Other urls found in this thread:
looks great cant wait
>Custom Games Browser
All I wanted, based.
>rolling launch
Fuck off, give us Halo 3 god damn it.
How can they expect people to pay for CE after Reach? It's a huge step back.
So is this 'episodic' or 'early access'?
>Customs games browser
why are you OH NO NO NO ing
this is fucking retardedly great
you pay once for the whole package
Probably gets answered on sunday. Would be cool if they did release it already.
Just give me 2 & 3 online. That’s literally all I care about.
can't wait. i've only played halo 1 and 2 because I stopped playing consoles and never got a 360. thing is though, all of those games have their own multiplayer right? which two will be the most popular?
They'll probably doing flighting like they did on Xbone. MCC is a jenga tower of code that is basically 6 versions of the same already completely shit engine stacked on top of itself so it's no doubt a shitfest to code for. Splash Damage is doing the port and since they did the port of Gears 4 it should probably be great.
>not 1 and reach
probably towards the few xboxfags left
I remember back in 2007 this board was mostly full of them
>Halo: Reach, Halo: Combat Evolved, Halo 2, Halo 3, Halo 3: ODST (Campaign), and Halo 4 will each be available for individual purchase within MCC as they become available.
>Custom Games browser
>rolling launch
Fucking why. They know all people want is 3.
How will this package work? Is all matchmaking done in the same server with maps from all games, or is there a separate online matchmaking for each game?
MCC is a coders nightmare. It's got a fuckton of versions of engines. You have the versions of original engines as well as the anniversary versions which have to interact properly with the CE and 2 engines in perfect sync. Not to mention the menu can't actually run in the same engine since it has to all stitch together. Not to mention all the PC hardware configurations They just want to avoid a complete clusterfuck.
They have different mp mechanics but you can access them all from one queue, it is great.
If you want something good then it is best we wait for now.
>Fucking why. They know all people want is 3.
First, people do want Reach.
Second, people are more likely to play the other games in the meantime.
Nobody would touch MCC's CE unless 2 and 3 weren't out yet.
i'm so happy they all got raped by M$ AND Sony this gen.
And have a repeat of MCC's Xbone launch? No thanks, bro.
Nobody give a shit about Halo, it's the Bloodborne of the 360, the game people pretended to love because that's all their shit system ever got.
I think you meant to say 2
I'd rather they make sure each game works instead of repeating the disaster the original release was
>Nobody give a shit about Halo
It broke records for game launch sales and lifetime sales multiple times.
It arguably set the standard for big game launches.
desu i don't think anyone would care too much if microsoft kept making consoles but made them more pc oriented so they could release all their future exclusives on xbox and windows together for people who actually spend money on their pc's. they and sony have already been doing their little step up program with their hardware refreshes halfway through the lifecycle, which essentially just makes them pc's now. the only thing that stops older generation games from working is their OS architecture, which doesn't really need to change all that much from hardware to hardware. you can tell they're going that direction with all the backward compatibility they're doing for 360. then you have rumors of sony doing similar stuff for ps5 having BC all the way back to ps1. i think we may finally see the end of traditional consoles and move further toward what are essentially branded convenient PC's that play games without needing to think about all the traditional pc parts and shit. i personally can't wait.
Quick rundown?
I want to fuck this itty bitty titty kitty
> there are those who said this day would never come. What are they to say now?
Is this an attack on NEVER EVER posting? Based as fuck
I hope multiplayer works on the pirated version
Does the Xbone version of MCC get Reach and custom games browser too?
They should just release all the game separately on pc. Its going to be a fucking nightmare just porting them properly, much less getting the shitty menu and everything else to work.
are you for real?
Who else here /onlymultiplayer/? I've never finished a single Halo campaign but love teabagging bitchbois online
it was a disaster to release all the games at once, bugs, multiplayer didn't work, just a mess.
Rolling launch will release one game, make sure it works, release the next.
Do you need Windows 10 for this shit?
>tfw xbone lets you see achievement percentages
I'm genuinely surprised that 20% of players finished DMC5. If you ever look down the "final" achievement for games, it's usually much lower.
CoD games are usually in the single digits.
Literally was complementing of getting an Xbox one just for the mcc but now I won't have to waste 300 dollars
Where do I even begin.
>Halo Reach with no motion Blur
>custom games even better then Halo 5 and ElDewrito
>Kat's ass in 144Ghz
What a time to be alive. Microsoft literally stopped me from killing myself
I'm vaguely interested since literally every online shooter after TF2 disappointed me. What's the multiplayer like in this, arena-ish, team based or just CoD-like peekaboo and I got excited for nothing?
No, it will be on Steam, and supports Windows 7/8
>literally no reason to buy into anything but the xbox ecosystem now
>tfw you now realise Sony literally cannot compete with what MS are going to be offering to consumers next gen
team based, sometimes arena
custom games with 16 people is where its at. basically just CS zombies mods etc. for Halo
>lel babbies first fps
You're literally playing Xbox even when you buy these games on PC.
both free for all and team based
the game is much, much slower than CoD both in player speed and TTK
simplistic, but effective and enjoyable
>There will be even less reasons to buy an ps4 now because pc has better games
will we see the glorious avalanche maps bros?
Halo is a lot less shit with kb+m tbf
Trust me, babysteps is better for 343i. Honestly, it would be best if they handed over new code for us to review ourselves before they commit it to the engine.
>custom games browser
if its like old tf2 server lists, we might get a new pc fps to last a decade
Arena-ish though it depends upon the game. CE is very stop and start since the pistol is insanely powerful. 2 is all about map control since every encounter is based upon your weapon, situation, and position. 3 is alot more arcadey and depends alot upon your use of resources. Reach is a mixed bag, but Invasion is great. 4 is a complete clusterfuck but can be dumb fun.
>implying sony loses because pc is getting a port of a 2002 dudebro shooter
And hopefully ODST without that godawful beeping.
your favorite game is shit
I guess only a brainlet would even consider getting an xbone
I always like when untrained monkeys here still think they know best
I knew I was right to never get an xbox 360 or xbox 1. There is literally 0 games on an xbox that I want to play that I cannot play on PC now .
It's time, bros.
Getting old games is still better than getting movies on a game console
>Sony literally admits PC gaming is their enemy
>Microsoft just gave everyone a massive reason to pay them for this game on PC
>literally the most talked about game in the world right now
Yeah Sony is definitely losing out on this.
Needs Epic in the picture.
Q: is master chief collection all those games or just 1-3?
Except we aren't playing it on Xbone.
God, I was hoping for the ps4 to be good but it never delivered.
>FOV options
at least I can finally play Halo without getting sick.
OP's probably a SonĂ½gger.
yes, 1-4 and odst/reach
>Sony literally admits PC gaming is their enemy
Source: Dude just trust me
its even more shit you retard
its totally focused on the control scheme of a controller, and is made around that limitation. That's why its a console shooter. Slow movement, long ttk, focus on jumps (movement instead of aim), etc. This will be a total retard fuck fest
The absolute state of zoomers
wait a minute... remember the backlash from Sony accidentally enabling cross-play for fagnite on PS, then quickly turning it off once discovered?
what if MS saw this and it had a hand in them warming up to PC gaming/cross play
Sboys are more elitist and unbearable than PC players now
I can't wait to play some zombies or Jenga with the boys.
I am perfectly fine with my gow and mmc on xbone. But if all gears will be on pc.. And in steam then I will sell this shit box
cool i might get it then
Why not in the epic store
>halo 2 pc's FOV
gave little old me suicidal depression. vista exclusivity not withstanding
How old were you when Halo 3 released?
Pretty based desu
I played the original CE on PC last year and couldn't get over how narrow the FoV was.
fuck yess
You asked this same question yesterday
>WinBot 10
thanks, but no thanks.
Where can I preorder?
Nah, fuck off.
Always been a Playstation and PC gamer. Xbox is shite
In before it's $200 rather than the $40 it should be.
The misstake on their part is that they think xchads care about exclusives, they just play ok console because it's chill and easy to plug in a second controller to play with your bros
Poor snoyboy...
Reminder that MCC uses the HCE WXP and H2 Vista ports
I've never played Halo but now I'm interested and want to see the series and the story.
Can I play Reach without playing the games before it or will it start in the middle of something with no context?
>he doesn't know
this.... isn't happening....
Applies to code as well.
This. Shit was disorienting whenever I played Halo with a bunch of people in LAN parties.
If I can't center the reticle I am not buying this game.
Reach is a prequel, but also basically standalone so you don't need to play any other games.
They all play roughly the same anyway.
7, my uncle brought his xbox to let me play one and two to catch me up with the story the week before, we played coop and it's honestly one of the best memories I have because we stocked up on snacks and drinks
It's the first part of the story, the only thing you can do before that is to read Contact Harvest. It's fine to start the story with it, even if it came way after the series success.
it worked on consoles. shouldnt be a problem on PC.
they just want to milk this shit as much as they can
"However, the probability that monkeys filling the observable universe would type a complete work such as Shakespeare's Hamlet is so tiny that the chance of it occurring during a period of time hundreds of thousands of orders of magnitude longer than the age of the universe is extremely low (but technically not zero)."
>one-hundred forty-four billion fps
nigga what
like 13, god damn time flies
>wow classic coming this summer
>halo coming to pc
>jap games are finally getting good pc ports
Is 2019 the Year of the PC?
>no doubt a shitfest to code for. Splash Damage is doing the port and since they did the port of Gears 4 it should probably be great.
When did they say anything about 144hz?
I can literally guarantee you right now that there will be more people buying xbox two to play exclusive halo infinite than there were people who bought a ps4 to play bloodborne (3.5m sales).
In general more people were probably attracted to the xbox brand because of exclusives like halo than Sony players who seem to just be attracted to playstation because of fifa
This. I've always been an idort, but I've never in my life owned a Microsoft console.
xfags can go jump of a cliff.
Gamplay wise, it's an evolution of everything the Bungie games have built up. (Halo 1, 2, 3, and ODST), but it's chronologically a prequel to Halo 1. It would be jarring to play Reach then jump to CE immediately afterwards, but you do you.
Jesus Christ
zoom zoom
Last year before E3, I said to my friends that the only thing I wanted out of the gaming industry was Devil May Cry 5 and MCC on PC. Now that I have BOTH of those, I can't see myself getting excited for any other games for a long fucking time.
It's such a strange feeling, having everything that you want.
>it worked on consoles
>it worked
Are you motherfucking retarded? Like legitimately crazy? MCC was one of, if not THE most disastrous launches in console history. It's a mammoth project and 343 have proven they're not up to the task. A rolling release is the only sane choice to make sure history doesn't repeast itself. Peopl have fucking goldfish memory I swear.
>Halo: Combat Evolved released 18 years ago
All I wanted for the last 10 years was a remake for Resident Evil 2 and Halo 3 on PC.
Literally nothing else left to look forward too.
Get banned until the year 2999 then
yeah but i never experienced the zoom zoom games because parents did not like me playing games
>it worked on consoles
this is how i know you have no idea what you're talking about. how have you not heard of the giant amount of issues and patches releases that are nearly the size of the game?
Can't even remember but I was mid teens. It was huge as fuck in the UK and you literally got bullied if you owned a playstation when the 360 was big here. Halo 3 itself was so big and literally everyone wanted it that I went to a local burger shop once and there was this guy selling his ps3 for like £50 just so he can save up for a 360 lmao. It was fun bullying the Sony cucks back then.
I own a ps4 now but I still regret it but oh well I don't give Sony my money anyway because I buy all used games and I leech off a friends ps+ account to play online. Literally everyone I know only bought they ps4s for fifa anyway so all I have to own is one game and I never have to touch this trash console any other time.
>a proper PC version
>halo waypoint forums "perma" bans last until 2552
Absolutely based
>requires Xbox live
So I'm fucked because I'm already banned and MS detects my PC when I try to make a new account and won't let me.
>That's why its a console shooter. Slow movement, long ttk, focus on jumps (movement instead of aim),
Read that back, brainlet.
serves you right
I'm an old geezer now.
>teabag someone
>get banned for sexual harassment
oh boy i can't wait
Why is this a big deal I dont get it
This was me with Travis Strikes Again, and then this extra shit keeps happening and I just have nothing to ask for, it's happening on its own.
zoom zoom pal zoom zoom
I just don't get it, why was Halo 3 so goddamn amazing? Remember watching those trailers before it came out, remember all the hype and literally everyone talking about it?
How did they do it?
>he isn't running Halo on a quantum computer powered by the heat of a dying star
microsoft is already planing to go fully streaming and has already said that their exclusives will be available on pc including gamepass. in 2020 which is when halo infinite is most likely to release pc wont be far off from getting it xbox is already making a diskless console
Ive never played any halo game
>Games will never hype everyone so much that it's featured in NY times square and has the attention of almost all media
Probably episodic. Everything from MP and Reach will be playable day 1 on pc. They probably are unsure on a lot of the story stuff with ultra-wide and different hardware now
Do you think they'll fix the problems with input delay that firefight had online? Shit was borderline unplayable.
This will not be mod friendly like Eldewrito.
>not SNOY and censorship signs
actually its funny bc i was born the day halo mc was released
>good music
>solid art design
>simple gameplay with a decent skill ceiling
>little details all over every map that could fill up trivia sections on wikis
>customs, forge, and splitscreen
Majority of console FPS games lack most of those these days, with bland music, empty maps, and require you playing online with no friends in the room. Such as Halo 5.
because it was based as fuck, it's really that simple. sucks that we live in a time where based qualities have become scarce.
Except you're literally connected to Xbox Live the entire time you're playing this. It's like saying you're not playing on a PC because you're using a laptop.
Assuming they weren't retarded and hard-coded shit like despawning objects outside your FOV there shouldn't be any issue there.
All the issues with the original MCC were related to the multiplayer, so they probably just want to avoid a repeat of that.
Halo 3 is a more complete game than basically any FPS to come after it
>His computer isn't powered by a dyson sphere
fucking poorfags I swear
Now I just need Forza 4 on Steam
MCC from launch to upwards of 2 years was nearly unplayable online for the majority of users. If all you cared about was playing the single player it was fine, but hour long matchmaking times and constant crashes and other stuff were a consistent theme forever.
Tell me it isnt restricted to W10 bros
pleaste tell me it aint so
Is this a bad thing? What do I think about this bros?
What is Fortnite for 500
Seriously man I like Halo as well but Halo was the game to hate like Fortnite is now. Its a weird future we live in where Yea Forums doesn't completely shit on Halo anymore
>Xbox Live the entire time you're playing
Except we aren't USING an Xbox faggot. Just because we're using some account to do it doesn't suddenly make us playing on an Xbox. Especially because we don't have to pay for online like Xbone fags.
we dont know, but dont get your hopes up
Let's face it lads, it's not going to feel the same as playing the originals on your own brand new Xbox 360. Remember joining a party chat with the bros on a friday night and not having a care in the world? Maybe you had some school work but it didn't matter, life was good. Nowadays I'm afraid we've lost that magic.
I didn't buy an Xbone, retard. How would I know? I don't fucking keep up on the hottest polygon and Kotaku articles to learn about fucking games I don't play
Fucking dickhead
Reach is trash, kill yourself immediately.
its just the nostalgic effect, 12 years from now there will be fags saying the same shit for Fortnite
>He doesn't know
Almost 17.
I miss that dashboard so much, why cant I switch and or select a dashboard on my xbone x ?
Windows 7 only has a few months of support left anyway
newfag here
What is Custom Games Browser?
>Friday night
>Pizza and some soda nearby
>Bros in the party chat
>Halo and pic related on standby
I want to go back.
dont really care DMC5 was probably the last game I'm buying anyways, time to grow up and leave it all behind
this was a complete surprise for me
The human eye can only see in 24 million fps
Yeah I realize that now. I used to be part of the hate train and realized I did it because I was a bitch. Halo is pretty fun. Fortnite isn't really my thing but yeah you're right it will be loved in like a decade
>newfag here
>What is Custom Games Browser?
You can join a custom game from a selection page it's your choice instead of matchmaking
12, but since I was a poorfag I only really finished it when I was 17
It was bad. Really bad. Nothing worked and everything was shit, for every game. Now imagine being a dev and trying to fix bugs for multiple games.
I think its smart to roll the games out one at a time. Release one, fix any problems that arise, move on to the next.
I didn't buy an xbone either autist, but I still heard about the issues, it was widespread as all fuck. All you have to do is Google MCC Launch disaster and get your bogdanoff instead of taking longer to post for one here faggot.
Shut up faggot I have money and weed and way more free time now than I did in highschool.
Unlike some people here I haven't spent the last decade in front of a screen destroying all fun games have.
>get to experience each game with a huge amount of players
I think rolling them out slowly will be fun as fuck
This is also what I was thinking, each game gets it's time in the lime light.
I actually somehow never even thought of this. It's probably a better idea to slowly roll them out so people can't just pick their favourites right away and not play the others.
Its on Windows 7 now that DirectX 12 is compatible with it
I still remember waiting at the midnight launch on a school day.
Isn't this just some meme? I hardly see any PC monitors with it.
Ready doesn't even, FUCKING, DESCRIBE IT!
except 99% of people will play reach and then play combat evolved when it comes out to realise how garbage combat evolved multiplayer is and how massively superior reach is as a whole and go back to playing reach. they should have started off from combat evolved so people can experience the new things each sequel brought to the table instead of giving you one of the later games first followed by the first game which is literal barebones and would be a downgrade for most people.
Holy shit
Got that midnight release and skipped school the next day. Time to frag as many zoomers as I can before my reflexes hit the decline.
the fuck off faggot
18 :(
only 4k monitors support hdr. 4k and hdr are almost synonymous with each other now because basically every 4k tv has hdr support (though it's mostly a shit hdr not full 10 bit).
Fuck all of you newfags. I was fucking 16 when CE came out. Get on my level.
>haven't touched MS consoles since the original 360 years ago
>check my microsoft/xbox account as a result of the halo news
>all those friends that will never come online again
>all these people you were best of friends with in school who you never talked to once you moved on to further things
>up until the crack of dawn playing CoD and shittalking with friends
>all those neat custom maps and gamemodes for halo everyone had
Remembering the good times hurts so much, hopefully this lets me relive some of them
>Get your bogdanoff
Yeah I definitely have not been browsing here nearly as much in a while. The fuck is a bogdanoff?
But CE multiplayer is way better than Reach. Reach MP isn't bad though.
Can someone give this user a rundown?
Halo is one of the only games I would participate in lobby chat
T-they'll have lobby chat right?
Yeah, youll have to hook it up to a tv.
Monitor hdr is shit
I was only 10, sadly never even had a 360 until much later, but I do have fond memories of playing this CONSTANTLY at a friend's place.
It'd always just be one-on-ones, but they were always great fun, we'd make up bullshit rules, even outside of the custom game options, and that's not even mentioning the times we'd go online and fuck around since you could do online splitscreen, it was amazing seeing all the crazy and stupid shit people would come up with in Forge.
For some reason I specifically remember one mode which has all but one player in a shooting gallery-esque set of hallways, and the other player on the far end of the map with a sniper, he had to shoot all of the "ducklings" or he'd be swarmed, potentially killed, by whatever he didn't get as they made their way through a tunnel to his chamber.
It's okay boomer, your kind will always be welcome here.
Is Master Chief better than any other "mascot" that Sony has created? I can't even think of one.
Shitpost all you want, but don't be late for your prostate exam, grandpa.
Halo 1 and 2 are the only things I want though.
I wonder how many of the fags I used to play with are dead
>being 34 and still on Yea Forums posting anime reaction pics and playing vidya
thats a yikes from me senpai
No, but you can always use discord
>his PC isn't quantum tunneled into the bi-frost
Arena with slow ttk, power weapons and vehicle control.
>Check out my Hayabusa/Recon armor, faggots. Bet you're pretty jealous, huh?
>WOW, you retards suck at this game, my team is so shit!!
>My dad works for 343
Can't wait
You're way too old to be browsing here, man. Go hang out with your wife/kids or fix up your house.
It's back, it's actually fucking back and here to stay forever.
This is truly the best fucking timeline. We're home.
Bagboy from little dick planet?
Maybe Kratos and Not-Indiana Jones from Uncharted?
10 I think. But we got a 360 later, like in 2008 I think. We sold our old game consoles to get it.
Including our pikachu n64
>tfw it's been 12 years since I watched this and I still remember all the lyrics
Shit, man. When I see cases like yours, something inside me just screams to move on and do something with my life.
>Domino's pizza
rest in potatos xcucks
>Custom Games Browser
stop i can only get so erect
Just the most solid game to come out for a long time, both before and after it. Multiplayer was perfect and had lots and lots of options for how you could play it with custom games and playlists, but it still had classic FPS ideas like weapon pickups and ammo management. It wasn't outrageously difficult to play but there was a huge difference between a shitter and someone competent, but even a bad player can contribute if they just followed someone around or grabbed a vehicle. TTK actually existed so unless you got sniped you felt like you could fight back if you got jumped. Graphics and art design were so good the game doesn't really look like it's aged at all.
It was just a really fuckin good game. It did nothing wrong and it did everything well.
music to my ears
Bungie was an amazing company, one of the true "oldguards" and you could really feel the love they put into their games. Following the success of 1 and 2, the ARG, huge media presence, spreading from word of mouth and some truly innovative design choices for online Halo 3 was destined for greatness.
3 is the worst Bungie-made Halo.
Worst campaign, worst forge, worst multiplayer, worst story.
Fuck 3 fags who spam it.
but why
What poorfag cardboard do you eat?
>call someone a faggot, jew or nigger
>get permabanned
this is gonna be shit
There's no way. Halo has a legacy of shit talkers and taunting.
Imagine being this contrarian
Awful taste.
I've been here since 2006, once you're here you never leave
>People are going to start making Halo Machinimas again
Fucking based and comfy
You fags were literally younger than the annoying shits we shared MM with.
do people actually get the hammer for saying faggot or nigger on MCC? has there been any reports of this happening?
imagine unironically being 32 years old
>but love teabagging bitchbois online
motherfucker i would fucking own you
Alright lads, whats your favorite?
not Domino's that for sure LOL
get a fucking life already, grandpa.
>tfw most halo 3 machinas are lost media now
>ywn watch Guitarmaster's Deus Ex ending ever again
>hard justice is gone too
>early inside gaymen with Sodagod
>imagine caring the age of other posters
halo 2
>Not obscuring your slurs
Git gud figgernaggot!
is it even possible that it could be restriced to windows 10 if it's releasing on steam?
Halo 3 forever and always
Its a dead heat between ODST and 3 for me.
t. guy who screams about zoomers in every thread
12, time truly flies. I am going back, chums.
b-but user-kun I am scared that people will make fun of me...
>who are you?
>i'm an indian
>yeah, so what the hell are you doing in my cupboard?
>i dunno. stuff.
>get out of my cupboard.
>fuck you.
Except it's getting dx12 soon.
>ywn watch Guitarmaster's Deus Ex ending ever again
Tfw I fapped to this once when I was like 13.
in an old past nobody give a shit about
Well after 4 year it's still not working correctly
>title-by-title rollout
>meaning they will release HaloCE and never release anything else ever
It says windows 10. Can you not play it in win7?
>PCucĐºs excited about getting sloppy seconds
>hot micing parents arguing in the background
>someone eating and drinking very loudly while shit talking
>barking animals
>two roommates or friends talking to each other about random stuff
>Portuguese or Russian speaking
>a literal 5 year old
>erp fags
This is going to attract every horrible online player on the planet.
Mythic disc = Halo 2 > 3 > 1 > Wars > Reach > 4 > 5
You can. Steam supports win7.
and it'll be beautiful, don't lie
yur mom gay
We're almost home bros.
I never figured out how to get Hayabusa. I know for Recon you needed to do some easter egg in the cartographer level. But its been so long I've forgotten how.
you unlock all the armor right from the beginning in mcc. hayabusa armor can be chosen without even levelling up.
I fucking miss all that shit man, who knew it would be taken from us and replaced with the rules, LoL, R6:S, and OW have instated.
And that somehow makes it relevant? Enjoy your no security updates and day 1 exploits
on xbox live they will voice ban you for calling people niggers its gay as fuck
faggot loser lol
Except that they themselves were the ones who kept it off PC for so long.
My God, its beautiful. Like xbox live back in the day. Oh its going to be great. Its going to be so great. I miss it, all of it. Except the erp fags, but I can just betray them and laugh at their rage.
What specs will I need for this?
I bet people will still brag about it.
>t. scrub who got demolished even in social playlist
go play Reach, faggot.
i want a version with a big MCC and WoW Classic side by side with two respective hugging wojak crowds in front of them
I always ordered from local places that were not shit
Spoken like a true win ten dicksucker.
>trying to start console war garbage
user most of us played these game religously on their original platforms when they came out, there's probably a very high percentage of people so excited for the announcement BECAUSE of that. Nostalgia is a powerful thing and the fact that they're great games to begin with only makes the desire to re-experience them all the stronger. For many people it's probably been years since they last played a Halo game, and the times when they did are steeped in pleasant memories (like a lot of the posts in these threads recall).
and yet the team in russia almost finished porting it for free
it is exactly zero, this theorem is stupid
They're old games user. I doubt they'll be very demanding.
>turn mic on
>turn mic off
If you can't handle the bantz then you aren't playing halo correctly.
Get your shit together, cuteposter.
This but unironically.
this shit will not work. they do not care about the players.
or, like, here's the idea: maybe test everything before you release anything, so a fuckup won't happen and you won't sell people a beta project.
just my crazy idea
Which episode was this from again?
My toaster is as old as them
I can't even do dx11
because youtube reviewers and twitch weren't as big.
>Worst forge
I'll give you that one, but come on user the rest is just not true.
>tfw 1 ban away from being permabanned on xbl
>all 5 previous suspensions have been because of "Communication" and "Harassment/Abuse/Threats"
Well you've probably got a year or so to buy a computer that's a toaster by today's standards. You could probably run all this shit on like a $600 build.
ok so for mutliplayer are you really going to have 5 different games all launch at the same time? community will be tiny
>spic talks over mic
>hear babies crying in the background
>dogs barking
>old lady screaming in spanish
>all those crazy as fuck driving maps people made with accompanying gamemodes
I can't fucking wait bros, it's been too long
Because Bungie CARED. They poured their hearts and souls into Halo 3 and in return we got a near perfect game. The campaign is amazing, the multiplayer was unforgettable, and the best part was it never got old thanks to forge and custom games.
it's a quote from from one of the covenant prophets
The application is literally called Xbox
>movement instead of aim
I assume you're talking about this, in which you have refuted nothing. It takes advantage of the more precise movement directions that a thumbstick can produce, putting an emphasis on movement, especially with ninja backsmacks and generals jumps on the maps for quicker transportation. The point being in halo, you could dominate if you knew all the subtle ledges to mount on and crevices to shoot through, without barely having to move the right thumbstick (aim). Aim assist does it for you, and 50% of the aiming is done with movement anyway because its easier than spastically looking around with an inaccurate thumbstick. You just don't understand, because youre retarded
>hear a guy getting beat with a sandal because he was raging at what was like 3am in his timezone
Can't wait to play some duck hunt maps all over again.
Or some of those track maps where an infected with a rocket launcher tries to blast a bunch of people on mongooses running a track.
install a second version of windows, dual boot
me on left
the party chat system destroyed everthing
Source on that?
>squeakers calling other players faggots and niggers trying to be "mature"
>the guy with the fucked up mic
>the guy with the fan on in the background, but doesn't say anything
>the faggot raging because another faggot teabagged him
>I remember back in 2007 this board was mostly full of them
Nice revisionist history. I don't deny the Halo 3 threads, but there were way more Nintendo and PC related threads than Sony and Microsoft threads. Doesn't really matter as back then console war stuff was more tongue-in-cheek.
It's on steam, and win 7 getting dx12. There's no other source for it.
>the guy with the mic turned on but doesnt talk just keeps breathing into it
>that girl everyone starts sucking off as soon as she starts talking
>the guy calling others faggots for doing it
It will never be the same. For some reason faggots hardly use mics anymore. EVERYONE had mics back in the 360 days. Most PC games now people don't even bother.
>no actual argument
>Get on mic to talk in game
>Some random guy on my team starts ranting
>"You've never felt real pain, you've never really suffered, I can hear it in your voice you little pussy"
Edgy teens got weird as fuck in this game.
>Halo on PC
>tfw Yea Forums will finally accept Halo
Best timeline.
the gtx 1660 came out just a few days ago and its basically gtx 1070 performance for $220. if you don't know how much performance a 1070 is it's basically good enough to run most games on a 144hz monitor at over 100 fps except the most demanding ones.
use this. i couldn't add the 1660 because it's not updated yet.
>the sounds of a door opening and then angry arguing because the guy going full chimpout rage mode woke his parents up
>he drops out of the game a few seconds later after the sound of loud footsteps and a panicked "Don't tur-"
>guy breathing into his mic
>black guy: "yo stop breathing in yo mic nigga"
Its because they're all in discord and shit.
1080p 144hz monitor*
you can thank discord for that user :)
>Guy plays some shitty rap into his mic to try to impress his teammates and gets defensive when someone tells him to shut up
Go play on Xbox faggot, I'm tired of you fucking zoomers only ever picking Halo 3 and Halo 4. I want to fucking play Halo 1 with more than 4 players god dammit
Because everyone is scared they'll get reported by some oversensitive faggot and get banned because they told said faggot he's bad.
>guy breathing into his mic: shut the fuck up you nigger
based black guy saving our ear drums
>the one friend that always fell asleep in the middle of an all-nighter so everyone coordinates to produce one loud as fuck noise and scare him awake
>That guy who played Halo 3 with a voice modulator
Discord is retarded as fuck.
It's a combination of many gamemodes.
Arena style multiplayer, team battle, vehicle maps, zombie infection gamemodes, etc
The only real CoD game type is SWAT
>Dude check this out!
but there's Steam games that require Windows 10(like Sunset Overdrive), and that Direct X 12 thing is only for games that are being developed, right? Is it possible to update the MCC to use Windows 7?
Man I hope these moments come back. Halo banter was top tier. I just hope the ban hammer isn't too hard.
>The guy in an otherwise fun group that always gets a little too mad and starts demanding a ton of houserules for your games, and everyone agrees because he's their friend
I remember the voice mask it sounded pretty funny I cant remember if it was original or 360 though
>friend plays entire tom cruise rant from tropic thunder
I remember I had a bunch of points saved up on Reach to buy the inclement weather armor effect, but I ended up never using them. Any chance the in game currency will carry over through Xbox Live since that required?
Here's the quick rundown
-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.
>typing that much
holy shit you are seething, not even gonna read that.
PlayStation has gone to shit, sorry to say
this is a completely separate game. think of it as a remaster.
>someone will inevitably start baneposting in the PC release
Best timeline
Game went broken for years, they released an update that fixed a few things for most, but not all, then it stagnated until last year when they shipped out an update that rebuilt the entire game. Also, in mixed game matchmaking, if it wasn't Halo 3, people would quit left and right, which kinda sucked for those of us who wanted to relive Big Team CTF on Coag or something.
I assumed it was because pcpoors have been waiting a decade and now they are being sold it piecemeal.
>You can't get your childhood back
>Everyone in the thread so sure it'll be the same good times and not shitty buggy, no one on the Mic, overly sensitive bans because feelings got hurt shit times
When did Yea Forums get so optimistic?
If you call WoW being developed, then maybe.
The real reason why MCC is coming to PC is because Halo Infinite will be a PC release. Microsoft is calling us PCBros home. We're ALL going home /xbros/ and /pcbros/.
rifk you got fucking owned lmao
>that one little kid who larps as a general and starts give tactics orders to the team then gets mad when nobody listens
>"shut up faggot"
>Recon you needed to do some easter egg in the cartographer level
For Recon you had to do the Vidmaster Challenges
Halo has been on PC for over a decade, you dumb newfag.
16 and just starting high school, though I didn't care too much about Halo until after Reach or so. I was counting the days until stuff like RE5 and DMC4 at the time.
Or beg the gms impersonating a kid with cancer.
they need to bring dashboard skins to xbone
Before that it was Skype and before that it was shit like TeamSpeak and Ventrilo
nice, now make a halo version
Who here hopes they will allow the Halo Soundtrack to be added to your steam library, imagine have access to that soundtrack whenever you want
I don't get it. What am I supposed to be laughing at?
i hope youre talking about the tu version
otherwise youre a literal drooling reachtard
Will there be a way to purchase everything or will some stuff still be locked behind 5 dollars like the campaigns?
if i'm still on Yea Forums when i'm in my 30s i'm going to fucking kill myself
you might as well leave now
this, but with video games
i turn 30 in a few months
which is exactly what they are doing, so not sure what your complaint is.
I'll probably still be here in 4 years time desu
who remembers this real custom edition days
This image is fake as fuck
it's actually real though
Oh really.
Halo, all of them, are on PC.
You people are fucking dumb I'm referring to the image stupid
Based retard, this is why you'll never be a project manager
lmao epic toddlers btfo
I was referring to the OP image too retard
it's an offical image
What is a "custom games browser"?
>Smear The Queer lobbies
>Fat Kid
>Custom Firefight
>and too many more good custom games to count
oh yeah, this is nice
hurrr durrr
the original swipe left, i miss those noises
Based 117 digits
The image is fucking real too. Fucking brainlets, I swear.
Just a server browser that might not be a dedicated server. Skip matchmaking and just hop into a match some other player made. Previously, the only way to join a custom lobby was through invite.
I kind of wish that Haze Epic store thing was true.
>Oh yeah, fuckers? Well we got the HALO KILLER
imagine all of that gay anime and furry avatars running around, people making a community player logo to mark you're a furry, probably the brute icon or something, ugh
SJW's bitching about the steaktacular medal being oppressive and mysoginistic so 343 change it to basedtacular
>Wojak owes you a onions latte for going 0 kills 20 deaths
"They're probably more happy to get 20 kills on me than I am about getting killed 20 times. The total happiness in the world has increased!"
>Somebody is going to complain about tea bagging.
>Somebody is going to cut themselves over being tea bagged.
>Someone is going to get bullied by "Racist 14 year olds" again.
Oh my god, we're going home.
halo 3 was peak multiplayer
you may not like it but this is what peak performances looks like
>getting called nigger and retard by a whole new generation of 13 year olds
FUcking so hyped it's unreal
>Trannies and snowflakes' suicide rates skyrocket
The golden age of online gaming is coming.
tahts called the human experience faggot
waht the fuck is your faggot ass doing here
I can't wait for all the butthurt that classic halo banter will cause. Its going to be like Christmas or the 2016 election. An endless factory of salt.
11 years, wow
I'm going to specifically hunt down these faggots and kill them with the plasma pistol, just to piss them off.
And I'm not going to charge it either.
>he didn't buy the n-word pass
Will this use my steam profile id or my gamertag?
What's the appeal of Halo? Is it just nostalgiafags?
it says you need xbox live account so it will be gamertag most likely
baby's first fps
I played earlier fps but Halo CE had more natural controls.
Kys fucking leech.
It's the first FPS I ever played as a baby
Pure arena shooters are irrelevant and they are never coming back, the alternative to those is garbage like CSGO and Apex legends so Halo is fucking godsent right now.
Just about 13 years old, it released the day before my birthday. I remember being so incredibly sad and pissed it was releasing on the 360 only instead of the OG Xbox, my family couldn't afford a 360. I remember sending an email to Microsoft begging them to release it on the OG Xbox too.
Matchmaking was a fucking nightmare. There were bugs everywhere and my Xbox one lagged when I did coop in the campaign. It’s much better now but the game was fucking terrible at launch.
god I hope my toaster can handle it
nostalgia glasses,
>erp fags
thats me!!!
>Campaign had the climax of a decade long story
>Multiplayer brought back the AR and introduced new weapons, vehicles, maps etc. and brought back all the classic game modes
>Custom games and forge allowed for tons of creativity in game modes and maps, jenga, fat kid, paintball, etc.
>Theater allowed for you to share pictures and clips through the file share
>Bungie showed off community maps, pictures, game modes, etc. on a weekly basis.
>Had armor customization and emblems to make your spartan your own and you felt a sense of progression by doing achievements, everyone knew what you had to go through to get that armor.
>Could shit talk before every match with a twelve year old about how you're going to cum inside their mom while they cower in the corner in their race car bed.
Overall it was just a fun game to play, no lootboxes, no pay to win, no bullshit to get in the way of you playing. Just boot it up, pick what you want to play, social, ranked, swat, fiesta, whatever.
hit me with your hottest erp right now
>and my hax
>Bought Halo: CE for PC years ago when it first came out
>So many memories of having fun
>Lost disk
>Sad cause no multiplayer
>This is coming out
Haven't bought a PC game in what seems like years (last one was Overwatch but got banned because Blizz is full of niggers). Thoughts on if this is worth picking up? Never played past 1.
Oh boy, I can't wait to dish out $800 for a collection of games that will split the playerbase among itself.
Seriously though. Which one of these will be THE multiplayer one?
I actually want 2 because currently 2 is borderline unplayable with the shit you have to do to get rid of the deprecated GFWL
If custom games are a thing, do you think they could pull off 64 player big map games? I desparately want to play a Halo themed Battlefield game.
Good luck with the QA on 6 games simultaneously.
Not even Microsoft cares about Xbox anymore.
Why would there be any console warriors left for that team?
>All these fucking 3babies
It's no wonder 3 gets it's dick sucked so much these days and everybody gets assmad at anything that's even a little different from it/came after.
You are the cancer ruining Halo.
Most of the Halo games are basically slower paced Arena shooters, yes.
Reach adds specific abilities you can choose from on spawn, so it's a little less arena-esque, and 4 adds straight up loadouts and perks and shit like CoD, but still mantains arena style map design and gunplay. 5 goes back to even starts and being fully arena style but adds some titanfall/AW style parkour stuff.
he's a NPC, not even OP himself knows why he posted it like that, it's like an animal acting on instinct
I'm fairly certain big team battle was capped at 16 players. Unless they let us fuck with server settings I don't see that happening. If they do let us increase player caps I'd love to see something like a forge world version of Extinction from custom edition
I bet there are some FUCKING INNIES in this thread.
wasn't btb 10v10 or 12v12 on reach at some point?
well by your logic all games are pc games cause they were made on a pc
Have you ever considered shooting yourself?
How much are they gonna charge for this
>In my fucking UNSC thread
its still the cheapest BD player on the market
>moved house and didn't renew live because no Internet then just didn't bother when i did
>finally get around to getting live around the time GTAV came out
>banned within 24 hours for calling someone a faggot
1 > 2 > 5 > 3 > 4 > reach
>5 and 4 above anything
Wrong and shit taste
>there are those who said this day would never come, what are they to say now?
>every Halo (FPS) game until 4 for PC
>custom games browser
>FOV and proper resolution options
GOAT 2019
I have literally died and gone gone to heaven.
I hope this isn't too good to be true.
Hope you guys are ready for this EXTREME combat again
Reach is for zoomers. 2 and 3 is the real Halo experience.
They haven't really explained it right, but apparently you have to pay for all games instead of just buying a bundle.
5 mp does what bungie tried with reach just better.
If you weren't a shit eating company fan boy you'd realize this.
>go to midnight release in the innercity game store
>some guy behind me says he's in a rush because the last bus leaves soon and asks to skip ahead of me
>let him pass
>get my dumb fucking legendary edition box with the helmet statue
>realize that my bus was also the same bus he was talking about and now I missed it out of the kindness of my heart
>go back to the game store and ask if they have the number for the local taxi company
>skinny early 20's something guy says "hey, we're closing up here anyway, where you going?"
>tell him which part of the city I live
>"I'm driving in that direction, I can take you there."
>hop into the game store's company car
>dude takes me all the way home to my front door
>"Home delivery - free of charge."
>thank him and insist on giving him some cash for dropping me off but he declines
>asks me if I'm gonna be playing Halo all night because that's what he's going to do
>tell him yes, probably
>adds me
>we play Halo all night
From there on it was my go-to game store. Sadly it closed down a year later and was replaced by a Gamestop.
Well done user
they'll probably also have an option to pay for all of them up front
>5mp does what bungie tried with reach just better
I'm glad you agree that they followed in bungie's footsteps of ruining halo with reach
>ywn have a lan party with your bros again
why did everything go to such shit after 2010 or so?
By the rings!
5 and CE had this too, what's the big deal?
Do you even remember dmr combat? It was spray and pray the game
People who say they don't like reach have no friends
Or maybe they aren't underage like you.
Why is that relevant to whether it ranks above or below ranch?
Fuck all those I wanna play Duck Hunt again.
>in 2019 we get:
>Ace Combat 7
>WoW classic
>Astral Chain
>Pokemon without Masuda
>possibly Bayo 3
>Halo on Steam
How the fuck is it possible for one year to be like this
>shitty gunplay
>mediocre maps
>forge and customs done better in H3 and H5
Literally why would I ever play reach?