The sales numbers have not been looking as good as Yea Forums had hoped. Did the game actually flop like the shitposters are claiming?

Let's talk about it.

Attached: dmc5.jpg (300x168, 11K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I think it did alright in the West but sold rather poorly in Japan. I think this may have something to do with some of the westernised designs & direction to a lesser extent. I don't know much on the matter, but it's apparently a pretty big point of shitpost in 2ch.

>2nd biggest pc launch behind monster hunter world
>Topped many charts
Youd have to be retarded to believe barrys shitposting.

So they're discussing it over at Nipchan as well huh? I'm scared bros...

>almost no one streaming this guy on twitch

that's a bad sign

Here are the reasons why it flopped:
>no open world
>no RPG elements
>no evolution of gameplay in any significant way
It's 2019, gamers expect a certain level of quality, not a pretty looking PS2 game. They could have had the next God of War on their hands but they squandered it.

Didn't RE2 sell well over there? God Nips are so fucking stupid.

Wow, it must have sold tens of copies!

The fact that Capcom hasn't released a statement about how many copies have shipped should tell you the game is not doing well. The Wednesday following RE2's launch they announced that 3 mil had shipped.

>westernized designs
Nips love that shit, retard. They ate up REmake2 and RE7

I wonder what are they saying about it.
As for designs, at least playable characters are wearing stuff I can imagine a person wearing this time around. I legit love Nero's jacket

Britbong here, the game isn't even stocked in most of the shops close to me, I've never seen like this before, even Metro Exodus and Darksiders 3 got released.

It's possible that sales might pick up later due to word of mouth. I'm personally picking it up later down the line because I have no money and I want Sekiro more. I think it'll do fine. It won't do RE2's numbers, but I don't think anyone was expecting that either.

Denuvo was obliterated, pre-launch. Only legitimate customers from Denuvo.
Will they ever do the right thing and remove Denuvo?

All the costume designs are top notch in 5. They're simple, but have tons of flair.

I'm DMC5 flops then it means that Character Action games are dead.

No it doesn't because Bayonetta 3 is still releasing

>Character Action
I wish you would die, too

It's just dmc dying and rightly so, the series has been getting worse and worse.

Concern trolling faggot OP

I'm waiting to hear about the game flopping and the series dying before I go out and pick up a second hand copy and then I can enjoy it knowing it's over for everyone else.

>sales chart from UK of only physical sales of a certain edition
wait until universal sales info are up, which is March 16

Do you guys really want to get BTFO or something or is this some kind of falseflagging to get shitposters BTFO?

As long as Platinum is still around they won't die. Sucks that this was the first non-platinum character action game in a while and it seems to be doing poorly.

>Concern trolling
go back to trannyera

devil trigger still has lots of views for a vidya ost

What will your excuse be when it doesn't sell well? Or will you just go into hiding?

My complaints in story beats seem to be retroactively fixing itself with how the prequel novels add a bit more depth to the events
>Nico and Nero's initially light-hostile meeting
>Dante's duel with Balrog and how he lost Cerberus
>Balrog actually being the default style announcer
>The Qliphoth blooms with a fruit once every 1000 years and Urizen just took the chance to be the top dog instead of inciting the event itself
Hopefully that V manga reveals some interesting stuff to, like how he met Phantom.

>DMC5 is made after years and years of fan outcry
>it's an outdated generic action game
>has a worse story than the western version
>includes a michael jackson scene after his legacy was destroyed by a documentary
>meanwhile God of War wins GOTY and revolutionizes the action genre in terms of gameplay, storytelling, and graphics
I would be laughing but honestly it's kind of sad at how rough you capcom fans got it

it's already confirmed sold more than RE2R in launch day. Are you fucking serious?

You forgot to quote it being the second best selling Capcom game on PC too lol.

So Bloody Palace is releasing on the 1st of April. Which as we all know is April Fools Day.

How curious... how curious indeed...

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Yeah they really dropped the ball with the story presentation. I think the story itself is good but the way its told is just terrible and a lot of important shit got left out or wasn't emphasized nearly enough.

game flopped
20k uk
100k japan
no number on steam

> Copies sold in the UK are more representative of Steam sales globally


Of the few people on my friends list who did buy it, most of them seemed to have stopped playing around level 5 and haven't went back, is it really that boring?


His jacket is good, like really good.

I think it's still too early to say exactly how well it's doing.
Even if it didn't sell all that well, I'm still 100% satisfied that we even got the game, and I'm honestly fine with them putting the series on ice for a little bit again. At least it won't be put on ice with DmC as the previous game.

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>>The Qliphoth blooms with a fruit once every 1000 years and Urizen just took the chance to be the top dog instead of inciting the event itself

Well this changes everything..

Don't read too much into it
1. March 31st is the end of japanese companies fiscal years
2. April 1st is of no relevance whatsoever in Japan

You better hope it did because it only sold just over 20K copies in the UK and 110K in Japan LMFAO

Fucking doesn't it?

Your friends are hype faggots

It's the best DMC yet, if you consider that boring then idk, people nowadays mostly play Open world games or shooters, so go figure

DMC isn't fun until you get good at it. Before that point, it's just button mashing. Once you decide to actually aim for SSS rankings, it has the best combat in any game I've ever played.
I got all S ranks on DH and have moved on to the next difficulty to try and do the same thing. Different strokes for different folks - I haven't had this much fun with a game in a while.

modern journalists and reviews are shit

Post the Nico/SIN Vergil swap
Maybe they suck ass with V


>all these DMCfags biting the bait
>not just screencapping the shitposters and then post it when sales figs are released

Attached: 1544829524375.jpg (592x576, 40K)

>it will never happen
>it's going to be bad
>it won't sell
It keeps fucking happening lmao

Bait this obvious lol

I'm convinced it's just falseflagging. Nobody should be that stupid right?

Japanese figures are from the media create weekly chart.

Someone update the chart, we are on the "IT'S A FLOP" level

I said source, not your post.

>Devil May Cry 5 sold 116,202 retail copies on PlayStation 4 during its three days of release in Japan, the latest Media Create sales figures reveal.

To compare, the original Devil May Cry debuted at 352,668 retail sales on PlayStation 2; Devil May Cry 2 debuted at 309,279 sales; Devil May Cry 3: Dante’s Awakening debuted at 183,208 sales; and Devil May Cry 4 debuted at 212,373 sales on PlayStation 3 and 40,169 sales on Xbox 360.

go update it
this doesn't include digital, which reached over 3 million sales on launch alone.

How do you feel?

Attached: Stages of shitposting DMC.jpg (720x1057, 254K)

But DMC5 is a multiplat, and digital sales have only grown in the past decade.

>this doesn't include digital, which reached over 3 million sales on launch alone.
Actually, source?

yeah it's blatant cherrypicking. They only got 2 days to use it until official sales figures are up

got over 43 screencapped posts so far. will compile them and spam it around Yea Forums once that happens

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I bought all the DMC games in the series at release throughout the years but skipped this one, because this series had lost its identity, it used to be like SMT III, post-apocalyptic, main character half-demon half-surfer dude wanders around fighting demons with Greek mythology undertones, but now it's just Darksiders comic-book tier trash with oh-so wacky characters

Nice source, you should have washed the shit off of it after you pulled it out of your ass. I'm sure it's sold 3000 million on digital today alone!

It was posted a few days ago in one of these threads that digital makes up around 1/3 of the sales.
RE2R sold close to 3 mil in launch. DMC5 surpassed this

Please, reevaluate your life if you spend time trying to make other people not enjoy something.

What's wrong with you people.

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You would rather sit and collect peoples posts rather than play the game. That tells you why the game is selling like shit if even the fans don't want to play it.

Why are you angry that Yea Forums of all places is trying to shitpost anything popular. The site's been filled with edgy contrarians who hate everything

It's a habit at this point.

just report and ignore. mods are already deleting these kinds of threads

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Unironically this. If you don't hit a meme genre that streamers like nowadays your game is dead, and there's literally nothing anyone who actually likes games can do about it except keep insulting these "gamers" and bullying them into suicide.

Because I find it so sad. This place is a stupid hell that people need to escape. It needs to be shutdown

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Would be neat if it really 3m, but I don't know. The steam sales estimate about 2-500k.

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Tons of Japanese sites meme shit on April 1st.
>hey that sounds like a cool ide-
>April 1
Fuck you


these people don't care if they're right or sound retarded to others, they just want a reaction so they can get (you)s
they're the lowest of the low

they only like FIFA. Euroshit has bad taste

Yes, it sold like complete shit. And the game is boring garbage anyway.

Big mistake. This is most likely the best game in the series.

Don't listen to this man, he's trying to trick people into buying the game.

>People didn't like Nero in DMC4
>People fucking hate Donte in DmC
>Capcom somehow fused those unlikable cunts together into Nuro and make him MC of DMCV
>Vergil is still a paid DLC with no story

I like my boy, Itsuno, but he can be an absolute retard sometimes.

steamspy sales stopped being accurate a long ass time ago. It still doesn't even have the accurate sales fig of fucking RE2R right now

Why are you faggots this desperate for a flop that's never gonna happen? I saw this exact phase during MHW launch week

Attached: 1494021876184.png (422x357, 161K)

>Source: Steamspy
Steamspy stopped being reliable after Valve changed Steam's privacy policy more than a year ago.

I've never been so happy to see a game series fail this badly.

terribly disappointed
the lack of color is just astonishing
dante is supposed to have strong red coat, but its basically brown
nero is supposed to have blue, but its black

Lady is supposed to have red and blue eyes. Her eyes look black most of the time. Just overall terrible. RE Engine was not good choice for this series.

>1 unknown app added 10 hours ago
now we have 5 unknown apps
what the fuck are these??

It didn't used to be like this.
Ever since ToRtanic people shitpost about how literally every new release is a flop and a complete failure.

When has resident evil never been more western design? Meanwhile DMC had always been anime pretty boys.

>2. April 1st is of no relevance whatsoever in Japan
Pretty much any big service, especially in vidya, hosts april fool events.

its in the top games being streamed, retard

Don't worry, DMC fans.
There is no way 5 bombed and the shitposters will move to Sekiro next week.

Have you played it? Post proof of purchase.

I haven't seen this much cope for a flop in years. DMC5 legit mindbroke a lot of shitposters to near suicide

I still feel bad for people actually hyped for Sekiro since that's where these faggots will shitpost next

>Lady is supposed to have red and blue eyes. Her eyes look black most of the time

Attached: lady 2.webm (900x506, 2.85M)

Why would I waste my money on this piece of shit?

It’s not 2008 anymore fag

Set your screen to defaults holy fuck, there’s no point where you can’t tell Nero has a blue coat and Dante has a red coat. Even V’s EX color pops out

Speaking of which, when did Tortanic become a thing?

And another webm of her eyes, they're perfectly blue and red, it's just that the game doesn't have that anime style so they can't have that strident colour.

Attached: lady 5.webm (900x506, 2.46M)

>Lady is supposed to have red and blue eyes. Her eyes look black most of the time

Attached: 1552537490441.png (1920x1080, 2.87M)


The fact that one of your nitpicks include how Lady doesn't have the right eye color shows how little flaws there are in the game.

Fuck that's a hideous model, is it modelled after your mum?

I would not like my mom to look like Lady, I wouldn't like to have sex with her.

>Yea Forums unironically celebrated Valkyria Chronicles 4's commercial failure, to the point where it's impossible to discuss the game here

What went so wrong?

use sage when replying to bait, dumbasses. let it hit page 10

thank you for proving my point her eyes are black

Alright, one order of Devil May Shitpost: Barry's Awakening: Special Edition coming through.

>the rumours aren't real!
>it's Donte in DmC2!
>Nico is going to be a forced love interest!
>Dante won't be playable!
>Dante won't have any new weapons!
>Trish and Lady won't be in the game!
>Trish and Lady look bad!
>this song will ruin the game!
>the song was removed because of SJWs!
>it's going to have P2W microtransactions!
>it's going to be different from 4SE!
>it's going to be extra grindy!
>they will change it later to make it extra grindy!
>the screenshots are mock ups!
>it will be downgraded!
>it's going to be delayed!
>it only has 20 missions again!
>it can be beaten in 15 hours!
>I don't care about replayability!
>the demo is shit!
>Dragon's Dogma 2 died for this!
>half the game is VR missions!
>it's going to get shit reviews!
>good reviews actually mean the game is bad!
>it didn't get as much as GoW!
>Vergil looks like shit!
>Nero says 'fuck' so it's literally DmC2!
>DmC had a way better plot!
>DMC3 had a way better plot!
>V is cringe and not fun to play!
>haha V dies you'll never get to play as V again!
>muh lens flare!
>Nero is a Mary Sue!
>I'm totally a real fan and I'm pirating this game and you should do the same!
>there's no such thing as Barry-kun or a tranny discord stop being paranoid!
>look Dante did a goofy dance holy shit this is cringe!
>zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom zoom!
>sales are going to be shit!
>the high PC sales mean nothing!
>the PC sales are actually really low which means everything!
>you won't get co-op Bloody Palace
>co-op Bloody Palace sucks!
>you won't get other playable characters!
>the other playable characters suck!
>it still didn't sell as much as RE2!
>DmC was always the better game don't listen to these plebs!
>it didn't win GOTY so it's confirmed shit!
>wow why are you incels still talking about that game nobody cares!
>you're never getting DMC6!

What would have happened if Dante stabbed himself with Yamato on his back instead of Sparda????

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Chad: Give me the car keys Eliot
Supreme Gentlemen : If you want them then you'll have to take them

Attached: supreme vergil.jpg (1360x768, 777K)

man i will clip that shit later.
i was going hard on dmd mission 9 , almost at the endfight, but then v's finisher animation puts me under the map and i fell until the body flew up again and got half stuck in the ground. had to restart the checkpoint

As of the moment of publishing, Devil May Cry 5's peak player count on Steam is 88,735, but it's plausible that over the course of the weekend as more gamers bunker in and play it that said number will keeping climbing.

Devil May Cry 5's 88,000 is still a long ways off Monster Hunter: World's 329,333 peak player count, but it's comfortably pass Resident Evil 2, which tapped out at 74,024.

As you may know, Resident Evil 2 sold over three million copies in its debut weekend, which means, judging purely off these Steam numbers, Devil May Cry 5 will probably sell more than three million units in its own opening weekend.

I will not discuss Sekiro on Yea Forums, ever. I'm not even going to lurk the threads.
It worked for RE2R; I'm here because I'm not a DMC fan but I was curious about the game's sales.

Dante guide when?

Time to turn this bait into an actual thread. Are you looking forward to multiplayer Bloody Palace?

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Overrated game, cringey story, too short, level design is bland and repetitive and although you can unlock loads of shit you can still win just by spamming Y and jumping. Prove me wrong.

As much as i want this to be true, i highly doubt a game that sold over 3million copies didn't broke the 100k mark in concurrent players, that said even if it sold 200k, that's really good for Capcom, keep in mind digital sales are better for Capcom since they don't gotta make a disk, a case, ship it somewhere, etc, etc

>The Qliphoth blooms with a fruit once every 1000 years and Urizen just took the chance to be the top dog instead of inciting the event itself
Is vergil a good boy now

Devil Sword Dante has a katana in the middle instead of a lump of magma

saved and based

get out faggot

If DMC5 ends up selling more than RE2 then will it be considered a "success"? Which game had the higher budget?

>still no US sales numbers
>still no Japan sales numbers
UK sales is the only thing we have and we all know that Germany is the only market that matters in Europe. I'm seriously getting worried.

>I'm here because I'm not a DMC fan but I was curious about the game's sales.
Sure you are
RE2R's concurrent players isn't 100k yet it sold over 3mil. Care to explain?

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>still no Japan sales numbers
Actually Japan physical sales numbers are up.

I agree the game could have been fleshed out a bit better but I can appreciate all the work bingo and co went through to make a cohesive timeline. He really put in a lot of small details from previous games that fleshes out the story more,it's too bad it's in a Japanese only novel though.

>Germany is the only market that matters in Europe. I'm seriously getting worried

Lol, have they replaced all the demons with robots that bleed green?

how do V and nero meet each other??
is this told in the game, am I a brainlet?

Sure! the 3 million is accross all platforms, not just PC

Not really, for Qliphoth to reach the human world Yamato is needed to cut holes between the worlds for it to come, so he's still at fault

RE2 was Capcom's A-team and DMC5 B-team

RE2 of course.

>timed bp again
Fucking why.

>Sure you are
I am. I never played one before; right now I'm playing 1 on the HD collection.

Biggest irony is that The Old Republic didn't even flop as hard as Yea Forums likes to imply

I think the sales in Japan is underwhelming. REmake 2 sold 250k at launch in Japan, compared to DMC5's 118k. This is a real fact.

Maybe it does slightly better in the west, if higher peak player at 85k on steam is an indication, 2.5 million is a reasonable number which is comparable to DMC4's launch.

While the games launch was a disaster, it actually makes money now so I guess kudos to Bioware for some how salvaging that shitshow.

the ultimate irony will be dmc5 selling under 1 million copies after all the "not in a million sales" shitposting

I wonder how these shitposters are gonna cope in a few days.

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I think my favorite thing about the game is how it ends with Dante and Vergil going


Yea Forums would die. The entire board would go up in flames. I can hardly wait

i liked how after they're done killing the demons they're just back at it again, also having sportsmanship, if the other is wounded they won't fight since it's not fair.

>go on youtube to look up videos for devil may cry 5 (a game which came out less than a week ago)
>most of the videos have less than 100k views

holy shit almost no one cares about this game lol

Same, i enjoyed the game heavily and it's easily a 12/10 for me, so i just laugh when someone tries to shitpost about it

Yes and No.
Yes because I'm hyped to hell and back to coop with steam friends.
No because everyone, especially Yea Forums, will bully me for being shit.

Capcom is less retarded these days so dont worry

>"While we have shareholders to appease, it's not just about commercial performance," explains Turner. "There is an artistic element that always comes in where we know this is the right way. And while if we compare RE7 to RE6 the absolute numbers are not the same, in terms of the profitability... it's completely fine. It ticked all of our boxes internally. It was really well received. And in some respects, getting some very good review scores counts as much for Capcom as a game that sells millions and millions and millions. We'd prefer a game that got a 9 and sold less, than got a 6 but sold more."

>"We'd prefer a game that got a 9 and sold
less, than got a 6 but sold more."

>Molant continues: "We are less focused on Day One sales these days, too. We are looking much more at the long-term. And in that case RE7 is performing amazingly. Even now, after almost two years, it's still the VR flagship title. That helps keep the game selling well."

Considering the relatively niche genre of pure action game, I'd say getting comparable numbers to REmake 2, which is a mainstream survival TPS is pretty good.

>W-wh-wha my my V... coming this far just to turn tail really!?
>Don't worry, one must always have an insurance policy

Nero is said insurance. V went to fortuna right after that scene.

It's an old franchise that's part of a dying genre. It's a miracle we even got DMC5.

low sales or not, Yea Forums will have a meltdown anyways.

Attached: meh.png (704x772, 517K)

There's not much to the place yet so let's hope

Attached: DevilMayCry5 2019-03-14 18-22-55-17.jpg (3840x2160, 2.17M)

>doing mission 7 as V
>finsh of my side of enemies at the start before Nero
>start taunting at S rank after last enemy dead
>V does the violin taunt
>Nero finishes shortly after
>Taunts back with "What'd you say"

Lol i didnt know they could taunt at each other.
This is playing with the computer and not another player by the way

Attached: ...............................AHAHAHHAHAH.jpg (960x640, 477K)

>imagine Trish getting pinned against a gray wall, that's the same color of her fucking boring bitch-ass character who imperonates moms becuase she's literally an unholy wretch with no dignity whatsoever, while at the same time the demon-whore who suckled Mundus' big red tri-balls and had so much piss-stained demon cum splurged all over her hair, it got dyed blond, is being fisted with pizza up her matrix-2000 black fetish pants ripped apart, so hard the term yeast infection gets a new meaning, and with her last whoreish, skanky, breaths she coughs up the crusty, hell-cum out her ps2-octagon mouth, leaving her dark soul unfilled, yet her ass stuffed to the brim

Attached: dante embarrassing.jpg (294x294, 19K)

let this thread die, its basically bait thread. avert your posts in here

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Can't wait.

get those excuses in early lol

>Nero is still MC
>Many think he is Donte when they've seen the first trailer
I'm a bit worried here.

Are you retarded? he is literally giving the reason of why there is low views

Of course it's not going to sell as well because it's niche and you actually need some skill unlike other button mashing games.
I'm decent myself but I've been invested into the DMC lore for too many years.
People who try it and give up are probably fags who had DmC as their first DMC game and it's of no surprise they'll give up after a few levels.

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>all these people falling for the "LOW SALES" bait
Jesus fucking christ read the damn thread

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Bloody palace confirmed for April 1st

Only 3 and 4

it's a win-win situation for lurkers who just want to witness another Yea Forums outrage. it's fucking hilarious.

Dont blame your shitty screen as a fault of the game, retard

>meanwhile God of War wins GOTY and revolutionizes the action genre in terms of gameplay, storytelling, and graphics

Are you baiting? How exactly did GOW revolutionized anything of what you said Story was mediocre at best,gameplay is literally a copy from dark souls but worst and graphics are nothing new nor deserving of praise.

What the fuck is wrong with you faggots?

Attached: 1447036613020.jpg (418x398, 16K)

Comparing it to MHW at all is incredible because that game was a total fluke that should never have gotten as popular as it did. It totally surpassed every expectation Capcom had for it. It was a... maybe not a one in a million shot but at least a one in a thousand.

DMC outselling a main Resident Evil title is outstanding in itself. I think it's safe to say the game is a success, and I doubt anyone at Capcom honestly expected another miracle like MHW.

It's been 11 years of loneliness for the faggots.

3 million on steam alone. That tops the DMC4's lifetime based on their sales charts they put on DMC some years ago. And that's only PC sales. Consoles will fucking kill it.

Attached: Devil May Cry 5 sales.png (834x882, 439K)

Attached: DMC sales chart outdated.png (640x440, 190K)

sorry buddy, only cherrpicking and shitposting is allowed here.

FUCK this guy on DMD. No fucking space to dodge and lock on just pick random shit and not what I fucking want.

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>3 millions on Steam
>1 million on consoles
Yeah, seems legit lol.

t-t-t-that doesn't count! muh UK sales!

excuse me negro, but blue eyes cant be that dark
these are blue eyes, and even they lack color because of the way engine or art is
Lady has black eyes with very slight tint of red and blue, which is terrible and cant be seen unless you stare at them

Attached: DzNqfPgVYAIMi48.jpg (1200x675, 66K)

Come on man, i love DMC5 but it's literally impossible it sold 3 million copies on steam with a player peak of 88k, i even went to that website of your image and checked the source of that hyperlink, who knew game journalists don't know how to fucking read, it didn't sold 3 million copies on steam, it only said that considering current steam numbers it wouldn't be a surprise if it sold 3 million OVERALL on steam and consoles

Attached: 1ddb77687c0f7e37b0d1520a818a5544.png (757x95, 15K)

It's just a speculation, user. The real number will come tomorrow.

RE2R player peak is over 60k and it sold over 3 million. Are you ok there, buddy?

Attached: 1548978336504.png (289x389, 167K)

>Expecting intelligence from dmc fans

absolutely based

It sold over 3 million on ALL platforms, if you think it sold 3 million on Steam alone you are retarded

>3 million on steam alone
No evidence of this. DMC 5 sold half of REmake 2 on Japan physical retail. I'd say 2-2.5 million is a reasonable number. At least better than DmC's release which struggles to hit 1 million. It is a game of expectations, if Capcom is being retarded and expect 5 million sales then it's not our fault. DMC has always been niche, the genre is more niche than ever compared to 2008

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I think it's time for an encore. Post yfw Yea Forums failed to TORtanic DMC5

Attached: 1550640572926.png (170x284, 86K)

>The absolute state of the sub 70 IQ retards on this board just praying with all their might that this will be the next OH NO NO NO NO LE TORTANIC XD scandal
2 days, mongoloids.

Attached: 1552562228478.png (628x552, 430K)

JFC how did they fuck Vergil up this bad?

The UK physical sales chart that shitposter adore is proven to be a valueless metric. It's Hitman 2 all over again. Everybody thought Hitman 2 flopped because of those charts, turns out the game did so well that IO opened a 2nd studio. Anything to the contrary is troll talk

If I remember it correctly, the lastest Tortanic was FFXV, right?

>I'd say 2-2.5 million is a reasonable number
This number would be good enough for DMC series I guess. I meant DMC4 reach like 3m life time anyway.

I'd say Anthem, but FFXV was in development for over 10 years and even after all the DLCs its still unfinished so yes

Matt Walker has a message for you guys

Fallout 76

Well, those two really deserve to be a Tortanic.

when's Matt's birthday, bretheren

game needs to allow you to play something harder than 'devil'. This is ridiculously easy, you can beat everything spamming one or 2 attacks and get SSS out of it.

wait until the end of the fight, 2 more of him come out

>already turning into a normal DMC thread
The absolute state of shitposters

they did not

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I would like to know full honesty here open letter to the shitposters that are saying that DMC5 is failing in sales, i know it's false, people that played it know it's false, YOU know it's false, yet you continue to try and try and try to Tortanic the game, why? do you live in a poor economic situation where you can't get the game at all so it's just a case of plain jelously? is your life so pathetic that getting the replies and (you)'s gives you a slight rush of happiness that you are so desperately eager for? do you have legitimate brain problems? please i really want to know, if i had the possiblity i would love to hire a psychologist/analyst/whatever to know what goes inside the head of doomer shitposters, that is if there is anything inside of course

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(You)s, and it works. look at this thread and look at the IP count/post ratio

learn to sage next time. it still works

That looks fucking awful, how can anyone look at him and call THAT Vergil. I'd argue it's one of the worst designs in any game because I honestly can't think of one that is worse, even DmC Dante is light years more appealing than that fucking thing.

I did beat him already. The key is right DT gauge management but god damn, he's so annoying to dodge. Animations are hard to read and you have to keep eye on all that shit and control your own shit and dodge in such limited space. Fuck this fight. Probably the hardest part for V because everything else should be rather easy.

The funny thing is that this is almost entirely accurate.

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Go to bed, Tameem

I am sorry user, but you have shit taste here.

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The "IP count/post ratio" is a meme, i alone posted 7 times (now 8) in this thread, it's fair to assume many others do the same in average, yes there is samefagging around for sure, but even then, what's so good about getting a (you) anyways? I can't help but remember this old ass comic that used to be posted here a lot

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>N-no y-you

I know you're thirsty for a dmc game after all these years but fucking hell, have some standards at least.

But they tried so hard to appeal to the mass audience! Girls are ugly now, so progressive! Game is dark and black just like you westerners like! It's the easiest DMC game ever and Nero even keep shouting FUCK YOU left and right. WHY AREN'T YOU BUYING IT REEEEEE


You should really stop posting pictures of him, you're only proving me right more and more.

yeah, who the fuck bought DmC?

I'm not a shitposter, I'm legitimately concerned that a game that takes this much effort, 4 years development time, and ozzes so much style barely make it to 3 million sales.

Yearly releases of COD, Fifa make 20 million each year, Red Dev 2 make 23 million on single platform. EA releases a broken game in Anthem and it is selling better than DMC. Thankfully Capcom's new CEO is not as retarded as gen 7th one


>April first
>clown costume DLC

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The physical sales are shit because there are no fucking copies in stock. I went to all my general stores to pick it up and they say they are out of it. Like wtf? Did Capcom supply so little?

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Capcom's current CEO is the literal founder of the company

It is my vain effort, to show you that you are wrong. But you are right, I will stop because the absolute state of your shit taste cannot be changed.

If you're actually concerned, wait for the actual sales figues in March 16, where its been a week since DMC5 release

using cherrypicked sales info of physical of a few countries is a sure way of knowing a shitposter

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So you won't cheese it with taunt abuse.

They won't print it if there is no demand for it.

DMCV has 15k more concurrent players than RE2 did, and 2 sold 3 mil.

>I'm legitimately concerned that a game that takes this much effort, 4 years development time, and ozzes so much style barely make it to 3 million sales.
But then what's the point of the entire thread if you got no actual info? so far DMC fans are just waiting while everybody else are just shitposting

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Go look at the old Vergil and now look at the new Vergil. You're happy with that. No wonder Capcom can do whatever the fuck they want and you lot will accept it anyway.

If there's no demand, why aren't there any copies? Why aren't there any clearance/used copies?

didn't stop Nintendo from hosting a Direct on April 1st.

this guy is the producer and founder for global production at capcom

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Fuck off

If there was demand then there would be copies, they knew it wasn't going to sell well and decided to save money, it was a smarter option than wasting it.

It would be more kino if it started with:
>you're never getting DMC5!

>not low
Also not great. Flop of the decade confirmed

RE2 sold 3 million accross all platforms, DMC5 will too or even more, but believing DMC5 sold 3million on Steam alone is foolishness

Fuck off with your """"""""""""""evidence""""""""""""", it flopped. Beat it DMCucks

What custom battle themes will you put if a music mod ever comes out?

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Childhood is thinking Virgil is the coolest motherfucker in the world with his warping and katana bullshit

Adulthood is realizing Dante is and OG who keeps it real and Virgil is a self obsessed, little bitch mad he cant win in life at killing his own fucking brother for whatever reason

Honestly,DMC5 made me hate Virgil as a character and acknowledge that V,his human side is cool as fuck and im sad hes fucking gone.
Why V would want to be reunited with some autistic,self obsessed genocidal maniac like virgil is beyond me.
If i was V id rather just disappear into nothingness or just find some bullshit demon magic(which we all know would exist in the DMC world) to save myself and forever stay separated from the chump and live my own damn life.

Fucking ridiculous!
As far as we should be concerend Nero being born from virgil was probably in the heat of the moment or rape.

Nero mom prooably started to see Virgil for the maniac that he is the moment he started openg his mouth talking about "power' and not taking care of the woman he had unprotected sex with.
Neros mom was probably glad Virgil left

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That's neat.

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>implying most notable speedrunners aren't playing DMCV exclusively on their streams right now unless they already S ranked everything

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Fuck it, i am giving in and replying to obvious baits, ill just go back and play DMC5, got a DMD run to complete

>this much effort
I don't know. I'm super tsundere about DMC5 I love some things but absolutely hate other. I think they did very poor job in some areas. At this point I'm questioning if Itsuno really has a talent or DMC3 was just a one time miracle.

Kenzo's son Ryozo is running the business now, and has been since 2014 ushering age of Capcom revival (bar MVC infinite and SF5)

same, I'm out. this guy's not gonna like the truth in March 16

later fags. enjoy your 2 days of solace

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But user I love old Vergil. But to say that new Vergil is bad, I think you even say he was the worse is completely wrong. If you played the game or at the very least watch the cutscenes you'll see that. As a fan, if he would have been disgusting, I think I would have been one of the first to call it out.

Mass appeal is over rated.
As long as Capcom is happy with whatever it sells, it's good.
I just don't hear that it disappointed them.

Imagine having taste this shit.

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yea thats the thing it doesnt matter if it "flopped' as long as capcom is happy with the sales that guarantees we'll get a DMC6 eventually

was same for me, never had problem with him on other difficulties but on DMD he pushed my shit in hard.
It really made me learn how to use V effectively tho, so I can't complain much

>faust hat stays on shadows/griffon even if they are knocked into orb form during the fight

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it's like companies look at costs, revenue and profits and don't jerk off about muh sales
also the investment in FIFA games must be huge with all those fucking licenses

I don't want to watch any videos of the game because I refuse to buy the game in the hopes they bring out a skin pack to replace them with the old faces/models. If they don't then I'm passing on this regardless of how good it is.

>Post apocalyptic
It never has been this at any point in the series.
>Main character half demon, half-surfer dude
Nero literally rides Punchline like a surfboard.
>wandering around fighting demons
Dante never wandered, he always sat in his fucking chair until someone contacted him or Morrison fed him a lead or two. (unless you count pre dmc3 where he always went to a bar looking for leads)
>Greek mythology undertones
DMC has used mythology from all sorts of source material since the very first game. It focuses more on Christianity than anything else.
>oh-so wacky characters
Dante in DMC3 literally fought with a motorcycle. Jester was literally wacky in a dark sense. Meanwhile the entire scene when you get the Nivan devilarm and Dante does an entire guitar solo.

It's like you made that entire description of DMC up, and never actually played the game.

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>playing the dante vergil credits fight
>taunt enemy
>"Thank you for that. Now I shall give you death in return."
thank you vergil

>and never actually played the game.
did you expect these cretins to actually play what they shitpost about?

Also, what the fuck are you guys doing here? the real DMC thread is that way

But how can you judge about the aesthetics of a game if you didn't even take a look at the game with the scenes in motion ? That's something I cannot understand. Honestly user I don't understand your logic.

>God of War wins GOTY and revolutionizes the action genre in terms of gameplay, storytelling, and graphics

Platinum seems to be struggling to keep a game going untill launch at the moment

I hope it sells fewer copies than DmC2 so they never make another DMC rehash

Isn't Dantes coat just extremely worn out? I could swear I saw some bright red dots here and there when the camera zoomed in on it at some point.

I aint reading all that shit from five years ago, Ryozo is literally a middle manager who still answers to his dad and brother

>he's out right?

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The fact that they had a video of the history of DMC yet failed to acknowledge the prequel comic that sets up 5 anoys me

so is there actual numbers showing it flopped or is this another one of Yea Forums's famous "educated guesses"

GOW took influence from Souls games for gameplay. The Devs have said this in interviews. Everyone knows this

I don't look how they look so I refuse to buy it, it's not that hard to understand.

Because that shit is all fluff, like a Star Wars expanded universe novel. 5 gives you all the info needed in the story and there’s still the gallery if you want more

Fucking sucks how a game with a nice learning curve and unbelievably limitless combat gets worse scores/less sales than an """action""" game where you spend 70% of the game in walking cutscenes and instead of having fucktons of moves and inputs, you just wait for timers to run out on 'clear everything in the room' moves.
Not even gonna hide my salt cos I've hated this shit since the last of us came out and everyone loved it for the story and nothing else, when the gameplay was almost non-existent.
I hate moviegames with a passion and I hate how the west eats this garbage up. Dmc5 was actually my first proper mainline dmc game and it was a breath of fresh air to have the game give me stuff and it's up to me to get good. Halfway through a dmd run atm cos I've been enjoying it so much. Fuck moviegames that hold your hand and treat you like a baby the entire time. Real games need to make a fucking comeback.

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They seem to be stretching themselves way too thin right now. Astral Chain, Bayo 3, and Babylons Fall all at once. I hope they don't get telltale'd.

Do your part to save gaming by making it socially unacceptable again. The next time you see someone IRL talking about Fortnight or some other normie shit, you laugh at them. Ask why a grown adult is playing games meant for children. Call them pathetic.

Normies are vulnerable to social shaming. If we want things to get better we have to drive these retards out from the hobby. Things went to shit when playing games became a 'normal' thing to do.


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>a skin pack
just mod the game

> I don't look how they look

So you will never buy a game because you don't know how the characters look like ? I still don't understand your logic because that means you'll never buy any game, with this way of thinking.

It's just a Yea Forums pretends that it's intelligent episode. Wait 2 days until official sale numbers get released. There is no way this game flopped, It almost has a 90 on metacritic and every critic gives it either 8 or 9. Even Pissed Pablo gave it a 9.

>b-but its a kids game, its a disappointment!
>not like my mature RE and mature DMC for mature gamers like myself!
>b-b-based capcom r-r-redemption!!!!


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What's retarded is that DMC5 TOPPED the uk charts, yet the Tortanic shitposting pond life still try to make it out to be a bad thing. It also topped the charts in Japan. What these subhumans fail to recognise is that physical retail is dying. That doesn't just apply to DMC or the UK/Japan. It's everywhere. Digital media is where it's at nowadays and that trend will only continue into the future.

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you probably cant socially shame gaming as a whole but it would be very easy to bully specific parts of gaming

for example anyone who buys microtransactions should be mocked, laughed at and made to feel like shit.
Could do the same for story based games but it would be alittle harder, "if you want a story just read a book or watch a movie instead, if any of these video game plots were books or movies instead they would be rated at 2 stars maximum"

>a game with literally the most popular cartoon characters sells a lot
no shit

>Not just getting mods
So this is the mind of a real-live retard, huh?

looks like they have another post to add to their collection.

The real reason is that it's not really fun to look at unless it's a combo video. Even then, it's not something a lot of people enjoy to watch because they're literally autism and serve no purpose in playing through the game.


Fuck off falseflagger.
Stop trying to pretend there's shit going on between kh and dmc. Most of us just play both.

>american adults think it's okay for them to play videogames
the problem isn't normies, it is america

I would be playing on ps4.

>So you will never buy a game because you don't know how the characters look like ?

Isn't that part of the reason why we hated DmC?

Are the players you see in-game real time or are they just recordings of people who finished the level?
I haven't gotten them to interact with me even if I tried.

>same duplicate concern trolling bait thread
your life is pathetic

Real time. Tested it with my mate today.

Levelheaded people do, but all the people who talk shit on KH are inevitably dmc/re cocksuckers

in game are just recordings
bloody palace will have real people apparently tho


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gee I wonder who could be behind this post.

But we all know how it looks like, that's basically one of the reason why most of us don't like it. So still, the fact remain, I don't understand your way of thinking.

What about when you fight those knights side by side in mission 7 as Nero and V, I think? I don't know how they'd pull that off with recordings.

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It's fine, you don't get it. Let's just leave it at that.

gee i wonder who could be behind this post

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Barry, are you OK?

It is not enough that I should be miserable but others must be as well.

Doesnt really matter either way. Capcom could go out of business and I wouldnt care. I got the game I wanted and it was fucking great

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I bought it, but I don't have the console to play it on. Just to support it.

Want to know how I can tell you don't know what you're talking about?

>first Dante’s theme gets pulled cause singer fucks 15 year olds
>Dante never connects with Lady romantically and doesn’t fuck Trish, both big titted bitches who’d take his dick in threesomes if he implied he wanted it
>40+ year old man getting a call from a girl who is “finally” turning 18 and wants him at her party for some reason, clearly groomed by Dante beforehand
>now doing an homage to a guy who literally raped young boys on multiple occasions

Why does Dante support the exploitation of minors?


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They have ghost data that records your combo and behavior.

fair point, although some of them are 100% recordings (I know because I literally got my own recording in multiple missions showing up)

the ones where you fight side by side im not sure of though since yeah enemy positions should be different each time so it would be hard to do with recordings

>Could do the same for story based games but it would be alittle harder
>tfw like both pure gameplay-driven FPS/action/arcade games and more story oriented ones like Sam and Max and Killer7 though none of that mainstream cinematic crap

Won't you tell us that you're OK?


A game focusing on story isnt necisarrily bad if it also has good gameplay to hold the story up.

take GoW vs Neir automata for example
Both are mostly focused on the story however Niers gameplay is fun enough to hold the story up, GoW's gameplay is severely lacking and makes me not want to play the game

In the demo there was an option to turn off the cutscene zoom after killing the last enemy in a fight. Was that removed?

>doesnt know who barry is
>trys using the name to fit in anyway
Sounds familiar
>doesnt like/play kh
>wants to pretend to have an opinion on it anyway

You must be 18 to browse this website.

Makes me sad to know that a mediocre action game like God of War won GOTY 2018 while DMC5 might not even get a nomination during awards season.

It depends. Its a ghost if it doesn't find anybody; real time if it can match you with someone. I got to the boss battle and tried to skip the angelo intro cutscene; it said "waiting for partner" and didn't let me skip it

Speaking of sales, has anyone actually bought any of these retarded blue orb DLCs?

Are you OK, Barry?

A Capcom exec said the game is doing fine on Twitter. It's probably not doing gangbusters but it's a dmc game and anyone who thought this would reach mhw levels of sales is living in lala land.

OP here. I'm honestly a huge fan of the series and 5 is probably my favorite. I just wanted to know what was going on regarding sales because a lot of anons were posting that it didn't sell well.

>a girl
>not knowing who patty is

Doing God's work my man. I'll do the next mission in your honor.

Honestly I might, I'm missing 4 blue orb shards and don't remember which one I missed. I can't be bothered to scourge the game and find them. I completed all the secret missions

Unironically just torrent Sekiro if you don't have money.

>Devil May Cry 2 debuted at 309,279 sales
those poor basterds

>watch a youtube video showing all locations
>pay money

hmm hard choice user

i feel you man, movie of war was even a shadow of it former self and yet normies eat it up like candy, its disgusting and it makes me sad that this is the current way the industry is, watching DMC5 walktroughts and seeing just how different the game is to everything released recently and how it doesn't hold your hand and lets you actually have fun and play the way you want is incredible and something that shouldn't be missing from most games today, i guess you already did your part by buying DMC5 and acknowledging how fucking shit the industry is otherwise, not much else to do asides from spreading the word and such

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Playing the game right now, absolutely loving it but have a few grip.
One being : WHY THE FUCK does the bosses have few attacks, but the ones they have are 36-attacks combo. This is absolute cancer. Even final vergil in 3 only had one combo that got over 4-hits and it was dodgeable by one double jump followed by good spacing.

To be fair GoW was always subpar
but I do prefer the old style vs this new movie style

there isnt a single boss with an attack string higher than 10 wtf are you talking about 36 my ass

>patty is not a girl

Shit bait samefag. This game wasn't made for you DmCfag

Nobody gives a shit about speedrunners. They care about mainstream streamers

TST when?

>all these seething DmCfags

Am I just retarded or can you not jump cancel in this game?

Can someone please kindly explain to me the fundamentals of Dr. Faust, best moves and your strats?

I tried to order from Amazon Germany today. Totally out of stock, have to go to my local retailer.

I hope so.

Not as good on PS4. I bought DMC4 on the PS3 and bought DMC5 on PC, I know a lot of people like me too.

>fully upgrade Faust to level 4
>Spam R1+B
>drown in red orbs

You probably just got used to Turbo mode


I bought DMC4 on 360 and DMC5 on PC
honestly since the fanbase is 11 years older than it was when dmc4 came out id expect alot of the sales to be on pc

What are you talking about? I have it for the regular PS4 and it runs great.

Played maybe 30 minutes so far, don't see myself playing much more of it.

It's more of the same, really. Which is good for most people I guess.

Oh and I also feel like I would enjoy the game more if I could just skip the story and kill some shit, really.

Urizen is gonna be absolute aids on turbo mode

you're an idiot if you think 30 min in you've seen what the combat has to offer.

I don't. See

Easily best game of the series

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I hope PS4 sales goes down because of censorship news.

we literally only know about retail sales. not preorders or digital.

I haven't bought a single physical game in the past decade.

Anybody else kind of disappointed by the soundtrack?

I still prefer 3 especially with style switcher mod
although 5 is a very close second


Main battle themes are good. But they're rarely used after first few missions.
There are few nice atmospheric ambient tracks, but you almost never hear them because there's little to no exploration.

Not that it matters, but does anyone notice how the Steam screenshots are all just cutscenes? With all the cool webms and images I thought it'd be full of combos and stuff, but no, it's all just cutscenes, and they all get hundreds of ratings.

What's the deal?

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Missions 19 and 20 are pure kino
19 is a great, challenging fight, then 20 is pure catharsis

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Not like it's hard to do. Unless you're a phoneposter


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Only because faggots like you reinforce it as the norm because you are a self loathing cunt

He would divide himself into D and Jack/Jacque Pott

Bayonetta only exists thanks to Nintendo. Without them, the franchise would've been dead long ago.

>What's the deal?

Normalfags care more about cinematic story than gameplay, that's the deal.

Yes, this even applies to a game like DMC.

does steam do webms?
how would one screenshot a combo with a jpg

t. poorfag

It supports gifs, but that's about it.

Vergil did 9/11.

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>paying for microtransactions
t. cucked retard

Give pictures of his ass

>vergil judgement cut end tower 7 and thats why it falls at freefall speed
makes sense

It sold 3 million copies on steam alone, between PS4 and Xbox One I wouldn't be surprised if total sales weren't at 5 million.

After only 1 week that's really good.

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Based Vergil.

I've seen a worryingly amount of people say the OST in this game is shit, what the fuck is actually wrong with some people? I have been playing DMC since DMC3 launched, went back and played DMC1 and 2 as well; and DMC5 easily has the best OST in the entire series. The only one who gets close to this level of quality is DMC1, and DMC5 is still another level. It's not even close.

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Do you think they'll make Special Edition for DMC5? I mean, it was ok in PS2 era and was kinda fine for DMC4SE because of generation transition but what about 5? Wouldn't it be awkward in the age of DLCs?

Not bad. Not bad at all.

so far the answer has been a definite "no". not sure if they've said anything about "SE content" as DLC though.

>Do you think they'll make Special Edition for DMC5? I mean, it was ok in PS2 era and was kinda fine for DMC4SE because of generation transition but what about 5? Wouldn't it be awkward in the age of DLCs?

They'll make a "Special Edition" but it'll just be a re-release of the game + all DLC. aka a GOTY edition.

Making another standalone new version of a game with new content just doesn't make sense in 2019. Everyone who bought DMC5 on launch will be able to get everything.

Unless they make another next-gen Special Edition with Turbo mode and LDK mode.

Can someone dox Barry and kill him already?

>Japs continue to have garbage taste

Why is Coyote so fucking terrible in Gunslinger, it literally gets no cool Style moves beyond Gunstinger. Fireworks is cool but hardly useful.

Thats because they all beat it in the first 3 days. I had regularily 100-150k viewers. Its not the type of game most streamers are going to beat over and over again on different difficulties.

Depends how large the boss is. Fireworks does stupid damage to Cerberus.

Considering next gen is coming soon, absolutely, i can definitely see Capcom releasing a complete edition for the next Xbox/PS5

Pretty dumb because the whole point of the game is it’s insane replay value.

I see, thank you, what if I want to deal impressive damage?

Is the honeymoon phase over yet?

Most streamers were newcomers too, so the fact that DMC is a series intended for replay might not have dawned on them when they first got it


Most people agree the game isn't perfect.

The story isn't as good as DMC3 and the writing is a bit engrish.
The pacing is a bit messy due to 3 protags.
The latter half is pretty uninteresting visually with the demonic tree shit.

Still, it's an incredible game.

This is the best DMC, people just dont know how to have fun anymore. Not very SSSTylsh of this fanbase

it is selling well though.

Where the fuck is that skill you ulock for beating Son of Sparda?
I've looked everywhere and I can't find shit.

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Its not a fucking recording. Don't listen to those retards. It's real time. I literally had a mate show me how well he could royal guard today while we played mission 13 together. Vid of some randos playing together for proof.

under dante's base skills i think?

what skill?

Mission 07 is the best level in the game.

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I don't get, when am i supposed to attack King Cerberus, he nevers freaking stops throwing shit and hit anything but the head might as well do no damage. I really don't freaking get it.

>no custom music
yeah, no. My favorites so far are Dante’s first two missions.

Different attack approaches depending in the element / head that is active. Ranged for lightning, melee for fire, mix on ice (but more mobility due to falling ice and aoe stuns)

Ok found it. Had to buy enemy step for some reason.
It lets you equip all of Dante's weapons at once.

it’s both actually, you can pick no network, saved network data for characters or actual matchmaking in the network menu

Really annoying boss. Was my first real challenge on SoS. There's plenty of opportunities to attack him though. Just trickster around him and hit him. Royal guard blocks his switch explosions.

Why are you acting like there was any genuine competition between KH fans and DMC fans?

>Royal guard blocks his switch explosions
i suggest using double kalina ann laser attacks, the buildup is very long and you can get one or both attacks off if you are quick and you'll get more damage than the couple of pips or royal guard you'd get instead, without the risk of getting blasted

try to remember that most of DMCs fanbase are old enough to have actual jobs. They don't all get to sit and play it in one sitting on launch weekend like everyone else. I'm enjoying it in bits on the few evenings I get free.

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Yeah but I want to style too, I find that really hard to do in 5 against bosses.
Even against regular it can sometimes be tough seeing their infinite poise and how gimmicky some are.
But maybe I just suck.

If there is a movie game in your comparison it is most definitely DMC5, which is not just easy, but completely braindead easy until DMD difficulty (there are individual fights in GoW 2018 where on Hard I died more than in a whole playthrough of DMC5 on Devil Hunter, never mind that you also have fucking golden orbs) and has way higher cutscene to gameplay ratio.

>"you just snatched my..."
>"get off my fucking shit!"
literally my experience with every nero kek
it is both though like the other user said. not sure what exactly triggers it, because sometimes I've had no one in game and it just says "dmc crew", other times I've seen myself fill in for the AI. it might have to do with if you've played that mission with a different character and no one else is available, but I'm pretty sure it's picked just a base AI when I've already played through as someone else. haven't paid close enough attention to it.

I have a job but I don't work weekends so you bet your ass that's all I did all weekend.

DMC3 did the story better, most of DMC5 story was cringe/halfassed/doesn't make sense
DMC1 did the pacing better, but multiple characters are to blame
DMC4 had better individual level design, 90% of the game was the same rotted tree. Even with backtracking 4 was better than 5

The best it's been, just needs turbo to dethrone DMC4SE

>third time I hit "retry mission" instead of checkpoint
This game is making me lose braincells I swear.

all the dmc fans i know are very pleased with it
its not perfect but the fanbase is happy

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Who cares what gamers whant. DMC5 was a success for DMC fans.

>mfw can't royal guard anything

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Funny, I'm just remembering some user from a couple days ago in an unrelated thread talking about how they would love to see Rareware style gameover cutscenes make a comeback.

Fucking hate these cutscenes that take forever to get through when I want to retry.

Does this game have variable input lag?
It felt like I was having to press RG earlier than normal in the Vergil fight sometimes

problem is, Nero and V are boring in comparison to Dante's vast options and move set. Nero does get some options with his different arms but you can;t just change the arms freely. You get Dante way too late into the game

probably just slight frame drops fucking with the parey window

It felt weird when i picked this up when it released no one else was buying it the gamestop was relatively empty aside from the employees almost no poster or memorabillia felt kinda depressing

putting the fine, chef excellence bait aside, there is someone out there right now who unironically thinks this

Well, can't say I'm VERY pleased. Game feels like DMC4.5, if it was out year or two after 4 it'd be great but after a decade I expected more. New ideas, new mechanics, new story. Instead it's a pure fanservice. Like Itsuno was too afraid to change anything at all and cause another DmC shitstorm so he player everything 100% safe except for V. But V is too basic and simple to really change the formula.

What was Capcom doing then? That sounds so odd that you're barely marketing one of the only two games you're releasing this year. I've seen more ads for Sekiro than DMC5.

That's great. Some of us also have families and so weekends are also hard to spare but my main point was just that steam peak player count is no measure of how many people have it. If anything, that number is just how many people could spare release day.

Why is ground trick so expensive? It's 40,000 orbs for Trickster level 3 and it's just that one move. What's so great about teleporting onto the ground instead of the air? This is my first DMC game since DMC1 when it came out

I was the only person who showed up to the 9PM release at my local fucking Gamestop. But there was a stack of like 20 copies behind the counter and the cashier said they were all preorders

>there are individual fights in GoW 2018 where on Hard I died more than in a whole playthrough of DMC5 on Devil Hunter
Devil Hunter isn't Hard mode. That's Son of Sparda. And the "movie game" term as it's often used refers to the importance devs give to atmosphere and exposition, such as masking loading screens with braindead "puzzles", or short QTE sequences like squeezing slowly into a narrow passage, or when the game yanks control away from the player and arbitrarily throttles the movement speed until dialogue is finished.

It never had to do with the amount of cutscenes. Even when games go overboard with cutscenes like MGS, you can still skip all of that with the press of a button. Modern AAA western action games (particularly Sony exclusives) focus more on set pieces and unskippable meaningless actions that ruin a game's replay value, rather than precise controls and superior performance.

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Everything is expensive. It's the first time where I had less than 90% of the abilities unlocked by the end of the game.

you made no argument autistic poltard lmao
Learn to reply correctly.

>you made no argument
>autistic poltard lmao
>Learn to reply correctly
Swing and miss.

>(there are individual fights in GoW 2018 where on Hard I died more than in a whole playthrough of DMC5 on Devil Hunter
Devil Hunter is not hard mode user

well swordmaster 3 only cost me 50,000 and I got at least 3 moves for that instead of just one for trickster 3. There must be something particularly good about ground-trick over air-trick. What can you do with it?

Source on the 3 mil

Dante is shit at closing distance aside from sti ger and that usually leaves you a bit open

>have to press DON'T PAY ORBS TO REVIVE
>then have to press checkpoint
>then have to watch the game over cutscene
>then have to wait for it to load again
fucking hell, it's like they want me to spend orbs

>get boatloads of red orbs
>gold orbs a plenty in levels
>give you a free gold orb daily
>gives you multiple gold orbs for playing well with people
or you could just stop dying.

It's your punishment for dying

>sales numbers have not been looking as good as Yea Forums had hoped
>as good as Yea Forums had hoped.
>Yea Forums had hoped.
You know that it's just shills, right? Not actual Yea Forums.

Look how everyone ignores the one who speaks the truth

And that's a good thing, honestly I wonder how that genre managed to stay alive in 2019.
Well, at least it's dead and buried now, no more Donte shit

Or just play DMC3, which doesn't take a solid year to get from mission to mission or menu screen to mission.

He doesn't look like Dante...

It's Dante the Stampede

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>mildly motivated Vergil
>fratbro Dante
Hm, can we fuck with Nero's DT hair?

>it's like they want me to spend orbs
Well yeah, of course they do so you'll buy the orbs from the store. I found 4SE more frustrating anyway since it has that long period of time where you just can't select the retry option for some reason. Don't think it was in the original game.

dead weight

Attached: just orb my shit up.png (532x617, 415K)

>gives you multiple gold orbs for playing well with people
What? Do you mean the staring system? Never seemed to get a gold orb out of that.

Given that Japanese people fucking hate purchasing anything that takes up even the smallest amount of room space chances are they bought digital versions which haven't even been announced yet.

How often do you decide to stop midgame and press the screenshot button?

I like Bayonetta as much as the next dude. But theres a reason I don't go back and play it so much. When you make every move you do awesome then non of them feel cool to do. DMC gives you the tools and is like "go make something cool with this if you can".

Japs can't into digital distribution. They literally still have dvd rental stores

If you get rated by other players, I think you receive your reward the next time you boot up the game at the very beginning.

it's up

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>still no site with a list of all the skills, not just the buyable ones
>have to press pause everytime to check the skill list

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just memorize them lol

I really just want a list of enemies with ways to counter them/what attacks can be parried or Bustered etc.

theres a wiki and nothing stopping you from doing this yourself

How the fuck can you not remember a 3 input button attack.

>Try to play Mission 3
>Hold R1 and O for too long
>The bats don't spawn.
>Get past that
>Next area, bat falls through water.
>Can't progress.
What the fuck.

yeah i know they're all variations of the same few inputs but i'm learning what each of them does and trying to remember their names

or I could give my money to the developer who doesn't use excessive drm and torrent dmc5 instead

how to spot a poorfag

Fuck. At a glance, I thought it was a mod that let us play all missions with any character.

>Faust lv.4
>stock up on minimum 100k+ red orbs per bossfight at SoS
>activate DT
>hold square on gunslinger mode
>watch as bosses's health get melted
It's a hidden ez modo, but only if you took the time to perfect your mad hatter+ hat tricking skills in M13.

You're mad that a DMC game was a DMC game? Its almost like they were making a DMC game.

Is the summoning Faust ability any good? When Faust was originally revealed I just wanted to play with him always summoned but taking hits with it equipped makes me lose orbs so I pussied out.

When the night ends its not over

We fight through to get closer

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>mfw i got wrecked by vergil 10 times in a row just to learn RG from scratch
>now i can RG a lot of shit due to the experience
The guy's literally the best teacher on your first DH experience, fast with proper tells. Perfect guarding is easiest to time with his shooting summoned sword x4 and JCs

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I don't like Dr. Faust
It was cute seeing Nico stutter like Agnus but the weapon just doesn't click with me

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I spoilered everything about the game for myself via twitch/youtube. Skipped out on this for now. I mastered 4 and played it for years to the point of exhaustion and beyond.

Might pick it up just to perfect dodge my way though the game as nero. When it goes on sale at the end of the year.

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It doesn't offer much as a standalone
But it can do a lot of things as a support combo addition much like Punchline provided you have the red orbs going for it. Which is a non issue postgame
>R1+back+square summons a wall of red orbs that hits multiple times and doesn't knockback
>summoning dr.faust itself

Daily reminder Bayo 2 sold better then DMCV
Bayo 2 is on wii u and switch
DMCV is on XboxOne, PS4 and PC

Meaning Nintendo fans actually like these games more. Meaning Nintendo should keep funding Bayo.
Also eat shit faggots.

>UK Sales Charts
>4 million copies from the UK
Where are the global charts?

I actually really enjoyed Bayo and wish I had more of her on PC.

What's the purpose of this post, genuinely curious why you're comparing a sub 2 weeks old game and a 5 year old game

They are a turbofaggot. That's why.

I swear Yea Forums has a hateboner for Capcom games since the SFV fiasco and MHW moving away from Nintendo platforms. This coupled with the everything is TORtanic mentality makes every new releases gets shitposted to death for no good reason


I'm thinking I might pick this up, is the deluxe edition worth it? Is the mega man cannon available in the standard game?

it is not sadly but most of the deluxe edition extras are just fool-around items anyway. unless you want the whole package with some extra breakers and voice announcers you're probably better off standard.

Hmm, well you probably just saved me ten bucks

Mega buster is shit, the pasta breaker is pretty much just a reskin and the vibrator is useless outside of cheesing the secret ending. The announcer pack and live action cutscenes are the only reason to get it, especially since the selectable music tracks don't play for like half the stages.

>that pic
holy shit

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>What's the purpose of this post
To remind all the seething snoys that Nintendo did nothing wrong funding Bayo. If you have a PC you can have both.

It isn't a hateboner, it's a new generation of kids learning what it is to be taken for a hype train and find themselves disappointed with a game they were told by their peers and a company would be the definitive game of its series.

It also doesn't help that for every person complaining, there's a person furiously jacking off to the game and calling it a 10/10, which is objectively not true

Would have sold more if they didn't censor it.

Bayo 2 is still exclusive though right?

>finally get enough for an S rank on mission 9 on SoS after like 10 tries
>accidentally turn on auto assist somehow
>0.8x multiplier
fucking lol

>I've seen a worryingly amount of people say the OST in this game is shit
The only problem I have with he music is that some songs are just so good that they make others pale in comparison.

You can emulate it, as far as I've heard it runs well with no glitches.

>next time you boot up the game at the very beginning
close. it's the next time you start the game up (while connected to the internet) after a new "day" starts based on their time zone. not sure exactly when that is though.

sales numbers are out.

>it's just a rumour!
>it's DmC2!
>Nico looks like shit!
>Dante won't be playable!
>the gameplay will be terrible!
>there won't be any new weapons!
>the new weapons look like shit!
>Trish and Lady won't be in the game!
>Trish and Lady look like shit!
>this one song will ruin the game!
>it's going to be P2W!
>it's going to get delayed!
>all the reviewers were paid off!
>the sales numbers are low!
You are here.
>you're never gonna get DLC campaigns!
>the DLC campaigns are gonna suck!
>geez why are you still playing that game lmao loser

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that's because GOW has a different combat system and you're not used as DMC, also, the difficulty in GOW is quite bullshit because of leveling.

>it's a new generation of kids
yeah, it shows. all the "I just beat this game on the hardest difficulty and I don't get what's so good about it?" "you mean DMD/HaH?" "no Devil Hunter."

Didn't know the Wii U was reliably emulatable.

Really haven't kept up with that scene.
There multiple or just one that works?

To be perfectly honest Vergil's both battle themes are kind of shite in comparison to any of his DMC3 themes. Actually I'd say they're one of the worse boss themes in 5 in general.
First battle feels something akin to first phase of some mid-game boss fight, but in gameplay terms it's the final boss while Nero's fight is just a glorified tutorial fight for DT / victory lap, accompanied by an upbeat merely okayish remix of Devil Trigger. Neither really befit the final boss of the series.

Just Cemu as far as I know.

Thank you for being rather informative.


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Best main battle theme imo, I'll never get tired of it.

>still no good OST rip
Fucking kill me

It does a great job of making you feel like a badass when you drop into S and SSS. More than the other two. Devil Trigger's just not...angry enough.

Still like "The Time has Come"
Got me hyped as Nero.



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I'm gonna buy the HD trilogy on PS4 + 4 and 5. Any reason to not do it?