Why does this game have Yea Forums so fucking bootyblasted?

Why does this game have Yea Forums so fucking bootyblasted?

Attached: fb8b14bd-cc80-470e-83af-f8f9707c835f.jpg (1920x835, 401K)

Not being like souls. But people would bitch even if it was.

It's just Souls zoomers that are mad that they'll actually have to git gud for once, instead of just summoning someone to carry them.

1. PvPfags.
2. Soulfags crying about tacked-on stats and customization.
3. DMCfags for some reason.
It doesn't matter though because it's literally the highest selling preorder on every platform.

>no pvp
>no socket quest
>no imbue quest
>no skill points, no skill trees
>no trade system
>no ladders
>no personalize item quest
>no skulls, no sapphire gems
>no charms
>no jewels
>no rune drops
>no more Cain
>no belt slots
>no LAN, no offline play, no mods allowed
>no custom named public games, no lobby
>no alternate weapon or shield slot
>no eight player co-op
>no Followers in co-op or PVP
>no Countess runs, no Forge runs
>no pentagrams
>no Runewords
>no ethereal base items
>no good base items
>no end game magic items
>no end game vendor items
>no end game rare drops
>no identifying magics or rares
>no hit recovery, block rate, cast rate, attack rating
>no "hardcore" pvp, no body drops
>no title per difficulty defeated
>no moving with map open, no hiding minimap
>no individual or original player or account names
>no Dclone, no world event
>no monster immune/resistance system
>no body retrieval, no exp loss, free resurrect
>no incentive to play solo
>no crafting wherever you want
>no consquences for shrines, no gem shrine
>no ignorelist
>no total players online
>no shapeshifting
>no summoning or exploding corpses
>no run/walk system, no audible footsteps
>no map complexity
>no incentive to level alts
>no inventory tetris
>no upgrade system
>no enchant skill
>no instant cast TP, no tomes & scrolls
>no more than 3 sockets max
>no Horadric cube
>no throwing items
>no equipping two of same unique weapon or ring
>no good secret level, pony level an insult to Diablo fans
>no good music, no iconic tracks
>no good story
>no gear requirements
>no sense of speed
>no class changing uniques
>no dropping gold
>no more than 5 skills at a time
>no stepping out of town
>no treasure class system
>no lifesteal, no magic find

new game bad

>people who enjoyed multiplayer of soulsbourne are being called pvp fags now

I dont understand how you played those games and not had intense fun with invasions. Just the fact you can make any build you want, roleplay a character, and go into other peoples games just makes the game. The most fun i had in the game was making a witch character , low level, and invading people at the undead settlement. I would low soul runs to get fun in the game to get max spells for my sl and shit was awesome. Nothing is more fun that guerilla attacking a group in an invasion, running away and pretending your sending your minions on them, camouflage and sneak attack them when they pass, and than run away again.


I don't really care for fromsoft games and I found ds combat to be boring with bad a control scheme this seems like more of the same

Because it's being made by a meme dev team always begging for new publishers because no one wants them

mad soulsfags

name ONE major release in the last 12 months Yea Forums wasnt shitposting about

what was this pasta originally made for?

I had a ton of fun with invasions, but at the same time I can also appreciate a different game without PvP and more fleshed out combat.
If PvPfags don't like it, great... but PvPfags are literally trying to sabotage it even though there are literally 5 other games with PvP and 3 of them are active.

Soulsfags demanding more of the same because apparently character action games are all just Souls games with less builds and no PvP

Diablo 3 is shit, what's your point?

>3. DMCfags for some reason.
Falseflaggers, you mean?

Simply epic

This game is a interactive movie

Same reason Nioh leaves soulbabs seething.


Because people want more garbage souls games instead of engaging single player games because nothing has value unless you can play it with your friends or beat someone. Society has effectively starved them for social interaction

>no lifesteal

Name me ONE game where lifesteal is NOT a broken mechanic

Because it’s a huge success already oh no bros it was supposed to flop!!! gosh :)

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Depends on how much lifesteal you have bro

DMC5: a week later...... I am..... forgotten

Literally this. DMC players don't really talk trash that way. Proly some Barry false flag

the people who found fallout 4 to be good are the same ones crying about sekiro. people want more casualization of souls. from the looks of it this will be the opposite. although, I would have liked the ability to invade other players. I love the schadenfreude

xv-kun's been shitposting against sekiro because it's a major japanese game with action-based combat, so he needs to try to make ffxv look better by comparison.
soulsfags want fromsoft to do nothing but rehash souls forever, even though this would inevitably lead to creative stagnation for both souls and fromsoft in general. they're bitter that sekiro isn't bloodborne 2 or dark souls 4, so they're shitposting against it too.
finally, the usual tortanic shitters want sekiro to fail simply because it's a new game and they're bitter and jaded and refuse to find a new hobby they actually enjoy.

It's not a fucking Souls game.
Stop complaining that it's not like them.

It may be broken but it's fun

Nioh already showed that Souls shitters can't adapt to anything different


Casualized combat
Even for a dark souls game

Compared to nioh which has 2 attacks buttons by 3 stances by 7 weapon classes plus dozens of combos per weapon per stance plus 3 range weapon plus ninja shit plus magic plus ..... and ect.

Seriko simply can’t compete to nioh combat and only has its parkour and graphics going for it.

Bloodborne, any fighting game.

Good Mixture of

1. People who foam at the mouth with autistic rage when they see Activision attached to anything

2. People who are mad it's not Dark Souls 4.

3. People who are mad its not Bloodborne / Exclusive so they can flaunt their toy over the other kids.

Its the perfect storm for this shithole of a board.

Souls fans are an insufferable group across the entire internet, but on Yea Forums they're 10,000 times worse because their self esteem is all wrapped up in liking what is known as a hard video game.

So any time they see a video game that is not enough (or too much) like the one they've built their entire sense of self on, they have a little shitfit. From is supposed to make more Souls because that's the game I like and how will I prove my worth if not in Dark Souls PvP and stat allocation???

Because everything From does gets Yea Forums ass blasted. From makes the best games that are still console exclusive, and the people that don't own those consoles SEETHE over it. It's easy to ignore exclusives when they're bad, but when a studio is consistently dropping GOTYs for a single console, people start to get jealous.

Any lifesteal is too much lifesteal
I said GAME not soulshit

Nioh is pretty trash though

Nioh is boring tbqhwyf
People don't play Souls for the combat. It's the atmosphere, enemies, bosses, level design, exploration, and music... all of which the souls games shit all over Nioh.

>people are actually falling for souls creed

Yea Forums is dead

It's not retard.
Sorry you can't figure anything out besides spaming R1 kid

Sekiro is on PC too

You forgot:

4. People who don't actually give a shit but know they easily bait (you)s by trash talking a popular upcoming game.

I'm not bootyblasted, I was hyped originally when they first showed the arm but the more gameplay I've seen, the less varied it seems. I'm not too interested in the enemies designs either nor do I think the environments are that interesting. It just seems quite bland.

What's wrong with Bloodbourne's lifesteal? It fits perfectly into the game and is probably the best incentive for speed and aggression.

>Name a game where this mechanic works
>This one
>No this mechanic does not work because I do not like it

Attached: yeah okay.gif (200x150, 1.47M)

Dude, we know you are new cause of that single post.
Yea Forums is contrarian. They will hate everything. Even shit most of us like, we are going to shit on it just for the sake of doing so.

Stop getting so triggered by it or taking it so personal.

Nioh is easy as fuck you nigger with it’s boring random loot and OP skills

>People don't play Souls for the combat.
>literally defending walking simulators

Nioh shits all souls “game play” faggot

>boring random loot and OP skills
Dodge rolling and R1 takes less skill than using those "'""OP skills"""".

I like nioh, but its definitely easier than any souls game once you get a handle of the combat.

How do you know? Do you have the game? Tell us your secrets user.

Never even said that the Souls games are hard you retarded shitter

Soulsfags think every game needs to be the same

Gameplay is more than just combat. The other parts of Nioh's gameplay sucks.

>easier than any souls game once you get a handle of the combat
Except Souls shit combat is even easier to get a handle of.
What's with zoomers thinking that Souls games are the pinnacle of difficulty and thinking difficulty means a good game?

What’s good about Nioh then?

Souls fags complain its not another dark souls and everyone else complains that it is another dark souls.