Dissidia NT Free edition

How's that ranked climb coming user?


You ARE atleast Gold rank by now, right? It's been more than a day.

Attached: best boy nt.jpg (3840x2160, 1.1M)

No Gaius no download

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Does this include campaign? Otherwise I won't even bother to download it.

which one of the following are you?

OK give it a go:
>playing free edition that gives you jack shit - it's literally just a demo

God just fuck my ass SE I'm such a slutty fanboy:
>playing the paid version that's a blatant rip off, an older game being vastly superior in every way

Retard cuck tier:
>playing 'free' but buying shit

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I played it for about 6 hours and dropped it. Barely any character customization and every game my teammates would fuck around and get killed. Played like trash compared to Duodecim

I tried the demo and went "this is worse than the PSP games" and deleted it

I'm Crystal A on PS4, haven't put too much time into the PC version because ranked is fucking unbearable with all the crashes and people getting dropped out of matches left and right.


No, but the "campaign" is spending tokens gained from playing multiplayer/AI matches to buy cutscenes and a couple bad boss fights.

>wanting to go to gold or higher right now
It's like you actually enjoy long queue times and bots.

I have no idea what the fuck is going on in this game

PS4 version is dirt cheap at retail

Can't find any matches on ps4 but tons on PC
both on wifi

>on wifi

You motherfucker get out of my matches reeeeeee

I have all the characters and costumes and I didnt pay shit get fucked nerd

isnt the pc version broken because you can just edit the files so you have max hp and shit even in online mode?

>take good game
>make it into an arcade exclusive "competitive" clusterfuck with a small fraction of the features
okay, this is epic.

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so you pirated or got gifted the game?

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There's no anticheat, so you can give yourself max bravery, but the more bravery you have the more you'd normally lose when getting attacked. Since people who are cheating are dumb and don't try to understand the game, they're actually a detriment to their own team by being a massive BRV battery for the opponents.

Lobby when

Later tonight when there's an actual chance of it getting filled