Is it worth buying for 20 bucks?

Is it worth buying for 20 bucks?

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no, it's garbage.

no. Wait for it to hit 5

No, you're better off buying a hat in time while it's on sale.

If you like generic collectathons sure

a worth no more than about threefiddy

I guess.

fuck no, if your going to spend 20 bucks buy A Hat in Time. besides yooka laylee was cracked

This game pissed me off. It was also shit.

Wii U version KS backer here
Pirate it and buy a hat in time

It's OK there done really cool levels to explore. Than there's 5he fucking casino what the fuck were they 5hink8jg for children's games. It keep you busy til you get to around 85% then you unlock fly and the game just dies. But it's good 5/6hours of fun til you get to around that point. It's quite funny too. If you starved for a collectathon then defiently pirate it if you on console you might want try get it cheaper than 20

Believe it or not, Verlisify had help voicing some characters, so hell no. (I'm not kidding.)

Not buying anything that markets itself as "cute-as-heck".

Got bored as fuck in the first zone and quit but the art style is pretty neat. The real problem is that the collectibles have no discernible pattern to their location so you end up wandering around like an asshole. At least as far as I can tell.

No way. 10 at a stretch if you really want to, but I'm probably going to check it out myself when it hits sub $5.

PS4 Backer here. Played all the classic Rare collectathons. It's average.
>Too many minigames
>said minigames are repeated and not level thematic
>many collectables aren't placed in locations to guide the player, just randomly placed behind rocks and shit
>quiz joke is repeated like 3 times
That being said, the bosses are challenging and the controls are great post patch. Its the definition of average.

BK > CBFD > BT > YL > DK64

Yes, I had a lot of fun with it. Character control is great and the worlds are bright and colourful.

Yooka-Laylee is pretty mediocre but you'll have fun with it. It captures well the fun gameplay, but doesn't have that many things standing out.

If you want better looking characters, a story that is beyond "HEY GUYS WE ARE INSIDE A 3D PLATFORMER ARE WE FUNNY YET?" and a pretty fucking good workshop, go for A hat in time

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Go get a Hat in Time. Unlike that piece of shit game Yooka Laylee, they were based enough to leave Jontron in.

Pic related.

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Kill yourself e-celeb worshiper.

But it has a shitty mc

>hating on based hat loli

What does Playtonic even have planned for the future

I really do hope they try again with a sequel or something, though.

Just change the MC through workshop or use a first person mod

What the fuck, this looks like absolute shit

They've mentioned in their dev commentary that they're working on a new game.

It's a tough buy at 5. The shit is so goddamn boring. I wanted to stop playing well over 10x. The music also got super annoying to hear.

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Hello newfag

>better looking characters
you must be joking, or at the very least you'll at elast bring up the point of how low YL sets the bar for that to mean literally anything.
I'll give you the ship captain from the DLC, his modelling and animation quality wise shits all over the rest of that game.

I'd still have to support them with my money.

Having David Wise compose music and not using it for any stage but the fucking side mini-games was dog shit.

I pirated it on the day it came out and had to stop playing after 30 minutes since it was so incredibly boring and had really bad controls.
Allegedly they fixed that latter but the worlds probably still feel extremely empty for how big they are.

What's so wrong about that?

Been here for 10 years, boy.

As someone who supported the project on Kikestarter, dont fucking bother. It feels like a really bad Banjo-Tooie fan game with even bigger emptier maps, but not even close to the same amount of charm.

Only good part is the music, so just check out the soundtrack on Youtube.

I don't want to support their shitty characters.

oh interesting