>design a White girl
>call her Japanese
Why do they do this?
>design a White girl
>call her Japanese
Why do they do this?
>design a Japanese girl
>call her German
She fucks dogs
What does her butt hole sweat taste like?
>Make the same thread over and over
Why do they do this?
on what planet is that white?
And that is aaaaaalright!
She's probably a hapa, as in no matter how attractive the white father is, those fucking asian genes don't go away
op btfo
She looks Asian enough so she needs to be labeled with the pic related.
It thinks Marie Rose is Asian and she's 100% white.
>ywn have a naturally blonde and blue eyed asian wife
Fucking chinks better speed up the DNA editing, I want my own blonde/blue eyed asian wife so I wont feel too guilty for race mixing
But the Japanese laymen see her as Asian.
Luddites buried that dream.
Also Puerto Ricans are the ultimate mutts, las creaturas definitiva.
The chinese drones don't give a fuck about morality.
man I wish Iris was in a better game than XV