>university has a small smash scene
>too chickenshit to ask to jump in
how do i stop being a sad loser
>university has a small smash scene
>too chickenshit to ask to jump in
how do i stop being a sad loser
Are you actually good at melee?
i'm okay but the only experience I have is with online battles and like a couple locals
If you have a university club, that worked out well for me.
>Hey guys can I play too?
I thought they were doing the Hotel Mario meme but then they told me to fuck off when I laughed and tried to sit down.
this made my anxiety over attempting to approach them infinitely worse upon considering the worst case circumstances, thanks user
don't listen to smelly smashfags :)
by joining literally any other club
the smash club at my college had people with social autism that didn't shower, the memes are real and i can only imagine that others aren't very different
don't you have any other hobbies?
i'm more of a ranged character xD
get it? it's a reference to rpg classes rofl
Tell them you're a noob, but you like to play. No pressure or expectations that way
you just have to force yourself bro
if you can't keep going after that you've already lost
just try looking online for clubs/meetups near you, besides most smashfags will without a doubt smell like shit so I think you are better off
but what if they say "no" or "who are you"
>not staying right there and beating all of them ingame
OP it really depends what the people are like there. If you're a sperg you'll find more like you.
If you are not, then either stay away or look at who is in the club first. I am the 1% of people who actually found very smart dudebros at my University's smash club, and we have been great friends since college. Again, try to take a peek at who is at the scene and then make a decision. You'll regret not at least looking.
Also it better be melee you retarded ass faggot.
Why did they say no
the worst they can say is no user and if they say no clearly they're faggots so don't let it get you down.
what do you think "force" means you nigger
>hey guys can I have a round?
>haha are you a tranny?
>girls don't play video games
>fuck off degenerate
>I'm sorry ma'am, these children don't know how to treat females
>can I smell your toes
And then I hid my power level forever.
>University has a small Smash scene
>Doesn't have a co-op program in your field
Priorities OP.
I didn't stay to ask questions, they literally told me to fuck off and the asian one threw his capri at me.
>same guys: "how come I can't find girls who say they like video games ;_;"
Holy fuck you cuck you're worried about approaching Smash players.
Objectively the biggest bunch of losers in the world fucking grow a pair.
alright thanks for the support, Yea Forumsros
i'm gonna do it
i'm gonna ask to play
>rping as a girl on 4chen for (You)s
Heh pathetic
>campus has anime club
>too anxious to check it out
Why am i so scared of a couple of weebs? was I the autist all along?
> smash scene
Better not get involved.
because you know they are going to have awful taste
You will never be a girl
>being more autistic then the local austists
i can't fucking do it someone please call me a slur or something and make me do it
>le stinky
holy fuck what a dead meme
Just be yourself bro
Well ARE you a tranny?
Any worthwhile smash scene has tournaments. You don't have to know anybody to attend, just find your club's social media and ask there.
It's easy. Bring your own controller and be like, your Lucina is good. Can I play against you?
get into it quick, just do it, it's an oportunity to meet new people and maybe find another autist to have as a friend
>they literally told me to fuck off and the asian one threw his capri at me.
Thanks for the laugh user.
do it right now you fucking bitch
It would stop being a meme if it stopped being true.
the big crowd around the couch left and it's just two dudes left maybe I can jump in now
fuck i'm gonna do it, give me your energy
Tell them Smash is a party game that can't even get into EVO
What actually is your club? Is it really just one set-up? Tournaments are your best bet, and then you can get friendlies there
Fun fact; people play competitively for fun
just do it, you overly sensitive fuckwad
get on with it
can i smell your toes
fun fact: smash is a party game that has no place at EVO, along with its stinky players
>Objectively the biggest bunch of losers in the world
yeah other than you lol
Nobody was talking about EVO- competitive a just a ruleset, not a statement like you seem to think it is
That doesn't happen unless they're just casuals playing.
what uni
are you in bongland?
I can't imagine how you could be so unbelievably beta that you can't even approach smelly smashfags
>tranny gets bullied
things are as they should be, then
i mean honestly imagine the smell its like a repel of its own
Listen. The way I see it is, there has to be one person there who isn't an asshole (hopefully) if they're all willing to get together (because if they're that fucking rude to you, how did they stand each other to play to begin with), so try again another day and hope for the best. If it doesn't work out, then I'm sorry and I look into other options.
>smash scene at my university
>kinda want to join but ive only played smash like twice and dont even own a switch
oh well
Find other girls to go with
Don't view it as a test of yourself, view it as a test of them. If they, in the very unlikely chance, are actually assholes then why should you care about them rejecting your company?
>goes to university, a place where you can improve yourself
>wants to mix in with the same gang of angsty loser nerds from high school
just drop out, OP.
You hardly need to ask. Just meet up and some dude will likely do the talking for you. Tons of spergs in my scene, but the gregarious organizers understand well that a lot of smashtards are spergs, so they're used to it.
>university has a smash scene
>no fighting games scene
>hate smash bros
Deal with it, nerd. I don't go to university to play tekken
>university doesn't have a Battle Network scene
why live?
>City has a smash scene nearby
>Just stay home & play online anyway
Well for starters you could go play a better game.
>tfw no fighting scene for jojo httf near me
no point in living bros
How is one supposed to improve themselves by shying away from any challenge or chance of making friends?
make friends with people who are worth a damn, is the takeaway here.