Just remembered that he still exists. Has he done anything as of late?
What is Yea Forums's opinion on him as of late?
Why would he need to?
your mom
nah he is way too lazy
He should fund development of wurm
he's a bigoted shitlord
He mostly just shouts at nothing on twitter.
Depressed billionaire. Pretty sad.
notch hasn't done shit since he sold his game and cashed out
hes still /ourguy/ because his tweets are based
Hes been triggering tumblrettes and redditors on twitter lately so he’s pretty based
literally living the dream. A millionaire troll playing games all day.
He is what happens when you cannot contain your powerlevel.
It's the same with pewdiepie, both are cucked swedes who learned about just how bad sweden is and are now of the rails thanks to copious amounts of money
this sub doesn't support racist white people
He's pretty redpilled but sometimes he comes across as unhinged.
As in games?
However, he is dropping massive redpills on his twitter all day everyday, i wouldn't be surprised if he is a 4chin regular
His favourite past time in his meaningless existence is getting BTFO by trannies and furries on Twitter.
That's pretty much what Mr. Vacation amounts to these days.
didn't he go insane or whatever
>hehe let's feign ignorance so we can have people posting about what I want
imagine being a billionaire and not knowing what to do with your money. what a fucking waste. you could start a space rocketry business and compete with elon musk. buy an island. start a charity. buy a private army to fuck around with. buy harems of women to fuck around with. buy a forest and preserve it. fucking buy a huge plot of land instead of some gay chic mudslide house in hollywood
what the fuck is this fat faggot doing? give the money to me, i'll do something with it
>BTFO by trannies and furries on Twitter
Those degenerates aren't capable of BTFOing anyone. In fact they fume over the fact that they can't pressure anyone to fire Notch and theres nothing they can do to ruin him.
>thinking happiness and fulfillment in life can be achieved by buying shit
Thats a big yikes
all he does is shitpost on social media.
People keep trying to coax him into buying Yea Forums.
harmless nobody
>becomes billionaire
>falls for pleb tier conspiracies like qanon
>also whines about trans ppl because why not
He's a billionaire he should be funding tons of vidya games and banging supermodels on yachts, not sitting in his big empty house while browsing /pol/.
Theres nothing wrong about exposing tranny freaks.
that's what he thought when he wasted a large portion of his earn on that empty soulless mansion in LA.
I know that /pol/ likes to think that notch is based because he is living the dream life /po/ has always wanted: being a neet who supports Nazi but I agree with others on him being a pathetic cuck. He sold his greatest accomplishment to fucking microsoft of all people and even though he talks big about owning libs, he hasn't done one thing to support the cons or far right. Never donated/supported to republican candidate or nazi organizations.
Crap, meant to say /pol/ again. Meant nothing bad about the fin folk at paper craft and origami.
>the cons or far right
Holy fuck i'm actually surprised you were able to make the distinction. That's pretty rare for leftists tbqh.
>He sold his greatest accomplishment to fucking microsoft of all people
If you think, even for a millisecond, that you wouldn't do the same thing for 2.5 billion dollars (that's billion with a B) you are the biggest fucking retard in the whole history of universe.
>money doesn't buy happiness hehe
money buys agency. agency enables happiness. you fucking poorfag brainlet
money doesnt buy talent or knowledge friend
doing these things takes work, you cant just give some fags a big bag of money and say "make thing, but good", theyll steal/waste most of it and give you a big pile of shit back
you can network to get to know people with the talent to do things for you, but its not as easy as saying "i have money, be my friend", people are mostly leeches, its a needle in a haystack if your goal is to find people worth knowing, and even then those people are probably aware of their own worth and dont necessarily have to give a shit about you or your money
money is just a resource, but the responsibility of the things this resource can grant you still falls on your shoulders
Hell no dude I'd make Minecraft 2 the best game of all time, guide a really good Minecraft movie, and then I'd cash out.
And then Minecraft 2 sucks ass and so does the movie so the price of acquiring the IP diminishes substantially.
People are already making Minecraft 2, it's called Hytale.
there's a problem with dissenters in that they aggregate and act in tribal cultist ways just like the SJW as of late.
i assume this happens to be more effective in the culture war, but this makes it so it's all a meme in the end. he just appears as a tryhard getting karma points from edgy 9gaggers, not someone with opinions.
>Markus "Big Macs and Delays instead of Updates" Persson.
>Dedicated enough to use his money wisely and start up another business.
>Let alone a business on par with Musk.
Gtfo back to your candy wall you defeatist swine.
Yeah exactly and look how crazed they're getting over that, and that game doesn't even bother making the blocks smaller.
he used to post here back in the early development of minecraft, so i'd imagine he's still around
>Implying im poor
>Implying you cant do shit without money.
I think someone else is the brainlet.
pretty sure this splash is still in the game
Pretty cool dude. Even cooler now that he's triggering the leftists. After all this time he's still /ourguy/
i liked him until he revealed he was right wing
now I don't even see him as human
I never thought it was possible to simultaneously be a billionaire a a pathetic loser.
Does he still have that expensive mansion?
Why did he even think that was a good idea?
he's a fucking faggot
Mansions are never a good idea but they are the go to for people who happened to acquire a huge sum of money instantaneously and want to flex. Pretty sure every well known clickbait youtuber has one.
Because unlike millionaires a billionaire really doesn't need to be careful with what assets they purchase.
He'll be dead before he spends it all so who gives a fuck?
>own highly successful thing
>sell it
why would you do this, I never understand. Surely if it's successful enough for people to try and buy it off of you, it's worth more for you to sit on it and continue to make money off of it rather than cashing out.
he has ten billion fucking dollars, what else is he gonna do with it
>own something that is a successful trend played by retarded children
you'd be retarded not to sell
I bet the people who bought it came up with a shitton of profit projections, but it does actually take someone not enfranchised with big corporate thinking to see how limited the game idea is and how the basic idea is something you can never ever patent and protect fom being copied
notch is a sad figure, but he is definitely not stupid
I'd have probably done the same as him if I were in his position.
based, but bluepilled
fuck off stevefag