Blizzard are so scared of FF XIV Shadowbringers, that they plan to release Classic, 8.2 and warcraft 3 reforget at literally around same time
Really shows just how desperate they are
Blizzard are so scared of FF XIV Shadowbringers, that they plan to release Classic, 8...
Other urls found in this thread:
Who was the Jannetty?
They're scared that Hrothgar will steal all the Tauren, Worgen, and Panda players.
Cool. Did they give a reforged release date? I have been practicing my 1v1 to get back into the game.
Stop posting this shitty fanfiction about Feol Viera, it's not even accurate. They don't even live I the forest, they lived in a volcano before the one in the image went insane and slaughtered the entire tribe, ending the race.
Write the 70-80 DRK questline right now.
wol now missing Zenos for some retarded reason
They would release Classic at the same time if they were desperate.
How can they miss Zenos when he's one of our party members
What is this picture? I keep seeing it. Is that what the new Hrothgar race looks like? Looks more like Black Desert or some shit.
last digit evens - Classic doesn't flop
last digit odds - Shadowbringers is MMO of the year
>you liked fighting Zenos maybe a little too much
No, it's a race from a dead MMO and some furry keeps spamming that race for some reason.
some failed mmo called bless online
Around year ago some xi retard spammed some shitty f2p mmo as a xiv killer, didn't worked well but guess someone still using images from it
some furfaggot shilling their dead mmo
There's a lot more than a 50% chance of Classic flopping with what we've seen so far.
Its a failled MMO called Bless Online that a furfag keeps spamming. Anyways as it stands Yoshida will probably be basing shit off Lionhead Rabbits since they are rabbits with manes.
>XIV thread #9001 where all we do is whine about glamour and races while questioning each others' sexuality and ignore literally everything else about the game
Thanks, now I can rest.
Hrothgar are male only, only thing it's going to attract is a portion of the homoroe players using fantasia.
I don't understand your filename, guy before red shirted one wasn't pro blizzard in any possible way if we go by his question
Wait there's male viera?
Even if Classic did "flop" I think it'd be foolish to expect anything positive to happen to XIV. They're both games in a dying MMO sub-genre with WoW still being on top and XIV being a weeb iteration of a modern streamlined WoW. WoWfags won't be huddling to go to it the same way XIV-fags wont be huddling to go to WoW. You're too stuck on your aesthetic and company at this point.
What was your favorite part of Susano ex?
For me it's everything
Not playable, and probably not making an appearance either. They only exist in lore text.
>that one guy who still posts that twitch clip hoping for Feol.
Blizzard always does this. They delayed a WoW raid to specifically launch alongside Stormblood despite it being on the PTR for months. Battleborn was also cucked by Overawatch in a similar fashion.
They weren't gonna reveal Classic's release date until XIV played its hand first.
When are they making the rest of the Tactics Advance races playable? I just want a FFTA mmo already.
>skip cutscenes
>people angered left and right "MUH LORE MUH CUTSCENES FUCK OFF 2 WOW"
>read lore and try to make sense of it
play FFXIV Shadowbringers. There's a free trial for PS4 + PC. It's a good video game.
>being a shill
No one needs to be playing an MMO, be it WoW or FFXIV. WoW is a dying husk of a game and XIV is resting on its safe formula.
While the last thread I saw descended into a debate about Mog Station ethics, it was a nice breath of fresh air from all the tranny posting.
As for me, I'd post about how excited I am to finally be clearing Final Omega tonight since I only started the tier two months ago, but do you really care?
But what about vulpera males?
nice joke
you know people make scripts for finding out whale and cat mounts but i wonder how many of you fucks own a twintania mount as a result of shilling this game for FREE
No fight left to fight
No life left to live
So what male race are we getting? I can't stand playing females.
>people actually want to be a complete pussy like the rabbit pictured here
>instead of the complete chads that the lore makes male viera to be
Gas all fags and pedos
>Literally can't tell them apart from females until they adult enough
>Women often kill them if they visit wrong territory
They are more cucked than fucking cats
>Male Viera
I thought they were an all woman tribe.
even gayer furry bara bait
Hrothgar, new race of bara lion men.
Hrothgar, a race of lionhead rabbits to make up for the lack of male Viera.
what do they look like?
The STATE of FFXIV players
Blufever leaks, and the French localization team fucking up in 4.5.5 and revealing the race's name and race-specific dialogue, saying they have a "majestic mane".
Hey Yea Forums I made a chatroom in party finder! Come join :)
So are they only male or female too?
Sounds cool.
>Blufever leaks,
Had nothing to do with leon furry bait race
It was from some discord leak from worker who left squere and wrote new company he/she works for
Shi was beyond retarded
>what do they look like?
Given later leaks claiming a genderlock, Yoshida having the idea of a seperate male counterpart to female Viera for a long time, and the low likelihood of them releasing 2 full races in one expansion, genderlock is pretty much a given.
No info but the Lionhead rabiit is speculation given they have manes but we are lacking male bunnies. If they were based on that then the Shota-fags would be more inclined to pay attention as it is a dwarf rabbit species.
Blufever's profile picture, and apparently also comments on youtube videos which were later deleted.
>blessbro cant stop living in xiv threads
Finally a lionhead rabbit mention
Lionhead rabbits is the most stupid, far-fetched idea that came out of the whole genderlock speculating.
Is it really though? All sides at this point are basing everything around speculation including genderlock-fags. As it stands we now have Shota-fags, Bara-fags and Genderlock-fags, why would combining lion and rabbit be far fetched when such a concept isn't alien? We need to realize to an extent that whatever we get it'll be influenced by Japan's desire for cuteness in the long run with chances that everyone gets BTFO.
>the only MMO to compete with the shitty BfA is an even more boring and slow version of BfA
Make it stop, please
t. comes to xiv threads every day
You're a tremendous faggot.
When is the next content reveal?
The 23rd at JP Fanfest
is this the new ffxiv race? looks good im impressec
>even more boring and slow
>arcane blast arcane blast arcane blast arcane blast arcane blast...
Because genderlock is the Ocam's Razor option, everything else is tunnel vision on wish-fulfillment.
Yoshida said it, leaks said it. There would have been no reason to only show female Viera at EU fanfest. Hrothgar wouldn't even exist as a concept without genderlock. And they aren't doing two races in one expansion launch.
:( Why are you so mean?
PF is still up.
Why does this guy always draw dudes like flamboyant gay men?
they didn't even have two faces ready for eu fanfest and you want them to have two sexes
>Blizzard Entertainment
>scared of FFXIV Shadowbringers
Oh really? Got any screencaps?
Nah. Sorry your game is shit though xiv tranny!
i guess they're really rushing it.
I just saw this guy's shirt, holy fuck how did he get away with this.
Even when unfinished there would have been no reason to not confirm them. In that case they would just say "Male Viera are unfinished and will be shown at a later date" like they said for the 8-man raid.
They want to keep the cotnroversy for the JP audience because the JP audience doesn't boo or pull antics like "Is this an early April Fools' joke?"
i dob't know which one of you faggots is more delsional
Damn I wanna fuck that
The jew fear the samurai. Old news.
lmao wtf
Looks like Balmung players to me.
Nah. Appreciate giving me another md5 filter though !
that's what i'm thinking. it was a round about way to say no to male vieras by telling us to refer to the dramaturge for more lore about male vieras. they might surprise us, but its looking like a no, Not sure about a 2nd race since its never been hinted at. hopefully the msq will not be as messy
some enemies in FFX can remove a character from combat
I'm still hoping out some small hope for more elaborate customization including a shorter variant.
I started in Excalibur to play with friends but everyone there is so serious and no one wants to roleplay
look at these chad rabbits.
some enemies can petrify and shatter characters too haha
Wrong datacenter for erp
I can see Viera children having young elezen body model. I can't see them making the Viera clans drastically different from each other. It'll be different skin tone selection and some other feature that separates them.
What's your favorite song in the game?
maybe the ubercharge theme or the mvm theme.
the KILRATHI says otherwise
eureka is good content
>rolls 0
Fucking figures.
>2.5 sec gcd
>combat optimized for controllers
>glorified fate grind
Such good Baldesion Arsenal was fun though.
my theory is that they'll get rid of the males and replace them with the loli buns
so there will be two body types that have access to both clans
It's still an even number stupid
So how do I find someone to EB?
>still has harder encounters than WoW
the raid designers at blizzard even said ffxiv has better designed and more challenging combat themselves
>posting this clip for the last six weeks
At least there is only one more week before this delusion can finally end.
just be nice and talk to people, also don't play on aether/crystal.
>Le Viera
>La Hrothgar
>la copy
>le paste
Just like Spiderman t-shirt becoming Samurai instead of Blue Mage.
I can't wait for fanfest so that the fucking viera/hrothgar shit is finally over.
I don't need my rp to be erotic, but I'm well aware I am not in the place for it, but I don't want to make a second character just to rp a bit
What server should I play on?
I'm eu..
The Shota Viera was in the concept art still along those females.
Well, in the future, you can just travel between worlds and use the same character for both
Genderlockfags on suicide watch!
>complains about combat optimized for controllers when lead developers played WoW on tablets
stay mad
On the server with the least amount of French.
Yet Au Ra doesn't have le/la.
>played WoW on tablets
jeez is that really true? the state of wow is worse than I thought.
Dealing with the remorse of killing tons of imperial conscripts who were forced to fight against you.
because it's a gender neutral term that starts with a vowel
I still think lionheads rabbit is the most realistic choice, who is to say the male viera tribe that no one doesn't ever see call themselves something else within their own community.
Imagine crutching on the 2.5 GCD meme when the reality is that it's less than half that because you'll be weaving OGCDs
WoW for most classes uses like half the buttons the typical FFXIV class uses and WoW has always had easier attacks to dodge
some of the crazy shit the XIV people put out puts the hardest WoW content to shame
WoW is literally baby's first MMO
I don't think I have ever seen Male Viera in official art
and then a new """leak"""" comes out that says we're REALLY going to get a bara race in 5.1 then 5.2 etc
0 is considered even user
These exchanges give me a chuckle
i took it moreso that the male viera ARE the shota bullshit and theyre saving it for japan because theyre the only ones who will have a positive reaction to that
Which one is that?
Which is why they want to save the biggest reveal for Japan Fanfest, The never before seen mythical male Viera, after so many years of the Ivalice world.
Just don't join Moogle or Shiva servers and you will be good for the most part.
today i will remind them
So is Yoshi spoiling the second part of the patch next week or is the Fanfest going to be barebones?
Full trailer probably won't be anything much more spoiler wise.
Of course he'd be a furry.
Oh my god.
The whole leaker shit has left me tired. Leaks were a mistake. Attention-whoring faggots.
The only good thing that came from it was BTFOing Mr Brappy, but you don't need a leaker for that.
You're own desire for ever more challenging thrills is called into question when a kid(see teenager) attempts to kill you. The kid is part of a gang of war Orphans from garlemalds side and recently blame you for their lack of families. The kid begins to trust you are only really trying to make things right, and has to plead with their mates to end the madness, as several more of them had come to kill you while looking for their hideout.
It ends up a bit tragically as the leader of the group can't let his revenge go but is ultimately killed by the kid you first came into contact with. You and the kid come to terms with doing what is necessary, even if its hard and discovering the only truth is the one you believe in.
>yet another race
>biggest reveal
Celestalon is in every sense of the word, a massive faggot. If you've ever seen pictures of him he puts pic related into his hair, and so much of it that his head just looks like sparkling blue gooey shit.
Hrothgar was meant to be the unfinished race that Stormblood should have had?
New job would be the biggest reveal anyways because we are supposed to have zero clue what it's going to be. Gunbreaker was spoiled in the first trailer.
I'm just wondering how you could even comfortably play it on a tablet. That sounds so fucking tedious.
and yes all of this shit is true
I highly doubt there will be too many spoilers for part 2 of 4.55 a simple "here's a bunch of reaction faces and out of context scenes from the dungeon/solo duty" type teaser. Expect the race drop and new class to be the only things of actual note.
And you will shit bricks when it starts happening at that particular part
>I'm just wondering how you could even comfortably play it on a tablet
Isn't nu-WoW basically "stand out of the fire and play Simon"? Touch controls seems good for that.
It should be fine for the most part, if I didn't have skills bound to my mouse I could play ffxiv keyboard only.
>Back to Celestelon (he has a special place in my heart, the arrogant fucker).
>He first pushed to get rid of Vengeance because he felt it was too complex for tanks to focus on both DPS and Mitigation. Then he started pushing to make tanks more reliant on healers because positioning the boss AND keeping yourself alive was too complex.
>Celestelon was one of the worst tanks I'd ever seen play the game at a "high" level. Which makes sense, because he was playing with a trackpad and clicking a good 25%+ of his abilities.
>people I hate making jokes and being ironic BAD
>people I like making jokes and being ironic GOOD
People on nostr cleared aq40 from tablets
At the very least I expect Hrothgar, Dancer, Dwarves beast tribe reveal + their primal, new capital city and vendor hubs, one or two more zones and concept art for the remaining jobs' AF's.
They can do all that without actually spoiling what happens in Part 2.
>five DRK mentors in a row use single target Unleash on bosses
EU needs to be deleted, not split
>WoW kids are seething this hard
Bullshit. Nost poopsockers can't afford a tablet. Game is easy enough to do that tho.
Why do they call it Simon when it plays nothing like it, it may look like it but you don't stand on the color the bird is about to fly into.
>2.5 sec GCD
But user, I play MNK and SAM who have reduced GCDs!
Part 2 is essentially already spoiled though on account of Shadowbringers itself and what it is implied to be (some alternate timeline fuckery)
They need to reveal full trailer though, so I expect story patch next week before fanfest
Kids that can't into math.
0 is considered neither even nor odd in discrete counting systems because it meets neither definition. You'll learn about it in college if you follow a STEM degree.
I can't wait for MNK to play almost the same since 2.0. Please remove Tornado Kick.
Every class is far more complex than WoW though and a lot of abilities aren't on GCD at all.
t. played wow since vanilla but recently swapped because the absolute state of blizzard
There's nothing really much to spoil, we have already seen the ending of the trailer, JP trailer is just going to add some stuff in between like EU one did. Probably we might see last job or something.
hey, at least it wasn't as bad as that one playstation webm
Nope. You're getting water element that restores tp/mp and that's it. It's tackle will boost blunt damage by 3% (they are going to give you a bone though and it will also stack with dragon kick)
>do this
>immediately release a genderlocked race
This would be keeno as fuck desu fampai
>we have already seen the ending of the trailer,
That's what Yoshi wants you to think, but he's already mentioned that even the music track is going to be completely different.
>Paladin in the group
>Uses shield lob and flash
for one thing, we know that 3 of the Scions will be out of a coma, complete with new jobs.
in my.head i always heard:
>Healer doesn't dps
>Tank doesn't mass pull and generally fucks around
>Bard doesn't aoe
I usually can take 2 of 3 this things, but yesterday they all came together...
>Write the 70-80 DRK questline right now.
It will being with a premise of understanding your enemies exemplified by Rielle turning to conjury and end up with realization that sometimes you have to stab people in order to survive and there's nothing bad about it, exemplified by Rielle switching to DRK.
Absolutely no Zenosfagging you little shits.
I've very rarely run into slow pulling tanks and non-dpsing healers. Is this more of an aether thing?
I fucking wish, I want more water magic in this game. Give WHM one of those water spells the squid nm in hydatos has.
just take the 30 mins
go fap and come back
yeah ... sorry
well blu's starter is a water jet :^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^)
Can someone explain the new server shard stuff?
I did exactly that.
Play on NA even if you're in EU. It's not worth the hassle of dealing with all the assorted subhumans.
More segregation between the players with collapsing Market Board prices and the only point of being able to travel to another server in your data center is to do Fate/Hunts or Maps with others as any other content can all be done in Party Finder/Duty Finder where you don't need to leave your current server.
WoLFray is RUDE
I just quit my static, feels weird
I'm sure it has more to do with the roleplaying crowd being able to frequent other people's """"lust cafes"""" then a focus on actual content.
Remember that guy crying on stream because this game failed
too bad roleplay never really happens outside of housing area or ARR zones because people on alts.
Shit like that keeps games alive longer than "Content" that only a handful of minmaxing autists cares about.
Oh right, we should be getting SB allied beast tribes quest as well. Incompetent murdercat will likely show up again.
>i don't know who this is and i will never find out
i regret nothing
I guess. Just take a look at Mateus. It was a very low pop server now you can't make a character unless its very early in the morning if you're lucky.
Of course he's going to show up. You didn't see him die at the end, like last time.
>Blizzard are so scared of FF XIV Shadowbringers, that they plan to release Classic, 8.2 and warcraft 3 reforget at literally around same time
bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait bait
So which will be the EU shard of the two?
Which one will be the better for gameplay?
He's FFXIV Boba Fett.
The Corpse Hall (Odin's Trial Theme). Shit really grew on me as I farmed the encounter.
Does Eureka share one overworld theme or is it just Pagos that shares Anemos' theme?
I could never understand Yea Forums fascination with hyping every f2p and b2p mmo, they all shit by default because of pay model
He's the best.
Who will end up blasting him off again though? The namazu?
shouldn't that be baelsar's wall instead of little ala mhigo? i thought he was some dude we may or may not have killed there
>there will be people who never see this glorious scene
so much casual child abuse in FFXIV, how do they get away with it?
Blizzard literally planned every major release for wow to undercut xiv patches and expansions, since mop, and many times hilariously failed like with wod being rushed.
It means he met you at Little Ala Mhigo, when he was dressed as the Griffin and thanked you for saving his life.
Yes, blizzard are retarded, no big surprise.
5 bucks on him getting stuck in the sacrificial namazu effigy.
>love bunnies
>no bunny boys
One of the greatest fucking cutscenes in the whole game. The payoff was totally worth it.
samu raimi was the most obvious shit, also it qas definitely hinting sam and blu
>there will come a day when you unite all the beast tribes under a single banner from every expac
Man the ixali are going to be so fucking jealous of the vanu
will you be able to jump between the data centers?
Stop, you'll summon Fordolaposter
They also miss Loon Gah in a dress! CUTE!
>the virgin engibird
>the chad dancebird
what the fuck
FFX was the last real final fantasy
ff14 belongs to the lgbt community
Classic is going to flop because everyone's going to want to play a Rogue, followed by maybe Mage and Warrior.
America was the greatest mistake
8 days
>classic WoW comes out
>the fags migrate back to Warcraft and 14 is saved from their filth and diseases
calling it now
Sorry weebshit but blizzard is the lgbt company.
FFXIV is different, it's designed for joysticks.
But yeah I don't see a problem with tapping a tablet instead of clicking. I did the same thing for a brief stint but realized clicking is cancer and clickers are bad players.
I actually like WoW players in FFXIV since they are typically blunt and honest and will call out shitters for being shit, something the FFXIV community typically never does. Call it negativity or whatever the fuck, but playing like shit doesn't deserve a pat on the back.
For all of a few weeks.
>classic being alive for more than a month when streamers start leaving
Man, this is going to be a bloodbath after the success that Stormblood turned out to be the absolute shit that BFA was, why do they even try to go against it? They should release it between the content patches to try and attract people instead of trying to go headfirst against them
Because that's what competition is all about user.
Classic is just going to be streamed for one week on twitch and then it'll die because old wow actually had fuckall for content and all of it is solved by now.
Absolute nonsense. WoW players are the biggest shitters there is, they have addons that practically play the raids for them and automate numerous aspects of the game, down to the boss ability use and providing exact timers on when the next one occurs, popping up huge warnings on screen about what to do next. Those addons are also used by everyone and are not something exclusive or difficult to setup. The class synergy in WoW is nonexistent, you never, ever have to place a leashing buff on anyone that will affect their performance based on their distance from you, everything is either raid wide or personal, you never have to cast anything on anyone besides simple heals or shields, debuffing is nonexistent as well and most rotations are centered around proc fishing and consist of about four buttons.
It's intentional. Kotick wants to turn Blizz IPs into mobile moneybins. First, he has to squeeze the life out of the current games to get the fanbase to pick up their phones.
Shadowbringers will flop and blizzard will bring it back.
>success that Stormblood turned out to be
Yeah the population increase was nice but the overall view of SB isn't as high as Heavensward was since it felt like a lesser copy of HW itself. It doesn't have the perk of being the first expansion to have that level of polish and patch formula making it look lackluster.
Thats pure utter bullshit, WoW niggers usually scream that people are doing their job wrong while playing their own job the worst way possible and always get pissy when you call them on their shit, every group I ever ran with simply kicked anyone who was a fuck up and called asked what the fuck they were doing when playing wrong, all of that on duty finder, on savage raids people already expect you to know shit and will simply leave instead of humoring the retard
t. raidtranny
Delusional on both parts. You don't need to innovate, Yoshi has proven that. Simply use a steady cycle of content.
That's still better than the absolute failures of WoW. At this rate XIV will stay in the lead even if it releases a mediocre expansion. All it needs to do is not fail dramatically. WoW has been in dire straits for years now, the direction the game has taken absolutely disconnected from what the players actually wanted, introducing changes people straight up said they didn't want and prophesied as worst case scenarios.
It still brought a shit ton of money and that is what I'm talking about, it would make more sense to wait for the hype to die down and capitalize on that than simply trying to outhype something that hasn't fucked up as much as BFA
Then why did bfa flop lmao? people want new things and shadowbringers is TRASH
BFA literally has LESS features than its predecessor expansion.
BFA flopped because they got rid of what good Legion had in it and introduced more shitty fucking grind nobody wanted and more instanced boring trash content. Their item progression system initially was straight up fucking broken and azerite farming was even worse than the initial artifact power grind of Legion. The launch was an absolute failure and they did little to rectify it.
It's only a matter of time before Asmongold switches to FFXIV.
I wish I was a raidtranny, then I'd have something to do every week that isn't fucking Eureka.
The emphasis on Eureka really killed Stormblood for a lot of people, myself included.
He would need to be japanaze and a friend of yoshi to fuck the game over
I'm on Excalibur and I used to RP with the person I was in an online relationship with. I had a pretty good time and I'd like to think they did too even though I wasn't that great at RP since doing it with them was my first time really doing it. I miss them so much...
xiv platyers look like THAT?
He wouldn't.
...Would he?
So what happened, did that guy just fall off the face of the earth or what?
I don't know how I would feel about this. It'd be funny as hell though.
Does she have a penis?
>letting raiders live in your head rent free
None of that was even referencing raids, if you honestly think that Stormblood wasn't a lesser Heavensward since it didn't have the unpolished ARR to follow up from you're only fooling yourself. All variants of content feel downgraded even if the polish is the same in SB.
While I agree its better than BFA that's not saying much when that expansion has already placed as a top earner in this year alone meaning MMOs as a whole are a pretty shit situation especially with Yoshida praising and loving Blizzard as a whole.
If you want to go with reviews then sure. Financially speaking WoW will beat us out solely due to their playerbase numbers compared to XIV. They had the luck of grabbing players during the surge of MMOs unlike FFXIV and its unlikely many would even go to what is perceived to be streamlined WoW-lite with a weeb aesthetic.
>It still brought a shit ton of money
So did BFA and continues to do so, once again MMOs as a whole are fucked. Still I think its important to consider the overall view of an expansion leading into its next and Stormblood hasn't fared well either. It has a massive mixed response from the community that doesn't have the fallback Heavensward did of being the first expansion and polishing up ARR, just felt like more of the same with less to do because of the Eureka/Relic situation.
I hope classic wow is fucking amazing and makes all the wowfugees go back
As someone that plays both games and has seen the majority of endgame content in both over the years, I've never felt the need to rely on DBM or ACT triggers (Which yes, FFXIV players absolutely do use.) or anything of the sort. I mostly rely on what I see on screen and hear from the boss to react to things.
I honestly think procs is something FFXIV needs more of - do you know how many shitters BRDs there are? Part of it is because they don't react to the procs, and MCH, a job that also has procs, is basically never played. FFXIV rotations are static regardless of boss mechanics outside of maybe Ultimate (2 whooping boss fights) or if you are playing BLM. You never need to adjust to things or go outside your comfort zone, and in general when things go wrong in a boss fight people will just wipe instead of trying to adjust because oddballs through the average FFXIV player off their game.
Can't speak for rotations since I play WW monk in WoW and MNK in FFXIV, but at the very least I have 30 active skills/items I do use frequently in combat and higher rotational abilities than most specs. Utility/CC/CDs/Personals absolutely count for a class kit when you are using them - something FFXIV lacks in a lot of jobs where some abilities and role actions are just useless a lot of the time.
>online relationship
So exactly every every expansion?
I'm in the same boat. The people I used to RP with on Excalibur switched to Balmung as soon as it opened up. Will be down to RPing with you losers if you're up for it.
>viera won't get unique race armour
feels bad man
Nope, she's not a blizzard tranny.
>So did BFA and continues to do so
Thats why Blizzard was scrambling and giving people free time to answer surveys why they were leaving WoW right? Because everything was fiiine, they also asked that one site to stop giving info on the number of players for no real reason.
Everything is juuuust fiiiine
Relationship got rocky and contact was cut. Eventually we reconnected but they only want to be friends now and they haven't played the game in about a year. I still have our ring and wear it on everything, and I have a spot in my house set up with lots of flowers and stuff around a painting of the place where they proposed to me in-game.
It's not something I would have done under normal circumstances but they really swept me off my feet. It's why I still love them and why other people flirting with me hasn't elicited the same feeling. They were different.
so this is the kind of person who plays wow in 2019....
>I honestly think procs is something FFXIV needs more of
No, it doesn't.
>and MCH, a job that also has procs, is basically never played
Exactly because it has procs, because they remove consistent performance and make you rely on rng
Irrelevant in raids except for a handful of classes with lengthy soft cc and hard cc is useless in WoW raiding because your five second stun won't make a fucking difference. WoW raiding has no need for utility and most utility has been purged from WoW anyway.
How are you going to clear raids to get gear if nobody wants to play healers and the other classes that were shitty to play in vanilla because everyone wants to be one of the god classes that can kill entire parties of players when played right?
>faux pas
>not faux paws
>Find out that XIV had a Yokai Watch event
>It probably will never come back
>Have no interest in the game now because I missed it
> hard cc is useless in WoW raiding because your five second stun won't make a fucking difference
Wanna know how I know you literally never did anything above LFR in WoW?
Jesus Christ
god I fucking hate you mentally ill fucking trannies.
What are you talking about? They literally get Fran's armor, which is fucking awesome.
She's cute.
They bring it back every year in September
yeah it's LITERALLY just fran's armour
nothing original or unique
they slapped the fanservice outfit onto the fanservice race and called it a day
>thinking community perception = profits
I said the game is doing well financially. More so than XIV when you consider how unwilling SE is with releasing any kind of info regarding the game. I do think Blizzard better scramble and realize where they fucked up with their players but it'd be stupid to assume that without their playerbase they wouldn't still be raking in the cash. MMO players, FFXIV included, are stuck on Sunk Cost and will rarely leave their games.
>they also asked that one site to stop giving info on the number of players for no real reason.
Which set a bad precedent for MMO games as a whole. FFXIV is guilty of not releasing numbers either and playing into the Blizzard like number release of "14 million characters" when we know the active population hasn't even hit 1 million. I personally hope ShadowBringers does push XIV further into its own mechanical and graphical growth than keep repeating itself till it follows the same path as WoW.
You have no argument.
What is wrong with procs? How does it make you rely on RNG if it averages out or is psuedo? Are you the type to invalidate a parse/pull because you get targeted by something that would make you have less uptime? Adding spice and reaction to a rotation is a good thing, where it is fitting.
You will also fucking die in WoW without the use of personals, it's as much of your job to keep yourself alive as it is the healers that are expected to heal and mitigate everything you take in FFXIV. CC is also most certainly used in bosses, as adds and communication are a very common thing (See Mekkatorque for a recent example) Utility also exists in the form of both raid and personal such as bringing something to the raid, or doing something that others cannot.
>nothing original or unique
It's exactly what people wanted.
O-Oh. I'm assuming it's high level content though, huh? What rewards do you get from it? I've been a WoW player all my life (fed up with Blizzard and their shit in BfA) and really don't know a thing about Final Fantasy. I don't know how great of an introduction an MMO is to the series.
I'm sorry. Please don't hate me.
>releasing any kind of info regarding the game
They release it yearly on their report, what are you talking about?
every other viera in ff12 wore the same outfit, so they're just being lore friendly. would you rather they put that outfit on the mog station to force whales to buy it for $10 instead?
i play both games and am looking forward to all of the content i get over the summer!
Don't pay attention to modern wow shit, but about classic, yeah I've been predicting pretty heavily that they're gonna release classic near the beginning of summer as one of their answers to shadowbringers.
Their comment to "have a classic summer" supports that too.
Shadowbringers, WoW Classic, Mario Maker 2, fuck I wont have enough free time.
I'm excited to wear it.
at least it would be all races
Denial is not only a river in Egypt. CC and personals are used widely in WoW at higher levels of M+ and raids. It's in XIV that players are so coddled the game no longer expects them to do anything that isn't 123
yeah, something like this would have been better. but i guess they knew that players will want frans outfit.
>Exactly because it has procs, because they remove consistent performance and make you rely on rng
Thats not why people don't play it, no one plays it because its rotation is rotation is tied to your ping and if you fuck up a single attack you're looking into up to a minute of lost dps which is a fuckload.
If you fuck up MCH you become a literal dead weight, other jobs can at least comeback and contribute to the fight, if MCH fucks up its over
That'll probably be the hempen set
I have not seen it but will look it up now that I know this but the question still remains, do they share the active sub count?
So what is this frog edit supposed to represent?
>What is wrong with procs
They interrupt rotations.
>Are you the type
It doesn't matter what "type" I am, people like you are a blight and only make the game worse. WoW doesn't have a single buff right now that compares in its performance with even the basic shit like the DRG eye.
>where it is fitting.
And it's not for you to decide where it's fitting
>You will also fucking die in WoW without the use of personals
And you shall in XIV as well.
>Utility also exists in the form
You've neglected to mention what form. There is no "utility" in WoW, only damage increase and damage mitigation in addition to permanently active aura like buffs that always affect anyone in your group/raid and work without your input.
>tippy toe gait
it's call digitigrade
Reforge is going to be a flop. It's only here to advertise WoW BFA.
Do you know how much hype and anticipation is around squeenix's edgy new expansion?
Blizz is right to fear it.
It's a google psyop created to track how memes grow and spread.
Uh not even close. you essentially run fates forever and get yokai themed weapons and minions. You get two mounts from it. One just a whisper cart, and the other a whisper cart that glows featuring the cat. It's mind numbing. I leveled all my classes to 30 while on trial just doing it.
lol clowns
someone being silly
I have seen literally none
>dude dragons lmao
>dude weeb shit lmao
>dude muh edge lmao
Wonder whats next then.
>Fordola and her family
>Perfect example of Ala Mhigans not being treated like shit by the Empire
>Dumb Ala Mhigger starts shit and ends up getting Fordola's father killed
>Fordola grows up to hate Ala Mhiggers
>"B-But it was those e-evil Imperials!"
Typical Mhiggers, singing only to the tune of gibs me dats and we wuz kangz
>EU and NA Fanfest have booth been mostly silent during Keynotes
Yeah I'm sure they're "hyped". I think both WoW and XIV players at this point are playing it very safe as BFA has been uttershit and Stormblood itself has been more of the same with people hoping they actually shake things up in a good way.
they hated their kang. It's
>>EU and NA Fanfest have booth been mostly silent during Keynotes
No need to invent narratives now.
The 26th. If we were getting it on the 19th next Tuesday we definitely would know by now.
>Yea Forums is still in denial
>EU and NA Fanfest have booth been mostly silent during Keynotes
The only time the crowd went silent was when the words 'limited job' appeared on screen when revealing BLU
>Relationship got rocky
It was your fault, wasn't it.
They're probably better off without your clingy ass.
Have you watch the keynotes? The majority of both those streams have been silent outside of introducing Yoshida. Almost everytime he introduced something the man had to try and get the crowd involved when it wasn't regarding Viera. The only time people freaked out was when Viera got confirmed and BLU got confirmed only to have the BLU hype die immediately when "Limited Job" came out.
You get the popular Yokai characters as minions, weapons, and 2 mounts. It's not high level content. You can do it starting at level 1 since all you do is run fates collecting Yokai coins.
>no penis
>manly jaw
alright, I'll take it
They look like they just drank a glass of milk
XIV is objectively the best Final Fantasy since 12. It's also a lot of people's first introduction into the series believe it or not.
I didn't know people were still making new pepe edits in 2019.
>xi retard
Nice try zoomer but we hate f2p gook garbage even more, only XIVtards play those games while waiting on their weekly cuck lockouts. XI will outlast XIV mark my words hahahaha die zoomer faggot
I can't help but be a little amused at the irony of it, since SE fucked up by rushing 1.0 out the door before it was ready to make sure it released a bit before Cataclysm. Main difference is 1.0 was a disaster, Classic will have some clout right out the gate.
Why is aether running thin right now in the MSQ?
How does something on the OGCD interrupt rotations? Why does every job need a rotation? What about a priority?
Most jobs in FFXIV don't even HAVE personals, what are you talking about? And in the rare cases they do, it's 10/20% - not something like an immunity or 50% mitigation.
Utility absolutely does exist. From the 10% movement speed buff WW monks give, to shaman anhk, to immunities, mind control, enrage dispel, lust, concealment.. the list goes on. How is that any less interesting or useful than targeting one person with a DRG buff where the ranged mechanic is a non issue, or hitting some shit you would anyway that also happens to increase the damage of everyone around you? Do you hold CDs to make the most out of trick attack or other raid buffs? No you don't, because that would interrupt your rotation according to you. If you don't play around mechanics of your raid members and continue to perform as usual, then it doesn't matter what sort of performance boost or impact it gives if you will continue as normal. Even your precious "dragon's eye" is something you just cast because it boosts your own damage, you wouldn't give a shit about holding it for someone or using it on anyone other than the highest DPS in range because 5% isn't enough to impact anything other than the end result.
Blizzard could have easily prevented this massive decline in interest, but they literally cannot make a single good decision nowadays. People are completely fed up with the story in BfA, and the story and characters are some of the only things WoW has left to its name. They reworked a bunch of classes and specs back in Legion around their artifacts and then swiftly took them away from us, only to not give us any amount of compensation whatsoever, so now you have specs that are just completely worthless without their artifact, which Shadow Priests were the ones to take the biggest hits, although being a Shaman is definitely not any fun at the moment either last I checked. The raiding is still fine I guess, which is about consistently the only part they really ever get right, but it's everything else that's not keeping peoples interest. Doing the exact same world quests daily isn't fun or engaging, and the main features of BfA, which were the Zandalari and Kul Tiran as playable races, is only just now being released.
It's absolutely embarrassing, and Blizzard's been desperate to try and keep players subbed, which a couple months ago they had some deal where if you buy I think it was a 6 month sub, you get some pirate boat mount that doesn't even work on water. It's so completely fucked right now, and it's increasingly hard to remain hopeful about the future of the game. But who knows, maybe once Blizzard pulls their heads out of their ass and start dedicating their teams to WoW again (No one cares about Hearthstone anymore, HotS is literally dying, and Overwatch has fallen off of its initial popularity drastically and fails to compete with both Fortnite and now Apex Legends) the game can have a semblance of being good again. It's especially worse if you have a particular favorite race that's just constantly getting shat on by them. I can't fucking stand it anymore as a Tauren player. Christie Golden and the entire writing staff needs to be fucking fired right now.
The part where I only played him with Jap dub
It's been happening gradually since the Battle of Silvertear Skies. Way back in ARR, during the quest you discover Wilred's corpse, you're escorting a researcher who tells you that.
Phoenix downs usable in combat fucking when.
Sick of having to wipe because the healer died to the first mechanic.
Just a consumable overhaul in general fucking when. I wanna guzzle down potions, elixirs, and antidotes.
Fuck healers.
I've been on one of them. Do you know what sound mixing is?
>to survive xiv literally has to crank up the pandering to both brainlet waifufag furry betas and gay fur faggots
oh nonononono
Dumb frogposter. Both his eyes are red at the end of the story.
>Fuck healers.
I always do.
Get a static.
>to help distinguish from.
You should fix the typos before you repost this shit.
its a sign that a calamity is about to happen.
The heterochromia makes it more identifiable, but maybe should add cat ears
So is the source fucked? The reason aether is so preeminent in Eorzea was because the Agrius smashed into the land.
Yeah that works too
I'm assuming those are just dungeons or something? I might have to actually try it out if I can actually get the Yokai Watch stuff. In Yokai Watch 3, there's some FF stuff in there in the form of Chocobonyan and Mooglenyan. I still need to get Mooglenyan though.
Well, I wouldn't say I don't have experience with FF, but my only exposure to it has been from Kingdom Hearts and FFXV.
No, eorzea has always been aether rich, it's why they have so much magic users. It's oversaturated in mor dhona because of the battle of silvertear though.
What kind of person even plays wow in 2019?
None of my friends still play.
That's the deaspected crystals. The thinning aether is new.
Eorzea was always brimming with aether which is why magic is more powerful there and why Mor Dhona used to look like pic related. The Agrius smashing blew the lid off of Mor Dhona, and maybe that's what's thinning it. The seal there might have been keeping it all there.
Nah, FATES are open world content. They're either kill x number of enemies or kill a boss.
People who don't dance.
Someone who's been playing it for more than a decade now and has invested far too much time into it to stop now.
Oh, so they're like world quests, or those events from Destiny.
don't forget the collectable fates too
Stop being a faggot. Internet relationships never work out, regardless of who's fault it was or wasn't. You're better off just moving on.
Pray, you know what must needs be done...
I guess they can't risk the source world to be a void of either dark or light since it is the original
Dunno I never played WoW so I have no idea what world quests are.
Kairi, this is Shrine, please cease!
I'm not feeling very empowered by the left...
literally how can anyone justify paying and playing wow??
Ascians can't risk any voids, because voids can't be rejoined. Igeyorhm massively fucked up by killing the Thirteenth, and made herself Lahabrea's slave as penance.
>could've had tall hot buff ladies but instead we get fat whales
It's hard to let go. I also have a friend who's been in a successful one for several years now too so I know that they can work.
Anyway, I'm gonna stop now. Sorry again.
Think FATEs but they actually award decent gil, tomes, and even some gear but you only have a certain amount you can do each day instead of non-stop spawning.
I'm kinda getting the itch again, I've got the gold so I might hop in for a bit before 5.0 drops. I'm sure I'll regret it, though.
I hope that you meant you're gonna stop breathing now.
Orcs and other races exist for that. She's also not fat, just like the males she is muscular but has a lot of weight to her at the same time.
>or those events from Destiny
Exactly that, yes
>She's also not fat
Limited number of fates that give decent amounts of money and Alphascape normal tier gear. Also reputations for beast tribes but you need a metric fuckton of those and you literally need to grind it or you won't be able to fly
>Blufever leaks
Nigga shut the fuck up.
Achieving nirvana
Honk Honk
Fat is not obese.
getting mad about mass pulling is only for autistic trannies
Bluefever has been correct 100% of the time so far. There's no way some of the things he said were lucky guesses.
I love when that Fordola picture gets posted. Shes so cute.
>Christie Golden is the lead writer for BfA (And it sure fucking shows)
>Both of the main leading protagonists of the expansion (Sylvanas and Jaina) are female
>Literally every single fucking leader you meet in BfA is female
>All the male characters are getting tossed and thrown around or outright killed to be replaced by female versions of them, or just being written to be incompetent idiots that can't function properly so the women have to do everything, even down to the Vulpera
>Now the Alliance are getting "healthy" women
The Feol are literally useless bunnies only good for one thing.
That discord tranny isn't blufever.
>WoD world over saturated by light
>Hydalen says they will be the one to fix it
>Says thay will be able to bring balance
>How does light on top of light create balance?
t. raid tranny
She's not the lead writer she just gives advice to the writing team.
>majority of Eorzean leaders except for Hien and Aymeric are female
It's also confirmed not fixed because Solus said that light-burned aether is bleeding over and he was theorizing how it might synchronize with the Black Rose.
How did Golden even come to be a thing with Blizzard?
>Passive ms buff
>A revive every healer has
>Lust that is shared amongst multiple classes
>A dispell
>Listing concealment at all
Not even worth discussing this with you
>light turns down the light
there. use your brain next time.
>BLU is a melee support job trust me ;^)
How long would it take to max out ARR beast tribes at this point
Amaljaa maxed
Ixal at rank 4 with 531/720 rep
others minimum
She lied, plain and simple.
>oh no he proved me wrong what do I do
>got it, I'll just say he's wrong anyway la la la
eat shit
Imagine caring about MMOs in 2019
>Gets everything 100% right since playable alphinaud
>nobody bats an eye
>gets one thing wrong
Don’t forget WoW Classic “intentionally” left in glitches
If I haven't played since HW do I still need to progress the story and sit in dungeon queue every 3 quests to catch up?
>Kan-E Senna is literally nothing more than a mouthpiece for demigods
>Merlwyb is an amoral pirate who murdered her father and is waging an unjust war against the kobolds placing her country in danger at all times for muh iron
>Nanamo is a literal fucking retard whose great plan to save her country was to dissolve the government entirely and let the people sort it out until she was forced to admit she doesn't know shit and had to eat some humble pie and learn from a man she's been demonizing her entire life
She might as well be the lead writer considering all the fucking Jaina circlejerking that's going on in this expansion.
>Waaah, poor me! How could any of this happen when I literally let it all happen!?
Golden used to be one of the people writing the Warcraft novels.
>Golden is in charge of rewriting shit for the Warcraft 3 remake
Oh boy, can't wait for Arthas to get ruined.
>I've never felt the need to rely on DBM
Thats you, the rest 98% use them and are required for anything above heroic basically.
>ACT triggers
Meanwhile this is the opposite, people use triggers but they have to be made and shared between the community and they only help for some mechanics, while a lot of people dont use them (just cleared uwu and didnt need them)
>I honestly think procs is something FFXIV needs more of
No, complexity is already good enough and BRD and MCH are the exceptions, they have their own playstyles around procs, like BLM playstyle revolves around not moving.
>You never need to adjust to things or go outside your comfort zone
You don't need to when things go smoothly, but thats only with farm parties and even then, sometimes stuff goes wrong. Mechanic complexity in XIV is a lot more that in WoW so before you can reach the comfort zone you need to know the fight thoroughly.
Also the game is pretty casual besides savage/ultimate and maybe extreme trials, thats their design which happens to work better that LFR/normal/heroic/mythic stuff in WoW.
>but at the very least I have 30 active skills/items I do use frequently in combat
30 skills in WoW? maybe 20 or those are like trinkets, buffs and what else, actual combat skills in WoW are not more than 7. WoW is more priority and proc based with all classes basically, while in XIV jobs have more different playstyles, some more than others, and something blizzard wanted to do with its "class identity"
>something FFXIV lacks in a lot of jobs where some abilities and role actions are just useless a lot of the time.
I see now that you havent even done any extreme trials. At least every class has to use 80% of their skills, with some being situational or role skills. There are exceptions of course, like blizzard 2 or freeze as a BLM, but still, a lot more skills than WoW.
I understand you only played monk but at least do more research and judge properly both games.
their feet look so fuck up desu
kill yourselves tranny sissy subhumans and beta orbiter faggots
You're a paranoid lorefag
the clans of the viera are rava a and veena, stop posting this image
It's not 100% right if he got something wrong, especially something that's kind of a big fucking deal like BLU.
>fucking over non-Godifornians
pretty based
I also forgot to list BoP. You know that thing that has pretty much always existed and gives another person immunity? Something objectively more important and life-saving than a damage buff that needs to be timed properly instead of being thrown out on CD?
I think they upped the rep gains. Shouldn't take more than a couple weeks per tribe. Focus on 1 tribe and burn all your quests on them.
I love disfunctional characters so much. Maybe thats why Alphinauds story was so good to watch, like a silly boy wanting to do the good gets fucked and thrown away, then gets badass and starts doing some serious shit.
kill yourself tranny
Why are wow players the most cringe mother fuckers on this planet treating their game like politics?
Move on
epicccccc *dabs*
>Be WoW player for a decade plus
>Have absolutely zero interest in Classic
If they had used it as a testing grounds for a new MMO engine, then I'd be totally all for it. But nope. It's the same old shit, except it looks way fucking worse than what we currently have. It took us long enough to get actual decent looking player models, so why the fuck would I ever want to go back to things looking objectively shit again? The sad part is that people are actually getting tricked into it. A large part of why those private servers have been so successful is because they're free.
Not paranoia when it's being shoved in our faces and we're being told to eat it and be happy.
>tfw they're so lazy they genuinely won't differentiate between the two clans so much that they're just all a single option
>same will happen with Hrothgar
Screencap this I know it'll happen
His arc was really good, it just sucks it took all those fetch quests to tell it.
Because dysfunctional characters are actual characters. They're humans who aren't perfect, frequently make mistakes, and can learn and grow through the story. Everyone fucking hated Alphinaud in ARR because he was a stupid snobby little shit and then his character arc made him one of the most beloved characters.
Hydaelyn cannot be trusted. She says early in 2.0 to "go forth and spread light throughout creation" so she wants this to happen.
>wow players defending their game like rabid dogs
>In a weeb final fantasy thread
Its really that bad huh
>Why does a game that has two factions constantly at each other's throats that boils down to essentially Red vs Blue have people treating it like politics
Couldn't possibly tell you why.
Or the simple fact that zodiarc is trapped is what's causing these imbalances in the first place. It's a love story, just watch.
Americans ruin everthing
You are extremely fucking gay if you RP or ERP.
you'd be exciting for everything that shows a little bit of tiddy
Wouldn't trannies be healers getting fucked?
Where? All I see are people who play WoW actively shitting on it
The males never get to leave the forest, The females constantly send violent rape gangs and likely keep a few of the younger ones as slaves, Sometimes the males form their own rape-gangs in some attempt to reclaim their dignity, But in the end its kind of just giving them what they want anyways.
Playing XIV for community and pve and fighting games/fps for pvp is the best
They arent going to trim all those fetch quests in Shadowbringers?
The fuckin post ARR story is so tedious and not really worth it at this point.
>he fell for the STEM meme
based, high five tank bro. and if you're not a tank kys
they will bring it back...
God that's pretty legit.
You know, even back in ARR the ascians were telling us right to our face that that light and dark was imbalanced, Lahabrea telling us around the ultima fight and calls Hydalen a parasite.
I don't blame anyone that doesn't remember since a lot of people skipped the msq dungeon cutscenes and nobody wants to do them anymore now that you can't.
They've been building up and foreshadowing this shit for a loooooong time.
>check thread
>old and new WoW players shitting in WoW
I see why they call you are trannies. Fucking delusional.
They talked about it yeah, but there's still a shit ton of cutscenes to account for too.
no they're all futa """"""""""transbian"""""""""""" shit, the mental illness is compounded ten thousand times over
How did you figure out I was a tank? Don't DPS also fuck healers?
thats why i still like the eorzean leaders since they're still so flawed. Hien and Domans are pretty boring. So far the only flaw they have is being ok with child brides or ignoring unpleasant things
>Ranged Dps stand so fucking far away from everyone else
>Outside of AOE heal range
>Outside of card range
Fuck off
BA was the only thing Eureka did correctly and it should have been what it was like actual fucking eureka in XIV.
Well, fortunately it's all make-believe, so there are no negative repercussions from this. Assuming you don't try to date them irl or something.
The dev team are retards.
They should have made the Fran outfit the aiming set from a dungeon.
>Lahabrea telling us around the ultima fight and calls Hydalen a parasit
There's some possibly very related things to this in the Ivalice questline too.
>Ultima is angelic
>uses light magic and crystals
>has its arms crossed over its chest like depictions of both Hydaelyn and Zodiark
>looks suspiciously like Jenova, a planetary parasite
>worshiped to the point where it became a primal that viewed itself as the creator
>Don't DPS also fuck healers
Nah, healers will bend over first for a tank over a DPS almost every time. DPS cucks get second pickings and tank chads get a healslut at the snap of their fingers.
Hien is fine though. He was basically going to let his dumb subjects live the lives they wanted and had to be convinced to move. While they certainly *DID* rush all of that, he takes no real credit for the things you do, constantly praises you, and is very concerned about how to keep moving forward. Very different dichotomy compared to a certain fucking blonde.
>bad guys were right
>good guys were lying
What kind of person do you think plays a female character?
god this shit is fucking cringe
Ive been getting back into it too, but going though the campaign for old times sake. Just got to the night elves shit is cash. Wish WoW didn't ruin all the good story lines and any hope for a *good* WC4.
yes I am using iseedeadpeople, don't wanna miss any off map Easter eggs.
>awesome set wasted on brd and mch only
Yeah, no. That would be awful.
Its just that people didn't expect their matron goddess to actually not be all that goodI have been calling this out since Leviathan got released
The Ascians have nothing to gain from telling you the truth, Hydaelyn has everything to gain from lying to you
Oh yeah, almost forgot. If you got your way, it wouldn't be dyeable either like it's going to be as Viera RSE.
There is no spec chadder than WotLK and Legion Prot paladin. Since you can tank dungeons by yourself you can put ANY healer in their place at any point.
Yeah, I forgot that he was waiting on whether or not Domans really wanted to be liberated or are they resigned to their fate. He was willing to be killed if it was the latter if it meant the empire will go easy now that the prince is dead. while lyse ...
stop avatarfagging tomie
God, this raid tier was so fucking cool, I can't wait to see how the next one is going to be with full voice cast and bosses getting some crazy animations/mechanics
I already responded to the other guy but I'll respond to some of your points.
>Mechanic complexity in XIV is a lot more that in WoW
I have never seen something on the level of coordinated CC or Ironstar kiting in FFXIV, even in savage and exs most mechanics boil down to strictly movement or a dance.
>30 skills in WoW? maybe 20 or those are like trinkets
Not arguing that some classes have it worse than others, but trinkets/potions are certainly something you should have on your bars and absolutely count towards active buttons. This is no different to how you'd have a dps pot/emergency health pot on your bar in FFXIV. There is a lot of fluff in FFXIV too which is why it got ability cuts as soon as its second expansion - and a lot of shit can be condensed like MNK for example does not need howling fist/elixir field and could be rolled into one ability that simply does "ogcd aoe damage"
>At least every class has to use 80% of their skills
I do this in WoW too. And in FFXIV I will never hit one ilm punch on a boss, arm of the destroyer, purification, leg sweep, or crutch. While in WoW I will need to stun, silence and dispel in a raid setting.
>I understand you only played monk but at least do more research and judge properly both games.
I have many jobs at 70, they're all just fucking boring to me except maybe BRD = I leveled them mostly for the story quests. I need something to keep me on my toes like constant positional requirements, something to react to (boss turning for positional and forbidden chakra procs) and something "fast" to keep it entertaining.
don't blame you for the exploratory missions. Just remember that there's usually secrets hidden behind trees with malfurion's force of nature spell
You mean nothing to lose from telling the truth since they are just stating facts and at most might make us question our mission
Ultima is one of the most underwhelming fights I've seen on XIV. I really had high expectations, but fuck, it was lame and cringesome. I wanted to see something on the level of Dun Scaith or better.
In a way she's looks like both light and dark. Imagine if Ultima got rid of her "dark" part then she'll look like a pure angelic being. i wonder why would she want to possess an echo user though?
>Viera babies are made through angry hate sex
>actually defending the shittiest character in the expac
>free ishgard from 1000 years of war
>eternally thanked
>free ala mhigo
>mhiggers thank themselves
>free doma
>eternally thanked
>angry hate sex
No shit. Have you ever seen happy hatesex?
Why do Viera males and females fight?
no one actually cares if they're called feol or not, just that their body type will be in the game. We already know the xiv tribes are called rava and veena or whatever, so one of them will be fran sized bunnies, and the other will be loli bunnies.
Those are the only two races we're getting, male bunny fags and ronso/hrothgar furfags are getting btfo next week.
are you really that dense
>the level of Dun Scaith or better
So you wanted to spend the entire fight still without moving an inch while you attacked the boss? because thats the entirity of the Diablo fight and even Scat you barely had to move, at least Ultima had a bunch of mechanics on both phases of the fight that made you move around instead of being a stationary turret
They don't, this lore isn't even in FFXIV. It's completely different.
he's probably a blm main
I wonder how the Viera treat the males they give birth to, Do the the females give them animalistic treatment until the male tribes rescue them.
She would be able to use her full powers WHILE not being afraid of dying
Ironically the Yokai watch event might have been actually fun now that BLU is out.
Those fuckers decimate ARR FATES like it's nothing.
>We already know the xiv tribes are called rava and veena or whatever, so one of them will be fran sized bunnies, and the other will be loli bunnies.
They'll be exactly the same, the only difference is the skin color, you'd know this if you've actually played the game and wasn't such a meme fag
To figure out who has the bigger dick.
>We already know the xiv tribes are called rava and veena or whatever, so one of them will be fran sized bunnies, and the other will be loli bunnies.
We've already seen both Rava and Veena, retard. They have the same body type.
I'm a blm main and I loved Ultima, especially that part where you follow an arrow to stop some raid wide attack, that shit was cool as hell
Hydaelyn and Zodiark for comparison
>Hydaelyn even has the wings coming out of her head
Really makes you think
An army of blue mages spamming 1000 needles will do that
nope, please look forward to it
>Zodiark's hips and thighs
holy SHIT
>faggot that know jack about ivalice saying dumb shit again
So basically dances and complex rotations aren't for you and you want to press some skills when the time comes.
Easy peasy, stick with WoW, GW2 and ESO.
>Zodiark looks like its in a coffin or sarcophagus
What if Zodiark actually looks very different in his true form? And we've never actually seen Hydaelyn outside of her crystal form.
have fun with them while they haven't started producing their seed yet
Nothing is worse than ironically gay meme loving lalas
Worse than cat plays
>free ala mhigo
>mhiggers thank themselves
They also try to blow up the only fucking bridge connecting a goddamn chasm because they're butthurt
t. ranny
I enjoy FFXIV's boss presentation and visuals very much, I just think it has a problem of stagnation where things do not change or innovate as proven with SB. I think FFXIV is most certainly capable of doing interesting mechanics, but a lot of them are just strictly movement based.
>the only good ivalice game had no viera in it at all
really makes you think
Man, why the fuck are the Tauren getting so fucked?
First the shaman class questline and highmountain getting redesigned and now Baine being turbocucked.
Oh my god I forgot about that. They wanted to blow up the fucking bridge. Something that was actually useful to them with or without the empire there.