of the night trying not to wake up your friends parents
>You will never pass the controllers on every death to the one friend that wasn't playing because you only had 3 controllers
>You will never fight over who got the 1/2 splitscreen while the other 2 had to use the 1/4 splitscreen
Take me back bros. Fuck why did it have to end.
>infection lobby starts
>immediately quit
Yeah, no way fag
>never got these announcements
Did you play infection and invasion all day?
invasion yes, infection no.
Based watermelon scheme
valhalla would like a word.
avalanche was max comfy
>a sneaky fucker, creeping around and assassinating the low IQ sheep
>designated wheelman, enabling huge sprees as Warthog or Falcon pilot
I miss the Falcon bros
Oh right, Xbox had a rep system. Mine was trashed because I liked to camp people with the AA tank in BF3
>tfw superhopping to the top of Relic and posting up with the sniper rifle
heh, nuthin personal, spartan
Was that a dlc map? Never played it
halo skill ceiling is extremely low and there will be no persistent dedicated servers like halo ce had back in the day
only lobbies
this game wont last 6 months
We are going home bros
>slowest gaylo gayme
>no bleedthrough
>codlike loadouts
>no more armor powere ups on map, gay ass faggot abilities
>color palette of gay vomit
>literally unplayable firefight input lag
>maps worse than gaylo 3way
>ripped straight from the campaign, or vice versa, doesnt make a difference, the hack fraud creative bankruptcy is the same
>bloom that supposedly favors skill but is actually more beneficial to spam
>low ass jump height
I still enjoy it, but I least I know it sucks
Yuropoor boomer poorfag here who never had xbox and never played a halo game. I only played a fuckton of counter strike 1.5 and 1.6 and call of duty 2 and 4 online. Will it be too late for me to jump into halo? How well does skill translate from other fps games to halo? I kinda dislike the ttk from what i've seen in youtube videos.
yeah it was a DLC remake of sidewinder in Halo 3
it alone was worth the MS points for the map pack
Yes, in the second map pack
Hey the loadouts were nice. Letting you chose what weapon to start with was a good thing, not everyone wants to spawn with a DMR on close maps.
the meta is battle rifles and sniper rifles
fov is dogshit
skill ceiling is probably lower than the skill floor of cs 1.6
Friendly reminder that Master Chief is canonically now an alien rapebaby and AI are humans, not to mention 343 is making no strides to return to pre-
halo 4 gameplay because "kids are playing fortnite"
youre a stupid retard
gaylo was always about even starts and map control
not counting the holy trinity of guns, grenades, and melee
I vaguely remember jumping up to the top of the poles to avoid everyone.
>Not Lockout
Did anyone play Anchor 9 in Halo Reach? Now this was a dope multiplayer map.
It's never too late bro.
PC version will have custom FoV and full PC customization features. The skill ceiling will be higher than ever with everyone keyboard and mice instead of controllers.
>Friendly reminder that Master Chief is canonically
343i canon is no more canon than The Farce Awakens and The Last Jedi
just think of it as fanfic
Hate the AR in MP but only got 1.9 in 3 and something like 2.2 in Reach
Anchor 9 was garbage
>not liking forgeworld
Fuck this map.
Fuck everything about this map.
Grenade spam and ar spam was king in the hallways.
Anchor 9 was fucking awful. It had the honour of being the worst map in a game of mostly bad/mediocre maps
no it wont the games solved and theres too much health regen
>liking forgeworld
forgeworld ruined Reach
Halo used to have mysterious maps with cool structures and interesting art style
we could have gotten great remakes for Halo Reach...
jesus christ my sides
It's on bungie.net but I just looked myself up and it seems like at least 50% of my games don't show up
>The game is solved
Okay bro. Go have fun with the new CoD.
but instead we got this soulless garbage
this is so fucking cheap. I fucking hate the forgeworld color palette.
I'm glad that MCC is finally coming to PC so more people can play it but I don't like that if cross play with Xbox one happens I'll get destroyed by all the people using a mouse and keyboard.
I've always been a mediocre player at best and prefer just using a controller.
Ah, yes the "mysterious" brown and charcoal... Fuck colours.
reach as a whole had some garbage maps
>80% of the maps were made with the same mega blocks you can make shit castles with in forge
I'll just go ahead and say it again.
If Halo 2 isn't your favorite game in the franchise were you really even there for the best times?
soulless dog shit
I like Reach and even I can admit forgeworld was a mistake and so was recycled campaign maps like boardwalk. Only invasion made sense.
>Fuck colours
>Walked away
>Now coming home
>there was supposed to be a whole campaign level based around that forest and going through the structures built into the trees
i hate the fact that this was cut.
the map packs had some cool maps, shame they were never used in matchmaking.
the lighting is so fucking bland
They're the exact same fucking map. The only difference is the lack of rotatory movement in the middle relay structure thing.
There's worse Forgeworld maps like those that are completely closed rooms with the walls/floor/roof being the same dull metal slabs.
fuck, Halo 2 had the best maps of the series, hands down.
I miss those days where you’re the warthog driver, the enemy is the gunner. They shoot your friends, you run over theirs.
Link amazing old halo movies, montages and strategy guides. Bonus points if it's your own!
How do I view my online files on bungie? I can see the files but I can't download or watch them.
>best music
>best story
>best competitive multiplayer
>best ranking system
>best maps
hard to argue against it
they're the same map but one of them is depressing and makes you question why you even paid for the game and the other one was actually designed by an artist
Begone mortals
post soundtracks
havent played cod multiplayer since 2007 but nice try
You mean the game that practically has an aimbot built into the game?
Last Resort or Zanzibar? To me, it will always be the latter.
The story ended with Halo Reach. 343 games aren't canon.
What went wrong with Forge? Why did the aesthetic become so bland and soulless?
Wish I could change my model, I would have changed my right shoulder to Emil's shoulder blade and get rid of robot arm and left shoulder to Security, can't wait to change it.
I seriously hope I can continue my progress from 360, I only completed 50% of the armory.
haha more like gaylo
>What is bullet spread, Alex?
Awe that's cute.
Instead of releasing themed blocks with every DLC they just gave a whole bunch of cookiecutter lincoln logs at the beginning and dropped it entirely.
literally every fps on console has some form of aimbot or another because controllers are so useless at fps
>this shit ran on a box the equivalent of a Pentium 3
still pretty impressed by this desu
Beaver Creek.
last resort, imho
>Not the Chad 50 General
am i supposed to be impressed?
do super jumps work in MCC? I forget
Do you not see the bullets moving towards the spartan?
>get the sniper rifle
>allied guy jumps in front of me
>accidently kill him
>get kicked
I will never not be mad at this guy
you're really going to argue that no other halo let alone any other fucking first person shooter on console doesn't have aimbot built in
I cant remember my old XBL sign in but I'll do whatever I have to to get the Security helmet back
>defend our flag
>some guy stays with me
>we kill a guy
>webm related
>proceed to take his mangoose and actually get the flag
What a bro
Halo 3 had roughly the same amount of magnetism but removed it on many of the weapons. You can aim 3-4 feet to the side of somebody and still hit them
I get off work in 30 minutes and then I get to go home and play Eldewrito. Pretty stoked senpaitachi
But i have 50s in most of the ranked playlists
always Zanzibar
>the superbounce to get to the top of the turbine
comfy as fuck
Teabagging in Halo will never not be funny.
Halo 2's was the worst. I never would have thought they'd give power weapons bullet magnetism, not even halo 3 did that. Coupled with the halo 2 BR that games was unbalanced as fuck
I remember he being a fucking bitch during spartan ops but what else was there?
you're supposed to do it slower so you get the full range of motion
based anyway
>being proud of your stats when you haven't even got 500 splatters
>grab sniper
>ride on warthog/mongoose
>proceed to get easy headshots due to bullet magnetism
Didn't palmer try a couple times to kill halsey?
armor kino coming through
>mfw you CAN go back
Halo 2 MP maps just evoke that sense of wonder and longing. The first time you explored them, they felt surreal, like actual alien places, despite some of them being human-located
Palmer literally shot halsey's arm off trying to kill her
>9 quad kills
>nothing above
Never got old.
>"Mo mo mo monster kill"
Oh shit sorry that from a good game
>riding around in the elephants
>infection with the four wheelers
I can't wait to go home.
>all these people without the Chopper right below 1BR, 2Sniper, 3Rockets
>rank 50 and still with a 1.77 KD
Literally fucking how? Were you one of those guys who boosted people's accounts to 50?
i got a few to 50 and sold them but otherwise just played on my main
>capture the flag
>both teams crash the elephants head on
>playing fat kid in a full lobby with my brother
>last survivor
>driving around the map in circles fir a solid 5 minutes
>brother knocks the controller out of my hands
You know what this map needs?
I played more 3 and Reach than 2, but yes. Halo 2 modded lobbies through Xlink and xbconnect would just add to the craziness and hours of enjoyment.
I'm now remembering why I didn't like reach's multiplayer, its was all these shitty low effort forge maps
Serious idea.
If ya dont post that soon to 343 forums, I will. Works perfect to be honest. Odsts drop from the sky in the first place.
I'm guessing SWAT, teams of 4 and easy to rack up multikills
God, watching this again reminds me of the good old days. Messing around in Reach with friends, doing shit like HORSE, Infection, Races, ETC.
i feel like all of the original trilogy evokes that.
from beaver creek to Zanzibar and Valhalla, all the OG maps were just so detailed and and unique that they all invoked some kind of wonder. you can just tell a lot of effort was put into them.
i used to blow a whistle really close to the mic when i was angry at someone in voice messages
>Halo 2 modded lobbies
>get into the gunner seat of a warthog
>teammate gets into the passenger seat
>ask him wtf he's doing
>suddenly warthog takes off and starts flying around
The amount of people in this thread nostalgic about Reach is too high.
more sand
Game sucked but some tracks were good.
>Reach first on PC
im so fucking excited, day 1 buy
is there a release date confirmed?
What's wrong with that? I'm nostalgic about Reach myself.
>was banned from Waypoint until 2552, but just made a test post and it went through
Based, time to start shitposting again.
>tfw no brute gf
>tfw no elite gf
>tfw no jackal gf
>tfw no skirmisher gf
>tfw no hunter gf
THE Chad player. When you see this guy in Swat, u were fucked
He's a boomer who hates realising how old he is.
Do you think there's ever going to be another Halo game with playable Elites? Do you think they'll ever introduce a third playable species?
>be playing one flag with freinds
>crash elephant head on
>flag carrying elephant flips into the minefield
>spend rest of the game trying to defend elephant from attackers who are dodging mines
halo 4 had a good soundtrack, all things considered.
Strong dose this time doc
yeah. the halo 3 map packs were kino as fuck.
MORE sand? We're surrounded by sand!
post yfw you realised that halo had a multiplayer style rank system
Too bad that composer left 343
wort wort wort, doc.
>notice teammate starts attacking me for my weapon
>throw it/jump off the map
>proceed to hunt down said teammate never letting his shield regen for the entire match
>teabag him every time enemies kill him
>kills me
>kick him for betrayal
>that one nazi zombies map in 3 custom games, with a working mystery box
feels good to be a zoomer sometimes
Because Marty's doing Infinite
>last man alive in infection
>it happens so fast the announcer is lagging behind the kills
>only played Reach and i loved it
>Now i can experience the whole halo experience on PC
>This will not have PERSISTENT dedicated servers like Halo CE
>This will not have mod support like Halo CE did (Forge is nice but hardly malleable)
>This will only have matchmaking, lobbies and a lobby browser
I doubt they'll even do something as simple as increase the entity limit in forge too seeing as we won't be running it on toasters like the x360 and xbone are. I wouldn't expect anything other than the bare minimum from Phil.
favorite campaign moments?
>two scarabs! repeat, two scarabs!
hello r*ddt
Remember when Bungie first revealed Emile had a voice and everyone lost their shit?
>ywn have a cute engineer gf who breaks apart your phone just to rebuild you a better one with cute messages that remind you how much she loves you
FUCK I just want to play halo 2 again I don't want to wait
threadly reminder
>>This will not have mod support
nigga its PC. the mods are going to happen regardless.
youre getting thicc spartanesses and youre going to like it.
fuck off you stupid niggercuck
Chad colour scheme desu, monochrome armour is for faggots
Page me when Halo 5 is released
So everything that made vanilla TF2 so fucking fun and full of community. Sounds too good to be true.
Shut the fuck up.
Marty's making his own game.
Lookin like the car butch divorced substitute teachers drive
Not that much, just like... 2 cubic tons.
god bless rube
>host loads up cops and robbers
>fat retard turns around
The Forerunners were stifling the galaxy's development, so the Precursors sent the Flood in to topple their empire and shake things up.
but Vanilla TF2 had persistent dedicated community servers, had no matchmaking, and wasn't a console port you fucking absolute retard
Golem's music is done. Marty's back, trust me.
>ODST Battle Royale
>Except they're not fighting each other.
>Just a steadily increasing wave of covenant or flood that culminates in the area getting glassed.
>Need to complete an objective spread across the map and Evac in the center of the 'ring'
Possibility of one or two people being a spartan chosen at random maybe.
"Dear Humanity," is seared into my brain and i am completely okay with this.
Cops and robbers wont work today
>youre getting thicc spartanesses and youre going to like it
either they will sell these as cosmetics or you will have to break the eula to do it
14 year old me had shit taste, it's all about that mark V baby
>implying people wont just mod them in for free
Too bad it's going to be another CoD infinite warfare clone with ever increasing forced social politics.
everyone is excited for this on pc, and so am i. but having played the anniversary version on xbone, they just don't feel the same as the originals. makes me sad
fine, we'll just call cops and niglets so zoomers understand
No like, a little pile over there... like 2 cubic tons.
>engineer GF
fuck off brapfags
>everyone lost their shit?
Do you have any idea how much two cubic tons of sand is??
>finally going to be able to do the last warthog run with the mates on legendary again
its good to be back.
Did you ever see it in game?
>discord trannies reeeeeeeeee
yes and they'll have to crack the game and break the eula to do it
im not sure you fully appreciate the lengths these publishers go to these days. Go look at what EA and DICE did to the Battlefield modding community or what Todd Howard and Gaben tried to do to the Gamebryo (and derivative engines) modding communities
what do you mean by this
>ODST Battle Royale
>Except they're not fighting each other.
>Just a steadily increasing wave of covenant or flood that culminates in the area getting glassed.
>Need to complete an objective spread across the map and Evac in the center of the 'ring'
you describe a Co-op mod also fuck Battle Royale in general
i had it.
fucking THIS so hard.
Fuck I'm excited to play 3 and Reach again. I wish I had more of screenshots uploaded.
>zombie starts crying because everyone is camping his spawn and assassinating him
too fucking much
You can say what you want, that's just my opinion.
once, and he was sweaty as fuck
who gives a shit? the mods are going to happen, and there isnt a damn thing you or any other corporate cocksucker can do about it.
It's the same guy, they just made him sound more energetic.
was it rape
You guys are going to unlock katana again so everyone knows you're better than them, right?
>custom 6,115
based AND redpilled
Absolutely based post
Fuck off animeposter, you get the gravity hammer to the face first
>making the elephants fly with the explosive barrels in forge
>you can put more barrels in the pc version
I hope that if there is a chance to mod colors of your armor and create custom signs, that all who use cringe anime trash get ip banned immediately
Precisely! Halos lore is dense. Can go so many ways.
Gonna save your ideas guys. If I dont see them soon being presented in the 343 forums, gonna be posting ya'lls.
I remember a little while ago some posted the idea of a battlefront style halo game type.
I remember
>hayabusa is going to make a comeback out of nostalgia
i am so fucking ready
All armor is already unlocked from the beginning.
>Halo is just a bad ET: Quake Wars for dudebros
Prove me wrong!
nope, still dont fucking know how to get it.
same with recon armour and hyabusa.
>implying u wont get banned from using them on multiplayer servers even if they're only clientside
enjoy your singleplayer mods i guess lmao
Let me tell you something! Two cubic tons of sand is
movement feels different, aiming feels different, everything feels different from the originals. not to a degree that they're ruined, but enough that someone like me with thousands of hours in the original games could immediately tell something felt off
>he doesnt know that modded lobbies are a thing that can exist
keep crying, 343shill
Jesus Christ..looking at my old bungie.net profile makes me really fucking cringe.
Back when Halo 3 was released I was incredibly depressed so I'd go on forge and make these really cringe messages like "I wanna die" or "Help me." or "Therapy required, mom!" and leave them on my t.v. and pretend to go to sleep hoping my parents would see them and then take me to therapy because I was too embarrassed to tell them I was depressed. This is the only picture I saved of the forges.
>trash compactor
>that one faggot that always jumps in a ghost or warthog to run you over or assassinate
fuck you CJ you fuck
it's the 60 fps
My friends and I would start humming this everytime we loaded into a warthog
Hahahaha, fuck, son.
That's almost as bad as the forge porn fuckwads.
Glad you're still around.
that's really sad user
im glad you got past that part of your life
I haz recon lolololololololololololololol
that was a big part of it for sure, and took the most getting used to
*double Maulers you mid-swing*
I wonder what 2009 Yea Forums would say to this thread.
>that perfect ambience when dicking around on Forge
thanks anons
modded map in 360 days i got via file share.
I hope you're doing better now.
>halo 4 lore
kys you'reself
rate n hate
I looked back and realised I had done all the campaigns on Ledgendary except ODST, which was heroic FML. Going to be correcting that shit soon
Not bad
>Calls someone ribbit
>Doesn't fucking know where the meme came from
>Not a newfaggot
man i used to take pics in the theatre mode and write autistic backstories for them. we were kids.
Actually pretty damn cool. 7/10 would squad with.
we're going home boys
>spending hours slamming teleporters into walls trying to get behind them
>easy headshot/10
>tfw halofags will never hear HOLY SHIT
>Reach was snapshotted last for stats when I had exactly 117,000 Covenant kills
Not bad but I dislike blue visor and blue tactical against the red. Should just go with base visor and maybe bracer to match how bulky/dark the ODST shoulder is.
enjoy your dead modded version that no one plays because you have to pirate the game for it (which is the plan)
>moments before disaster