We all know it will win GOTY, but will it deserve it?
We all know it will win GOTY, but will it deserve it?
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depends how much nudity they pull.
If they were based we would get to see some lesbian sex and people would swallow it because its SJW. but they won't
Why are they so ugly?!?! I don't care if they're lesbians, just make them pretty!
>will it deserve it?
if Naughty Dog previous action games are anything to go by, no it won't
Naughty Dog Bonus is about as strong as the Nintendo Bonus in the media
if they were cute lesbians i'd be 10 times more okay with it.
Why are you pretending they're not attractive?
Nintendo bonus doesn’t exist, it’s just a coping mechanism Snoy’s use to defend their gamed being rated lower then Nintendo’s
Naughty Dog is excellent at game design. Say what you want about their narrative choices, they know the nuts and bolts of how games should work. The opening "level" of the Last of Us was one of the best tutorials I've ever seen.
Left looks like that one ugly libanese girl i had in my gradeschool class.
She kept digging in her nose until it started bleeding. Everyone was grossed out by her.
Because they literally aren’t they are ugly as fuck, if they looked like the girls from Life Is Strange for example. Everyone on Yea Forums would love it
It's the schnoz that bothers the hell out of me. Fix that and it will be okay.
yes incel
>if they looked like the girls from Life Is Strange for example. Everyone on Yea Forums would love it
But those girls DO kiss and Yea Forums HATES it. How do you explain this?
I think this is an uncanny valley issue more than anything. The actress is not ugly.
That game was fucking garbage, and Yea Forums is still mad for how fucking poorly written of a disaster the last 2 episodes were
Nose jobs started becoming much more difficult to get after the zombies go amok.
If you care about what literal baseddrinking faggots think about video games then there's no hope for you, you're already one of them.
I even think she's pretty damn cute in the game, even if not as cute as Ellie. The whole scene is really hot to me, a cis white male, so I never got the SJW angle about it
Ah, so if they're hot lesbians, then Yea Forums will find something else to get mad about. Got it.
You wouldn't like it if it was 2 guys and that's a fact.
Y'all are a bunch of bigots, I hate this fucking website and I can't tear myself away from it.
Nice cope, the game has to have hot lesbians & be good for Yea Forums to like it. See Dead or Alive
The kike in pic related be looking lowkey fresh tho...
>You wouldn't like it if it was 2 guys and that's a fact.
i would if one the guys looked like Astolfo
Yes, because western reviewers are closet pedophiles.
>a guy and a overly femenine guy
trapfags are in denial
This. The actress is a damn cute.
Calling it now: This will have tons of nudity and sex scenes, but they're as erotic as sounding with a corkscrew and they get by the Snoy filter because it's a mature game made by adults for adults.
Game model's neck and chin are all fucked up
Am I the only one who thinks designing a character after the voice actor to be lazy character design?
if you have to guess that it's uncanny valley because you can't pinpoint whatever else it might be, it's not actually uncanny valley.
To me she doesn't even look ugly, she just has very Jewish features and Yea Forums hates Jews. Ellie looks very plain though, like Ellen Page after she came out
It was just not appropriate for an E3 trailer. I don't care if it's gay or straight, cute or ugly people; that "how do I smell" shit and romantic french kissing is not what I want to see in *any* videogame trailer
A lesbian touched my dick once. It was very awkward for the both of us. She gave it one good squeeze while looking into my eyes and then proceeded to act like it never happened.
yes, hets are disgusting people
>It was just not appropriate for an E3 trailer.
This I can totally agree with. I liked it because I'm a perv but it tells you zero about what you do in the fucking game
hets are really disgusting creatures, ugh
>Am I the only one who thinks designing a character after the voice actor to be lazy character design?
you're not wrong, but they're trying to make realistic humans so it's easier that way
I'd buy 100 copies of the game if it turns out she's a villain who start emotionally manipulating Ellie for her own gains.
Just to see the outrage that would erupt over "negative portrayals"
Sure is a good thing they showed gameplay right after
There never was an SJW angle. It's weird how everything made a 180. A girl on girl kiss is the laziest, most common form of fanservice since the dawn of media. And since Naughty Dog loves shilling it's new tech, the fact that they can pull off a kiss without a weird hovering effect or serious clipping makes it the perfect scene to show in a trailer.
>changing the subject
unlike the unappealing picture you just posted, a dude kissing a trap also qualifies as homosexuality and looks good. therefore you're wrong here:
>You wouldn't like it if it was 2 guys and that's a fact.
I'll take the W now, thanks
It's easier to mocap and more accurately lip sync if that is the case. Kind of like how they melted Josh Brolin onto Thanos.
>if you have to guess that it's uncanny valley because you can't pinpoint whatever else it might be, it's not actually uncanny valley.
Isn't thinking something looks weird but not being able to pinpoint it the very definition of uncanny valley?
Deserve what, specifically?
A meaningless title applied by games journalists, which are simply another branch of the advertising department for any given game studio?
Who gives a shit what game wins "GOTY"?
Of course, I just meant that the kiss was mostly titillating and pandering. It was more memorable than any of the gameplay, wasn't it?
Agreed, I just meant a lot of people here call it LGBT/biracial pandering when I felt more like it pandered to me.
Ellie's pretty is some screenshots, though others make her look derpy. Her voice is great though
Yea Forums is full incredibly easily triggered magapedes straight from reddit
Everyone? GOTY is the most influential award in the industry, usually paving the path studios and developers go with their games.
Nah that's fucking gay and disgusting.
GOTY from who?
I'm 100% straight and would unironically play a game with openly gay sex and male nudity if the couple were like Sorey and Mikleo.
Anyone else only care about MP?
those 2 are cute
ímagine being this much of a pleb
>dude + girl
>girl + girl
>trap + girl
>dude + trap
but when the "girls" look like Neil Drunkman's females, then it's also unappealing
i would as well if the white haired guy grow his hair and apply false lashes
I hope you're right. They did kinda make her out to be a vulgar bisexual slut who gets too drunk and sexy-dances with everyone for attention. She just broke up with that Asian guy who seems to also like Ellie, and proceeds to immediately push herself on Ellie in front of him. She is also kind of rude; she just snatches Ellie's drink out of her hand and chugs it and yanks her to the dance floor to kiss her. She can tell Ellie likes her and is just manipulating her.
I hope that maybe Druckmann is going to make her bad and that only had her like this and had the trailer like this because he wants it to try and flip everyone's perception of him when the game comes out that he's not so predictably Jewish after all. He must've made her look so obviously Jewish just at a glance for a reason, and it's only politically correct to make racial-stereotype villains if they're of your own race
Same. I'm not into yaoi shit but those two just really go well together
Is it even coming out this year?
she may have only even kissed Ellie because she knew the Asian ex boyfriend was watching and she wanted to piss him off
I heard something about October or November
>i would as well if the white haired guy grow his hair
>in post-apocalypse
for what purpose over more glaring priorities?
she has them to cover up her bite mark scar so that every random person she meets won't try to kill her before she turns to a zobmie.
Also tattoos started as a tribal thing, you don't need to go to a tattoo parlor to get one
People get tattoos in prison with a lot less available.
i dont know user
lesbians/gays are only good for pleasing
Tattoos are at least as old as civilization.
>releasing the same year as REmake 2 and DMC5
Of course it doesn't
very nice to look at, at least with his clothes on
>Based ND makes jews look ugly
How can they get away with this?
She looks Italian to me.
her model is Italian. But Italians and Sephardic Jews do often look very similar
Because Druckmann is Israeli-Jewish and he wrote it, so he can make her as ugly and vulgar and despicable as he wants
Memes aside, it probably will win GOTY but won't deserve it
>naughty dog bonus
>convenient sjw politics which journos love
>endless snoy fanboys will defend it regardless of how trash it is (case in point: no man's sky)
>it's movie crap, which journos also love
>"muh strong female lead" - also loved by journos
I can already see it, a retarded plot and mediocre gameplay but it will be held up as a 10/10 masterpiece
/pol/ memes aside, you have to recognize this is pretty damn good kissing technology
So the game once again will be a pandering Oscar-bait. Like the first one was.
And God help you, if you admit that you don't like it all that much.
> These will be the GOTY winners of the 2010s by the end of next year
How does this make you feel Yea Forums?
The gameplay looks really good desu
The main complaint everyone seems to have about it is that they don't believe could be real gameplay, or at least that it couldn't be representative of what the actual game will play like on release
I don’t know. The DLC for the first TLOU was the vidya equivalent of lgbtqlmao Oscar Bait.
>GOTY is the most influential award in the industry
I don't even remember who won last year. All I saw was endless hype on all fronts for some DLC. The trailer for said DLC was fuckin' stylish though.
You know what's fucking brave in this day and age?
Making a black lesbian a villain. Or coming out as a conservative. That's requires bravery.
>Metroid 4
GTA5 won over TLOU in 2013
Dragon Age Inquisition won in 2014 and TLOU remastered was not nominated because it's a damn remaster
Stop spreading lies
Yeah this sums it up
Also if you spend hours playing it, and just happen to not like it, that means you've never actually played it and you're a nintendo/pc/xbox fanboy. I can picture it already
>cut away right when they start tongue action
It's hard to say. Oscar bait has always been a thing. If actors wanted to win awards they played a retard in a drama. Gay relationships are within that same sphere. Wanting to play that angle isn't the same as an "SJW agenda."
the main villain of TLOU was a strong independent black womyn, and Joel fucking summarily executed her while she was begging for her life
> The Last of Us - 249
> The Critics' Picks - 191
> The Readers' Picks - 58
> Grand Theft Auto V - 160
> The Critics' Picks - 107
> The Readers' Picks - 53
>main villain
cope harder sòy boy
We are talking about Geoff's show right? Everything else is small time.
GTA5 won, it's right there
No, Geoff's show is irrelevant & paid off.
It's the only game awards show anyone knows about or watches, largely because developers so often reveal games on it.
Which awards are you talking about here?
No, it will be another NaughtyDog cinematic experience.
Any who think it isn't GOTY will be branded homophobic by the journo collective.
I'd put at least a half dozen other games before it in line for GOTY.
Wow Neil your so powerful and brave writing about little girl lesbian romances. So brave....so powerfull, can I get a yasssss king, you write those stories about little girls kissing!!!
Here I thought that the craze for games to be "important" and "about something" and being "cinematic experiences" kinda passed.
Anyway, I don't even own a PS4 , so I'll be ignoring this game anyway. There are other, more fun and less self-serious games out there. Like DOOM Eternal.
A kike and a dyke
If she's not the villain then there was no villain. The whole game started about transporting Ellie over to her new location for a big reward, and when you finally make it there after like a year of travelling and going through the most awful shit, her "reward" turns out to just be not straight-up murdering you when she takes Ellie away to be dissected. Totally heartless betrayal
No it won't, but we both know awards are a joke, and people reward everything but the gameplay nowadays.