Why is there no SCP games being developed?
Is there an oppurtunity being missed here?
Why is there no SCP games being developed?
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A lot of effort, especially if they have complex AI and abilities. Basically, each one would have to be a fighting gamenl character in terms of complexity and you'd need an actual game on top of all that design.
lol just make them jumpscares
This is what would actually be made if they went ahead with it.
china is developing an SCP game actually
SCP is the cringiest thing I've ever heard of.
>let's just make up le randumb spooky stories for reddit and call it cohesive
>mmm grayons
Not even close to the cringiest: people want to marry and fuck cartoons.
I know at least that the original SCP statue boy has some copyright issues around him. I think that might be the case for a few other more famous SCPs.
I think also because it's a big collaborative effort, who owns the SCP IP?
because SCP has devolved into being shitty fanfiction
t. zoomer
Mainly because
a) A game was already made, and that game sets a pretty high bar for an indie dev
b) Bigger teams are wary at being at the mercy of what is basically a community-driven universe, so the ones that want to do so would rather make a similar universe rather than commiting to SCP (ex. Lobotomy Corp.)
I'm 26, hence why I think it's retarded.
Dont look for the top rated leddit ones, try to find actual good ones.
There is the Ikea scp being made right now, look it up. The only problem is that it's not multiplayer at the moment because during beta, it was but it cause too much problem and the game crash a lot.
Lobotomy Corps is pretty nice
Besides Ikea, which SCP would make the best game?
The transforming house with the birds or something iirc.
Seems like a good roguelike genre
Red sea object
There's a sequel(?)
normalfags spics and russians ruined ricardo
That one with the shadow demons
>tfw Angela no longer has her long hair
Also, what happened to the Manager?
Oh, so that's why I've been seeing him so often recently. I came to ask what the deal was.
>Why is there no SCP games being developed?
there's Ascension and Secret Laboratory tho
oh wait a minute, i get it now
>Calls others "retard"
some SCP's use copyrighted images, so you can't sell shit that contains the original Peanut, for example.
That user is dumb but copyright is a fair reason for the opposite reason, that is, if anyone were to make a game based of SCP; they couldn't copyright anything other than the game itself and any original characters that solely exist inside the game, so someone could essentially make a sequel to someone else's games, so long as it didn't use anything they introduced, and then release it as an official project
So it'd be like China
>Ricardo is now normie shit
But there is? SCP: Secret Labs is actually really fun.
173 has copyright issues with the creator of the original sculpture, so using it commercially is a no-no.
Most of the other popular SCPs are fair game tho.
Have anymore fan art?
you can't sell a game made using scps
>Literal /x/ stories are now being called reddit
you newfags out yourselves so easily
Probably the one that sends you into the dimension with those legless giants.
SCP is infested with nigger swjs now. If anything, it'll get a netflix adaptation with focus on POC and tank
096, wasn't it?
One of my old schoolmates was super autistic and I heard from a mutual friend that he was heavily involved in the development of a new SCP game.
Take of that what you will.
A lot of scp content is copy right protected.
Also, anyone that would develop a large scale SCP game would probably get in touch with the SCP Wiki administrators, and since they're full blown SJWs, I can only see it turn to shit.
I'd be quite happy to develop a game myself if I had either the time or talent, but for now, we'll have to be glad CB, Unity and SL exist.
Reminder that Angela is best girl
They probably tell your what right's you're handing over when you submit, I imagine they become public domain, but people grab pictures of whatever off the internet, rip off stories, etc. Stuff they shouldn't have tried submitting to public domain.
You can't make money off of works derived from SCP.
Those aren't SCPs, those are Anomalies, and they are Anomalies specifically because you can't sell a game made using SCPs.
Either way, Lobotomy Corp is cool.
i should be more specific, scp's licensed under ccasa 3. so if you make an scp game (not an scp inspired game) you could legally sell it, but you'd have no legal recourse if people put it up for download online for free, or rehost it or gave it away as long as they credit you.
Abnormalities, really. Anomalies in SCP were minor things
It’s a clusterfuck of ownership and a lot of the stuff is actually really bad. People forget that Abel exists along with all those self mastabatory staff stories about their super special DONOHT STEELE characters like Dr. Clef and they need to remember that.
Eh, potato potahto, ya got the idea.
ok abib
There's Lobotomy Corp. It's pretty good even.
What are your fave SCPs bros?
I love 2030 and 4666
>SCP shills spamming their trash on Yea Forums again
You retards have a general and a discord, go back there
I like how many mechanics the abnormalities have in order to keep them contained
this is not the secret lab thread, this is scp thread. go shitpost somewhere else
>Developing games on creepypastas
Yeah, that'll go well.
Haha, I actually like Abel in all of his edge. I feel like with some proper editing and rewrites Dr. Clef and Abel could be made in good characters because I think the ideas behind Clef and Abel are pretty fun. Characters with no saving and the shittiest SCPs could get the axe.
>scp thread.
So it's not video games.
are you actually that dude the /scp/ retards talked about ? Then you're as bad as they said
SCP hasn't been handled by /x/ in years, it's all redditors and discord trannies
>"why are there no games" in op
>not videogames
based retard
Russian sleep experiment would make a pretty good RE clone won’t lie
>that one SCP that's just someone's deviantart fucking persona
just stick to the first 2000 and it shouldn't be bad
you’re right let’s all just spend our time making fune wojaks instead haha crayons
>for reddit
It's been answered. There's no actual video game discussion.
the ikea scp is a cool concept that is being developed right now but it's not looking good thus far
When the fuck were plant hallways removed from Secret Lab?
scp got ruined by plebbitors
much like all the boards on this garbage site
>Releasing it under the CC-BY-SA license means that people will be able to copy your work wholesale, and even sell it, provided that they properly attribute you and release their work under the same license.
Whoops! Maybe you should've read what you posted first!
Fuck Hubert
> You can sell your work, but so can anyone else with absolutely no repercussions.
So basically, you can't practically sell your work.
>That one SCP that is just communist propaganda
Based and anti-kurwa pilled.
how the might have fallen
Licensing problems.
It's not CC0 everywhere, and "anonymous author" pretty much mean any asshole can sue you after release and kill you with trial fees even if they have next to no arguments.
Any big studio taking a look at the IP will get an hysterical veto from their law department.
Mostly Angela
>Spawn as a scientist
>purposefully poke ass to leave the first area
if there was a game where you could play as one of the SCPs who would you want to be?
166. the game's genres will be stealth and porn
have sex
>no SCP H game where MaL0 sends you lewds and if you get her horny enough she rapes you in your sleep
why even live
>not 682
is there anything worse than a door closing d-class?
Because trannies and sjws took over SCP years ago. Now there's literally nothing left of it.
682 is too grumpy and mean for that, (s)he'll just kill you and everyone else instead of having hot, passionate consensual rape with you.
now, if it was monsterboy 682 being tamed by 053, i'd be down for that
Now we need a cropped of each
yeah, a fuckin nerd
>if it was monsterboy 682 being tamed by 053, i'd be down for that
I’m so mad we’ll never fucking get that, thanks asshole for putting that in my head.
Is the game still played? how are the update? is the community still friendly with newbies?
Since LC has been mentioned, what you're favorite Abnormality?
>if you don't like my spooky minecraft fanfictions, then y-YOU'RE the cancer
post something original you nigger faggot
still played but struggling on weekdays, people play en masse only during weekend, updates : *raughs* in kurwa, they're probably not bad just go to the general and ask
there is none because polack dev hubert is secretly a jew and wants to make money doing nothing so all artists and coders and everyone else are underpaid even though when the patreon had less donations the team got paid more.
I think it's 093. 096 is the shy guy
>friend introduces mw to this shit
>"dude, it's so cool, it's like they try to analyze paranormal stuff"
>watch and read a few articles/videos
>literally log entries about spoopy creatures and happenings
>repeat ad nauseum
What is the appeal to this? It's like a modern day grimoire on monsters, but everything is just seen from a scientific angle
>SCP-4XXX series
There's your issue
Apparently Hubert is adding a set of lockers that require MTF Lieutenant level access (or something around there). Will have items that sound kinda neat, like one that lets you disguise yourself as another group (no word on if it lets you disguise yourself as a zombie) and an item that removes your stamina meter (because of course he's fucking adding one)
Ah, that's it
Sometimes some people write something clever. Sometimes they write garbage and the community collectively latches onto the cock of the author because they are a girl (male)
that's exactly the appeal. also same shit but with fun magical trinkets like a camera that shows what a person wants or a coffee machine that can give you literally any liquid
>a set of lockers
oh, that's cool
>lets you disguise yourself as another group
953 that plays like the Spy from TF2 when?
oh fuck no
When you have dozens of entries in something, you can't expect all of them to be good.
Yo-kai Watch, but minus the weeb/anime/vidya shit
There's people out there who pays thousands of dollars to get inside cartoony animal suits and pretend they are completely normal and missunderstood people, and that their fandom wasn't born from a club of decadent people. They're called furries.
Oh, I didn't know more got translated. Is there a place to read all of these?
Why does everyone insist on making a containment breach clone with dozens of SCPs? The reason why that game sucks is that instead of anything being polished at all, more and more unfinished shit gets added. Unironically the best version of CB was the one where 173 was the only threat. Because it worked.
either the Yea Forums threads or mangarock
No, but I'd appreciate if all of the bad shit got called out, not just some of it. And then they do shit like completely perverting the entire purpose of some, like I remember reading over a machine that basically created racist caricatures to be enslaved by the very rich, but JUST BECAUSE THE CARICATURES WERE RACIST they all got fucking mix-n-matched and now the entire meaning is lost.
I want to cum on her
>SCP Oversimplified
Been going through that, and there's a lot of good shit in there Hubert should add. Aside from the stuff he took out that should've stayed in (the fucking Coffee Machine for starters).
Like what if they added in the deer that turns people into wood? The tiger that looks like a kitten? What about the many Safe items that could be used to expand on the gameplay?
I've been getting them from the Yea Forums threads. Seems I missed one.
Instead of containment breach I had ideas for an RPG where the Foundation either doesn't exist in this world or there was a massive, world-ending containment breach and a bunch of SCPs that won't instantly destroy the universe are all loose at once.
I don't know who you'd be playing as, maybe one of the more benevolent SCPs. One of them would also need to be the final boss but there's so many good options for that I don't know who to use.
well, until your post
t. that one researcher
Wall Gazer had me afraid to give the game another try for a while. Jumpscares are too spoopy for me
They changed her jump scare, I think. Turned it from a spooky face to spooky hands grabbing her containment cell.
The production budget for an SCP game is non-existent without making a totally original SCP up for MTF to go capture in the field. Only in that case could you sell the game.
However that would secure some funding for a standalone free multiplayer version with the same team/assets for a significantly better financed but still free SCP MP game.
Containment breach style like Secret Lab is only really one game mode, but I'd rather you get the default mode to be set up as a TTT style game with the level of interaction on par with e.g. Hitman that may devolve into a containment breach, but can also be as simple as a prank war for SCP-050.
Yeah, SCPs are bad news but I'd rather it be a case of a containment breach because of SS13 shenanigans and not because players were rolled as SCPs in for the round - staff required to keep containment but autists go "what could possibly go wrong?" and tamper with protocols with gameplay logic.
A game where you play as the Mole Rats. Maybe one where you go into SCP-1730.
I want to fuck the piñata
user no