How do the sjws keep getttng away with it?

how do the sjws keep getttng away with it?

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Every time I start thinking maybe the left can meme after all they show me a new depth of unfunnyness.

/pol/fags are just as bad as sjws
prove me wrong

>birth analogy

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no, they aren't.
fuck off, genderbender.


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This but unironically
Having a daughter is cucked

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>Yea Forums can't take bants

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dumbest post of the month.

good job proving him right sperglords

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no father would ever say such retarded shit unless he is a subhuman shitskin sandnigger muslim goat fucker.
proves that those sjw libshit leftypols are living in their own echo chamber bubble
that cunt either grew up without a father or he failed raising her right so she grew up into a feminazi who likes to fuck niggers

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They're schyzophrenic redditors hooked to a hive mind only able to spout the same few insults whenever someone doesn't drink their ideologies.

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This is one of the most braindead retarded analogies I've ever read in my life.

Twitter is a platform that promotes stupidity.

it's satire you retarded motherfucker lmaoo

jesus no wonder this website went to shit

All political shitposters are bad. Talk about games faggots

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140 characters

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>I-It's just satire lol. It's just a p-prank bro!

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It's not really her fault she's a terrible comedian. It's just part of being a woman.

No, SJWs are unironically worse as this thread proves. At least /pol/ have a basic grasp of humor.

what's the matter :^) can't take a joke?

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