Name a more cancerous company

Name a more cancerous company.

Attached: 1200px-Epic_Games_logo.svg.png (1200x1393, 51K)

Other urls found in this thread:




Valve, they have done more damage to gaming than any other company

Activision Blizzard

EA, Activision Blizzard, and Bethesda, but they are close.


They are the reason PC gaming is dead, filled with lootbox shit, forced DRM stores, early access shit. They are responsible for everything that makes PC gaming cancer.

The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989.

Why would a Chink hate Valve/Steam when that's the majority of their user base?

Attached: Top played.png (763x631, 107K)

Epic shills are all chinks pretending to hate Steam.

>majority of their user base
What did he mean by this?

You're not slick OP. Just make it a fucking general already, you obsessed spammer.

PuBG and Dota which is the most popular games on Steam are both played 90% by Chinks.

Attached: Steam userbase.jpg (1280x1232, 193K)

>No reviews
>No voice chat
>No community forums
>No workshop
>No screenshot sharing
>No wishlist
>No game tags
>No discovery queue
>No one-click online streaming
>No h-games
>No music category
>No software category
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No regional pricing
>No payment option variety
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No controller support
>No family sharing
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode
>No local network gameplay streaming
>No cloud saves
>No backup feature
>No adding third party games to your list
>No third party key registration
>No reason to use Epic Store

Attached: 1466772872232.png (804x884, 706K)


>0.0005 Steambucks has been deposited into your Steam account.

>played 90% by Chinks
You do know that A) Dota 2 runs on a different realm in China and the numbers aren't tracked and B) chink stream numbers aren't legitimate?

Because they are shills hired off websites like fiverr


>drops the ball on unreal tournament in favor of milking kids with fortnite

Zoom Zoom make joke.

>0.0001 Chinkbucks has been deposited into your Epicuck account.


They are still forced to connect to the Steam servers which is why they are counted in the list. Please don't talk about things you have no idea about.

Attached: cancercompany.png (1000x325, 52K)

>epic give developers a sales guarantee promise
>developers can release a game and fuck off to the Caribbean because epic is covering the losses
>i can just pirate the game because epic is paying for my copy
Seems pretty based to me.

Attached: nice.jpg (450x450, 109K)

>They are still forced to connect to the Steam servers which is why they are counted in the list
Please do not talk about things you have no idea about.
PUBG was the only one tracked because they didn't use Perfect World but Steam directly.

0.00000005 Bugmoney has been deposited to your account
Prise grorius reader


>Drm shit in Pc gaming
>Said ok to paid mods
>Literally dont care for videogame sanymore only make money out of autistic people
>I must pay taxes to sell things on the market yet i cannot sell my games i have on m account

>Ruined Star Wars as a gaming franchise, literally selling not developed games for full price with shitton of DLC

>Most greedy company at the moment.
>Literally said the new Call of Duty broke expectations yet the game has less content than previos Call of Duty games

What else would you expect from kikes and chinks

Attached: 1534567202278.png (1156x730, 111K)



Based Epic is making me not feel bad at all about pirating again.

They really are the good guys.

Attached: h85ndar19vl21.png (1129x133, 22K)

>i-its ok when Valve does it!
5.1 Valve and its subsidiaries may share your Personal Data with each other and use it to the degree necessary to achieve the purposes listed in section 2. above. In the event of a reorganization, sale or merger we may transfer Personal Data to the relevant third party subject to applicable laws.

5.2 We may also share your Personal Data with our third party providers that provide customer support services in connection with goods, Content and Services distributed via Steam. Your Personal Data will be used in accordance with this Privacy Policy and only as far as this is necessary for performing customer support services.

>We don't care about your backing
>We can pay it all back and still not care
>Thanks for the intrest-free loan, sucker
t. Scumbag Goldstein

Attached: 1484966990277.png (372x508, 239K)

>If we sell Valve to a third party company, that third party company can have your data, too

Attached: 1478902648288.png (720x466, 373K)

But zoomers love valve, boomers hate DRM clients


Attached: DqH9XGKW4AEHMzV.jpg (1159x665, 91K)

literally any other fucking big company, they're all the same, they want to rip you off, make quick profit with minimal effort and have you eat it up while also promoting them for free and defending thier asses online believing they care for you

>Epic can exploit your content and do whatever they want it with it
>also you're responsible for everything lol
Imagine being this obsessed with Steam and Valve
Sorry buddy but no other store is as jewish as that

Zoomers love Epic.

I can't.


Zoom Zoom try hand at subterfuge, Zoom Zoom fail.



No they don't. They like Fortnite, they didn't care who made it. And that is rapidly coming to and end, Fortnite is dying off massively and will be forgotten by September at best.

> Epic is cancerous
> Unity a shit
Wew lad.

Zoom zoom think he boom boom, sorry zoomie but Valve is zoomer shit

Winnie the pooh. FREE TAIWAN.


Nice try Zoomer, go play some more Fortnite.

Attached: 1545834743960.jpg (1024x5123, 456K)

Dont you got a csgo lootbox to be opening zoomie? I don't play fortnite i play quake you dumb zoomba

God this is pure cancer this picture
Instead using the original WEBM or gif some fucking idiot took a perfectly fine meme and turned it into this abomination.
>Haha you know what would be funny?
>If i just insert another wojak xD

>I don't play fortnite i play quake you dumb zoomba
What's your favorite Quake Champion little Zoomer?

>S-steam is for zoomers!
The Chinese are really reaching for straws now.

Attached: Untitled.png (217x136, 20K)

I don't like them but I'll take their free games

Fuck off

Attached: chinese kill phrase.png (932x451, 509K)


Sorry zoomie I forgot you are too young to remember Quake games before Quake Champions

>done more damage to gaming than any other company
He says when EA and Activision are literally the most cancerous companies in the industry

lol Halo is older than that and Halo is considered zoomer

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Attached: Screenshot_2019-03-14 Privacy Policy Agreement.jpg (890x4299, 1022K)


God damn steam ducks are embarrassing. Stop running this god awful smear campaign. Epic has done tons to contribute positively to gaming. The only ammo you fags have us Epic ripping Metro Exodus from steam. All their other exclusivity deals were fair game. And all the other shit you guys point to like TOS and privacy policy are literally completely normal terms to have and even identical to steams. You guys forget that steam tracks you too

It's alright sport, big brother is proud you name drop Quake to fit in, it means you're growing up. No more Zoom Zoom soon.

Valve invented lootboxes and tried to make paid mods a thing, at least Activision is still investing in games like Sekiro

steam has a separate client for chinamen. They're mostly not included in these stats unless they're traitors and using VPNs

>moneyhatting is 'based'

>Valve invented lootboxes

>Yes guys I am a cuck and I love that more of my money goes to the publishers and developers even if I get zero benefits from it!

looks like lil zoomie googled quake to understand quake champions wasnt the first one, good job!

>revolutionized PC gaming, gave an entirely new market to indies, massively growing the number of potential kino experiences
>created some of the best fps games in history, two of which are still played regularly by 10s of thousands every day
I really think you're being an irrational ingrate.

Attached: 1552582541768.jpg (227x222, 7K)

imagine being a phoneposter on a PC games imageboard, lmao
get fucked, faggot

I'm on Quake Live right now, what's your name little guy?

see The only way they "revolutionized" it was by killing it.

Fortnite is the biggest, best, and most popular game on the planet. You lose, Pcbro.

What an embarrassing post. So you don't like supporting your devs?
>no argument
Typical. Why do I feel that all the Epic haters are underaged retards hoping that they fit in? Is it that they can do nothing but spew memes and can never post a coherent argument? Is it the blatant racism that they think makes them cool and edgy?

>So you don't like supporting your devs?
LOL look at this faggot.

I remember when this was LoL.
Soon it will be some other game.

Imagine thinking it was valve who made loot boxes. Not like I'd expect a Epic shill to know anything.

Lootboxes as we know it came from them

>revolutionized PC gaming
By revolutionized you mean made a locked down DRM client
>gave an entirely new market to indies
Wrong, youtubers helped propell indies more
>two of which are still played regularly by 10s of thousands every day
F2P skinner box games played by third world Brazilians, by your loguc Crossfire is great

>killing it
>more popular than ever
>more games than ever
>more payment schemes than ever that cater to various kinds of consumers
fuck off, commie
The ONLY valid point you have is DRM, and forgive me if I don't throw one of the best developers in history under the bus for shit the entire industry does anyway.
>inb4 gog
Gog fucking sucks go away

>plays the zoomer version of Quake 3


they had how many fucking years to learn from Steam and even improve it further, but instead they chose to be day 1 steam
also reminder that anyone can register using your email because they dont verify

Attached: eat shit.jpg (400x505, 31K)

>So you don't like supporting your devs?
No because as a consumer it gives me no benefits. Not to mention 90% of the time all that money is going to the publishers instead of the actual devs, the only time that would be good is for indie devs.

>devs that go on record saying 'fuck you, got mine'

These soulless chinks are trying really hard to refute facts. I almost feel sorry for them. Almost.

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Attached: 89172.png (434x327, 37K)

>More popular than ever
>more games than ever
There's never been so few games released and PC gaming is in a low time popularity after Steam.
Why do you think no devs ever release games for the PC anymore and all focus is on consoles?

Reminder that all console/store war threads are created by subhuman spics

Lootboxes as we know it came from them

I can't

Attached: fuck off tim.png (626x1161, 430K)

TF2 and L4D2 are not skinner boxes at all. And L4D2 isn't F2P. Even if it was, who cares? You fags complain about upcharging and then complain about F2P because of your irrational hatred of mtx. Get fucked, luddite. The world is passing you by.

>drops the ball on unreal tournament 3 in favor of milking kids with Gears of War

Nice self portrait

They're starting to outdo EA in terms of evil. Not even EA started paying for exclusivity outside of their own IPs.

TF2 is skinner box, thats why their are so many idle servers farming for drops

Wtf are you smoking? It isn't 2008 anymore. Pretty much every major AAA release is on PC. I've bought pretty much every game on PC in the last few years. It's a rarity for a game to not at least get a PC port. Only Nintendo doesn't do it.

I've also got just normal Q3A, feel free to put up a server Zoom Zoom.

Except they didn't. Not like an Epic shill would care though. You're goal is to just shill for Epic and try everything in the book to make Valve look worse then your shit storefront.

You mean we get a PC release 5years after the console one?
Damn you are right PC gaming is SAVED!

Nice try, leaf.

you got btfo and your running like a scared little bitch now.

So explain who did then

>already have Sekiro ordered on Steam and will be preloading in a week
feels good

Are people unironically ignorant enough to be defending Epic Games' complete lack of features compared to Steam and overall scummy business practices or are these genuine shills?

see half the time now PC gets kino indies first and you have to wait years to get a console/shitch port

PC gaming is alive and well. Your chicken little narrative is just wrong.

Unlike you lil zoomie I got a job, I don't have to run home and stomp some kid


Attached: 35610da4-3070-42bd-976d-540cfb596e60.png (600x533, 31K)

The ABSOLUTE state of PC gaming.

Attached: 1463532562098.gif (457x486, 1.93M)

how much of gaben's cock do you suck on a daily basis?

>half the time now PC gets kino indies first

Imagine bragging about indie shit LOL

>games dont count if they're not made by megacorps I hate and complain about constantly
oh, look! I spotted the cancer!

>No discovery queue
>No h-games
>No video category
>No linux support
>No mac support
>No marketplace
>No trading cards
>No trading
>No user profile customization
>No achievements
>No overlay with browser
>No client skinning support
>No controller-friendly mode

literally all trash lmao. go back to sucking gabe's cock, maybe one day he'll actually make a game

June 4th, 1989

about tree fiddy
the average cost of my purchases on Steam because of all of it's unbelievably consumer-friendly sales.

>games made by half baked teens that live eith their mommy and sell asset flipped trash is great!!!

MapleStory, and then some China f2p MMO back in 2007.
Not to mention mobile games.

hurr durr


He running. Got him scared.

>No h-games
>No linux support
>No controller-friendly mode

I d-didn't want those grapes anyway!

Attached: d922237b2cf4afafd2564d3be63525c14b7a8f6a_hq.jpg (358x624, 57K)

Actually, you're all wrong.

Pic related is the worst company. It's a small video game company that earns half a billion dollars each year and they have shitty greedy marketing strategies (a premium vehicle can cost $120 and their retarded userbase praises them for it) and all of their games are buggy as fuck. You think that's bad? The employees of this company hands out bans to players that beats them in some battles, and their employees have also doxxed some players too. There are even websites dedicated to exposing WG, such as and much more.

Oh, this company is the 2nd largest stakeholder of the biggest bank in Cyprus. You can't find a more corrupt videp game company than this. These slavniggers make EA, Activitison, Valve, Epic etc look good. Just let that sink in for a moment.

Attached: 1552592501024.jpg (829x553, 67K)

Wrong, developers said they were inspired by valve lootbox model

>all indie games are soulless asset flips
are you even fucking trying, Pooh?
some of my best experiences of the last 5 years have been indies, because I'm a gamer and not some supercilious faggot who has to signal his mainstream mediocrity with my purchases.

What retard would want linux ,a shit OS, support?

You want TempleOS support too?

>linux ,a shit OS

Attached: 1514737706543.png (800x800, 84K)

>not some supercilious faggot who has to signal his mainstream mediocrity with my purchases.
Ironic from a guy that plays indie shit to seem cool and a outsider

Glownigger detected. All my games run 88% better on Temple.

Attached: file.png (477x394, 166K)

Prove it. Prove to me that EA said "yes we are making these loot boxes in our soccer game because we were inspired by Valve!"


>EA has exclusive games on their store
>Activision blizzard have exclusive games on their store
>Bethesda has exclusive games on their store
Why can't epic games have exclusives on their store? Nobody made a big deal about this stuff before. Hell why doesn't anyone complain about Steam having tons of games exclusive to their platform?

I play indie shit because it's fun. I play mainstream shit because it's fun. That's the relevant factor: fun. I don't look down my hook-nose at a game just because it was made by a small team with a shoestring budget, nor do I shit on them for being giant corporate products. I take games on their own terms and merits as games. There's no way you don't look like an insufferable cocksucker here.

hahahahahaahaha and change everything up

Attached: ijljiohihl.jpg (719x1432, 273K)

Because Epic are holding exclusives hostage rather than providing a better alternative to Steam. Look at how many features they lack: . It's blatantly anti-consumer.

Prove some no name chink shit inspired lootboxes

This mentality is killing games. Indies are actual market competition, and fags like this will denegrate them for no reason other than elitism and then complain about monopolies. kys

>Why can't epic games have exclusives on their store?
Because unlike every company you listed, Epic didn't make or commission things like Metro Exodus, but instead paid the publisher to not put the game on steam when the game was fairly close to release.

A lot of those are useless features

Its small so people don't know them. EA, however...

If Steam is pro consumer why do they continuously allow publishers to wipe older or pre "remaster" versions of their games from the store just to force people to purchase the newest version?
If Steam is pro consumer, why do they not test older games and ensure they are working on modern OS like GOG does?
If Steam is pro consumer why did they lead the forefront on paid mods, lootboxes, early access and DRM?
If Steam is pro consumer why did they trojan horse an always online DRM system and storefront into their most anticipated game?
If Steam is pro consumer why do they force you to agree to a ToS which states they can and will share and sell your data to third party partners, or else lock you out of your account with no way to download any game you have purchased since they offer no version of offline install?

Attached: 1546452189310.jpg (1024x248, 29K)


Because EA, Actiblizz, and Bethesda's exclusives are first party.
Epic is the one being shitty by moneyhatting third party games to be exclusive on their storefront.

>linux ,a shit OS,
i'm not even a linux faggot and can tell you that you're absolutely wrong.

Every thread you dumbass yellow manlets bring up this shitty non-argument. Get some better material, Chong.

Attached: 1486851086474.gif (500x500, 156K)

I despise EA for other reasons but WG/Wargaming is a small company and it is already hundred times more cancerous than EA. I'm glad WG is dying because their player base is dropping very hard right now.

>Indies are actual market competition
lol they can't even compete for $60, such small competition they can only survive off $10

But why does that matter to me as a consumer? Fact is that Steam has tons and tons more exclusives than all other stores.

For me as a consumer an exclusive is an exclusive no matter what.

Just look up "Zhengtu lootbox"
Also once more, I ask you to provide proof that EA said their soccer game loot boxes were inspired by Valve.

>charging less for something is not competitive
brainlet detected

Would they be justified if their deals included partnership acknowledgement in the games credits? I don't think that would change anyone's mind on the issue.

>why do they continuously allow publishers to wipe older or pre "remaster" versions of their games from the store
Because they don't control what the publisher or devs do. You can still play and download the games regardless, not to mention you can still buy keys for the games on other sites and buy them that way.

Attached: hm.jpg (3500x1562, 310K)

For the price of 1 shitty AAA open world skinner box with 500 hours of bullshit, I can buy 2-5 smaller games that vastly dwarf anything in that AAA shit in terms of quality engagement. That does not redound to AAAs favor.

Damn gooks are seething LOL


Attached: finna.png (224x225, 7K)

Rent free.

To be honest, the entire website would improve if Hiro rangebanned all the spanish speaking countries

Show me where EA was inspired by chink shit

>ITT corporate bootlickers arguing over which digital "storefronts" should hold the deed to their license agreements.
Go pirate your games you retards, I can't understand drawing the line here when you've already signed your ownership away. Who cares which company is renting you your games.

He should just rangeban America.

It's more like, fuck Epic for not commissioning devs to make games for them, making more games for themselves, or simply picking up and help fund games that need a publisher. Instead, they picked up Metro, which was close to release and was advertised to be on steam until "Oh we're epic exclusive now because they gave us a load of cash just to not put it on steam anymore."

Blow it out your ass.

If it was actually a threat it could compete at same price

Yeah for every 1 diamond, i can buy 1000 rocks

That's what he said.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-14 at 3.03.37 PM.png (1040x128, 32K)

If you actually knew how to metaphor, it would be
>I can buy 1000 tiny diamonds or 1 giant piece of elephant shit

And in the end the game became the most successful Metro game of all time thanks to Epic store and the free marketing from crying VaIvedrones

Attached: Steambabbies.png (1768x1362, 335K)

>zoomie still seething

Get a job kid, stop sitting on your ass all day

Just rangeban every country except one, leave posting as a privilege for those who can actually use a VPN.

>lel popular game is shit lol
Ok hipster

I would make a collage of Epig reviews but that store doesn't have any.

>I'm totally working guys! It's not like I'm watching the thread like a hawk or something!
Zoom Zoom on suicide watch.

Attached: 891273987.jpg (960x720, 47K)

>ctrl+f "monopoly"
>0 results
Come on shills, you had a good thing going here. Did too many people start looking up what a monopoly actually means and BTFO'ing you?

Attached: kenny_the_walking_dead.jpg (537x600, 59K)

that one being Australia


Like all of their other "arguments", it wasn't based in reality.

Lamo, this.

>If it was actually a threat it could compete at same price
Not necessarily. As I've already established, the shorter playtimes do not justify the $60, but dollar for dollar, you are getting more value, because the minute to minute experience is better.

It's like if you sold giant burgers made of shit for $10 and I sold gourmet burgerbites for $2. Just because you set your price higher does not mean it justifies buying it nor outweighs my burgerbites' price-to-quality ratio.

>look up review for an older game
>it got review bombed because one of the devs said something that's not SJW or because of a new game coming out
I love Steam reviews now!


Attached: 1464290535316.jpg (140x140, 6K)

Most of the Epic reviews are found on steam, since people have to go to the steam support forums to get help with game bugs in the games they bought on epic store.

Attached: wow erp1.jpg (471x343, 64K)

How about you stop side-stepping you shill, and PROVE YOUR CLAIM that somehow EA was inspired by Valve for their soccer game lootbox mode.

ok now search for its plural form

Keep trying kiddo

Some people actually like playing games

Activision Blizzard
7th gen Capcom
Square Enix

>And in the end the game became the most successful Metro game

Attached: fact.png (420x420, 166K)

You know Gabe's fat jew fingers wouldn't pay anyone to shill for his company he can't even pay someone to check if the games he puts on his store have an .exe file.


I actually originally made the anti-hipster argument: I play indie and mainstream, using quality as my guide and not some arbitrary financial classification. I'm merely defending the existence of indies as such, and the merits of using them as an example in PC gaming's favor, from some fag who made the inverse hipster argument that indies are shit simply for being indies, which is 1000x more pathetic than the hipster argument.

How about the fact Valve (biggest PC game distributor) has games that have millions of players which they make millions/billions a year in lootbox sales, are you retarded to think publishers dont look at companies like this and try to copy them?

>muh sales = quality

Nice goalposting.

>UK physical sales
fucking brainlet, don't even reply to me

Attached: kizuna asks if you are mentally retarded.jpg (727x480, 38K)

And Proton is making that possible.

Read the fucking article, it's fucking PHYSICAL SALES
Not even fucking PC

nice no arguments nigger

Zoomers like you are grown up on steam and have never seen gaming without steam garbage drm. So shove the gabe's cock back into your mouth and fuck off.

So what you're saying is you cannot prove it and are just grasping at straws.

>gives source and proof it has sold more than before
>n-no this does not count!

I feel like Steam is a boomer thing.

your mom

wasn't Yea Forums very vocal about only needing the core experience when it comes to gaming i.e. no shit like all that social stuff, achievements, streaming apps, browsers etc.
Now it's suddenly a deal breaker?
You Yea Forums are a bunch of faggots.


Attached: 15434548646.gif (500x600, 82K)

>>gives source and proof it has sold more than before

Attached: infinite brainlet.jpg (855x903, 403K)

Epicdrones BTFO

Boomers absoulty loathe DRM and everyone with a braincell that played PC games back when Steam became a thing hated it and stil ldoes.

It is.
Epic is the epitome of zoomer.

>epic store launches
>"We're all about giving people more choices as to where they can get their games. We're pro-consumer and pro-developer."
>proceeds to pay several devs to make their games exclusive to Epic Store, actively being anti-consumer and removing choices

Am I missing something here? Is this some sort of 4D-chess where fucking with people eventually turns out to be a good thing?
I admit I'm not the smartest man but I feel like there's a bit of a conflict between what they say and what they do.

Attached: hornses.jpg (473x360, 27K)

>buying games
this is a boomer thing you newfag

They do.

You have to remember that you are talking to VaIvedrones now, they are the single most fanatic and retarded fanbase there is.

Winnie the Pooh

>Linux support
>Controller support

>S-social shit!

Remember how all those things are 100% optional on steam?
People like having options.


You might be retarded to think company businessmen dont look whatever the top players are doing

Phillip Morris International

>steam, origin, epic store etc
you are all faggots
pirate is true master, i dont need your cuck platform to play kek

Ubisoft, microsoft, nintendo

>t. Snoy

And once more, prove it. How do you know they didn't take it from EA, huh? Unless you can PROVE they took it from Valve, you have no argument. Also of they took it from Valve they'd know how to milk more money by having the box AND the key be separate. If anything everyone was inspired by gacha machines, slot machines, and trading card packs.

>we have lived long enough to see Steam becoming the "hero" or, at least, the lesser evil

Attached: 1523950366957.png (600x581, 328K)

>The platform that is responsible for the death of PC gaming
>Hero or less evil

>The platform that is responsible for the death of PC gaming
You misspelled redemption

Steam was always the hero, user. We just never realized how much worse things could be.

Bullshit. Epic games store is a small platform trying to get a solid footing fast against the giant that is steam while facing backlash from valve drones on everything they do, unethical or not, and every aspect of their company, despite all their positive contributions to gaming previously. Steam of course doesn't have to use these aggressive strategies because they are already on top. You can't know for sure what measures Gabe would go to. He tried to monetize mods ffs

Ching chong bing ling

Electronic Arts. The damage they have done to the industry is immeasurable.


>a small platform
this is bait

The East India Company.

Attached: 1536134218_1.jpg (800x441, 24K)

Small in comparison to steam.


>community steering work

Do Europeans care about Steam and Epic or is it just retarded Americans?

Americans love corporate cocks, so that's why I'm asking.

>Actually eating up Gaben's bullshit
Not even Reddit was this retarded.

Those are two different companies tho

yes. small relative to the largest platform

>causing the irreversible consolization of PC gaming
360kiddie who jumped on the PC bandwagon because of his reddit friends detected

And yurofags love govt cock.
Blow it out your dilated ass like the cannonballs we used to decapitate you fags during the Revolution.

>some month later bethesda did paid mods anyway and nobody cared

>Valve is responsible for trends that predated them and were inevitabilities
economic illiterate detected

I'm sure loving these "aggressive strategies" such as spyware and stealing your Steam data, check the C:\ProgramData\Epic\SocialBackup folder by yourself if you don't believe it.

>Trannies in EU
You know that it's only America that has trannies right?

Attached: American.png (747x691, 810K)

> And yurofags love govt cock.
Hahahahhaha this is the last thing you inbred dogs should tell anyone

When are you going to bomb Iran to impress your Israeli masters?

>You know that it's only America that has trannies right?
[citation needed]

That guy below is also retarded is he thinks modding never involved money.

You can bet your ass that the more popular mods made money off donations and now even more so that patreon is a thing.
There's currently a lot of drama about that multiplayer skyrim mod because of money.
He can go eat a dick with his "nothing but goodwill and thanks"

We might be as cucked by the state as you guys, but at least we don't pretend it's a good thing.


when i googled the image, i thought it was two different images because of google's fucktarded non-aligned new images layout.

Only Americansand jews/muslims mutilate their children which makes them sexually frustrated and mentally ill later on.

It's the country with the largest number of tránnies.

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>he says as he votes for republicans or democrats as if there is a difference between those two
But yeah, we're both fucked but a lot of Americans don't realize it. Here in Europe, people are a lot more skeptical.

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>TFW OG Orange Box user
My man.

I may be circumsized but I'm both above average in size and a premature ejaculator so I'm still good.

>porn threads stay up for hours
>this gets deleted in 5 mins each time

>They are the reason PC gaming is dead

Yeah because the seventh gen before Steam gained mainsteam popularity was a fuckng amazing time for PC when every publisher considered the PC a dead platform. I mean shit if Steam hadn't been the defacto standard for digital Storefronts inagine what Microsoft might have pulled off with GFWL

oi, you got a license for that hate speech?

All you have to do is mail hiro BTC as part of your janny application :^)

>not even deleted automatically
>has to be manually deleted by a jannie
>takes priority over all types of "bad" content
The absolute state of Yea Forums.

>Why can't I spam these threads with my shitty copy pasta

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I don't vote for either party, shit heel.
And "europeans more skeptical" fucking el em ay oh. Everyone and there mother over there knows only one solution to every problem: more daddy gubmint. You people are the absolutely most placid, blithe tax cattle on Earth.

Now this is epic.

I didn't say they were right for using these strategies you smoothbrain. I said you can't hold up steam on some pedestal just because epic is trying to overcome their reign

>unironically calling this fpbp
Shilling is real.

>epic is trying to overcome their reign
And they aren't doing AT ALL a good job at winning over consumers.

>they’ve done more damage to gaming than any other company
I’ve seen this exact line in several threads now, word for word
Shills are always so very easy to spot

reminder that steam had none of this stuff when it first came about

>Epic is as good as an ancient client from 16 years ago
I don't think that argument worked out as well you hoped it would.
For those with a brain to not visit the echo chamber, essentially Epic scans your steam friend's list It collects data on them. Essentially they're working their way through you just so they can get that sweet data shit.
Chinese-owned businesses everyone, they're cancerous insects that need to be purged from vidya.

Maybe because I'm not making that argument?
I'm saying the epic store is still in it's infancy.

Someone already posted this but with a link to a not gay site like refagera.

Epic is not competing with a client from 16 years ago.

okay, and?

That's what I ask, how is a client from 16 years ago relevant at all?

They do that because of the integration so you can play with your Steam friends on Epic...

Also unirconally linking to resetera and people don't thinkg Valvecucks are retareded

Still goes to show how shit-tier Chinkic is, and yet the fact that there are still shills for an EA-tier web launcher somehow still surprises me.
Shit man, was this the same way when Origin launched years ago?

>Steambabbies linking to resetera
Like poetry.

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It's not, neither are all those "features" in that post. All you need to do is provide value for your customers. For someone like me, who doesn't use anything on that list could not care less whether something is on epic or steam.

Most people would disagree with you and find many of those features valuable, I'm still not sure what that has anything to do with a client from 16 years ago.

Yes how would we survive without customization profiles that cost money to change. I love Steam now

Reminder that Ford didn't have features like airbags and seat belts and brake lights on its cars when it first came about.

>I'm still not sure what that has anything to do with a client from 16 years ago.
because valve added these after wide spread adoption of steam. It would be a waste of resources for epic to ship a bloated platform with a bunch of shit nobody is going to use, as they have a low user base.
But god only know how I'm going to live without my trading cards.

Absolutely based

Yes that bloat like... linux and mac support, reviews, forums, wishlist, regional pricing, controller support, family sharing, truly terrible bloat that no one store ever had.

>linux and mac support
You mean like reviewbombing old games because the newest game releases on another platform?
Which nobody uses. Go to a random forum on any popular games and it will just be 90% chink/russian spam and the rest is people asking questions in not-English
Are you for real?
>regional pricing
Epic store also got this
>controller support
Any decent controller already got controller support, I don't need a shitty DRM platform controlling my computer.
>family sharing

Fuck off retarded epicdrone, stop excusing the sorry-ass state of your shitty DRM.

>m-my shitty DRM platform that sells your data is better than yours!


>Which nobody uses
Unless its epic drone
toppest kek.

>Epic store also got this
No it doesn't, Metro Exodus got twice as expensive for me once they removed it from Steam.

>oh we have a fix for that, you can read about it on these old forums we used to use
imagine being this retarded.

>oh we have a fix for that, you can read about it on these old forums we used to use
>literally 0 support or discussion option in new epic store
>lying about communication
Imagine being this retarded.



Name 1
ONE game worth buying from the epic games store

I'll wait.

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