how do the sjws keep getttng away with it?
How do the sjws keep getttng away with it?
Every time I start thinking maybe the left can meme after all they show me a new depth of unfunnyness.
/pol/fags are just as bad as sjws
prove me wrong
>birth analogy
no, they aren't.
fuck off, genderbender.
This but unironically
Having a daughter is cucked
>Yea Forums can't take bants
dumbest post of the month.
good job proving him right sperglords
no father would ever say such retarded shit unless he is a subhuman shitskin sandnigger muslim goat fucker.
proves that those sjw libshit leftypols are living in their own echo chamber bubble
that cunt either grew up without a father or he failed raising her right so she grew up into a feminazi who likes to fuck niggers
They're schyzophrenic redditors hooked to a hive mind only able to spout the same few insults whenever someone doesn't drink their ideologies.
This is one of the most braindead retarded analogies I've ever read in my life.
Twitter is a platform that promotes stupidity.
it's satire you retarded motherfucker lmaoo
jesus no wonder this website went to shit
All political shitposters are bad. Talk about games faggots
140 characters
>I-It's just satire lol. It's just a p-prank bro!
It's not really her fault she's a terrible comedian. It's just part of being a woman.
No, SJWs are unironically worse as this thread proves. At least /pol/ have a basic grasp of humor.
what's the matter :^) can't take a joke?