What is that I feel in this game that just isn't present in the others? It can't be just nostalgia

What is that I feel in this game that just isn't present in the others? It can't be just nostalgia.

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Miyamoto developed it, it was basically Nintendo’s equivalent of SquareSoft’s dream team for Chrono Trigger. All of their best talent came together to work on it. Which is why it’s the GOAT. It was delayed several years & they didn’t release it until everything was finished. Nowadays they streamline Zelda shit, rehash assests or pander to autistic incels complaining about the game instead of taking what past games did & expanding on it.


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>It can't be just nostalgia.
It is. It is stylistically and narratively inferior to ALTTP and not nearly as cohesive as that game is, while simultaneously being far less mature.

it is nostalgia. Both LttP and Majora are better games.
I emulated it some 10 years ago and thought it was nothong special.

From my non nostalgic perspective
OOT Is better then ALTTP simply because OOT tells a much better story and has gameplay that makes it fun to engage in combat

hmm but that is also wrong, many people still love OoT 20 years later while LttP and MM are forgotten

Cry more contrarians, MM is objectively garbage. Even WW is better

that's because Ocarina is literally the most overrated garbage in existence

majora's mask was better. it had more stuff to do.

An awesome story that pulls you in.

Attached: fedoras mask.png (510x742, 439K)

seething hipster faggot

It's that unlike TP, WW, SS PH and SS there are no obnoxious gimmicks, nor is the pacing bad. OOT is a streamlined, 3D LTTP and that's why it's great.

>tells a much better story
Subjective but I disagree immensely. Both are comparable as far as amount of story goes, but OOT's is so fucking boring and so reliant on slow ass cutscenes and dialog that it ruins it.
>and has gameplay that makes it fun to engage in combat
Because never being able to target incoming keese and moving enemies is fun, right?
It's remembered because of nostalgia, and because of the self perpetuating cycle of people saying it's the best game ever causing other normalfags to start saying it too, and so on and so forth.

>you're a hipster because you disagree with every consolebabby journo's top 10 list winner

No, you're a hipster because you prefer mm over OoT

>OOT Is better then ALTTP simply because OOT tells a much better story

Disagree. There is far more narrative to LTTP in what actually happens across the story, and the backstory is far more developed. OOT is literally summed up in LTTP's opening cutscene.

OOT is, however, a lot more fun!!!!!!

Yes, Crying about something for being popular literally makes you a contrarian hipster

OoT > MM

There I said it.

>eating detergent
I like imagining they don't hurt the wojak in the picture. :v)

shut up, Arin

It's far less satisfying to move around and explore dungeons in OOT's clunky 3D than LTTP's fast, fluid, beautiful 2D

Settle down Arin.

This isn't an argument, you're just spouting memes because you're too dumb to articulate why you think I'm wrong.

I love OOT, but there's so much more to do in LTTP and LLTP's combat is actually challenging at times.

I'm not crying, I'm straight up calling it hot garbage.

Its not like you delved into your opinions that you also stated as fact bud. You post with low effort, I reply with low effort.

see and and


This is really bad game design

Attached: oot.webm (928x704, 2.82M)

This, OoT has soul

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All I see is soul


Is this image supposed to prove something?

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Maybe because it’s the best entry in the series?

20 frames per second.

>It can't be just nostalgia.
It's not. It is just damn well designed game, with killer atmosphere and OST to crown it.
I only played OoT for the 1st time ever back in 2011 or so, and I loved it.

Now THIS is pure nostalgia.
I played LttP soon after beating OoT, and it was just shit.
MM is just as great as OoT though, but less comfy because of the clock.

The OST is garbage Windows 95 tier MIDI, literally. It sounds cheap and artificial as fuck, what can you possibly like about it?

>replaced the macguffin maidens with sages that have actual characters with motivations and give a reason for the player to care about some of them
>gives the player a sense of urgency by showing them the world before and after evil wins instead of having 2 completely separate worlds with almost no connection to each other
>the impact of your actions have a greater effect on the world you are in, beating dungeons slowly returns the world to its former self and even side quests you complete can change the state of the game world or characters in it
why is LttP narratively superior?

Low effort bait


What a stupid post. I'm sick of ALTTP posters. The game is fun but it's nothing compared to what OOT brought to the table.

>boring and low
>far more narritive to what actually happens
>less satisfying to move around

See this is partly why I called you arin. Most arguements that are formed from ALTTP dickriders against OOT is due in nothing but their own lack of patience and willingness to pay attention for more than a few lines of dialogue. You actually have to explore rooms in dungeons and not just run through them with the "puzzle" being shown after about two seconds of exploring their tiny boxlike design.

The story in OOT is so much more in depth and immersive that ALTTP could ever hope to achieve. There is no deeper explanation, just baseline instructions and a baseline story.

It has SOUL and a great soundtrack

More like really fun game design

Everything you do is meaningful.

I don't need swooping orchestras when playing a video game, user.
You probably shit on the beautiful fitting BOTW soundtrack because "NO MUH WIND WAKER ORCHESTRAS"

Twilight Princess is just the same game but better once you beat the god awful tutorial.

Does music make your brain hurt user?

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It has an absurd amount of effort put into its atmosphere despite being held back by console limitations. OOT always feels like there's more going on outside the player's reach

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All music is artificial.

OOT directly lifted its story and overal progression structure. OOT’s only significant advancement was that its 3D.

The fact that contrarians seeth about it so much after 21 years, just proves that it's the GOAT

>blocked path
>must find alternate route
>theres a hill, climb it
>this is really bad game design

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how can I be nostalgic for a system I never owned, dumbass?
I just said I emulated them.
Zelda games are garbage adventure games for kids.

MM kinda feels like a chore to replay while OoT is just fun. There's a few annoying things like Dampe race and Epona, but it's not as bad as the Zora eggs and the well and other chores in MM.

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It was well designed at the outset. Because of that, it's aged gracefully. Not much of a mystery to it, really.

I enjoy atmosphere in my games
BOTWs music, and sometimes lack thereof, is perfect for that.
Small brain.

That's like saying the only advancement of the original iphone is better casing
don't be a fucking dumbass. jesus.

I personally hate it

Kill yourself. OOT is inferior to ALTTP in every conceivable way.

Ocarina of Time wasn't exactly a game I grew up with. It was my brother's thing, I stuck with Mario and Star Fox for the most part. Even still, Ocarina of Time has a certain feel to it that I can't really describe. Maybe it's the plot? Growing up and becoming responsible/doing what's right is a message that resonates with even the most NEETest of NEETs. We all age, we all grow up, and we all feel like time is going by too fast. Ocarina of Time is one of the few games that taught us that time wasn't our enemy.

>tfw no third Hero of Time game

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I agree with the condition that MM is still a really, really good game.

It's nostalgia. The theme of time isn't well developed in ocarina at all especially since 99% of everything looks and sounds exactly the same by the end of the game.

It was your first big special game. That one game that showed you what video games TRULY can be.

Everyone has one.

It couldn't be. There's many games I feel nostalgic about, but only Ocarina of Time has this unique feeling about it. It's not about things looking differently when you pull the master sword, it's about Link's journey into adulthood. It feels like any adventure we fantasized about as kids. In that regard, I guess it is nostalgia, but not for the game itself.

It also hasn't aged nearly as well as people who grew up with it want to believe. The controls are fairly stiff and the dungeon variety boils down to 'this is the swamp palace because the walls are blue and sometimes there's water', the dungeon design in the series didn't really hit its stride until Ocarina of Time. It certainly laid some wonderful groundwork with the multi-layered rooms and interconnected passageways that made you consider each dungeon floor as a whole, but thematically and mechanically they fall flat.

I say this as someone who still finishes LttP twice or so a year and fucks with randomizers a fair bit. It's a wonderful game if you grew up with it, but if not, not so much anymore.

Absolutely God tier soundtrack. Seriously, just hearing the words "Temple of Time" immediately puts that chant in your head.

why so aggressive

This user might actually be right, but I'm not sure.

If I had to try and point to something beyond the nostalgia, I would say it was the tone of the

You start out as a child in a tiny village, and then an adventure is suddenly thrust upon you. Enemies pop out of every nook and cranny, and no one else seems to even know that Hyrule is in danger. After you retrieve the master sword, the story takes a darker tone seemingly out of nowhere. This makes the world "feel" bigger, the stakes "feel" higher, and the situation just more dire in general.

Now, to me that feels different from "just" nostalgia, but at the same time when I first played this game those feelings (being in a huge world filled with magic and danger) were enhanced by the fact that I had never played a game like that before. Frankly, a story that makes you feel something is better than a story that is just fun.

But can someone have any of those feelings for OOT if they hadn't experienced it like I had? Zoomerfags seem to be confirming that that isn't the case. They've seen bigger and better things, so when they're shown OOT Hyrule it just isn't that spectacular.

Does that mean it's all nostalgia? Maybe. But for sure there /was/ something special there, but it might not be special any more.

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20 years later and incels still cry about "overrated" game.

its the GOAT easily.

Just nostalgia.

Tetris is, zoomer

I played the 3DS remake of OoT and it was alright. The story was good, the gameplay got stale after the third dungeon, and the characters are high tier. It's a solid game but definitely not the GOAT.

> Tetris
Opinion invalidated

3 dungeons, then 6 and the final castle.
Things to do in between the dungeons.

MM 4 dungeons and other stuff, short development time.

WW 7 dungeons but pretty shallow and lots of A - B boating.

TP 9 dungeons again but more shallow, lots of land A - B.

SS 7 dungeons sorta but shallow as shit and you can really describe the whole game as shallow, Bird A - B segments.

BotW 4 Dungeons, 5 with DLC, lots of mini dungeon shit but they're incredibly shallow and the game is really a whole different animal at a point.

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yes, tetris is the best video game ever made.

it's the same feeling you have when you try to understand why you like Charizard or gen 1 over the other kanto starters or other generations.

Everyone else has called it a timeless classic and you cant make your own opinion so you go off of what everyone else says, and you like the feeling of being one with the crowd.