Why are steambeciles so insufferable?

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Shut up nerd.

Ashen was horrible, and I don't even like steam.

Valve drones are former console loyalists so they try to only be loyal to one brand, they never saw what PC gaming was like before Steam

Blow it out your ass.

I miss the days when you put the disc in and installed the game, without stupid 3rd party launchers.

Welcome to the digital age.

>Implying Dark Souls 1,3 are good
Ashen is the best, fuck off nigger-stupid-cunt-crunchy-faggot

I can do that on consoles :)

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>games that are boring or launch with bugs get average scores
Boohoo, little bootlicker.

Why are there now unironic shills defending companies now?

the days where nobody paid for third party exclusivity
good times

Why are the critic scores so high? I've only played Ashen myself, but it was fairly repetitive and boring. How did it get a 82?

>paid journalist reviews
>vs actual opinions from real people

Console games shouldn't need to be installed or patched. Remember when you bought a game put it in and it wasn't buggy pile of shit with 60gb day one patch?

None of the games I buy are buggy. I just play offline

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Not since the PS2 console gen. It was so long ago.

LMAO imagine being this mad that consumers are expressing their dissatisfaction about something.
Is there a more commie thing to do?

Maybe if Epic had it's own user reviews you could see what the score would be if only owners voted. It's a shame such a feature would be too toxic.

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Does the Epic Store benefit users in any way, shape, or form? Almost none of the developers pass the savings from the 12% rate on to the consumer. Yes, it is a tiny inconvenience, but it is an inconvenience that provides absolutely zero direct benefit to the customer. Devs need to understand that the ONLY thing that they are *entitled* to from their customers is payment for their product. Everything else is a gift.

Most ntsc-j games are developed with care, but most western releases are buggy mess.

Yes offline single player games just like the good ol days

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get mad all you want but consumers are telling you what they want and what they want is for you to stop locking exclusives to your store

I don't get it.

>"real people
LMAO, gamers are the insect bugmen of hobbyists

Your copy has already been paid for, so why not take it?

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>1.20 has been added to your social credit score


Thank you Winnie the Pooh

"console loyalists" weren't the ones still buying half-life 2 in droves even after valve forced their bloatware into it.

People saying that Epic store would be good as competition so Steam would need to improve it's bad features, but Epic store's only strength over steam is hording exclusives

For the fifteen-trillionth time, EXCLUSIVES ARE NOT COMPETITION. Exclusives do not encourage companies to improve their services, since there is no objective way to improve over an exclusive. The best they can do is get their own exclusives, which is NOT being objectively better than your competitor, because, and this should be obvious, THEY ARE TWO DIFFERENT GAMES. It just encourages companies to grab as many exclusives as they can. Gamers won't be choosing the objectively better service, they'll just be choosing whichever service has the games they want, which is a subjective choice. Neither of the companies are going after the same audience (since each person wants to play different games), they're not competing, and all it does is segregate the playerbase.

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Literally held hostage by autism thats all.
The "Gaben is the saviour of gaming" meme slurped up by retards aka Redditors who really believe that Gaben saved Pc gaming.

>A tripfag has a retarded opinion
Shocking, also filtered.

This is worse than consolefaggotry

No. In fact, since it is a Chinese government spyware and bitcoin mining program, it hurts you just by downloading it. Not even fucking once.

>Does the Epic Store benefit users in any way, shape, or form?
Nope, it only benefits devs/publishers. The people behind Epic think consumers are toxic asshole and choose to treat their consumers like cattle.


Metro was legit garbage and deserves lower score for going open world meme.

>skin color
opinion discarded

go away you chink bug

or they could put it on drm free gog too.

so do you like Uplay too faggot?

Yes, I love the UI.

>it's always the customer's fault, not publisher's

is not fuck off with your darksouls wannabe shit

Nah. Couldn't stomach it. Environments were so bland. Got to the second dungeon and lost all motivation to play when I saw it was just another dark area with nothing interesting to look at like the rest of the game. It certainly got the fundamentals of combat right but nothing about it was inspired.

Are the Chinks paying you to shill or are you actually so fucking retarded you're doing it for free?