Admit it

admit it
this is going to be the best game of 2019 but you'll hate because its gonna have a black person
all the normal people are gonna love and for good reason

Attached: borderlands3.png (544x610, 567K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Borderlands is and always has been shit.
Shit humour.
Shit gameplay.
Shit artstyle.
Shit everything.

you are aware that randy pitchford is running the shitshow @ gearbox right?


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>uvhm is going to be a boring tedious slog again
c-can't wait

Putting the incels in their place.

>Nothing more badass than raping children
ftfy Randy

>Shit humour.
ok ill give you that
>Shit gameplay.
>Shit artstyle.
>Shit everything.
lol youre just a butt hurt incel
have sex

>Yea Forums loved Borderlands 1 & 2 when they came out
>now Yea Forums pretends to have never liked them


14 days!

borderlands 1 was actually good when it came out. the rest are unredeemable garbage, sure

Watch as it gets praised as being the Dark Souls of loot shooters.

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all the butt REEEEEEEEEedrumplicunts are gonna hate it because its gonna make fun of cheeto shitler

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Tedious slog in the days before live service loot shooters. Just imagine how monetized as all fuck 2K is going to make Borderlands: Destiny

>You'll hate it because its gonna have a black person
>He doesn't know about Roland
Nice of you to reveal that you haven't played either game

Attached: ExDe.png (500x522, 119K)

>ok ill give you that
given the games are forcing the 'oh so funny' humour down your throat the whole time, the awfulness of it is magnified and the point carries more weight than a single point would
great arguments for the rest broski

gameplay is shit, by definition, any shooter where enemies have health is
artstyle is bad, most of the stuff looks PS2 era and worse because they are trying to hide shit graphics behind artstyle and because it's a first-person game, it really is not something you can overlook

can't really have sex now, gf is at work, gotta wait till she comes back but I definitely will

Borderlands is one of these franchises like Assassin's Creed, Uncharted, God of War, Fable, etc. that shouldn't even be allowed to be posted here because you know that anyone that likes these games is an underage with chronic shit taste

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I hate niggers like you, we know shit about game and there are millions of thread for it, half of them say it's GOTY and the other half it s shit.
I hope you are an actual shill for gearbox, at least this post would have a purpose

So are they going to cram duke nukem into this?

>any shooter where enemies have health is
So, that's literally every shooter. All AI have health in shooters. Thats why different guns do different damage you nob.

>talks about shit taste
>posts anime image
Like clockwork. Why are weebs always the biggest retards?

if borderlands 2 came out today all the fatass virgin man baby gamers would be complaining how the headhunter packs sold as aesthetics only dlc included farmable bosses that can drop legendary loot
but since they did it a few years ago noones complaining

>Liking black peoples aka niggers as I call them
>Normal people
So americans?

borderlands has always been shit

Go back

>Assassin's Creed
>God of War
Those get posted here a lot though sometimes for shitposting.
Yea Forums unironically has nostalgia threads about fable and talks about muh comfy fable 2 despite it being bad.
>you know that anyone that likes these games is an underage with chronic shit taste
>A 2hoefag said this
The Irony.

There’s only one good game in the whole series and it wasn’t even that good

borderlands 1 and 2 were good user.

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Jesus, bl2 had to play 3 times the same stupid campaign just to get to the 'real difficulty'.
had to mute it because npc's wouldn't shut up, the constant yappin' and yappin'.
the constant references to pop culture, yeah i remember now.

>Not honorary anime
Go back.

he clearly meant health bars you petulant brat

>the constant references to pop culture
just because the game told a joke that your tiny brain couldn't comprehend doesnt automatically make it a reference to pop culture

Fpbp. Unironically this. The first ones the only playable one and even thats only mediocre at best.

Make a side quest for bl3
>Big purple not-thanos sits on a throne
>tasks you with retrieving the 5 unlimited stones in order to help finish some project, in return he'll give you some guns and money
>go around the map killing 5 mini-bosses based on marvel super heros
>come back with the stones, not-thanos then puts them in some weird headset
>turns out he's some big echo-net streamer who will use the unlimited headset to remove half of all the streamers from existence so that he can get more views
>he snaps, nothing happens
>he snaps again and accidentally erases himself from existence
>get some shitty gun that has an effect that only has a 50% chance of happening on reload

I don't mind black characters, the first borderlands had one and it was great.
Now what I fear is that they will add a black woman...

I wish torgue was dlc.


Nice historic revisionism, user. Borderlands 1 was decent on Yea Forums but the weapon customization was too ambitious in its promises and didn't deliver.
Borderlands 2 was instantly hated for the meme shit and cringy characters like Claptrap.

Borderlands 2 scaling is painfully bad holy fuck

Do we actually have a reveal at all yet?

LOL you're retarded.

I think borderlands 2 was the best shooter ever made
>But muh humor
turn it off

unironically kill yourself

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>Epic store exclusive

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Not as bad as the Pre-Sequel. I haven't played a shittier gear focused fps game in my life. Having multiple player completely breaks the game and makes it impossible to kill all of the bullet sponges in the very beginning of the game. They didn't test a single thing.

They should make it a DRM free physical copy exclusive, imagine how upset the digital distribution drones would be

literary described Yea Forums with that pic

The only bad thing about Borderlands 2 was it's humor but it wasn't as bad as people make it out to be. The Presequel was very obnoxious though.

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Opinion discarded


Why would the bar make any difference?

I'll hate because it will be an EpicFailStore exclusive

I can't wait until they ruin Maya with 3 just like Lilith with 2. If Maya kills Lilith, I guess it balances out?

Yea Forums shit on BL2 so hard that they made fun of the criticism in TPS.

I love loot shooters so I hope it's good and allows me to play a straight white male.

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whoever replied to them sperged out with
>all enemies have health!
which is obvious but never the point that was being made, visible health bars was the issue

the worst part is most of the /pol/posters are either shitposters or people without any sort of real conviction to back their shit up

so they'll just play it like everyone else and then make black hate threads on Yea Forums. Who has that image of a guy nervously passing a black guy in the street, the black guy messing with him, and then the guy going on Yea Forums to post some huge tirade?

I love BL1 and BL2 so much I'm buying it day one for my PS4.

I still do enjoy some western games despite many of them going down in quality. I'm saying that as someone who prefers Japanese games like Yea Forums.

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>blue haired demi gender trans diet sprite
>blacked stronk woman who dont need a man(but needs a man)
umm no
gaige is best girl no questions about it

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as if Japanese games aren't absolutely bottom tier in terms of quality, except for a couple big releases in 2017

No for the most part Japanese games are still good

Not only are you new, but you're also retarded. Congratulations.

>high pitched voice
>edgy "anarchy" personality
At least she had the mecha
All the characters from 1 were pretty flat and uninteresting, at least 2 gave them some semblance of a personality.

>edgy "anarchy" personality
Not at all she wasn't even edgy

I loved that guy.

When you think about it randy pitchfork was just Irl Mr.Torgue

there was this girl i knew in highschool who had a really nice set of titties and was slim and had a face that was almost perfect
she had one of the most wierdest chins ive ever seen
she also had a small portwine birth mark next to her left eye but that kinda just made her even hotter
but thats besides the point

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I want Mr. Torgue to do a drug PSA.

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Bet you play Fortnite


Epic store exclusive means I don't give a fuck. I don't need a hundred launchers

Borderlands threads always expose the redditors. BL2 was the biggest cringe fest ever created in game history

>borderlands is bad
>borderlands thread reaches bump limit
every time

Gaige was a rebellious teenager, nothing that wrong with her. The only thing I disliked was how often her anarchy voice lines triggered. Otherwise she's cute as a button

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oh wow hey this dude said that he thinks a game is for redditors because he didn't like the humor

my eyes are wide open now i can't believe i ever enjoyed something like that in the past

>anime avatar
>anti-mainstream contrarian

wow shocking

Boredlands is exactly the kind of game a Fortnite zoomer would play
I own BL1 and BL2 but I've played like 5 hour of each. They're just so incredibly fucking boring.

Tell me what game has Yea Forums approved humor.

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Who /botjock/ here? I always pick the cute girls.

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sure thing dude

Yea Forums only likes truly great comedies like Metal Gear Revengeance


Using the term Fortnite zoomer is something a zoomer would say

Barkley Shut Up n Jam Gaiden
Deadly Premonition
Resident Evil 4

The struck gold with that guy.

Attached: torgue.jpg (1128x573, 154K)

shes actually axton's and gaige's daughter
my two favorite charcters from BL2

I'm going robot man or the german looking guy for sure.

i would rather have that they were completely silent than being gay

RT if you want to see Duke Nukem say "Ok, this is epic" and then dab

Spotted the assmad redditor

shut up autistic character fag

user, the leak said it's only 4-5 years after Borderlands 2 since you see a bunch of Vault Hunters and an adult Tiny Tina.

>say something stupid
>someone mocks you
>lmao you must be mad

lmao you must be stupid

Genero FPS “”””RPG”””” with zero replay value and mee mees. Wooooah so worth my money lol

>not retarded anime shit
kill yourself, weeb

You saw a thing that calls you out, got overly defensive and then got called out again, what's to debate here

poopoo peepee penises KABOOM HAHAHAHA xD

-average BL2 dialogue

good that you understand
What other term would perfectly depict the underage ADHD children playing popular things because they're popular, other than Fortnite zoomer?

the leak was wrong
also the siren charcter in BL3 is roland's and lilith's daughter
but was raised by brick
thats why shes black and likes to use melee

I literally mained Roland in BL1 you stupid piece of shit, he's literally THE best solo character

Nice try Randy. How those peacock parties going?

as opposed to Yea Forums approved humor
none of these have poopoo or peepee references in them I'm sure

The future is now, Grandpa

>Borderlands 2
>with that level scaling
>with that writing

>only haters think Borderlands sucks

I swear the BL fanbase is one of the worst, the games aren't fun get over it.

this game is only 5 years after 2 or some shit

tasty doughy pits

I admit. For one, I had lots of FYN in Borderlands 1&2.

>Tiny Tina.
i hope she dresses like a slut

lmao look at all those retards online playing borderlands 2

don't know they know they're not even having fun

this is the worst attempt at reverse shilling ive seen in a while. congrats

I really think that BL2 is a 6/10 video game. If it wasn't for Krieg and his MEAT BICYCLES I think I would have hated it. Hopefully the melee class in BL3 is really fun.

>adult tiny tina

>only haters think muh favorite series sucks
You just described literally 99% of the fanbases on Yea Forums

>playing a loot shoot for the story
>not just focusing just on handsome jack

user please

>not focusing on the gear

> assasinate large bumpo
> it's a large rabbit mutant shaped like a pear
> explodes into a swarm of tribal knucklers on death


It's gonna be announced at PAX East on March 28th

>the big bads are The Calypso Twins. One is a female siren and the other is a guy who somehow has siren powers (sirens can only be female as established so far so there's something going on)
>they lead the new human mob, The Children of the Vault. Some kind of cult.
>The male twin is said to have some kind of ability to create enemies, perhaps turning normal people into sirens
>Children of the Vault will have their own weapons and they'll replaces Bandit/Scav weapons
>set 5 years after BL2/TPS.
>4 completely new vault hunters
>One is a female gunner who has a bear mech. She's tied to Valdof. She's the one you see in the tech demo released a couple years ago. Probably commie waifu material
>One is a robot who can summon creatures.
>One is a guy with gadgets. He'll fill the assassin role. Probably has ties to a corporation because he's rich.
>One is a female siren, melee focused like Brick.
>all of them will have multiple action skills instead of one like in previous games. for example, the siren will have a ground pound skill and something like phase lock
>there will also be passive action skills
>you get gun parts in addition to whole guns. you can customize your guns. change their weapon type and elemental type.
>NPCs can revive you in single-player
>will take place on multiple planets. pandora will be at the beginning for a short time. there will be a hubworld that's a ship called Sanctuary 3. Promethea and another planet will be where most of the game takes place.
>Atlas is back, Rhys is rumored to be the CEO. Tina is back as an adult. The other vault hunters will probably make cameos like in 2 and TPS. no word on other characters
>gorty or whatever is back because the main game will have multiple vaults instead of one. you'll need gorty to find them.

Project X Zone 1/2

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Borderlands are single player MMOs, that makes them pretty awful to start with.
1s aesthetic was pretty nice, and the humour was over the top at points but averaged out to be alright. The perks and guns in the game were decent and you could definitely have a lot of fun with it as long as you could enjoy fetch quests and the like.
Then 2 came along and exaggerated every single aspect of 1 and that didn't go well at all. It felt even more MMO, the humour was shoved into every crevice of the game, the levels were absolutely incoherent, the guns all random number generators that you needed to swap out as soon as you levelled up, the perks so plentiful that none really had much of an effect on your character, and by the time it did everything was too spongy to take notice anyway. Mechromancer was the only time I had any fun and even that got pretty dull after shooting the ground for an hour or so.
didn't play much of presequel but it was just fucking tedious Borderlands 2, and that's saying something. Almost became fun because of low grav movement, but ruined immediately because lol timers

Only way I'd consider playing 3 is if:
Guns have more effort put into them
Classes actually feel interesting
RNG drops are toned way the fuck down to human levels. 1/2k drops in a single player game with maybe co-op is fucking stupid.
Dialogue volume slider.

>new elements are rumored but one sounds a little unbelievable. there are new creatures (ape-like) with something called bio-armor. apparently some kind of experiment gone wrong. you use nuclear to break through their armor, similar to how corrosive works on robots in 2. no word on slag/ice/laser.
>anthony burch isn't attached at all and the writing will be more similar to the first game
>there will only be 3 vehicle types in the main game.
>no word on DLC
>there's a "secret" DLC coming for BL2 that will bridge the gap between 2 and 3. it will probably be standalone, so you won't need to have 2 to play it.
>there's also a remaster of BL1 in the works. no word if it will come out before BL3 or not.

You tell him, good sir!

I for one, can not wait to play the quest in Borderlands 3 (an Epic Store exclusive, Steamcels btfo) where the vault hunters drop out of a flying bus to fight 99 other wanna-be vault hunters! I wonder if that reminds me of something, hmmmmmmmmmm? Hahahaha!

Tribal knuckles is far too problematic of a meme to reference

>these fucking 9gag faggot pictures

after the shitshows that were destiny division and anthem Bord3rlands looks like heaven to me

Here's 3 of the new vault hunters, the siren got cut out. She's a black lady.

Attached: dsf.jpg (300x168, 14K)

Borderlands 2 isn't perfect like the fans think but it is definitely fun to play and not trash like the detractors think. The truth is that the first game sucked, 2 was average and enjoyable, and pre sequel shouldve been dlc to 2.

How in gods name was 1 bad if 2 was good? 2 is just 1 without any of the character and 100x the grinding

>passive action skills
That's not how it works, you oxy-moron.

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>quite literally faggit: the game
>filled with niggers
wow i'm shocked

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is this the new half life 3?

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I used to hate borderlands now I can't stop playing it.

lets find out!

If Borderlands 3 is the new Half Life 3 then that means TPS is actually Hunt Down the Freeman.

Attached: YOU FUCKED UP MY FACE.jpg (1920x997, 436K)

Try reading my post next time. I said "average" not "good".
I don't remember even having to grind in BL2. Any time I wanted a character to play ready for OP8 I just gibbed one. The only time I remember grinding was in the early days of the game/ my first few playthroughs. As I played more, the time I spent enjoying the combat greatly surpassed the time I used to spend grinding.

A quest to assassinate a boss named Zingle Frumpft that ends with him falling off a giant wall and shattering like humpty dumpty.

>tfw you remember TellTale killed off Butt Stallion

Why even live, bros?

Attached: Buttstallion.jpg (1024x575, 175K)

I don't mean grinding for levels, I mean getting any gun that isn't generic trash, you know, pretty much the only interesting side to the game? And what's amazing is when you level up it becomes utterly useless anyway

I really hope the tales game is included.

Don't forget the quest where an evil blond haired vividly orange tycoon named Grumph is building a wall to keep out The Good Guys(tm), and they recruit you to blow it up at which point you find out he was a Vladof spy all along trying to inflate the prices of his guns. I, for one, can't wait!

Its almost like there is an easy fix for that which requires no time at all that I mentioned in my previous post.

This man is an anomaly.

>Grinding for guns before reaching max level

You are dumb my friend.


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I got the first one back when it first came out for the PS3. I didn't get very far into and I stopped playing. It felt too repetitive and tedious. The guns weren't enough to keep me interested. In 2016 my roommate did a full playthrough of BL2, and all the DLC. So i watched him play. I never played the 2nd one so I bought it on steam sale. Did a Salvador playthrough and liked it. I pirated all the DLC so i could play the entire thing before buying it. I probably put 200 hours in it. Then I bought the DLC on steam sale and put another 200 or so hours into it. I got TPS too and liked that. A few weeks ago I played through BL1. I enjoyed it more than the first time but it's still kinda tedious with the quest structure. I'm playing through BL1 DLC right now. Finished Zombie Ned and General Knoxx. Now BL is one of my favorite game series. It's just a good game to jump into and waste time.

Just wounded.
A lot of people survived Helios fall somehow if you're referring to that.

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Nigga please. It’s one thing to be a newfag, but people pretending to be pol to be a sock puppet straw man to bitch about has been happening for years.

I mean we have entire media companies based on clickbait, g

Attached: LOL.jpg (640x700, 113K)

borderlands 2 was shit and i never bothered with the prequel so im cautious

They said they would treat Tales as canon unless it wrote them into a corner. I'm just sad that means Scooter will probably stay dead since they can replace him with Elle.

>they can replace him with Elle
You wish

Attached: maxresdefault (6).jpg (1280x720, 165K)

>i say it's happening
>you say it's happening for years
>media companies make clickbait

Okay? Weird post, dude.

Oh yes the "im lesbian btw" the character. If they made her more interesting or normal I would be psyched to see her in the next game

played 2 recently, with all the dlc. first time.

early on, ended up teleporting to a place that was already available on the map, just to see what it was. turns out it was a dlc place. and, it automatically started the dlc intro before i could turn back. it spoiled major parts of the main game, since the dlc was a continuation of the story.

maybe i was an idiot for going to that place when i wasn't specifically told to, but i like exploring and it was available, and this shouldn't be available before you reach those plot points in the main game. at the very least have some warning before you get there that the area is 15+/30+ so i can figure out i shouldn't go there before it's too late.

>literally just a low-rez screencap of Bloodshot Ramparts
>mfw its legit

Attached: 1503512990646.png (890x661, 166K)

stop caring about the story
its not important

Was that the teaser for 2 though?

In pre sequel it was annoying how she was like that but in tales it felt totally normal. Maybe it's just what good writing does

maybe it's dlc for BL2, probably some stupid cosmetics

I only like playing as Krieg

That tweet was made TODAY.

>black person
Take it easy there, Hillary Clinton. When did we stop calling them niggers?

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I don't remember much of Tales but hopefully they get whoever wrote her in Tales to write her in BL3.

oh sweet
its the switch version

It's gonna be fun for like a week and then people will go back to their mmo-lite looter shooters

>everyone thinks BL3 will be at pax
>it's just 1 + 2 remastered in the new engine
If you look a the pic, the black outlines appear to be missing. They're making 3 in unreal 4 and they have a proper shader to handle the ink effects now. in BL1 and 2 they had to paint the lines into the textures, and only the object outline was done in a shader. The new shader looks more natural and better. If that was just a low res screenshot of 2, you'd see a lot more black/dark pixels around or on objects. I bet they'll wait for BL3 until next year. 2019 is also the 10th anniversary of 1. Randy is known for being a shithead so it wouldn't surprise me.

borderlands i literally the most successful looter shooter series though

Which one did you go into? only one I remember actually spoiling anything was Campaign of Carnage, and it was Tannis just saying ‘another Vault’, if you can even count that as a spoiler

I know but I mean is that the image they used to tease 2 when it came out. He says "it's time to tease another game at pax." was 2 teased at pax?

lmao electionfag don't you have a facebook group to moderate

Maybe if BL3 bombs this will finally force Randy's smoking hot wife to go into hardcore anal.

>BL1 remaster
>BL2 remaster
why tho

BL2 is just like 1 graphics wise. They even re-use the same objects. Have you never noticed that? BL2 just has better AA, AO, and post effects.

What the fuck are you on about, nigger?

No because Valve can afford to never make a game again
Borderlands 3 is probably the only game that could salvage Gearbox and keep them from falling into bankruptcy


well yeah, but BL1 needs more than just a graphics remastering, it needs a heavy overhaul to its UI.
BL2 still has thousands of people playing it daily so I don't imagine Gearbox would bother doing anything with BL2 that wasn't just a small balance update.

Loot was shit too.

Most of those franchises are fine except Fable.

I can see that happening, and it would honestly be pretty cool.

They both could use higher res textures. I'm not sure if they'd update the 3d models or not, but it's possible. Then they'd port them to the new engine which would have a newer UI and shaders.

Ready to buy on the Epic Store?

Attached: rand.png (600x502, 53K)

I'm just praying to fucking God that they fired whatever shitty ass writers they decided to hire for the Pre-Sequel.

Literally the FIRST FUCKING QUEST in the game is blasted to death with SJW propaganda and treating women equally.

And just to make sure they slammed their point home, they decided to take one of the most manly men in the entire universe; whose entire premise is blowing the shit out of everything with explosives and had him say "TREAT WOMEN WITH RESPECT".

Its just forced, and boring. Dropped the game about half an hour into the game because it was just endless.

Attached: 1382184655037.gif (210x170, 2.62M)

if they ditch steamworks its piracy for everyone just like bl1 all over again.

whats the big deal
most people already have the epic store on their pc
and besides steam dying
they did anthony bitch i mean burch isnt writing anymore

>they decided to take one of the most manly men in the entire universe; whose entire premise is blowing the shit out of everything with explosives
You obviously never played the DLC for 2.

epic store sucks and is chinese
nobody wants it to be steam exclusive

Is this real box art?
It looks terrible

I'll be slightly hyped if they confirm that slag or anything like it, will not be in the game.

if become Epic exclusive i'm gonna pirate

Slag would've been fine if it was only tied to class skills (Double Up, Interspersed Outburst) or unique weapons, but yeah, making it an elemental damage type and then balancing the game around it was stupid

how do people enjoy borderlands gameplay? are these the same people who play warframe for thousands of hours? game is a big waste of time

are you even allowed to post here bong?

Randy is desperate for BL3 to do well to keep him financed for the next years that there's no way he'd take the bait of the upfront chinese cash, he knows he needs long term money and BL3 is guaranteed to give him that if its on every distributor instead of exclusive to the only one people are vocally against. He'd either have to be legitimate, actually mentally retarded, or Epic would have to offer him millions.

theyre not friendless virgins

people being offended about the president being mocked are funny, because they switch sides every 4-8 years and the cycle repeats

Im pretty excited.
Eventhough the writing is terrible, the games always hit the sweet spot in terms of loot, exploration, and gun play for me.

Attached: kirbeh.gif (500x362, 153K)

I'll be very dissapointed if that happens

>doesn't enjoy thing
>"all those people that enjoy it are stupid"

Attached: brainlet.png (645x729, 82K)

dropped the game after that dyke started speaking

yeah the "I'm lesbian btw" is just bad writing

>I thought the first one was boring and dumb so I bought the second one
r u dum

Fuck Borderlands, I want to see another Brothers in Arms game.

I got the first game as a christmas present when I was a kid and I remembered enjoying it but now far older, I realized how tedious they are

So you enjoyed a game when you were a kid but only played it for five hours? Doesn't make a lot of sense, user. Are you sure you're not full of shit?

The thing is, this wouldn't be worse than him saying bazinga in that cash-grab "remaster"

I had the physical copy, retard, I don't have any physical copies in my possession anymore
I got both 1 and 2 through some cheap bundles for steam


like filled with actual caca

So what will the characters play like?

>most people have epic launcher on their pc
source for this?
>steam dying
oh its bait

BL1 + BL2 remaster?

The only chance I pick up this game is if they introduce Titanfall-esque mobility. These games are such a sling walking around like normal. Make mobility the new focus and design levels with some verticality.

Then the shooting might actually be fun enough to justify the thousand side quests in a loot shooter.

lmao yeah right, every boardlands blew massive cock. Everything about it sucks. The gameplay, writing, guns, characters, art style, graphics, map design, the list could go on. There is about zero reedeming qualities from the boarderlands games. The only thing I ever thought was cool was the bullet hole tech in fabrics they put into b2. A small TECHNOLOGY thing being the only cool thing about your awful franchise is sad and anyone hyped for this shit is supporting trash, uninspired lootershooter. Something of a disease now in the videogame industry.