Is it your GOTY?

Is it your GOTY?

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Yeah, but to be fair, nothing else of note is releasing this year so it wins by default.

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Ace Combat 7 bruh

Yes. It's the first game to make me feel like I'm having fun in so long

It's still March OP, too early for that.

You guys know Pokémon will release this year, right? No one cares about your budget game

That's some quality bait.

So far yeah but nigga, it's march



>nothing else of note

What else is even coming out this year besides Sekiro?

you faggots are dumb TLoU 2 will win goty

RE2make was mine until DMC5 came out so yes.

This but sadly

is it really that good? I never played any game like that and it just feels like It would be a boring "Fly to point A, kill enemies, fly to point B, etc..."

Let's put it this way, AC7 makes DMC5 look like Teletubbies in suspense.

it's fucking march, can we stop talking about GOTYs when the years has literally just begun?

Pretty good game tho

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okay retard

It was ok but not goty. I've actually been liking DoA6 a lot more, believe it or not. That's just me though.

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Literally everything of worth is already out besides Sekiro. The rest of the year is pretty barren.

what if there's a game like Apex that just hasn't been announced yet but ends up being a kino