
Whats your excuse you limp dicked pussy? Let me guess all women are whores, right?

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i just turned 20 the other day and i feel like i'm a lost cause already

loli cunny!

They are

I just turned 30

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Nah, they just don’t interest me that much. Porn gets the job done just fine without any of the emotional investment.

video games

I'm scared of meeting new people and have constant paranoia that everyone not in my family hates me and just acts as if I'm bearable.
Also I'm a fat lazy fuck who's busy with ither stuff.

Sorry, I don't speak virgin

I mean most of them are lol but I'm not a virgin. Best of luck though

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How do people not have sex during high school? I was and am an ugly fuck but I still had sex in high school.

nah i'm just too afraid to live

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I was depressed as fuck until 22 or so when I finally got medicated. Now I just don't care for the most part.

I have a fairly obvious disease that's difficult to sell people on. After enough rejection I just stopped looking.

>le bait with laughing reaction pic
Christ why is everything the same and formulaic nowadays? Even the shitposts now.

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Not video games

Also this

>being a virgin is a bad thing

I tried

it is though

some people are just meant to be alone

>4.5 inch dick
>balding at 23

It never even began

Whats your excuse for off topic shitposting

“No investment”

Besides rotting your brain and causing sexual performance issues down the line. Keep fapping to JewHub though, I’m sure that lost energy and testosterone wasn’t needed anyways.

the only thing holding you back here is the balding really

Are you a high school girl?

Im fundamentally broken as a person and even if I attained social prowess I'd still be severely depressed.
Plus im a boring uggo.
Some of us have to be in order for the concept of handsome people to exist.

why do you care so much?

What games cause this?

I lost my virginity at 15, and consistently dated women long term until I hit 25.
I hate them and most of them are in fact hypersexual whores unworthy of a second glance.
Then again I'm a town bike hypocrite, so what do I know?


Women of my race seem to dislike dark skinned people like me


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I just want to play videogames

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>le opposites must exist brainlet

>Too anti social to talk with normal people on a daily basis without dropping my spaghetti after a few sentences
>Believing I could still 'make my moves' with an opposite gender
I've given up user

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He's just projecting.


Ganz ehrlich? Eigentlich warsde ganz gut unterwegs, aber du hast halt 2 Fehler gemacht: Warum hasde die Juden nicht einfach rausgeschmissn statt zu vergasen? Und warum hasde dich so früh mit den Russen angelegt? Ansonsten saubere Arbeit, tolle ideen aber scheiße umgesetzt.

I'm turning 31 soon. There are many reasons why I'm a virgin.

I'm content with just fapping.

At least you tried, some of these fucks don't even have the guts to do that

Paranoia is a bitch.

just get a hooker dimwit.
The whole mental hurdle of virginity is setting you back hard

>he doesn’t want to ascend to wizard

I'm in a LDR. Like, different countries long. I want to give him my V card but I dunno if we'll ever meet, it doesn't seem likely.

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Reminder that the amount of virgins is at its highest in decades for both men and women and is more related to the rise in technology making people paranoid and isolated more than any personal reason like attractiveness or personality.

>anti social
there's that word that retards keep using again

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>tfw turboautist but my parents set me up with a woman

No, ugly people have to exist in order for good looking people to.
If everyone was smart, then no one would be smart would they ?
They'd just be average when compared to each other.

>basically raped a 16 year old when I was 19 so I could get it over with and have had a super successful sex life since then

Relationships not so much because I can only get off if I think I'm raping them so that sorta bit me in the ass.

I have 81 degree scoliosis.

My midget friends still get laid.

I like to tell myself that I live in the wrong place and need to move out and see the world or something before I can find a girl that I actually want to be together with. I'm not saying that my standarts are too high, I'm just saying that I don't seem to connect well with the girls that I see here. Fuck living in a shitty small ass town in the middle of nowhere.

Fell for the anime trap. Now I'm stucking beating my dick to 2D.

Explore your new powers

If you are pic rel, then you shouldn't be the one making the moves.

I have high standards and don't want anything less than I would provide in a relationship.

This. Give me a best bro that I can protect

Is there any actual proof to this claim?

the glans of my dick is blue. I don't know why, It's been for years.

>rotting your brain
Yeah I can tell you're a virgin, women are much worse for that lol

he doesn't have a microcock and probably not balding

Women who are desperate will make moves on men

nope i just dont want to . i respect women a lot tho. :D

american biology education, everyone.

i'm a volcel

Fucked a prostitute at 25

fite me

LDRs aren't a thing and they don't work. Spare yourself and move on.

Oh nonononoo Squidward is laughing at us bros...

>tfw I was 30 and a virgin
>tfw finally had sex at 31
>tfw wizard powers are a lie from the jews

>all women are whores, this is why I can't get laid

This would make it incredibly easy to get laid, what did incels mean by this?

Then he still stays lonely. Not having sex isn't the problem contrary to "popular" belief. It's being alone

Imagine altering the chemical balance of your brain and risking the side effects rather than improving your own life
People like you make me ill

My parents have an awful marriage and I hated being in relationships when I was a teenager. I'm not ruling it out entirely but the chances of me finding something I like are fucking slim.

He's got a shaved head, as for his dick I'm not sure. But I can't imagine it's very big considering his height.

Search it in google. There's been a lot of studies showing that millenials have the lowest sex rates in decades and are less prone to things like going out and drinking alcohol.
My theory is that technology has advanced too quickly for human biology to catch up so you end up with a chunk of people who spend their lives online isolated and paranoid of others in real life.

Too much work not enough reward.

I'm afraid of women. I never interacted with them. I'm a 24 yo virgin and i never thought i could seduce a woman.

he's right. Porn is wiring your brain into cuckoldry.
You are literally getting off to watching strangers fuck.

I hate women.

Nah, I just have negative self confidence.

I have literally never even attempted to have sex

I first had sex at 23, I've been coming here since I was 18 and I'm now 3.
You can escape virginity but you can't escape being a Yea Forumsirgin.

Nothing wrong with that

Fucked a prostitute when I was 21 to lose my virginity and then at 24 another one. My only two times i had sex with a woman.

most people are alone. Suck it up.

Nah, you've definitely wired your brain to never not think about cuckoldry though Are you a cuckold?

literally turned 30 today
it's a combination of:
- parents lived in the middle of nowhere with no other kids around until I was in high school
- then when I WAS in high school parents sent me to a private school with only 100 students and all the girls my age were taken
- watched the friends I made in college suffer through bad relationships
- was also friends with a chad whose goal was sleeping with married women and he pulled it off plenty of times

I have no sexual desire other than fapping to porn. Makes life easier.

I don't have an excuse, I just don't go outside so I don't get any chances to meet women and talk to them

Have sex

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>all porn is someone getting fucked
>implying there isn't just solo action

A hookup requires no emotional investment though

If true that'd be pretty Interesting.

>turned 28 the other day
>still pure

doesnt matter what tricks you roasties use
you will never get a single drop of my sacred seed

that's not how it works you imbecile

>implying the chemical balance of everyone's brain isn't absolutely FUCKED by default in the first world
None of what we're doing is "natural"

>limp dicked pussy

I'm not engaging your stupid circular logic, point being that porn is unhealthy.
If you refuse to admit it you're an addict already.


t. virgin

Its weird how so many people believe incels focus only on sex when in reality they are just striking out for any kind of connection whatsoever.
That isn't to excuse their shitty disposition towards women, but in reality it's pretty sad watching a group of guys who feel lost in the world jetison themselves from existence.

No u furst

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Nah, women aren't whores and I have no excuse, I'm just genuinely a social reject faggot with no prospects

I honestly just don't care

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video games are more fun than sex.

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I don't care about having sex enough to do that.

I'm perfectly fine with being a virgin for the rest of my life. I don't feel the desire to be in a relationship and I don't want children.

sperm isn’t a seed, tho

I'd rather stay a virgin than lose my virginity to a prostitute
That's just sad, it's like giving up on ever finding a gf

Not him, but what word would you use to describe someone who isn't sociable under any metric?

I have like, literally the tiniest dick.

I've only had sex with 3 different women. I'd pretty much always just prefer being in a room alone playing video games, fapping to woman far out of my league or just doujins.
thanks for being my personal blog

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i live in bumfuck nowhere and even if i knew a lot of people it would do me no good since i'm the lowest of the low on a social scale.
Even my close family have lost all hope for me, they avoid contact as much as they can.
indians have the untouchables, my family has me.

If you think about it technology since the 90s has developed extremely rapidly with the internet, mobile phones, robot AI etc. It's a huge change for such a short span of time. It makes sense that our society and biology haven't had enough time to adapt to such a sudden change.

i just don't care to be in a relationship
my hands work pretty well

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I missed my chance in highschool even though I had pretty much an harem of girls interested in me
They were pretty whorish so I was indecisive and though they would be someone right for me in the future anyway.
That never happened.
Does it matter? No.

losing your virginity isn't anything special, and if you do, you WON'T be her first.
It's setting you back mentally, but whatever, be my guest and stay a social cripple.

Try harder

>lost mine at 19
>27 now
probably should have waited, wasn't ready at the time because of religious repression and social pressure
Now a days dating is ok but me not wanting kids makes it hard to find someone to go steady with

I've had sex with a landwhale years ago, but now I draw ERP with a friend. It feels a lot more intimate in some ways.

Yea Forums turned me gay.

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Women aren't whores but they are trash human beings, which is totally normal and expected of them, a man raised in the same condition would be the same. Doesn't mean I have to ruin my life by associating with them.

I'm saving my virginity for my waifu.

>all women are whores

I never wanted to get into drama with any of my friends and managed to stay on good terms with everyone I met in highschool because I didn't pursue any romantic relationships. Also I figured that getting invested in a high school romance would just be stupid because it could never end well. Just dodged the bullet. Later I discovered that women sucked anyway so I probably should have just never have gotten involved. I've decided that romantic relationships are a waste of time and energy. I'll just jerk off forever unless I find a diamond in the rough.

>Let me guess all women are whores, right?
Yes, but not for me.

You try not talking for the first three years of your life, having over 10 years of early school speech therapy that you're still not over, and believing that it's a fucking effort / achievement if you got outside and have human interactions instead of constant "They're my online friends I met on xyz they're my friends I promise mom" Life is fucking tough man

Because i am neet
And all women are whores

It's not worth wasting time on them

The concept of being in a relationship or raising a family simply does not interest me in any way whatsoever.
I don't care even if it means hanging on to my v-card till the day I die.

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I fucked up my chance with childhood friend and she hates me. I want to go back.

stop projectin faggot

>a man raised in the same condition would be the same
That's liberal nonsense. It's not like women are raised that way it's more that women are born that way, it's in their nature.

do your jobs you useless mods

I hate women


It's funny how if a woman is a whore she's ridiculed and if she's a virgin she's praised, but if a man is a virgin he's ridiculed and if he's a whore he's praised.

I was a healthy athlete in good academic standing, so fuck you

Most women are inane, and all hookups want experience


I'm a woman (female) and I feel a strong compulsion to wash my hands with steaming hot water anytime I so much as touch someone else. I can't imagine what it would be like to have someone's entire body pressed against mine, much less having part of them inside me. I'd have to practically boil myself alive.

it's not funny at all.
Men require skill to get laid.
Women have to exist.

"asocial". antisocial is, when people try to harm others for pure satisfaction. it's a mental illness.

I lost mine at 25. It was okay, nothing great. If it was with someone I truly cared about it would've been much better imo.

Same, I saw what getting married and having kids did to my dad and I damn sure don't want to go through the same.

it would only hurt more
t.lost it to my first love

It's their nature because of their reproductive ability and social value, it you raised a woman outside regular society you could in theory make her as normal as a man

Not him but you can't just fix mental illness. Sure you can better yourself and therapy helps some people but that underlying mental shit will always eat at you. Married, and have a kid now literally nothing wrong with my life but I still hate myself and want to die.

what’s funny is that people these days bitch about hypocrisy for whores, but not for virgins

Kike social media ruined everything. Back about 20-30 years ago, you could easily get that plain qt gf. Now, any hole has an entire menu of 8/10's and up to pick from. As a result, most men have to fight for the bottom scraps, and female morality has entirely eroded away. The game is rigged. Normalniggers on this site will deny it.

>tfw religious celibate
>tfw you are ascended beyond such petty temptations

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I'm pretty honest with myself regarding my social skills. Just working on graduating and ideally reaching financial independence. Do people's minds drift back to their (lack of) sexual prowess after they enter the workforce? I'm hoping the slew of pornography constantly produced and uploaded for easy online access will keep me satisfied for some time.

Im a 27 year old virgin and I love little girls and cunny.


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Now THIS is video games!

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thank fuck you won't reproduce

>being tall and not ugly
Lol no.

I bet you're a real hoot at parties

I have seldom seen a guy call a woman a whore, it's usually women to other women.


try having sex you pathetic fuck

No, I’m just a loser

i think you should be locked up

someone who is antisocial means someone who would beat a man to death for looking at him funny on the street, not a socially anxious or asocial weeb

Yea Forums - Video Games

avoiding social interaction; inconsiderate of or hostile to others.

contrary to the laws and customs of society; devoid of or antagonistic to sociable instincts or practices. not sociable; not wanting the company of others.

They both sound the same to me, maybe Antisocial being slightly extreme