Did you fall for the VR meme? Be honest now

Did you fall for the VR meme? Be honest now

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VRtards BFTO

Yes but I bought mine just to play skyrim vr with the total conversions mods and watch porn.

Yeah, I picked up a lenovo explorer for 150 the other day
Been having a blast in Superhot VR

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I have one of those cardboard vr things. I hole-punched it and put a string on it so to make it hands free. It's great for porn

God damn I can't wait for the knuckles, they are going to be a major improvement over the current controllers

After playing Superhot in vr I can't enjoy any other way. It's perfect.

I got PSVR for ~$300 bundled with some games and I had enough fun with it to justify the price
I feel really bad for people who bought an Oculous or Vive for several hundreds more and didn't get to play RE7, Wipeout, or Borderlands 2, and I'm a PC guy

>VR was a meme


who could have seen this coming

yep, bought a vive for cheap not too long ago and im still having fun with it.

on a side note, i dont think anyone even cared about googles VR, let alone, even knew about it. google always tries to jump on the tech bandwagon and always fails. googleglasses failed, vr failed and now they are doing games which will ultimately fail.

>I feel really bad for people who bought an Oculous or Vive for several hundreds more and didn't get to play RE7, Wipeout, or Borderlands 2

i feel really bad for people who only has a PSVR and are just stuck with those games.
i highly doubt something like Boneworks is going to be on PSVR.

Why would a VR game not release on the most popular VR platform? Are there even any major VR games that aren't also on PSVR? I guess FO4 but it's FO4

>play RE7, Wipeout, or Borderlands 2

You can play RE7 and BL2 in vr on pc if you know what you're doing and redout vr on pc is much better than wipeout vr.

Boneworks is being built around the knuckles controllers now and also is built around room scale.

I hurt myself today...

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i bought wmr last black friday and had a lot of fun so far. i dont care if its a gimmick or not. i had fun with wii too when it was a thing. who cares if it eventually dies.

Don't you see it? The vr meme is falling cause we are on the verge of uploading our self consciousness into the net. The ultimate simulation.
The humanity is doomed!

yes and its pretty damn good.

All this cope ITT

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>Boneworks is designed to use any SteamVR compatible headset and controllers. This means it should work with WMR, Oculus, and Vive controllers and HMD’s just fine. Trigger will act as the index finger, and grip will act as the rest of the fingers. That means with Touch/Others with an analog grip will have a float value and therefore still functions fairly close to knuckles with variable friction on objects.

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how can you respect yourself when you actually use words like that

VR film is fundamentally flawed as a concept. Being able to look where you want is great for interactive stuff. But the whole point of film is having an experienced storyteller tell you where to look through camera angles and editing. Making video content for VR is just trying to force an existing medium onto a completely new medium.

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VR is a meme gimmick fad that is already over.

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I honestly only want it for the privacy during flights and shit.

google killed off a bad idea, news at 11
hopefully they kill off their console too

didn't even know that there were VR movies.
i guess it could work but it would have to be very different from normal movies

>spend shit ton of money on a vr studio to fuck around with shit
>they never make anything of importance after several years
>shut them down

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Crazy it's almost like businesses take risks

Buying the cheap 150 dollar headset is literally the only way to go.

Oculus and vive are just too much for what they are. Not enough content.

google had a vr film studio? why

I haven't touched mine in 2 months but I'd say I got my money's worth out of it

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I just got an O+ and beat superhot. It was awesome. Now I am trying beat saber.

vr prices have flatlined where they are at for the tech they're selling and aren't going to drop any lower until foveated rendering is commonplace (as in 5-10 years after the first commercial release)

release-tier foveated rendering is still a few years off

Yes. I own a PSVR.

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Yes and I love it. Use it almost every day for kino Minecraft

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I was considering trying vivecraft but was worried it might be shit since I don't think Java and VR would work well.

Been having a fun time with beat saber. Dunno if it was really worth buying a $500 dollar headset, but it's fun.

For games that need moving around the cables get in the way though. And the controllers and headset aren't comfortable to use sitting down.

The porn is neat, but I haven't figured out a good way to actually use it.

I wish I had more friends to show VR off to. That's basically the best part.

I personally play the Win10 version but I have considered moving to Vivecraft since Bedrock doesn't have every feature and is a tad buggy in VR. Regardless I recommend it

VR was made for porn, those that didnt notice faced ruin.

What can you even do with that? Watch SFW youtube videos?


the amount of onions in that room



Stopped reading there

Agreed, they need to hire more crusty, balding neckbears with stained shirts and diabetes.

You'd better tell theatres to shut down then.

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>is great for interactive stuff.
Well good, because we're talking about video games you incredibly retarded fuck. Learn how to use quotes and when, you dumb 12 year old shithead.
I swear the thing Yea Forums has become is the worst place on the fucking internet.

I'm poorfag man, I only gonna get the product when its worth it and been tested to perfection before me. I'm not gonna invest into a gimmick

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You can watch nsfw videos too. I've been using the same cardboard for the last two years, vr porn is fantastic.

Idk about you but summer lesson and dead or alive on psvr are one of the best experiences for weebs.

>it's a Katerina Hartlova episode

Yes, poor management is a very real business risk. What else?

no ragrets

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I did for PSVR, although games like RE7 were a blast on it.

I'm kinda glad we're actually getting more and more VR discussions, even under the guise of a bait thread

Can you undress her?

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No, because I'm poor.

Oh the 3D movies of gaming failed? Who would have thought...

i recently bought a WMR Acer headset and was having the time of my life, until the fucking thing's display broke god-knows-how and i had to get a refund.

Honestly VR gaming is and can be fun, but the price of some of the headsets are way too fucking high. and WMR headsets are built like shit so they constantly break.

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I got it and love it but then again I spent about 400 bucks on a hotas/pedals and play flight sims almost exclusively so it might not be everyone's thing.

uh gross and creepy dude, VR is for celebrating women not lewding them

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Reminder: Oculus to reveal/announce new hardware or games in 5 days

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>John Carmack dicks around doing nothing of importance with VR while his brain children get raped by Bethesda
Shit timeline.

I tried out PSVR while couch gaming and it was actually pretty fucking fun then I picked up a Lenovo, found out I really do need to upgrade my old-ass PC, and now the news about Boneworks and the Valve VR layoffs has me concerned that the knuckles controllers might actually be coming out soon-ish so I really am a big damn chump

What game and is it playable without VR?

We still need more information about knuckles+lighthouse. Lighthouse isn't something Valve will want to keep HTC exclusive and knuckles need to be mass adopted.

google is an expert at making 10 gorillion projects and quickly cancel 9.9 gorillion of them
this means nothing to the vr industry, poorfag

does the lenovo kit look better than psvr?

So can I use vr to look around in regular games that I play with kbm/controlller?

Only with something like VorpX, and it'll probably make you throw up

Sure. It's just a monitor strapped to your face.

n-not really I-I bought it b-but you know i-it's a good dust collector t-too


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Is google dying? They haven't really pushed any new commercial success in years.

Now that's what I call immersion.

*Agreed, they need to hire competent gamedevs to make a product of quality

I was right. Again.

I saw VR fail in the 90s, I saw it fail in the 2010s.

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>this is being developed by Freddy Wong's chums
I had no idea.

its a simulator where you gotta code everything on your own
wont buy VR before the dolls have "soul"
this looks too soulless for me to rape her and be into at the same time

ok faggot but what's the name

>I saw VR fail in the 90s
Unless you were an engineer working in a university in the 90s, no you didn't.

The guns sound horrendous, holy hell.

The quest will likely get a ton of new information next week at GDC, if they don't finally show off beat saber I'll eat a dick. Even if you don't like it, standalone VR is widely more successful than PC VR and whether this thing sells will likely determinte if facebook keeps oculus or cuts their head off.

Oculus also has 4 AAA Rift exclusives coming this year (Lone Echo 2, Defector, Asgard's Wrath, Stormlands) and with more and more PC users getting VR ready PCs, this will be a massive draw.
Steams VR userbase grew from 0,4 to 0,7 this year so with Oculus high profile games finally coming out we might finally see market success

knuckles seem cool but fuck HTC with a rusty pole

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You wish, Google is a conglomerate that's way too big to die even if it went out of its way to try

I just want a more user friendly Virt-A-Mate

I want a more optimized Virt-a-Mate, it's fine in desktop mode but it really starts to chug if you turn the settings up in VR with too much stuff in the scene