>copypaste corridor level design
>needlessly altered character designs
>story is garbage with half the cast being background noise and main villain being retconned into a sperg
>shit music
>enemy design is bland
>V is garbage to play as
How did they fuck up so hard after so many installments of trial and errors?
Copypaste corridor level design
>perfect for replays, no fluff
>campy dialogue with tons of fan service and one liners
>great music, but even better ors customizable and you can replace the shit music
>microtransactions that thanks fully don't impact anything, luckily and after thought
>huge enemy variety taking enemies from the whole series, not a single tedious thing
>V is new and interesting and only mandatory for 4 missions if it doesn't click with you
Its great
And it flopped horribly. 20k first week sales lol.
The convoluted levels in dmc1 sucked dick cry more faggot
>First week sales
>hasn't even been a full week
>He doesn't like to get Curazy
>He doesn't appreciate Itsuno busting his ass working on this game for the fans who've been foaming at the mouth to capcom for a new Devil May Cry game
>He doesn't want to PULL HIS DEVIL TRIGGER
>He didn't find the simple 'exploit' to farm for Red Orbs in game with the Michael Jackson hat
How bad at bait can you be barry?
Not everything is your boogeyman.
It’s a bit weird that Lady and Trish do nothing the entire game, but they added two new major characters.
Are these Sony faggots trying to shit posts because GoW was shown to be the piece of shit it was? I don't understand who is trying to bash actually good video games?
you apparently since both GoW and DMC5 are good
I like both games my man, I thought DMC5 was better, but I enjoyed my time with GoW, they're different games and both succeed at their vision. Looking forward to the future of both franchises, they seem bright.
>Godlike gameplay literally no competition from ANY GAME IN HISTORY
Sorry man its literally IMPOSSIBLE to shit on this game on top if being good it has the UNIQUE factor only 1% of games have that
Remember in Sonic games where SEGA started stuffing other characters with shitty mechanics you didn’t want to play as and all you wanted was Sonic?
That’s Devil May Cry 5.
Sonic Adventure 2 is the best 3D Sonic game, though. Even Sonic Mania features Tails and Knuckles.
Yep the game may be unique and among the best but after completing the game one time it should allow you to play as any character in any mission
But Sonic Mania doesn’t make you play as Tails and Knuckles.
I don't understand, could you use food analogy?
>go to steak place for nice steak
>they give you a bunch of appetizers and side dishes for free
>sperg out because you hate variety
All I wanted was a sausage pizza but instead, I got a pizza with a bunch of pineapple and some sausage but not too much.