Game gives you free powerups

>game gives you free powerups

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>Final boss get sent to the Re-education Camps when you use the T-Spell


>game is a shitty forced meme

>my hat is better than your hat!
I swear its like the lefties want their very own trump



>muh gibs
>not lefty

Whats the deal with this hat?

hey, what's wrong with being left-handed?


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No it's more like this, game heavily taxes veteran players to give power ups to newbies. Then, the veterans move to a different game after one year, and the power ups go away.


Attached: give me one thousand dollars.png (1600x900, 555K)



Why would I want $1000 when I could get $2000?

name 50 games

Isn't his UBI plan to stop giving billions to Israel like Trump does and just give that to Americans instead?

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Truly based Yang

>game takes away from your experience to give to other players

What are you guys gonna do with your 1k evry month? I'm probably going to get myself a gaming PC.

I remember being initially intrigued by Trump's isolationist attitude. but nah, he just does whatever the republicans tell him to do. What a shame.

I would rent an apartment.


>Yangfags are now shitting up other boards too

True mental illness

We don't give 20 trillion dollars to Israel, which is how much it would cost to do this. Total pipe dream, the fact that Yang has fooled so many people into thinking this is possible is incredibly frightening, we live in a scarily uneducated society.


>boss is just a recolor of the previous boss

>ironic political bait threads are only okay when it's my 300 lbs 70 year old israel bootlicker

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He's proposing GST so that tech companies wont be able to avoid paying literally zero US tax.

20 trillion cost to every american? Or every working class adult american who obviously isn't either underage or retired? Idiots like to think all 300 million+ Americans would get this when that isn't the case at all.

wtf i love her now

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I don't quite understand. Who is the Voldemort in this scenario?

>im gonna vote for the guy who supports every progressive policy Hillary supported and more because of 1,000 dollars
1,000 dollars ain't shit, you have to be absolutely dirt poor to think that's anything, and if all you care about is the money, why not just vote for Todd?

>lefties will vote for a well spoken asian business man

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