There's going to be a secret route where you get to impregnate her, right?

Attached: young lord.png (732x710, 456K)

Have sex

grow up

you fucking idiot op

Him and yes i would like that

All jokes aside is that really a boy?

You're the one talking about fucking and marrying cartoons nigga lmfao

My god you're a loser

Supposedly. Wouldn't be surprised if one of the twists is that it's actually a girl.

>le her XDDDD
Nice meme.

I'm happy for shotabros

>my loyal wolf, please save and breed me
What did (s)he mean by this?

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I'm not OP
grow the fuck up kid seriously

it's literally a boy you fucking tard

>actually believing that blatant lie
it'll get revealed midway through the game that it's actually female

I'm giving him and (you) good advice. Have sex and you'll lighten up and try not to sexualize literally every piece of media you consume

I'm giving you good advice as well
grow up please, if you keep acting that way you'll grow jaded like the OP that thinks impregnating little boys is ok


Grow the heck up

I have a feeling fujos will go wild with this. We already saw what they can do with the incest twins in DS3

shoot you heckin' got me good there

it isn't?

ok you got me it's solid advice, at best

Looks like you're projecting user. Sorry that you're jaded and sad lol

>tfw there will be shota porn when this game releases
I don't know if I'm ready for this one bros.

Attached: laughter stops.jpg (313x254, 29K)

>being sorry for someone else
absolute cuck

yea I also go around telling people to have sex, it's childish and fun, I'm not projecting though not that you'd even be convinced with that if you think about it
trolling on v bubbles down to literally 3 memes
>Have Sex
it's boring I want something new, I'm trying Grow up now

It's a rhetorical apology lol, do u have brain damage?

what's that COUGH COUGH shit about?

Try nestle *crunch-crunch*

>merely pretending


ooh I'll try that one later thanks

the COUGH COUGH im so glad.... stuff

Anyone that prefaces an insult with an apology isn't pretending. It's a way of throwing it in their face. Not even him my man, but learn the mannerisms of English.

shit I haven't run into that one yet
who the fuck comes up with that
>probably retards like me

Be forewarned, *crunch-crunch* is hated and the format is specific.

kill yourself


Kill yourself pathetic pedo virgin.

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Can we talk about the prince now? What do you think his role is in the story.



cute but please kys, phoneposter


>graphics haven't improved since DS1
oh no no no n on ono no


Yes they have? Are you blind?

>from always makes cute female faces for NPCs
that's definitely a girl


>lips actually move
Fucking finally

smaug was cute fuck you