Apex Legends is already dead.
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Apex Legends is already dead
Can somebody kill Just Chatting? That game is awful.
This was supposed to be our fucking time.
EA didn't pay for a second month.
Just wait til they release the battle pass. Fortnite had around 80k viewers aswell before the new battle pass came out.
A guy who streamed it for like 100k viewers crashed his scooter and is Mia atm
It's been hovering at around 90k for the last few weeks everytime I see one of these stupid threads.
is your life really so pathetic you have to make this thread everyday? how much does epic pay you to shitpost on Yea Forums?
Fortnite had 80k viewers because it was the tail-end of its worst season and everyone was getting paid to play Apex. Lo and behold the game is nothing special and everyone went back to Fortnite
First let me see what EA pays you to shitpost on factual threads.
When did we start measuring games by how many people are watching them? Aren't games played? I don't really care about apex, but this baffles me.
Nice try Fortnite fag
Go check it, it still stands.
Truth is Apex is a dead SJW shill attempt to an otherwise decent halo game.
Twitch viewers ≠ Games popularity
we aren't all faggots who prefer to watch other people play games.
turning 18
fuck off streamfag
>CSGO is still going strong
Do people actually think cs is fun?
Epic games sabotaged Shroud's scooter to make him crash and take him out of the picture.
I actually think this is true. I mean, the guy leaves next to an Epic developer and he tweeted he catches the guy looking at shroud from a distance a bunch of times.
halo game???
Is below Just Chatting the threshold for dead?
the only measure of Apex's "success" is how many zoomers on twitch watched it, and those numbers have been rapidly declining.
I guess you can only ride the train without fixing your shit for so long
If you didn't see this coming you're a retarded fag. Fornite has an entire industry built around it and will go down as one of the decades most popular and influential games. It has cemented itself. Apex was always going to just be flavor of the month.
I might try Apex again if they add a solo mode. Don't like the forced team aspect.
CS is hype my nigga
Why would a zoomer cry about apex? They should be happy fortnite is winning, boomers were the ones forcing apex as the fortnite zoomer destroyer
Doing that is just as pathetic as posting on here at all, you are just as bad
Why the fuck does twitch views matter? What the fuck is wrong with your newfaggots?
if 10 year olds aren't watching a game, it doesn't exist
Apex is fun. And I don’t think that is a bad amount of viewers. It is more fun to play that is for sure.
RIP shroud. He shifted onto is left arm to protect the right one during the wreck. Quick thinking which I guess is to no surprise.
This, they have to make playing with randoms more bearable
Daily reminder that if you are emotionally invested in the success of a franchise like Fortnite you're cancer. The game is absolute trash made for 8 year olds. At least Apex improves on a lot of the shitty things about Fortnite. I don't play either but if I had to choose it'd be Apex every day.
Fortnite is actually what makes me hopeful about the zoomers.
chads don't watch games
What is so inspiring?
kids actually exercise with dances, things are fun, you can fucking do snowboard tricks or drive a hamster ball. Game as so much content.