Have you been policing the HypnoNet?

Have you been policing the HypnoNet?

Attached: 4a25f622352d065fadf903ec31e2f63e_original.png?ixlib=rb-1.1.0&crop=faces&w=1552&h=873& (1552x873, 211K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Shoot us a download and we will

You mean the store page or free download?


I played the beta and it was pretty cool. Apparently they added a bunch of stuff since then.

Fine, here's a Drive link

based transparent developer. thanks

Why would a dev link to a IGG Games link?

Thank you user. I was interested but $20 was 2steep for a no-name dev and a dubious game like this. I'll buy it if I like it =)

Fair enough

because he's desperate for publicity for his game


>Have you been policing the HypnoNet?
No. I've been flinging slugcats into the ocean.

He already got vinesauce shilling it, I don't think he needs more.

i like the aesthetic and presentation but this game seems like a boring as fuck papers please to me.

why is it called hypnonet?

Reported link to Google for piracy ;)

I'm playing the tutorial and they mention that it's a place you go to when you sleep. If they're being literal then I guess it hypnotises you to allow your brain to interface with the hypnospace?

There's enough going on in the pages to make it interesting.

I get. Clever :)
I like how if you alt-tab the little helper bot badgers you to get back to your post.


Well, Yea Forums?

Attached: 😎.png (1920x1080, 23K)

Reported to your mom for being a gaylord.
*High fives*

I'm having trouble finding pages infected by the True Tranquility virus.

It's basically a literal "neural" network that you browse in your sleep.

like a regular internet?