Games you stopped liking because they became too popular

Games you stopped liking because they became too popular.
Starting with an obvious one.

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Fallout: New Vegas



Imagine letting other people get to you so hard you let it cloud your own personal judgement of something.

All of them.

hollow knight doesnt even have a shitty fanbase are you really that insecure that you cant enjoy fucking hollow knight because other people like it?

No one ever liked it. The earliest threads were disgusted by "another shitty 2d dark souls clone"

It's only after 99 DLCs released that the devs got enough money to pay shills to shill the darkest corners of the internet for those extra sales and it suddenly got a general thread on Yea Forums. Thanks mods and jannies for leaving it here to rot this board further!

Can’t stop liking something you never liked to begin with

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>stop liking something cause more people enjoy it
I hope you stop breathing too, cause everyone does it.

stop trying to get featured on "best of Yea Forums" or whatever redd it does

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>good game becomes successful
>better stop playing it now
can you be any more retarded

The truth is my dear, I've never enjoyed a videogame in my entire life

>girl takes picture of her dry looking feet
Always annoys me.

>because i need oxygen everyone needs oxygen

>stop liking something because it becomes popular
Fuck off you shitstain.

Is that a real thing? Might as well tripfag at that point.

They never put in effort because they know thirsty retards will throw money at them anyway

Well, I won't.

None of them, because I'm not enough of a faggot to hate things based on popularity.

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OP you're beyond retarded. Even more retarded than a pink bearded hipster faggot.

Imagine not liking Hollow Knight

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They don’t want your pennies, they want huge hungry rich retard bucks

Fucking Your Mom 2: Anal Apocalypse

This only happens when its a game that's just ok, but gets praised an obnoxious amount

If they deserve my money, I will give it to them.

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it's ok for people to have different opinions

>op asks a shitpost question
>gets shitpost replies
drink bleach retard

>donating to balding whores with fake boobs

user are you blind? Jesus christ

You can use those 60 dollars a month on way better things than giving it to that balding cunt, believe me.

just another mindless retard who tries to justify himelf

Garry's Mod. Can't remember which update it was but it came around some time in 2015 and absolutely fucked everything up. Addons became way more accessible since you could install them with one click and popular Youtubers were starting to get their hands on it and so were their fans. I had 1.2k hours in Sandbox servers alone creating bullshit contraptions and fucking around with e2. Now the entire game is just Deathrun, DarkRP, Cinema, and Prop Hunt. All the Sandbox servers have friendly fire enabled, blacklisted props, no e2, no no-clip, and are more centred around being "build and kill" servers except nobody does the former. All those props and physics and tools to make insane things gone to waste cause kids would rather jump in to DarkRP servers, pick the thief, buy a gun, and kill everyone.

>There really are people who hate a game because it's too popular instead of hating it because the gameplay was boring,etc.

How does it feel to miss out on great games?

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Installing mods and getting them to work right was the struggle man

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Installing Wiremod in Tortoise SVN and praying MOST of it worked so you didn't need to do it again was the true casual filter.

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>streamlining a method that was a pain in the ass before
>hurrrrrr niche good popular bad
You need to throw yourself off of a bridge along with OP.


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Why should I have to play a game at the peak of its popularity? I’d rather wait until the hype dies down so I can enjoy it without everything being spoiled whenever I come here

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I tried so hard to like this game, but all I did was find it annoying as hell.

Did you even read the rest? I didn't say streamlining things messed it up because it was a 10/10 change, it's everything that followed that fucked the game.

>Niche good
>Popular bad
Very yes. Are you a normie?

Who gives a shit about "HYPE". Just find out for yourself and try the game out if you can. Just pirate it or buy it cheap it's whatever.

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normalfags just DON'T GET IT

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>being bad at videogames

Hollow knight struck me as heavily shilled. Which lead to a natural aversion to it for me.

Nah, it wasn't that. The constant backtracking, the lack of fast travel locations and the annoying, pretentious bug voices made me drop the game.

>Did you even read the rest?
No I didn't, I just wanted to tell a random user to kill himself.
I need to do this at least 20 times a day or else I will implode.

>Who gives a shit about “HYPE”
Paid marketers. I’m with this user on the subjectIf a game is shilled incredibly hard it turns me off of it for a long time

>the lack of fast travel locations
holy shit you casual

Not him but fuck off you pathetic hipster manchild.

>Stopped liking them because they became too popular
>Stopped liking them
>liking them
Dear god no wtf is wrong with you. Why the fuck would I let any outside influence change the way that I feel? What a gigantic faggot you would have to be to do something like that.

>The constant backtracking
Only if you get lost a lot
>lack of fast travel locations
That's just wrong, there's plenty of fast travel locations. If you think there weren't enough options, you're just a spoiled casual shitter.
Cmon now
>pretentious bug voices
Would you rather have generic voice actors? They were literally voiced by friends of the devs, people who never did voice acting before. I get thinking that the voices don't sound very professional but that makes them so charming. One of the little cases were "soul" is actually a thing.

>Not him
>Number of posters in thread has not gone up

Flash game.

Was it actually shilled though? Never played it and I honestly don't know how Yea Forums's heads works when it comes to shilling accusations.

>the annoying, pretentious bug voices
imagine hating BAPANADA

>I honestly don't know how Yea Forums's heads works when it comes to shilling accusations.

"game I don't like or care about gets a thread on Yea Forums"

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I hate bugs

>For England James?

wheres that spider? is that in one of the dlc?

No, it's "cut content". It's not in the final game.

That’s some terrible proof

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This is a stupid thread
Also, Yea Forums

That's a cucked mindset. You enjoy games if they are good, regardless of popularity.

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>You enjoy games if they are good
>posts Bloodborne

at least you have a sense of humour

Bloodborne is good though.

I don't stop liking a game thats popular, just because of its popularity. However when it's a game that has a special place in my heart i might feel unhappy sharing the experience with a ton of other people, and i tend to think i'm the one who gets the game better than anyone else.

But that's because i have the emotional maturity of a child, i know it and so i never annoy people with my problems. Deep down, if it's popular it's great because it gets money to the devs to do something else.

>Dudebros broke into my house and chided me for playing hallow knight to pick up this orbiter chick who was also in my dark room while I played games otherwise by myself

What are you a fucking hipster?

I played shit like this on newgrounds, sorry


this is color in the world of hollowfags
you can't make this shit up

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OP's a weak-minded pussy

Are those spider eyes?


How many are left?

It's cut content from a trailer. Also,
>Hurr a scene is dark what a shit game

What point are you even trying to make

the same fucking point I always make in the hollowfags thread, about the game's color palette
you always reply the same way, just to bump the thread

Speedrunning is the most autistic activity to participate in

How is THIS GAME HAS MANY BLUE COLORS a valid argument for the game being bad? Do you have autism?

Fuck off back to R*ddit

>Hating something because it became too popular

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>Not liking is hating
Normal functioning humans have a range of emotions

>not liking a game simply because of it's popularity
You have severe autism

>thinking it's an insult here