Why can't Sony just buy Nintendo in a hostile take over and make the gaming monopoly we need?
Why can't Sony just buy Nintendo in a hostile take over and make the gaming monopoly we need?
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I don't think you understand how much money Nintendo has accumulated since the 80s.
cause sony sucks
Go home disord
Nintendo is made of Nintendium. It will never die.
they're too busy buying take-two and making every rockstar game a sony exclusive from now on.
user, Nintendo would be closer to buying Sony's gaming division than Sony buying all of Nintendo. Even a merger like Bandai and Namco wouldn't be a possibility, since Nintendo has so much cash.
Fuck off resetranny no one cares about your shitty inclusive cinematic experiences around here.
>implying Sony has the cash for that
>Your shitty corporation isn't good compared to my shitty corporation
Nothing like puppets screaming at each other
Nintendo supposedly has over 35 billion dollars. Sony was in danger of going under a few years back. Nintendo investors would flat out deny a buyout. What you are talking about is when investors have been secretly bought out and demand the sale of a company to a rival.
Even rumors of Sony buying Take Two Interactive is insane, because Take Two owns 2K, Bethesda, and Rockstar. Sony could technically buy a majority share of the company, but a complete buyout would be insanity.
The other way around would be better. Then Nintendo could force Sony to make actual games instead of movies. Not to mention tell them to fuck off with the censorship
>Take Two owns Bethesda
I thought Zenimax owned Bethesda
Zenimax is the holding company Bethesda created so they could focus on making games while using their Skyrim money to be a publisher as well.
I’m not interested in cinematic Mario walking simulators you subhuman Sony nigger
Why won't Microsoft just buy both of them?
sony's going bankrupt lol they can't even buy a burger from a hobo.
>sony's going bankrupt
t. Yea Forums, every year from 2006-present
they literally wouldn't be allowed to under japanese laws even if they wanted to.
>Then Nintendo could force Sony to make actual games instead of movies.
nintendo can't even force game freak to do that, let alone sony.
>Not to mention tell them to fuck off with the censorship
not likely, considering that nintendo also censors games.
>unironically wanting a homogenized Disney-style monopoly in vidya
Fucking kill yourself.
>it's another "dude nintendo should go 3rd party XD" thread
go back to gamefaqs please
but bro... it would be like... totally awthum!
We don't need Sony's policies.
Why the fuck would you want that? The absolute state of snoy fanboys...
>Actually wanting a monopoly
Now post the original nintendofag
>Now post the original nintendofag
That was the original
Nobody who owns a PS4 even wants Nintendo games anyway, they're all so boring and designed for 7 year olds.
I don't think you understand how hostile takeovers work. Sony CAN'T just takeover Nintendo, they don't have any of their shares, let alone majority, and they can't even make an offer that 1) would be enough to for Nintendo to consider 2) would be enough for Sony to make and not fucking go under themselves.
Nintendo's revenue alone is 1/8th of Sony AS A WHOLE (including movies, phones, music, vidya and Fate).
It's like asking why the fuck won't anyone buy Valve from Gaben, because no one can afford it.
It's funny because Sony wouldn't be able to afford it but Nintendo has enough money to pay off the money Sony has lost
i know, right?
Man, I hated Sun and Moon for that reason, every time that I tried to explore a little I was interrupted by a fucking cutscene. It didn't help that it was a story script with the quiallity of a dreamworks movie.
Why were sonyfags trying to force GR on to Nintendo anyway?
No one wants it.
Lmao what are you even saying
To be fair I can see why Gravity Rush would work better with Nintendo fanbase. I don't see that with Mario in Sony.
why doesn't Nintendo buy pokemon
I don't really get how there are genuinely sonyfags who want this when all they do is complain about how there are too many Mario games.
If it looks appealing to you just buy Switch too lmao, you already can afford a PS4.
IIRC, Nintendo at some point wanted to buy Bandai Namco but they legally couldn't.
>To be fair I can see why Gravity Rush would work better with Nintendo fanbase.
i don't. nintendo got their own "gravity rush" a few years ago and none of their fans bought it.
>buying something you already own
It was GravityRush fags, because it sold like shit three times, and they wanted to save the frranchise.
They don't think is their shitty game, is sony userbase, and in their mind the Nintendo userbase would love this game.
In reallity the game was going to flop no matter what.
That's because it was a shitty port of an otherwise solid game.
They wouldn't be able to purchase Nintendo, and vice versa. Only way this could happen is if both parties agreed to do a company merge or something
Eh, nah.
Nintendo fans tend to want games with more variety than GR offers.
>Nintendo acquires Bandai Namco
>Finally good Gundam games
>Good One Piece games
>Better Dragon Ball games
the wii version was great and came with the wii u version for free. still, nobody bought it.
>Wanting a monopoly
Based retard
Who the fuck cares about those properties. I'd be more excited for actual Super Sentai games and non-arena fighter Kamen Rider games.
Truth is none wants Gravity Rush.
You and your kind should stop forcing the game in other consoles.
>Who the fuck cares about those properties.
>Post properties that less people care about.
It feels like a nintendo game, gameplay definitely came before everything else. Nobody else does that nowadays.
It's because they released it in 2015 and made Wii version only good one. Wii U and 3DS ports are Ubisoft tier incompetent.
The Wii version didnt get a metacritic score, so everyone who saw the reviews saw the 3 and 4/10s the terrible port got. While the game probably wouldn't have sold well regardless, the reviews on the ports didnt help.
>digimon would have the full nintendo marketing machine behind it and game freak might have to respond by finally putting effort into their games again
that doesn't sound half bad, actually.
Fucking animefag.
Doom and lots of indies do that too.
Also the xebo series are Nintendo games, and the gameplay is not exactly what make the series sell.
Nintendo has no power over GF, they can do all the effortless shit they want with Pokemon
>Super Sentai
it seems you are also a man of culture, my friend
Why tho?
Sure, Mr. Weeb Ranger is going to tell me how good is my taste.
I'm more of a fan of Kamen Rider but I've been watching Go-Buster recently, gonna check ToQger next
so? the wii u was backwards compatible with the wii, so it's not like anyone had to dig out their old wii and hook it up to the tv again just to play one game.
so, in other words, you're saying nintendo fans need metacritic to decide their taste in games for them?
Sony has a net worth over 4 times that of Nintendo.
It would not be cheap, but if Nintendo went public, Sony COULD obtain a controlling share by selling off some of their less profitable divisions (or just Sony Pictures).
But, Nintendo isn't public.
i can tell you how good your taste is if you want me to.
nintendo co-owns the pokemon franchise and they've stepped in to bail out game freak's ineptitude before (see: gold/silver's development). they just don't care at the moment because game freak's lazy "cinematic experiences" sell tens of millions.
Most people just don't do that, it should be instinctively fishy when only 1 out of 3 versions of the same game is qualifies as good. And 3DS owners are straight up screwed.
Doom is not entirely comparable because it's a reboot of an oldschool franchise that attempts to capture the spirit of the original. I admire it, though, especially after learning stuff like glory kills being implemented to deinscentivise people from playing in a boring campy way.
Weren't Nintendo prevented from buying up too many companies in the past for fear of them monopolizing the market? No way Sony would be allowed to purchase them if that's the case.
I'm saying the port was terrible and the marketing for it was non existent, so it failed.
Do you know how company ownership works?
You're Sony wants to spend $40 billion on Nintendo's existing stocks, assumign that would get them enough ownership to sway major decisions
Net worth isnt the same as liquid cash.
Nintendo is public, but it's hard to buy stocks for them
>They even gave it game of the year
>I'm saying the port was terrible
which doesn't matter when they were also giving you the superior original game for free.
>the marketing for it was non existent
the same was true for gravity rush, and why do you need games spoonfed to you with flashy marketing campaigns and metacritic scores in the first place?
You do realize that Gravity Rush sold very very VERY poorly? Its online was meant to last years.
i never said gravity rush didn't sell poorly. of course it did. i'm just pointing out that the same situation happened with a similar game on nintendo consoles.
all the talk of gravity rush "being a nintendo type of game" and "having too much gameplay for snoy" is just empty console-war bullshit, since nintendo fans didn't back it up when they had the chance to.
Rodea was actually shit tho. GR is a solid, polished game with great presentation to boot.
I wouldn't put Gravity Rush on the same tier as Rodea, it lacks its level of quality and can't be equated though.
nintendo have more money than sony retard
Because monopolies stifle competition and creativity, i hate the socioeconomic effects of late stage capitalism but even i know that competition breeds better products
the wii version belongs on the same level as gravity rush, imo. the wii u and 3ds versions don't, though.
Sony are too poor to buy Nintendo
I'm pretty sure they both cater to a different niche. The amount of money to take over Nintendo would probably be more than it's worth for Sony or maybe even more than they could afford. Sony wasn't doing so hot around the time the PS4 released (reasons unrelated to the PlayStation division). They can't afford to go around buying companies for cool points.
Nintendo has more money than Sony
>Sonyfag thinks they ever made anything original and don't always copy nintendo
Nintendo makes on average ~1.2 billion dollars in profit every year. A complete takeover would be a 50 billion dollar+ transaction, that's a long-ass time for an investment to earn itself back.
imagine nintendo shotas being gay with ape escape shotas haha
>he is so new he doesnt realize this is the original
Also fuck Sony everytime they dominate the market they get incredible arrogant:
>Playstation 2 sells 156 million units
>Lmao Ps3 is the NEW SHIT
>Literally 600 dollar paperweight tiger
>Literally no games for the first 3 years
>P...please come back to us
This is actually kind of scary. I'm surprised Xbox didnt decide to do this since they need exclusive more.
Nintendo is worth over 30 billion, to buy them out would cost about 40. Sony has about 10 billion dollars.
>Also fuck Sony everytime they dominate the market they get incredible arrogant
you mean like when they dominated the market with the ps1 and then followed it up with the best-selling console of all time and another generation of dominance? people always like to leave that part out for some reason.
meanwhile, nintendo is always arrogant as fuck regardless of whether or not they're on top. even at rock bottom in the wii u era, they were censoring games left and right and lying to their most loyal fans with false promises of future wii u games.
Sony Gaming Division is the only division making a profit. The movie and tech divisions are on fire, last year Sony movies almost collapsed. Nintendo is public retard.
Nintendo stock shares are traded only through the Tokyo and Osaka stock exchanges.
>Sony movies
Literally not even they expected Jumanji and fucking Spider-verse to be their saving grace.
Sony would be wasting money buying no names like Nintendo. Sony only buys the most expensive biggest IPs, such as Michael Jackson, Spider-man, and Take Two.
Sony can't afford Nintendo.
Companies are usually bought out for their assets plus five years of revenue minus their debt. For Nintendo this would mean:
14.6B + 5x(9.5B) - 0 = 62 billion dollars
And that's not even factoring in that some of Nintendo's assets are IPs that on the open market could very well go for more than what they're estimated at (don't think for a second The Mouse wouldn't buy Mario if they thought they could). Simply put, neither Sony nor any other company has the resources to buyout Nintendo.
Because Nintendo specifically has a war chest in available cash that allows them to buy over 51% of their market value if needed.
Thus it would just be a waste of money for another company to try. Many companies keep a warchest for this reason
>and the gameplay is not exactly what make the series sell
You're joking right.
You mean 1880s, right?
I know right
what company would ever want to get their grubby mitts on this nobody
That is the original form back during the 3DS reveal at E3 retard
>Sony Gaming Division is the only division making a profit.
I thought that was their music division because that's the one that owns aniplex, who owns FGO, among other things.
>you mean like when they dominated the market with the ps1 and then followed it up with the best-selling console of all time and another generation of dominance?
Which resulted in the lowering of video game standards and smaller developers dying or being sold off due to the both the costly development on PS2 and PS3 and low sales because the audience wasn't there.
>imagine wasting billions of dollars buying some outdated not profitable company
Its like for example in 2019-2 you would buy a outdated piece of hardware for 300$ aka only dumbfucks will do it
>not profitable company
Bitch, Nintendo has been swimming in cash for ages.
No they have to recoup costs and PC is too big a market to throw away. Xbox is dead though so thats fine.
Please no, I actually like video games.
>not profitable company
>only one of the big three not swimming in debt or irrelevant
Do you want to fucking destroy video games? Sony is awful since the PS3, don't bring western pandering to Nintendo, faggot
Nintendo is tiny dumbass. They ONLY make videogames and the only other diversity they have is fucking amiibo which I haven't seen in like a year. Sony is an international organization with specialties in music, movies, gaming, electronics AND insurance. They could probably buy Nintendo 5 times over.
Sony would make more money in the long run keeping exclusivity. 90 million of GTA V. Let's say people are cucks and boycott the series, that's 70 million sales. So ($60+PSplus for online+ microtransactions) X 70 million + on top of that people are now in the playstation ecosystem so instead of saying Horizon and GOW is shit, they'll actually have the platform for these game and are most likely to purchase.
y'know a lot of the divisions you listed aren't doing the best
Why is Nintendo so rich? It's just video games...
>Sony is an international organization with specialties in music, movies, gaming, electronics AND insurance.
And they barely make more than double of what Nintendo does.
Think about that, they have their thumbs in more pies than Apple and Microsoft and they aren't anywhere near as profitable.
They are not actually buying T2, that was even deconfirmed today actually
Nintendo's got 60 years of a money making head start on Sony though.
You know Pokemon is worth more than Sony’s entire gaming division? Now think about Mario, then Zelda, then other ips like Pikmin, Super Smash, Chibi, etc etc etc
Yakuza money laundering
They know how to manage money.
>armchair nintendogaf analyst saying sony is poor
Despite any evidence you show to them being huge and rapidly growing back to what they were in the 80s, people here will meme about nintendo's war chest
it's a mystery to everyone
Literally noone said Sony is poor you fucking retard
>he actually believes a rumor that was debunked an hour after it exploded
>still thinking they had solid affiliations with the Yakuza
No one is saying Sony is poor. They're just saying Nintendo is richer.
>War Chest
If we're being honest here, the fact that Nintendo's around since the 1800s means that they very literally could have had a war chest from both world wars.
from Yuji himself, you drone
>Which resulted in the lowering of video game standards
no, that was the wii.
>smaller developers dying or being sold off
no, that was the recession, as well as other factors like normalfags demanding "muh grafix" that smaller devs couldn't provide.
>no, that was the wii.
You mean the PS2.
You know, the period where sports and shootan surged into popularity because of Fifa and CoD which sold the most on PS2?
>no, that was the recession
The recession was much later in 2008. Those developers were dying between 2003 and 6.
Ya'll keep forgetting Nintendo has enough money to buy the sun thanks to a midget plumber and an electric mouse.
>that was the wii.
Nintendo kept on making the same games they were known for making with the Wii though.
Nintendo only smells like a 35% of Pokemon's profits, and that's only the games published by Nintendo, not including the merchandise and the anime
>not including the merchandise and the anime
The merch and anime are from TPC, which was founded by Nintendo and Creatures. So it's more like they get 40-50% of the dosh. Gamefreak are just second party devs, Nintendo could drop them at any point in favor of other devs such as HAL and Creatures.
And that's just one property. There's also Mario on that list which is bigger than the MCU.
Kek playstation plus services its more profitable than nintendo and xbox combined
do you got proof
Based oda literally making billions with just one unfinished story
user, it could be making 1bn per day and it would be meaningless if they're losing 0.99bn per day on other divisions..
I'm surprised that OP is higher than Yugioh.
>More profitable than Pokemon. One of Nintendo's and Gamefreak's biggest properties.
Yeah compare that entire service's history and revenue to how much Pokemon makes in 23 years. That shit makes Rockstar look like a joke.
Yep. That would have been a giant buyout because all anime properties are owned by BN.
Daily reminder tencent can buy both sony and nintendo if they want and if they are allowed to.
Sony, sure, but they can't with Nintendo. Japanese laws protect companies like Nintendo from being completely bought out due to being a company that's been around since the 19th century, but Sony was founded in '46 and as such lacks the same protections.
This. PS4 owners only play cutsceneshit.
Because they're not selling?
>Subsidiaries: Epic Games, Riot Games, Super Cell, Miniclip, Tencent Pictures, Grinding Gear Games, Shenzhen Tencent Computer System Company Limited, Comsenz, WeBank,
Are you telling me these niggers have enough money to buy Sony and Disney at the same time?
This and I hate that when I say I want to explore and not be constantly interrupted by cutscenes people literally unironically say that Pokemon was never about exploration and has always been a story focused game. Like the first three gens never happened.
Sony probably, not Disney though.
Disney is basically western Tencent
But there's no foreign law that says Asian companies can't buy Western ones.
I'm saying they're way too big.
Western companies aren't allowed to purchase Japanese ones.
No, they are so long as the Japanese company in question was founded in 20th century and onward. The laws put into place to protect Japanese companies and corporations is specifically for 19th century and older businesses in order to do shit like protect their thousand year old construction companies.
And all those 4 are in the red
Stop ruining my shit joke about Playstation being in California, bro
So the older ones like Nintendo are protected by law, but newer ones like Sony are not. Am I getting this right? Jesus in the end Sony may get fucked by a bigger corporation like a loli getting raped by a fat ugly bastard in a doujin.
That thing only sells because of waifu shit and the story in the case of the first one.
>wanting a monopoly
are you fucking stupid, that's how we get bullshit consumer tactics like $60 paid online, streaming only, censorship, and REQUIRED addons.
Yeah which is why everyone bought it for the gameplay right?
Here's a tip user, don't take ACfag threads as the gospel.
Because then Nintendo would be a soulless husk
>inb4 muh soulless already
Also, Nintendo has too much pride.
because censoreship and sony is shit
we need a based new company that buys both with a new name
It's for the best that Nintendo keeps their pride instead of going greedy.
Yeah remember how arrogant sony was with the conplete domination with the ps1 and then released the piece of shit flop that is the ps2
Well the PS2 did lower the standards of what a game should be and was a defective piece of shit.
Because they don't need to do so, they already achieved a near monopoly since literally day one.
Look at all the 3rd parties NES and SNES had. Then look at which devs jumped ship to PS1 without second thought and how many stuck with N64 (Nearly all of them). And look how many have returned since (nearly none). Even to this day, aside from indies, Nintendo mostly gets delayed ports, even from 2 gens ago like AssCreed3.
As much as people shitpost about this kind of stuff, it seems mainly like people who liked the games really wanted the series to have a second chance at life since its seemingly dead.
>And look how many have returned since (nearly none).
It's pretty much just Falcom and I think they might be dead.
Listen I love my PS4 and some of the games on it like Bloodborne and Gravity Rush but Sony has to stop getting so cocky when relying too much on just Triple-A titles. Just give us some normal action shit or platformers or fucking fighting games. Christ almighty they keep trying to hype up Death Stranding and the Final Fantasy VII remake but people slowly are starting to give less and less of a shit about them. It's sad really.
>Death Stranding
How much do you want to bet that when it's revealed to be a mediocre game we'll get hordes of people defending it anyway
Nintendo lucked out by about 10 years since they were founded in 1889. Sony was founded in 1946. So yes, you're correct on that.
>good or wanted
Jesus fuck I didn't even know this law existed. I'd feel pretty bad for Sonybros if Tencent did come for their ass. Can they actually buy them though? Do they generate much more money than them?
Tencent could have the money but I'm doubtful of them specifically yoinking Nintendo just because Japan on a core level fucking hates China. Like the younger citizens and consumers don't care or might even like China, but the old fucks in the Diet and the like nowadays are only one generation separated from the same Japanese soldiers who paraded around Chinese corpses in the streets and engaged in public executions Chinese civilians. They might straight up say "No" to any attempts.
My bad, I mean specifically yoinking Sony. Nintendo's protected as I said.
Just ask you mom to buy you a Switch for Christmas, faggot.
they're pretty good at avoiding bankruptcy with selling off yet another division every year
Sony isn't exactly doing well for a mega corporation so it's not outside the realms of possibility.
What if Vivendi does an hostile takeover on Nintendo after failing to slave Ubisoft?
Now that would be a story to tell to our grandchildren
Mommy found his naughty pictures on his computer, he is gettin coal for now on.
user, the idea behind a what if scenario is to present something that could happen but didn't.
They probably should just stick to making movies.
Also not gonna lie this is probably one of the more civil threads I've seen when it comes to discussing corporations.
Fuck Sony.
But Capcom should buy Konami's games and just give Konami all rights to make gambling stuff with the franchises.
Censorship in his life and his games.
What do you mean by required addons? I've never heard of that before.
Nintendo should go handheld only while releasing home console tier games on their own gaming platform for PC.
If this isn’t bait, you’re beyond stupid
>we need
choose one faggot