When did you realize you've outgrown video games and its a waste of time...

When did you realize you've outgrown video games and its a waste of time? You could be doing something ANYTHING productive and grow yourself as a person instead of wasting away as a 30 year old virgin clinging on to your childhood like a pathetic incel.

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I realized it never
Life fucking sucks even when you’re doing well. Entertainment and media give you something enjoyable to do without expending too much energy or money
Books, movies, music, games, they’re all the same. I actually like games more since you get to exercise your decision making muscles a little

you could in the same amount of time that you waste on video games learn to code, trade crypto, expand your portfolio, go to the gym. Life only sucks because you play video games all day.

Never. I don't need arbitrary productivity to fill an empty void.

>Great career I busted my ass 5 years for
>Taking it further with education
>10+ year relationship
>Still smonk weed and play vidya

Don't give a shit and you shouldn't either

>smonk weed and play vidya
>10+ year relationship but not even married

please never have children

That's not up to you faggot. I've done absolutely nothing in society wrong enough to bar me from having children and doing what I want. We made it mid 20's without fucking ourselves out of our careers with a child.

Now go listen to your Joe Rogan podcast and talk about how you've been improving yourself for maybe 2 weeks. Actually OP, i'm interested now. What "productive" shit have you been doing that's not going to make me laugh my ass off, as I finish packing and head off through a bomb cyclone to start this vacation?

Hehe weed bad
What a normie

>having children
LMAO thats the ultimate cuck

>learn to code
how i do this

>having kids
Enjoy sleepless nights and no time for anything resembling fun.

You're a degenerate and so is Joe Rogan. Your life literally consists of wasting away your youth playing computer games and doing recreational drugs.

I like poopin'



good poop

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And if you must know I own my own business. I've traveled across the US, Europe and Asia and will be able to retire young unlike you who will be a wage cuck for your entire life.

But I play video games every day and am also a married architect with a delicious mixed baby on the way, who I will take hiking and camping this summer and every summer to come. Age is a number and doing things you enjoy is not counter to meaningful personal growth, dude.

making bait threads on Yea Forums for easy (you)s from riled up teenagers is an even bigger waste of time and even less fulfilling that than playing video games. You should probably take your own advice and do something else away from your computer.

This board is apparently le zoomyzoomers until you're actually 30+ years old
Excellent narrative

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I can't believe I waited for this post. Stop trying to tell people you're being productive when you're not. I know people like you.

Congrats. Like I said, I'm 3 hours away from vacation and I don't get upset when others are doing ok. However, where is the productivity? Now I know you're just bullshiting because that was your chance to tell me. Just because you stopped watching porn for 3 days and saw a gym 7 days in a month doesn't make you productive

Why would you go on the internet and like like that?

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alright user, youre right keep killing your brain with drugs and video games but atleast you get a vacation once a year. Maybe one day you will want to strive for something better.

what you want more details? I work as a travel manager, basically because people are too fucking lazy to plan their own travel book their own flights, hotels, rental cars, business meetings I do all of that for them and its easy as fuck and they pay a lot of money for it.

>vacation once a year

Oh what a laff. I strive every day otherwise I wouldn't be here pal, what's not to understand? The sooner you wash your brain of that retarded non-meme boomer mindset, the sooner you realize success exists outside of your personal headspace.

You can do well
I can also do well
That is life

>tfw learning game development the last few years
>games are boring now
>every time I play one I just think how I could be implementing features instead

I would strongly recommend against going into that field unless you are very passionate about it.
Most jobs are part time and contracted so they dont have to pay benefits or decent wages. Also as soon as the project ends the contract is over and you'll have to find more work. I've been there.

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how do i learn to code what field do you recomend user

What joy do any of those things bring?
Besides, I already know how to code, I already go to the gym daily.
Games are basically the only thing that brings me any joy besides the aversion of bad things that everything else does for.

Youtube tutorials, read language and library documentation.
IF you have the money or want to take out a loan, go to a coding bootcamp if you live in a major city like Austin or SF or NYC

messy inky cunny

a lot community colleges have beginner courses as well, you could apply for a pel grant to go for free essentially. But there is nothing they are going to teach you that you cant learn on your own. Just depends on how you learn best.

ITT boys pretend they're men.

Lol @ trade crypto.

Says the faggot posting on 4Channel
Get off this meme board or stop pretending you aren't pathetic too

mm haha

>trade crypto
>go to the gym
Ask me how I know you're a massive faggot.

I'm in the process of doing it now. 24 y/o virgin who has only been in one short relationship, haven't yet graduated college due to laziness, and has yet to accomplish anything out of sheer apathy. I have never approached a woman (first girl approached me) and I have never put any real time into improving at anything.
Probably gonna drop the games, drop Yea Forums, and restrict myself to playing vidya only on Sunday. I need to get my shit together. For some reason it was my 24th birthday three weeks ago that made me realize I'm wasting my damn life.

Good job user, step one is always the hardest but atleast you realize where you want to be and have a plan to try and get there.

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