Why did only the humans you killed haunt you in The Sorrow fight and none of the animals?
Why did only the humans you killed haunt you in The Sorrow fight and none of the animals?
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animals have no souls
The parrot comes back if you killed it.
Animals usually have no soul because they lack the intelligence and exposure to the Divine Spark of humanity.
Pets are different, as they have been exposed to God's Light through His creation for long periods of time.
They don't have souls, still, but they are notably changed by this exposure.
the bible says man can do what they want with animals
But he still gets into heaven?
Animals don' t have souls.
I never noticed the elephant before.
Fucking vegans
>feeling sorrow for heathens and livestock
>Joe ate a snake and an elephant
What a hardcore nigga.
>with those whose live you've taken
Well thank god i didn't killed those animals, i just consumed them.
i buy my animals already dead idk about this joe guy
>thinking pbf is vegan shit
Vultures come back.
If you kill a soldier in the mountains and wait for a vulture to eat the body, then kill and eat that vulture. The soldier's ghost will have a vulture ghost pecking at them as they try to fend it off.
How do you "make peace" with an animal? It can't understand or comprehend your past actions.
>The absolute madman killed an elephant
>God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Keyword: RULE
As in dominate, as in do what the fuck you want with them, as in NO APPLOGISES NEEDED.
what in the goddamn
Animals have no soul and neither vegans
ITT: We over analyse a joke
Animals kill each other without remorse only humans have a mercy at enemy and pray.
This thread is about vidya, but clearly you don't play them.
Prröööööhhh :DDD
It's an MGS3 thread, you degenerate.
PBF is anti-tranny propaganda
Better make peace with the wheat you killed used to make your sandwiches or your going to hell user
Also if you kill a vulture and eat it after it ate a dead soldier you'll hear a ghost say "you ate me!".
Post the one where its a billion chinks
I didn't exactly kill, just ate many.
How many projectiles have been fired in vidya history?
Who the fuck kills elephants, turtles and squirrels?
>thinking texts that have been translated and edited so many times over thousands of years as the word of God
Also PBF is just a joke comic. There is no religious or vegan meaning to the comic.
>Genisis 9:3
>Every moving thing that lives shall be food for you. And as I gave you the green plants, I give you everything.
This comic makes me laugh because it implies he single handedly killed all those animals yet could only kill one chink
>its another episode of people thinking he ate all of those animals and not that he shot them himselves
Farmers/Hunters have a large kill count by the end of their lives. Also he probably killed the elephant during the war in which he killed the guy, because what American goes around eating shit like Elephants.
>On your way to heaven
So clearly he did nothing wrong.
Maybe he only ever had to kill one chink.
Nice pianos, nice soup and because they're annoying.
Based pbf
>earth moves
>dig fork into rocks and eat them
>die from starvation
Thanks, Bible.
>Flew into his house and he swatted at the bat, killing it
>Fresh Homemade Turtle Soup
>Squished a garden snake on his lawn
>No fucking idea, but what a beast for pulling that shit off
>Ran over on his way to work
I'm just wondering when Joe is going to be swarmed by the hundreds of insects he's killed.
crop farms displaces a lot more wild life than a cattle farm
crop farms don't allow any life to be there, no bugs, no birds, nothing
and pesticide free crops aren't better, they just move the crops indoors
cattle farms allow birds and insects and other wild life to live
>In the Pacific
He ate at mcdonalds
I've eaten turtle and squirrel before, but the elephant part confuses me. Maybe ivory?
>A bat
Joe was an absolute madman.
>being such a shitter that you actually kill guards
MGS3 is trash, but I seriously hope you guys don't do this.
I only ever chuck a poisonous snake at that one guy, and wait til the vulture eats him because it's funny, otherwise, meeting guards in the sorrow section means you're playing it wrong.
That means cannibalism is okay.
>all these newfags getting rustled over a pbf comic
Is this comic making a case for fully automated slaughter houses?
How many insects have you killed. Even if you've only sprayed down a single ant hill, you have thousands to make peace with.
swans are assholes, probably deserved it
>MGS3 is trash
Stopped reading there.
What about poisonous animals?
Souls don't exist
Still the best
could probably be turned into some kinda drug
Animals kill each other too. Plants are also alive. You have to kill to live. Also VIDEO GAMES
I'm not rustled. I think it's cute.
Just pointing out the obvious.
More gameplay than a Sony game though
You've never done a Rambo playthrough?
>There is no religious or vegan meaning to the comic.
Yeah, no punchline either.
>PBF is just a joke comic
Where is the joke in this strip?
He didn't kill them. He ate parts of their carcass.
Its an image used to "subtly" start a politics thread
Why did the videogames
because they are animals and snake felt no guilt killing them
the afterlife
Eat cows or something
This one scares the hell out of me and I'm not entirely sure why.
Good thing God isn't real and my morals stem from my humanity and not ancient gobbledy-gook. Are y'all adults? Isn't it embarrassing to base your identity on nonsense? Or are y'all that lonely that you have to turn to Magic Man in the sky?
They already are there, look at the size of the stuff nearest to him
This one makes me lol everytime. It's just so dramatic.
itd be a much of snails and worms ive accidentally stepped on
>veganism is political
You may as well worship a sky man
Did Joe personally own a slaughter farm or something?
It is offtopic and will lead down the path to a non vidya subject
Where did that lucky sonofabitch go to try pheasant before he died?
Damn God was a real mean thing to create such a rules. What comes around goes around. I hope God is ready for consequences of this. Literally created hell with struggle.
Animals don't have souls.
Especially dogs.
Let me go on and kill your pets :^)
Why the fuck is there an elephant
Just because an animal is not sentient does not means it lacks the ability to have fear and suffer
>people who have no knowledge of faith or religion talking about it
please just stop
Pheasant is relatively common depending on region
While I'm not a cynical fuck who gets mad at people celebrating my birthday, this is exactly what I think and why I don't really give a shit about it. On the other hand, you can celebrate surviving another year.
So you are against killing animals then?
Also because this is a fucking video games board
>modern day moral relativist
couldn't be more bluepilled
You are confusing sapient and sentient as most people do. Sentient is to feel and react, sapient is to have human emotion.
No. Killing is part of life. I am against doing it for no good reason or torturing them
Sure, as long as I get to burn down your house.
After all, they're both property that we give meaning and are attached to, so it's only fair ;^)
*tips fedora to a fellow enlightened intellectual*
...The comic is about HEAVEN, retard
My mistake, we should be talking about vidya anyway
That he has to make peace with so many beings and the fact that we expect for him to only have to make peace with the Vietnamese soldier.
>I think my moral viewpoint is the best and anyone defending another culture's is a relativist cuck
Poor dragon
You dumbass bitch
When he said it doesn't need to suffer that means not torturing or killing without reason.
But no your so fucking stupid that you cant understand it.
Or your one of the stupid fucks that's trolls here or a discord faggot.
God Damn get the fuck out.
Killing is ritual struggle, fight for life and death with no winners. Also revenge exist.
compared to 2, it absolutely is, on both a technical and a creative level.
It's utter dogshit of a game.
>millions of spiders and roaches swarm you
>with wasps and ants
just fucking feed him chickens
I get it, you haven't ever killed an animal in your life for your food.
I'm not. All I mean is that I don't kill animals without a cause.
>all viruses and bacteria you've overcome swarms you
I mean why stop at bugs and animals
>Ad hominem is how I really get my point across!
If you're comfortable using religion as a crutch, go ahead.
Bugs are animals you dip.
>Implying I'm man enough to kill a wasp
I just run the away from those monsters. Fuck wasps.
This but unironically.
>see a blob approaching in the distance
>doesnt hold an exact shape, lumbering about
>as it gets closer you realize it's a mass of single celled organisms, bacteria and viruses come for revenge
Fuck that would be terrifying.
>Your face is covered with your dads cum
Think about all the sperm that died when you were born
Fish would be counted. Taken life means consequences even for survival meaning, too much troubles does not interesting me.
what do elephants taste like?
Yes yes, autist user, bugs are animals. Are you happy?
Think of all the sperm you wasted from fapping
I have always wanted to visualize how many animals I have eaten in 22 years. I also want to visualize all the excrement I have pooped.
Todd, you won't drive me into buying your shitty fucking games by trying to insult my faith in God.
Fornicate thou and fornicate thou games
How does this work? If you ever benefited from killing of a single animal, then you have to make peace with them? In that case, do several people have to make peace with the same cow or elephant, and do they also possibly have to make peace with several of them? Since through years despite eating relatively few kinds of meat, it came from thousands of different animals.
Or do the all animal parts you've benefited from get added together to complete a single animal? If so, how is that elephant there?
Fun fact-
PBF is the origin of the word weaboo.
you goddamn weebs.
I killed billions...
30ft spray exists, senpai, you don't have to crush them with your bare hands.
You can finish Snake Eater without killing any soldiers, therefore any human death is not justified so their spirit will haunt you because you could have chosen not to kill them.
However, It's necessary to kill the animals to survive, therefore the kills on animals are justified and their spirits don't haunt you because they were killed just as they would be killed for "natural purposes" that is, they remained in the food chain. Snake pooped them out in the jungle and the chain began anew.
Of course, you could always just kill animals for the fuck of it, but the game's programming is not advanced enough to understand if you were killing animals maliciously so it erred on the side of the player and assumed you were only killing things you were going to eat.
this but without trolling.
Would it be enough to drown you and all the other animals? Thus killing them and starting a never ending loop as you have to remake peace before your flood of cum appears and kills em all again.
Most meat eaters don't kill animals either. It's either a machine or an underpaid laborer that does it instead.
Gotta chuckle out of this one
This but unironically.
Becausw the entire premise of the Sorrow fight is that he's basically the guy who can see ghosts and shit
The entire level is based of the river of souls in Japanese culture
Fun fact:if you kill someone and let a vulture in eat the corpse before killing and eating it you'd get aggro'd by the ghost in that level
We are fundamentally evil creatures, we are forced to consume in order to survive. It's the sad reality we live in. All we can do is hope there is some purpose to the suffering.
Imagine if all the breads you've ever eaten in your life came back for revenge.
all these (You)s and no actual responses.
Guess I'm right