I summon Dark Magician Girl!
I summon Dark Magician Girl!
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>can't even OTK with it since there are barely any monsters that treat themselves as Dark Magician or Magician of Black Chaos in the GY
Shit move
Would you play her game?
>dark magician girl
>is white, blonde
>uses a blue, pink robe
Why was Yugi such a cuck?
she's gone now
Magician Navigation > Dark Burning Magic is probably her best use these days.
What's the best yugioh vidya gaem
I use pot of seed
You've activated my throbbing erection card
Guardragons were a mistake
>I summon Dark Magician Girl!
No, you don't.
>using that on DMG
Okay, but why?
dark magic, you dumbass.
I would play on hard mode
Attributes don't make sense half the time, did you know Blue Eyes is a Light monster
Will we ever get another good yugioh? The last good one that I can think of was the GX duel academy one.
Solemn judgement is the stupidest card
Hah I pay have my lp to negate one of ur effects or whatever uhhh okay.... I dark bribe u now ur at 4000lp for no reason...
What a shit card
That is a lot of harm you're doing to yourself.
>tfw it's a trap card
Ygo is card wtih only 1 life point and 7999 resources
why is she so cute?
It's a *dark magician* girl, not a dark *magician girl*.
He's the best card in the red-eyed archetype please Konami don't touch him.
inb4 Destiny Board N as well
Too late, OCG already banned him
It's a white dragon after all, so it's not surprising.
Thanks for the free advantage
>1 free summon per turn
>can be free summoned
lol, what's with this power creep
Your luck i'm not a superior 4chanPass™ user, But i'll be back......next time
Enjoy your guardragons
>pay 1000 JP to remove banned/limit from all cards
Shame, we never get yugioh game with freedom like that again
>Power creep
lol, that's not even that bad. That card is 9 years old. Yu-Gi-Oh is one of the most "power creeped" card games I've ever seen, to the point where almost every new gimmick and booster wave completely redefines the game. I used to play back when it originally came out in the US, stopped around 2005 and then picked it up 10 years later. Holy shit, it's nuts.
I activate my cunny card
Support when?
more like retrain when
How'd you know I was playing red eyes guardragons? Jk of course but it's bs when Konami makes cards that get others banned.
Chain! Quandax!
Esto es el fin, DMG!
Card advatnage is a more valuable resource than life points. Why would you give your opponent free cards?
fucking HELL, my dingdong
What now?
I would like to play with her tits.
I reverse searched, now i can't see. Thank you.
yes, and?
>babies first waifu
What basic bitches.
enter main phase quick eff prio window pass prio. re?
I equip megamorph!
>tfw no good art of your favorite monster
She deserves better
I use this on myself
saucenao's got it, friend
Cyber Angel Natasha sounds like a porn website.
sucks she was never used in those Giant Machines from S1
how do i into yugioh? should i watch the show if i want to play the cardgame?
DMG is for plebs, Apprentice Illusion Magician is the true patrician choice.
No, the show is filled with cheaters and fake card effects
AIM's pretty great in her own right. DMG's really only catalyst fodder.
Not so fast!
If you want to learn about the card game you have to play it, and unfortunately there's not a single official YGO game that goes up to MR4. Maybe the Switch one will. The anime (or at least up until 5Ds, I haven't kept up with the newer ones) is filled with incorrect rulings and also made up cards. You can play YGOPro, it's free and has literally everything, but you have to play against people if you don't want to just play against the AI so you'll have to learn that way. Other than that you can just ask people.
Or you can try playing it physically. It's a card game, after all.
okay but how do i into yugioh? should i play/pirate/emulate some official game? should i grind against AI in YGOPro until i 'get it'? should i grind against real people? the game just looks too complex even though the card text is so oversimplified
understandable, thanks for answering
God I love this artist
Errata: this card was previously known as sneed
I cum in Dark Magician Girl!
Based Konno Tohiro poster
I wish magician girls were better. I mean, Chocolate's pretty cool and Berry's good for the archetype but eh.
what's the difference between YGOPRO TDOANE and YGOPRO 2?
>this thread
draw some cards, my du- what the fuck is this shit?
just get the one from the YGOPro percy discord
>reeee discord
It's the one recommended by the general on vg, just download it and then leave the server afterwards and never interact with of the chat channels.
Draw 2 cards with no cost is literally too OP for yugioh. Hell, even drawing one card just giving your opponent life points, but it's a little OP so they limited it to one.
You think you can just draw cards for free? Pay the toll.
Magician of Dark Illusion only counting as a Dark Magician while on the field is so odd.
daily reminder MTG is for fags
Guys, how is your relationship with your mommy going?
She's dead, user. So not very well.
Used to be great rocking 3 of these in an exodia deck
Ive come to contribute
TDOANE is malware, use the one from the discord
No weeb wizard girl for you
Entry level doesn't mean it's bad. She's far superior to her fruit tart sisters
Join the /dng/ discord. They'll turn you into someone that makes people quit the game after they lose to you.
I've come
God dammit gg
lol no