So...Fully Charged isn't horrible, although it fucks with the setting way too much.

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Other urls found in this thread:ür_Sexualwissenschaft!1cdkDY6B!2vFw0c_lX28LjmLukru1z-KkafIo1o2C8VaBPq6IUpQ

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i can fap to this

I hate traps but Dr. Light reaction always cracks me out.

>same dude, just in a dress
>"ughhhhh trap"
You're like 13 years old

what the fuck

What's wrong?

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insecurefags are always the most retarded fags

I keep forgetting that Megaman has hair, does that mean X has hair too?

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cringe thread, downvoted

I'd play 11 with a mod like this.

More like Less like

No actually.

Attached: Z.jpg (272x185, 11K)

The lack of MM11 mods is really disappointing. All there is is some music and sound effect replacements.

>dude in a dress
that's literally all a trap is

>want to replay Legends 2
>can't track down the JP onry PC version which runs pretty well and looks amazing on modern OS'
>don't want to replay the PS1 version knowing this experience exists

A-user you'd better take responsibility

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Why robot need dick?

Just emulate the PS1 version with PGXP m8

i thought his entire suit was metallic?

Can you gay pedos just post Roll?

Does Mednafen support it?ür_Sexualwissenschaft
Attention to all of the trap posters using anime and gay ERP as a Trojan horse for autogynephilia:

Stop cruising for attention and using Yea Forums as a basis for gooning your permanently flaccid cock. You are 10 times worse than furries. You lost to sissy hypno and s-stuttering. You fucked up. You are infertile. Your life will end at 30. Half of the political spectrum wants to kill you. Guys will leave you for a biological woman because you can't have kids.

Nobody wants to read ERP. Nobody thinks girl (male), feminine penis, s-s-stuttering, or any of your shitty memes are funny. Nobody wants to be reminded you exist.

You are AIDS and your culture is predatory. A nontrivial number of you freaks are moral lepers who get off on convincing seventeen year old weebs that if they don't take HRT they will spend the rest of their lives alone. Transitioning is not a solution to social isolation and pornography addiction, the five or ten years of free attention and affection before your looks fade don't make up for everything that comes after that.

Make a tumblr and peddle your trash there.

Yeah the PC version of Legends 2 is extremely rare for no reason.
Which is why I'll upload it for you user


How do I use it with Mednafen?

Please please user, I had it saved years ago but lost it when my HDD died.

Thank you so much if you're serious.

Thanks user i really want to replay it.

Gee Nero, how come you're allowed to have TWO charge shots?

Attached: DevilMayCry5MegaMan.jpg (1920x1080, 359K)

You will? Fuck I don't have anything to give you for that. Eternally greatful tho!1cdkDY6B!2vFw0c_lX28LjmLukru1z-KkafIo1o2C8VaBPq6IUpQ

Anonymous delivers

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Thanks so much user I'd suck your dick if I could.

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Many, many many thanks.

I wonder, has anyone tried to do a partial translation? Seems like it has a plain text file with a lotta strings in chinese


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Based have a doctor peper, thanks user.

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Fucking based user. Thanks for making my day

I want to bury my face in left

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And then Full Synchro kicks in.

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does that mean i can eat out Lan and Hub at the same time?

shut the fuck up, you turn every megaman thread into fapping to Roll, you will tolerate a cute Rock pic or leave.

wait a minute that bulge...

Whoa, Rockman got some heavy metal there.

Hot damn, won’t be able to understand a damn thing but I’ll be able to play the way it was truly meant to be played. Thanks for keeping game preservation alive, user.

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Even ignoring all the actual lore stuff or contents within the show or the franchise itself. I can't help but be confused by why they gave the protagonist a girl's name.

>a girl’s name

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girls dont actually like to cross dress guys do they?

In Fully Charge the protagonist is human, called Aki, and equips an extraordinary exo-skeleton to become Mega Man with the help of Mega Mini.
Aki is a girls' name.

Should I play the first one before checking this one out

Yep, 1 is pretty good

Pandora is best girl.

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I’m pretty sure Aki’s 100% robot, but yeah you’re right Aki was a shit name.

What are the PC version differences that make it preferable to play over an emulator?

Do you think Dr. Light feels ashamed that his shot android is far inferior to this one, despite it being a much older creation?

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shota android*

>Aki is a girls' name.
since when?

He has eyebrows that disappear once the helmet is on, for some reason

Play Mega Man X games using improvement hacks

His loli android is superior so it evens out.

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>Whatever turns you on, doc.

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thank you doctor

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user... I'm afraid he was beaten there too

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Tezuka pls go

>Capcom tell them to do their own thing
>they state that they’re going to do their own thing
>does it’s own thing

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You'd think he would if X is supposed to be a more human-like robot.

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What if you turn me on, Protoman?

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>human memory
>that head
>that body
Am I the only one that thinks she looks like he took a human head and stuck it on a robot?

Why the Kamina shades?

Cunny Man

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Crashes on startup for >W10, running in compatibility mode and JP locale doesn't fix it.

No idea honestly. Why not I guess.

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get the fuck out

Not just me then.

To look them in the eye as you fuck.