Play The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Play The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess

Attached: Loose imp butt.png (709x945, 606K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: Cheeky imp.png (500x369, 271K)

Attached: HOLD ME.gif (846x584, 119K)

She's completely naked if you think about it

No but I'll fap to my Honey Select/Koikatsu models of Midna


Play ZONE's Midna game

Easter egg scene only

Attached: explorer_2019-03-14_14-03-38.png (153x22, 1K)

I don't see the appeal of midgets. They freak me the fuck out irl

I want to creampie Midna so fucking bad. Then I want to watch Zelda eat the nut out of her pussy


Twilight Princess is so underrated on here baka

Attached: s9.jpg (1920x1080, 515K)

It has its moments.

It aged very poorly compared to the other games and the beginning where you have to find the tears of light is fucking shit.

I enjoyed it at the time of its release but I have no desire to ever play it again nowadays.

Attached: 1549650340653.png (867x673, 351K)

Its ok she is wearing a protective helmet

Naked, but she has no anus or genitalia. Just smooth skin with no holes.



Attached: SkullkidMajora.jpg (1600x900, 198K)

If she eats she must poop, if she poops there is a hole, if there is a hole there is a way


Attached: tumblr_ni61c32R7K1u56rl2o1_1280.png (1200x960, 353K)

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haha what a manlet

tfw you'll never have fat imp thighs and pucci rubbing on your neck and/or back as Midna rides you like a mount

I've been playing through Twilight Princess on the GameCube for the first time having beaten it at launch on the Wii, and god damn the early part of the game shit.

The bug collecting, the gay anime children, the wolf sections. Kakariko is awful and the Castle Town is a huge letdown. It gives you a wooden sword for five minutes before taking it away. The early dungeons are the only highlights early on, it doesn't really get good until you get the Master Sword.

Decent game, but it's a lackluster Zelda that suffers from such an awful intro that there's no replayability.

Attached: 030.jpg (1280x720, 251K)

how do I get the easter egg in the zone flash

I forgot

Yeah, general consensus is that this game starts off incredibly slow and boring but picks up and becomes quite good later on.

I loved TP Link. It was cool having a somewhat manlier Link

She isn't. Dark parts are "clothes." I love Midna.

Attached: Floating and sleeping.png (1600x1200, 210K)

Attached: Right here.jpg (2160x2657, 1.11M)

Attached: Smug Sexy Twili.png (1706x956, 690K)


Midgets normally have terrible proportions. Shortstacks don't.

Attached: Warm Butt.png (653x636, 132K)

She has a mouth.
Her form is her curse, not a vacation.

>Aaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhh i wanna FUCK midna so bad

>tfw wife is shortstack and loves midna

Ur wife is probs fat bro

nah she's got it in all the right places

I wanna warm Midna's big butt

Test Midna's ass

Attached: Cat Imp.png (900x1000, 281K)

Attached: True Imp (Helmetless).jpg (2000x4000, 1.95M)

He's pretty small

Attached: RUMINATE.jpg (1280x722, 80K)

>Midna invisible to all but Link.
>Somehow Ilia keeps getting a strange feeling like someone is clinging to her ass.


Attached: A4_SHEET_OF_PAPER.jpg (1024x576, 82K)

Why live?

Attached: Get up.png (1000x750, 233K)

I can only imagine an onahole

Let the meter run out.

Attached: Imp butt on dog.gif (182x277, 3.2M)

Sounds about right

Attached: PONDER.png (1144x713, 357K)

Probably smells like hot ass


Attached: 8b586eb7-eb98-41a4-aaf6-aba519088866.png (839x1259, 254K)


Attached: 1540326704263.jpg (810x990, 446K)

He's probably my favorite Link for that reason.

Attached: Sequel Never Ever.png (2300x2600, 2.91M)

I feel bad for that other user.

Attached: Sakamidna.jpg (791x746, 189K)


>February 2019
amazing that posts like these are still being made, I knew I didn't leave this place for a reason

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Attached: Wife.jpg (850x850, 144K)

go back to bed you've been losing sleep

>13 years and Midna still gets fanart and shit like that

Attached: Tired Midna.png (600x2000, 606K)

Losing sleep?

Attached: Panic.gif (400x400, 3.4M)

Imagine the smell

Attached: 4dO80So.png (701x1049, 462K)

what's the tag for this fetish

Attached: 67oW1vDg (1).png (1920x1080, 1.32M)

Attached: link.jpg (280x280, 13K)

iqdb and google give nothing, who’s the artist?



i started it but it was boring as hell
and dropped a bit later when link become a wolf
when does it get fun?

Shortstack? Just go to the shortbooru.

Attached: Shortstack Princess.jpg (498x805, 114K)

>Midna is so short that if Midna were able to suppress her gag reflex, a normal dick could cum directly into her stomach.


So what’s better? This game or Wind Waker?

>it's a thing good
erection lost

A little later. TP has a pretty slow start.

Attached: Midna and Link.jpg (500x500, 102K)


Attached: 1400470568464.jpg (1400x3296, 1.39M)

wind waker

the one who is not hiro

donald trump?

How long can this go under the radar?

Attached: Midna with the Hoodie.jpg (800x800, 182K)

I want Midna to wear the Peachette crown.

I want you to dead

Literally 20 pounds of pussy&ass.

trap bimbo midna > imp peach >>>> bimbo midna

She doesn't need it

Attached: Princess Princess Midna.jpg (638x1024, 68K)

She always craves a power increase. Not just because she wants to use the power to beat Zant, but mostly because it's her sexual fetish.

>implying they aren't fapping to it

Attached: Jealous Princess.jpg (4096x2771, 1.06M)

She could probably beat Zant without it.

Attached: Fuck you.jpg (3652x2550, 1.17M)

Attached: Fuck Zant.jpg (3842x2799, 3M)

I love Kass!

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Attached: Cuteness.jpg (900x1305, 260K)

I can't with this
post more cute

Attached: bf5a86efeebde8160cd2c808783a40ae.png (750x2250, 1.47M)

I'll try

Attached: Puppy.png (1000x1398, 1.18M)

Attached: Haha.png (500x386, 216K)

Attached: Happy Twilight Princess.jpg (1227x1032, 236K)

>Sweet Imp Ass

Attached: thank you jesus.png (625x559, 526K)

Attached: Me on the left.jpg (1024x906, 98K)

>No rule 34 of Jevil fucking Midna.

Attached: Cute Sleeping Imp.jpg (540x751, 119K)

I wish dogear still did Link/Midna stuff

Attached: midl1600.jpg (578x856, 164K)

Do you have the one where she bites him? Fuck I need more vanilla shit.

Attached: OTP.jpg (750x1080, 571K)


It's an edit from the TP manga

Attached: YES.png (416x622, 149K)

I feel your pain.

This one isn't by dogear--I can't remember the author. It's titled "Whisper" though. It's untranslated, and non /h/.

Attached: midna_whisper09.jpg (691x1000, 192K)

>non /h/
Still pretty hot and cute though

Attached: Longcat.jpg (540x812, 80K)

Attached: midna link.jpg (374x238, 37K)


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>Still up one hour later

God I wish that were me

Attached: Tol Girls.jpg (783x577, 224K)

Mods are still taking a whiff.

delete this

Attached: 1234.png (1400x1400, 130K)

Attached: Midna wants TP Link in a dress.jpg (788x1482, 364K)

Attached: Canon Imp NWF.png (1400x1400, 135K)

Attached: Sleeping Imp and Hylian01.jpg (700x1071, 677K)

p-post the full version

>That vid of Midna and Zelda cucking link

Attached: a3a2bc40df79230055f51398bcaeb8758ec4e367e40c639702f76ad6f01f906b.jpg (640x853, 96K)

Attached: Sleeping Imp and Hylian.jpg (687x1024, 171K)

Woah woah what

You forgot your
>made for bbc

>cuck shit

Secazz, I think. I hate it. Midna user needs to save us from degeneracy.

Attached: Backseat gaming.jpg (691x1024, 110K)

I tried. Got stuck in the Twilight Realm the first time you go there because one of the wisps didn't appear in the house.

Was using Dolphin.


Attached: Little Vulgar Imp.jpg (1024x1024, 131K)

>Was using Dolphin.
Gamecube is the way to go mate.


Spreading the love is worth the ban

Delet this

Attached: Annoyed Imp.png (383x289, 119K)

aint watching that shit, cuck

Needs more vanilla

Attached: midlink_p0.jpg (1000x722, 877K)

That's too much to ask for, user

Attached: Crafty Link.png (1000x3333, 1.44M)

Vanilla nice and hot.

Attached: 1534808464442.png (660x590, 553K)

Attached: Midna and Zant.jpg (1841x1369, 699K)

Attached: Maid Imp.jpg (566x640, 73K)

I wasn't the only one who thought Zant gave off some reptillian vibes right?

His helmet reminded me of an iguana or some kinda lizard.

Attached: Midna wearing a faggot's clothes.jpg (892x1000, 548K)

oy cool it with the antisemitic comments

Good way to describe it, plus the filed teeth added on to that.

Zant's an asshole but he did make Imp Midna a thing.

Attached: Zant's a shithead.png (725x945, 508K)

True form is underrated

I just really like Imp a bit more. Still pretty sexy.

Attached: True Smug.jpg (1000x1000, 98K)

it's pretty shit

>Midna only seems to attract /d/-tier artists in the west
>there seems to exist a number of vanilla doujins that will never get attention or get translated
All I want is to see Midna lying helpless before Link, her kingdom, crown, and haughty attitude gone and forgotten as he utterly overwhelms her with cuddling and tender kisses.

Attached: midnalink.jpg (948x1012, 360K)

True form is shit

Nah, it's pretty good.

Both forms are great
>Fuck the tsundere imp
>Then get to fuck a gentle, but dark fully formed goddess

sign me up

Attached: Not really though.png (567x532, 114K)

If only I had disposable income

Attached: Imp Princess.jpg (567x587, 74K)

Attached: Thicc Twili Woman.png (626x994, 161K)

I would probably like True Form Midna more if people actually fucking drew her right; more often than not they make her whole body a single color rather than actually bothering with the markings (boobs black, one foot white the other black, etc)

Attached: Midna's_true_form.png (600x1200, 301K)

Is Midna a B or C cup? Hope it's B.

Probably C or higher

Attached: Perfect.jpg (646x1024, 74K)

Attached: 11b.png (432x328, 138K)

but how lose is her butthole?

loose like a marshmallow but tight enough

what ever happened to buttercupsaiyan?
I hear she dissapeared and came back as watercolorismyheart

Would her tiny ass being loose even matter? She'd probably still be tight.

Attached: Thinking Imp.jpg (1024x1024, 118K)


So why does this artist hate Midna so much?

Attached: mid.jpg (474x934, 92K)

What the fuck seriously?
This is just upsetting at this point, give the man what he wants.


Still pretty busty in TP

Attached: True Midna.jpg (419x1024, 80K)

>shipfag feels threatened enough by Midna to make this
Lol what a bitch. Doesn't help that the art is shit either. TP Link/Zelda as a pairing is boring as fuck.

I used to use this all the time but I really like the POV one where she rides you then slaps your face when she's finished. Smug face and everything.

Attached: Smug Gremlin.png (574x1058, 585K)

I like Midna, but TP is easily my least-favorite 3D Zelda. It's not AWFUL, but I'd be fine with never playing it again.

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I want Wolf Link + Midna to be a character in smash

Attached: wp3157950.jpg (943x1280, 150K)

Did Zelda even give that much of a shit about Link in TP? I can't remember.

Attached: TP Crew.png (1000x1000, 582K)

Everyone on both sides of the pond seem to be in this perpetual pissing contest about who can produce the most revulsive shit. It's all so tiresome.

Attached: lPbf3of.jpg (800x600, 86K)

>wanting to invite subhuman Smashfags to make Midnathreads worse

you gonna sauce or what?

loose enough to release her poop easily

Can you put them up in MEGAs or something, please

>Did Zelda even give that much of a shit about Link in TP?
Outside of helping them to overthrow Zant, no. It's platonic in the most literal sense.

same, that or/and Skull Kid. Inb4 we get another Marf

Attached: marf.gif (250x237, 126K)

look what happened to Banjo and Geno

Not him but I can deal with that, honestly.

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Attached: CUKfYpY.jpg (600x800, 74K)

Attached: qwYYsgx.jpg (600x800, 75K)

is the aftermath discussion of the game, verification that all animefags deserve to be banned and contained?

So who made these? I got them saved and they're top notch.

Attached: jpXv3mi.jpg (1536x2048, 541K)



Attached: TP.png (750x464, 343K)

Wish I knew. Some user dumped it all in an imgur a while back and I've never found sauce.

Attached: 3T90dPz.jpg (2048x1536, 401K)

Jesus fucking Christ. This is all I want in life.

Whoever made this and Karasuki are the closest fanart has come to getting the style of the game right.

>tfw no Imp ears to nibble on

Attached: Tired.jpg (540x606, 63K)

>tfw no Midna to cuddle

Attached: O5jfjxy.jpg (1024x1024, 239K)

For me, it's Midna's fat dick.

Attached: LLPutZm.jpg (1536x2048, 471K)

I did over 10 years ago and even beat it. It's worse than Skyward Sword and I hated every second of it.

Attached: Unamused Imp.png (300x289, 43K)

>It's worse than Skyward Sword and I hated every second of it.
Awful bait.

Attached: Lq7UbZs.jpg (1024x1365, 283K)


Attached: E5E96E25-F792-43B0-A4C1-E01E0841BAA0.jpg (526x800, 104K)

>nobody did a mod of Midna and Wolf Link

I couldn't finish BotW. I didn't like it too much.

Attached: Midnass.gif (142x215, 3.97M)

>one of the worst girls in the worst game

>Fourth Link incarnation in Smash Ultimate

midna needs to influence the core/mainline Zelda games more to get into Smash desu
see: Dark Samus and K.Rool, their strong Legacy relevance what got them into the roster

convince me
with fish butts

Get rid of Young Link or make Young and Toon even more unique.

Attached: Smash 4.jpg (766x1831, 291K)

>being a seething rosterfaggot

*best girl in the series

Not that user but I played it full NEET mode for like a few weeks, took a break to do something else then just... never had the desire to continue it.

I appreciate the logic you put behind this, but I would like to know what kind of legacy Ice Climbers, Mr Game and Watch, Wii Fit Trainer, etc, had on any long-running series.

they dont have to rid or retool anything to add Midna, its more to upping her priorities in the franchise to be strongly cobsidered and not easily dismissed.

rosterfags don't control the roster

Attached: midphvjb38ze1sy4wwbo2_1280.png (1257x1920, 1.42M)

>*best girl in the series
Here she is with her husband.

Attached: 9AB3C400-808C-4F41-BB43-FDC6D61DAC44.png (1313x2048, 1.19M)

I know. I just figured making the Links more unique would make most happy. I like Toon Link the way he is but I'd still use him if he were changed.

Attached: Apron Imp.jpg (2000x2500, 2.58M)

I just thought it was funny, better than than the 4 Marths that we have now

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When are the Twili race showing up in another game?

Attached: SHORTSTACKS!.jpg (1024x1024, 122K)

Attached: 2019-02-11 12.34.11.jpg (1405x1167, 355K)

Is this diives

Attached: midna___189_1983844994.jpg (381x522, 51K)


Attached: 1535854174212.jpg (320x320, 17K)

Next game will have a Twili protagonist Midna's son who was born with blue eyes and golden hair.

it normally depends on within which franchise.
say Mother for example, of course they have to pick only the main or recurring characters. Jeff isn't worth the effort when you can add Masked Man, Ninten, or Porky.

and the other thing you said:
-in melee, Ice Climbers got in for the sake of being a NES representative. (outside that, IC's legacy was that it saved the NES in the UK (i think).)
-according to the famitsu article, WFT got in favor of Villager because Sakurai change on fighter philosophy in Smash (no characters that lack on legit fighting material), so he took a crack at something more extraordinary. (outside that, the legacy of Wii Fit pretty much defined the Wii generation and its success, so it made it legacy there.)
-GnW is a "surprise" rep so no logic is needed there. they dont want people to figure what theyre adding there to keep the reaction factor intact. (outside that, it was Nintendo first successful line if handhelds at the time.)

Worst Zelda

I already played through it once.
Minda ain't that hot.

Am I ready to fuck Link's ass? Sure.
Second place isn't bad though Midna

WW and SS co-share that title desu.

This is a good pic

Attached: Happy Imp.jpg (452x532, 109K)

>Minda ain't that hot
You think so?

Attached: Imp girl.jpg (481x659, 148K)


Attached: (you).png (836x768, 611K)

Are shortstacks the best type of woman possible?

She’s not a disgusting little imp then


Attached: Shortstacks totally not fucking.png (1280x885, 708K)

Rushed out the door and cutting corners ruined WW. They're the reasons why it has the worst dungeons, sidequests and overworld in the series. Sure it looks nice, but on repeat plays it loses the magic as Tingle strong arms you outta rupees for Triforce hunting.

Can't we all get along?

Attached: Midna02.png (800x800, 439K)

>One of my favorite Zeldas is a rushed pos

Yeah sure
everyone has their preferences

Just like my favorite Fallout game. It fucking sucks, but you learn to live with it.


Attached: Don't talk to me or my daughter ever again.jpg (990x700, 424K)

>WWN get an Kid TP Link and Midna adventure
Damm, imagine the possibilities.

This imp was made for breedin',
And that's just what I'll do
One of these days this imp's just gonna split right into two

>ywn grab Midna by the hips


Don't open this, user

Attached: Tiny Imp.jpg (768x1024, 138K)

What about the DS titles?

Could be fun

Attached: Probably a handful.jpg (600x720, 49K)

Attached: tfw.jpg (437x431, 21K)

The DS titles are alright games held back by DS gimmicks. There's some god stuff in there and they had the potential to Minish Cap Tier. They should just combine them into one game and ALBW-ify them .

Are they worse than SS and WW?

PH was fun but I hated how the dungeon was done.

Attached: Bitch.png (929x854, 34K)

...Yeah, but I expect more out of the 3D titles because they require more effort and time.

>look up what dogear is up to
>no more Link/Midna romance
>lots of Zootopia

Attached: midnae103600108a974ce0a0ee6d0e2efdf17.jpg (715x629, 133K)

>ywn hold Midna by the cheeks

Attached: mid_28.jpg (1280x1829, 664K)

Attached: mid_29.jpg (1280x1829, 482K)

Fair enough.

gonna dream about fat imp booty tonight

if any drawfags are on, do me a favor
draw midna at a computer shitposting about her ass or why flat is better

Attached: deepfried_1539925361418.png (852x587, 761K)

>ywn gently lay Midna on a bed

Attached: Pomf =3.png (700x1500, 713K)

Attached: Long Hair Imp.png (1230x2361, 3.05M)



Attached: IMG_20190314_193436.jpg (1504x2000, 264K)

>ywn cuddle and fall asleep next to each other

Attached: mid-1600.jpg (558x856, 174K)

Attached: Long Hair Imp Midna.png (964x1863, 1.21M)

What is Yea Forums's official stance:

Imp Midna > True Midna?
True Midna > Imp Midna?

Imp but only by a bit

Attached: Sexy Fang.png (748x1000, 414K)

True men of culture appreciate both user.
Imp Midna > True Midna

Yea Forums is not one single person. We enjoy both, some less or more than others and the main thing is we like both.

Good nuff for me.
answer the polls

Attached: midna drinking.jpg (898x1055, 596K)


Attached: 1552528823903.png (1264x900, 410K)

For the first poll I want to fuck both

Attached: Tol and Smol.png (872x1200, 511K)

I thought that Dark Souls 2 was pretty mediocre but the other two were fun.

Reminder that true form midna still has imp midna's personality

I wonder if mask user still browses here

Reminder that Midna didn't go back to the Twilight Realm alone, there was a secret stowaway that not even she knew about!

Why didn't Zant just kill Midna instead of cursing her?

An invasive species that ate all their crops?

He had a boner

Attached: Long Haired Imp in Faggot's clothes.png (1000x1100, 271K)

I like long legs and nopan more than I do imps and goblins.
But I really like imps and goblins.

I've been meaning to but I lost my copy somehow.

Attached: cant.gif (485x282, 828K)

There's that part where he confronts them after clearing the Lakebed Temple, and he asks Midna to abandon Link and join him.
Some people speculate that he wanted her to be his queen.

Attached: zant.jpg (472x233, 31K)

>invasive species
*snickers* so close user

Attached: link jr.jpg (503x477, 35K)

>Some people speculate that he wanted her to be his queen.
But they were siblings

Imp. True is the normie's way out.

>what is royal incest

Something that was frowned upon since forever.

I don’t even get why. The dude was strong enough at this point to not give a shit. Maybe he just wanted to torture her.

where was this confirmed?

Nowhere. No one is sure how Zant and Midna relate to each other beyond Zant being the usurper.

Considering that he was unable to destroy the mirror, her status as "true ruler" may have given her certain abilities he didn't have.

Or maybe he just wanted her.

I thought Zant was just a lowly servant who served Midna's family.

Me on her left

Attached: Midna watches Link fucking die.gif (450x342, 2.62M)

Attached: Doggy.jpg (530x1254, 178K)

>Midna is the sole reason I'm fucked up forever and into short stacks and size difference

This is my burden to carry...

Attached: 1354510592723.jpg (689x960, 485K)

He was important enough for the higher ups to choose Midna over him so he must have some clout.

You're not the only one with that burden.

Attached: Midna vs. Zant.png (900x1200, 1.43M)

Would Midna be a dom or a sub?

She acts confident and bossy until the red rocket is brandish, then she is a complete sub to the WOLF COCK.

I don't have a red rocket though

Attached: Sad Midna.jpg (1109x1041, 175K)


Attached: 1546829703196.png (800x600, 34K)

>I don't have a red rocket though
user’s weewee can’t compete with SUBLIME BEAST PHALLUS

Attached: 265BC03B-302E-4EFE-A04F-237EA39C6633.jpg (464x750, 156K)

Pl-please delet. I can work with what I have.

Attached: Sad Imp.png (146x199, 3K)

Attached: Floating Imp Butt.gif (400x262, 995K)


Attached: WOLFED.jpg (850x604, 88K)

I'm sure I can be her pet with my regular dick right?

Attached: Angry Midna.jpg (1280x720, 307K)

>TP link is 5’3”
Oh no no no

he's a young man, not done growing

Lol no, now clean the BEAST's seed off the floor, slavey.

Attached: midna petting her royal sybian.jpg (730x1000, 108K)

>Girl at the gym with almost these proportions always gives me the eye
>Comes close to where I am and does all these meme exercises that are ultra sexual
>I do nothing about it
I always mention it in Midna threads because fuck she always reminds me of this girl.

Attached: Alex Ahad Midna.jpg (750x900, 215K)

How much does Midna daydream of Link back in the Twilight Realm?

This, look how huge OoT Link got as a ghost and compare him to his size in OoT.

Attached: hero's shade and link.png (940x590, 505K)

Will I gwt a chance if I do this?

Attached: Upset Midna.jpg (812x540, 124K)

those segments were kino, howling included

Attached: Regretful Imp.jpg (1964x1440, 622K)

>>howling included
>filters the plebs who wanted fag instruments
>disproves the conspiracy theories autists by having songs from Majora's Mask
>not forced on the player
It was pretty nice looking back on it.

>a chance
Oh you'll get a chance alright... a chance to PREP THE WOLF

Attached: best boi.jpg (1200x834, 323K)

Wolf stuff was pretty fun to me.

Attached: Amaterasu and Wolf Link.jpg (937x653, 122K)

I guess helping Midna out is good enough. It isn't.


Imp midna balljob please

Keep going back until she shows up, and start doing squats and hipthrusts.

>ERPing with a cuckfag
The absolute realm.

Attached: 1549514549512.png (161x155, 34K)

It was fun, but so barebones compared to Link that it dragged the game down. Aonuma really dropped the ball on Wolf Link considering he came up with the idea. I wonder how Koizumi would've have done the wolf form differently.

>a cuckfag into beastiality

Bottoms should be rounded up and shot.

>Ywn be a cute shortstack gf

>No both option.
Faggot Midna is literally treasure.

Nah, it was in another gym more than a year ago.
My new gym closed so I'm going back and hoping she's still there.

I just needed an excuse to post more Midna.

Attached: Manlet.png (500x667, 181K)

What Midna is faggot Midna? You as an imp?

>Copy that.

>ywn have a cute shortstack imp user gf

Attached: Twilight Princess.png (2099x4552, 1.75M)

So did they go straight to the mirror chamber after defeating Ganondorf, or did Link and Midna get some time together before she left?

Attached: midlink2208232.jpg (644x1024, 93K)

She'll be forever sexually frustrated.

Attached: True TP Ending.jpg (640x1653, 314K)

Enough time for them to make love in the Ordonian meadows.


Attached: Succ Imp.png (1000x1000, 405K)

How do you feel about prototype True Midna?

Attached: midnaconcepttrue.jpg (320x448, 31K)

Nice hips, but those arms...

Still would

Attached: Wolf Midna.jpg (812x540, 84K)

Imagine those arms wrapping around your back during missionary though

Attached: Hair down.jpg (725x1024, 101K)

Thanks user

Faggot Midna is trap Midna. TheCon did it once.

Attached: Smugstack.png (4000x4000, 3.42M)

Attached: Fat Imp Midna.jpg (649x1024, 88K)

post dumpy duck from WW

No. I just played it a few months ago so I don't want to play it again


I don't have any

Attached: Sleepy Imp.jpg (540x812, 134K)

Attached: Imp and Shota.png (1306x742, 833K)

Attached: True Imp Midna.jpg (740x822, 199K)

Attached: Midna enjoying Weeb food.png (715x949, 408K)

I want to cook for midna until she's so full it's borderline uncomfortable

Is that a good idea?

Attached: Midna is FAT.png (980x1526, 1.51M)

My headcanon is that Midna is a terrible cook while Link is top-tier at cooking.

It wouldn't be a regular thing
that level of pudge is pretty good though

Attached: Cooking Imp.jpg (637x1024, 139K)

>tfw no chubby Imp to lightly bully

Attached: Squishy Imp.jpg (894x894, 101K)

Attached: Cute Clothed Midna.jpg (350x522, 86K)

Would you want to be with a Yandere Midna?

Attached: Crazy Twili Woman.jpg (822x457, 208K)

Attached: Midna Riding a Cock.jpg (500x619, 103K)


No thank you

Why is she riding a bird?

Attached: Huh.jpg (540x700, 183K)

a daring synthesis

>Not even imp form

I don't have any Yandere imps, sorry.

Attached: Midna and Iggy.jpg (1000x707, 192K)

I can't believe people with taste this bad exist
No wonder you desperately seek acknowledgment

Attached: Walking Imp.webm (814x458, 933K)

Nah. Twice was enough.

Attached: Lanky Twili.png (770x950, 401K)

Attached: Imp and Ice Cream.png (883x1000, 435K)

Attached: Imp, Poyo, and Tink.png (1000x800, 570K)

>link is at the perfect height to motorboat true form midna

Attached: 1546580867042.jpg (485x486, 35K)

Not when actually playing the game, no.

Can't relate

Attached: Floating Ass.gif (500x320, 996K)

Attached: Twili Beach Midna.jpg (1024x901, 104K)

>Fi barely present
>still steals the picture

>Fi is helpless against tickling.

She's pretty cute

Attached: Nerd Imp.png (550x798, 283K)

I did not need this thought in my head or pants
Oh no

That's actually kinda cute.

Attached: Fairy.jpg (571x881, 238K)

I can't even imagine how she'd react/what she'd say though

Attached: Midna and Admin.png (720x965, 243K)

>Robotic laughter intensifies.
>Master, the chance that I will soon wet myself is 47%

Attached: Ugly Sweater Imp.jpg (768x1024, 256K)

Thanks for killing the boner.

Fuuuuuuuck, I want a TP sequel revolving around Link. We got the BotW Engine, can't they mash the best combat in the series with the biggest map?

Attached: tp link.jpg (1203x3002, 693K)

Attached: Flustered Imp.jpg (442x786, 150K)

WW had the best combat. TP was mostly button mashing.

>WW had the best combat.
Bruh it was legit QTE to win.


Attached: 1552518106254.png (560x560, 508K)

Attached: 1552095347551.jpg (390x398, 135K)

Elf Minda>Imp Minda

>Twilight Princess gets a sequel
BUT it's on 3DS. How do you react?


Attached: Fuck.jpg (540x588, 139K)

I'd be upset that it isn't on Switch but I'd buy it anyway.

Attached: AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH.png (751x572, 384K)

I meant the Full Minda we see at the end...
You should know what I mean.

I don't think you're supposed to post huge cocks on blue boards user

I know what you meant though.

Attached: Midna playing Bloodborne.jpg (1024x614, 72K)

shoutout to the absolute man among men keeping this thread bumped with Midna fanart

Attached: 1393702863303.jpg (762x405, 25K)

the remaster is garbage

Still the best Zelda game of its generation.

I've got nothing better to do during this car ride. I really love her.

Attached: Comfy.png (500x500, 165K)

Bless you user. You're the best.

No problem

Attached: Smug wolf riding Imp.jpg (1998x2147, 1.11M)

I might have to create a folder just for her since there'll just be this huge group of her in my pictures, and then a bunch from every other thread I saved her in

Attached: 1374706009717.jpg (600x600, 45K)

I need more Midnas in jackets/hoodies

Attached: 1543112252662.png (596x1072, 265K)

I don't have as much as that one user but I've got about 500 pics now. I end up going on boorus and pixiv evry now and then looking for new stuff.

Attached: Midna will never wear your oversized clothes.jpg (600x800, 117K)

what's midna asshole is shaped like?
creatively describe it

Attached: Midna with a hoodie.jpg (600x692, 34K)

it's gaping about the diameter of my dick

Attached: 1365717247646.gif (500x263, 530K)

An asshole. oreo starfish.

>I'm all wet

Attached: Midna enjoying Gamecube.png (600x811, 409K)

She doesn't have one. Imagine her constant frustration.

Only technically there, little more than a pinhole barely visible under close scrutiny
As such it is demonically tight, but her imp flesh is nothing if not flexible, given the patience to work at it

it's very small, striated, doesn't have any amount of puffiness, and is black.

Attached: Midna fug6.jpg (729x1024, 153K)

Attached: Imp laying down.jpg (1024x1024, 174K)

>"Draw me like one of your Hylian girls, Link."

Attached: 1521949572128.gif (500x525, 1.78M)

reminds me of punished cosmo

That's a nice smile

Attached: Aaaah.jpg (1168x1239, 363K)

Significant upgrade to what we got.

I want to fall asleep with my face between Midna's asscheeks

Attached: 1400451951871.jpg (1156x1546, 791K)

The remake literally fixed the original's flaws and added new content, fuck off. That's like saying the Wind Waker remake is worse than the original.


Attached: Workout Princess.jpg (526x952, 134K)

I wish Midna would tease me

Attached: Taunting Imp.jpg (800x800, 178K)

Yeah, the Funky Barn devs sure did a good job

Attached: 1551102976508.gif (312x400, 173K)

Didn't you post this exact same response in another Midna thread?

Attached: Belly Dancer.jpg (814x1397, 446K)

>imp midna w/ link
>imp midna w/ wolf link
>true midna w/ link
>true midna w/ wolf link
Which is best?

Attached: 67867842.png (5000x5000, 1.16M)

>imp midna w/ link
so I can self insert of course

Attached: 1387146158616.jpg (1008x1591, 1.13M)

Whatever's the cutest

Attached: Midna and Snake.png (926x475, 630K)

these two
>>imp midna w/ wolf link
>>true midna w/ link
also acceptable is
>>imp midna w/ link

Its such a chore to get flash working on shit these days...what do you do? Curious if there's a simpler way?

also no way on android?

Attached: GUEST_273805ee-2e9f-40f1-8933-37d4e8e0b597.jpg (488x488, 55K)

I just go to swfchan. Not sure if that's viable anymore though.

Attached: Shrugging Imp.jpg (500x500, 107K)

look at that belly!

It's nice. One of her cutest features.

Attached: Tubby Imp.jpg (600x800, 391K)

Just download the standalone projector from adobe

That's not too bad actually.

Attached: Princess carried by Princess.jpg (850x1096, 166K)

Attached: Midna and Giygas.png (400x400, 8K)

Attached: Midna and Link.jpg (700x1192, 198K)

Attached: Midna likes to ride, haha.jpg (748x1024, 81K)

Attached: Midnas.jpg (674x830, 78K)

great, i need to buy some tommorrow

Attached: Sitting Cursed Woman.jpg (726x1024, 140K)

Attached: God I wish that were me01.jpg (650x918, 208K)

How do I make boner go away? I keep getting erect

Fap to Midna

Attached: Smug.png (1920x1080, 1.59M)

Wear a butt plug. You'll get random ejaculations that should clear that up.

Attached: ywn hold Midna's hand.jpg (800x800, 234K)

It's not working user. Pls send help

Help is on the way

Attached: Jovial Monster Girl.jpg (368x496, 70K)

>once got my face sat on by a 4'10" latina chick with a pear figure and one of the widest asses I've ever seen
It was like it was actually Midna. You all should try it.

Attached: Cutesexyrobutts-588764-Midna.png (1200x1480, 1.29M)

I'd love to one day

Attached: Twili Ass.png (900x1260, 554K)


See a doctor if the boner lasts for four hours.

Attached: IMG_20190131_160957.jpg (720x965, 64K)

It's almost 1AM so I'm done for tonight, Midnabros.

Attached: Victorious Imp.jpg (1249x884, 583K)

we truly appreciate your efforts

Thanks man.

it has filling right?

Midna lacks on the EFRO department
know any japanese artist i can hit by at to commission from Midna butt goodness?

Attached: Shruggin' Midna.png (500x500, 30K)

Why dont you though

Attached: 1534731122165.png (363x481, 15K)

That's up to you
; )

I wish this was a gif

Source me up nigga. Shit's cropped and reverse search doesn't work

If you don't self insert as midna in the scene where she coaxes out a thicc load onto her face from wolf link then you need to leave

gay and trannypilled

I want Midna to fart on my nuts. Does anyone else feel the same way?

Why can't Midna be Link's love interest again?
Fuck zelda, I'm goddamned tired of her when she is literally the WORST love interest. Even the fishgirl is preferable to her.

Midna will never be real. It fucking hurts bros.

Attached: 1544870821902.jpg (1280x713, 104K)

Stay mad

Attached: Why is this a gif.gif (716x832, 188K)

Fishgirls are eternal cucks.


surely you're not denying he was twilight princesses love interest for link.

Feel free to prove your claim.

literally everything about the game set the two up as a pair; its why she was crying when she shattered the mirror.

Attached: Link Holding Midna Eye Closed.jpg (613x318, 22K)

Where is your proof of romance?

That one flash where Midna takes the knot if you wait long enough.

>gets yanked through time to participate in a war
>the war is literally being fought so zelda can have sole fucking rights with Link
>You are literally fighting a war for selfcuckery

It really, truly makes me sad knowing that I will never have a true shortstack girlfriend like midna to love and hug as we fall asleep
this world fucking blows, bros

Attached: K end.webm (1000x414, 2.55M)

>Mediocre dungeons
>Useless items
>Shit characters outside of Midna
Only reason I beat it was because I wanted to see where the story was going and they just made Zant into a wacky crazy throwaway character

I already did, but I would rather replay best girl's girl. I'm only kind of messing around, you Midna fags are alright.

Attached: 1490750779876.jpg (1200x700, 596K)