Honestly, what the fuck even is the point of an Xbox now?
Honestly, what the fuck even is the point of an Xbox now?
Other urls found in this thread:
playing games and having fun
But you can do that on other better platforms.
$500 console > $2000 pc
hahaha it's the funny meme face again!!!
Playing with Nintendo users.
Getting crushed by Sony along with nintendo.
30fps > 200fps 4k amirite pals
lmao at your fukkin lyfe
name 2
Sega Genesis
Wii U
Whoever bought an xbone is a fucking clueless idiot, no brainer
agreed. xbox one x is better than anything else.
This plus enhanced BC games.
There's no reason to own an xbox since MS gave all its games away.
Literally the only reason for Xbox to exist is so Nintenbros can false flag as X-bots to attack ponies. Ultimately ineffective, because everyone knows that X-bots became extinct quite some time ago from game and purpose starvation. Sad truth, but it's the reality of it all. Sony has the games. Nintendo has the games. Microsoft has the PC. Xbox is a literal paper weight at this point with no exclusives to justify its existence now that the glorious fats have savagely dominated them as they had set out to do many years ago.
I have an xbox one and a switch
It's a decent combo and fun to have friends over
The controller is pretty good for emulation too imo
All those specs and nothing to play that you can't just play on PC.
>the only way microsoft can try to sell their games is to put all their exclusives on other platforms
Nice coping mechanism, cuckold. Do you also let other men fuck your gf for money?
>boy i sure am glad to play my exclusives at 30fps 1080p
PC, retard xnigger.
Rare Replay maybe...?
there is no point. no one on here trying to say that there is one actually means it. retards on Yea Forums may be stupid, but they're not stupid enough to buy a console with no incentive behind it whatsoever.
>he actually thinks this
Next gen will be the rise of the xbox just you wait.
this is why
here's the thing. normal people don't care about exclusives. it's the playerbase that keeps xbox alive. there are friends that have it, so you get one yourself and play with them. nobody on Yea Forums can grasp this because they have no friends. that's the saddest part. the xbox is that one enigma in their life because friendship was also that enigma. it actually hurts me inside when people are confused that it's still around with no exclusives, because their priority is what they're playing and not who they're playing with.
>t-trump won't win the republican nomination
>n-no way he can beat hillary
>h-he'll get impeached any day now, just you wait
wii60chads forever, xbonkx is the ultimate media console
Isn't rare replay just a conglomeration of older gen games that I can play somewhere else?
A controller that you can use on a PC? Try again, retard.
>XChads are pimps
xbones lost this gen so badly they cant even meme anymore
literally the only market xbox has any stake in is north america, it's a laughingstock everywhere else. and guess what? they're getting beat on their home turf. quite embarrassing desu.
>what’s the point of an xbox now
wait for e3. that’s all i want to tell you. microsoft is going to absolutely change the game. i’m not joking.
>pretending that xbox chads aren't right wing
Retarded Snoy nigger.
Are you fucking kidding me? Normal people care a shit ton about exclusives. All the other marines I know have pretty much sold off their Xbones because they think the console is just completely inferior to the PS4.
the rest of the world doesn't matter and sony isn't winning shit. reminder that the xbone has backwards compatibility while sonyfags are forced to repurchase their collection.
Theres a reason why it sold like shit outside of north America
BC enhanced games are so good.
Imagine getting this ass blasted at criticism that you think everyone making fun of you is a sony nigger. The only reason xbox is putting their games on pc is because they lost. I hope you are fully aware of this.
>coping mechanism for lack of games
yikes. talk about obsessed.
>normal people
almost got me
>tfw Xchads are gonna rise again as spooky skeletons
>their attempts at killing us only made us even stronger
Post your face when Xbox btfo's Sony next gen.
That explains it. Literally the retarded redheaded step child of the military.
>i-i don't care if the numbers dont support my beliefs!! we're winning! WINNING!
holy fuck this is embarrassing, lmao. just accept it, the ponies are beating your ass like no tomorrow.
Do people even own an Xbox one?
Oh shit, sorry, military chads must have triggered you.
>pretending you aren't delusional
No, there is no point. Thanks for beta-testing MCC, by the way, Xbots.
Which is exactly why you wouldn't play on xbox?
dumb frogposter
I want to play Gears and Halo and not have to pay $2000 for a PC and $800 for a new GPU every 2 years.
i laughed my ass off during the mcc pc reveal. that was pretty much the last bastion for any xdrone out there. "y-you'll never get halo, though!" womp womp
>why play gimped games lol
>exactly, user, so play on pc
>lol but xbox is better than ps4
Are you composed of osmium?
imagine being a sonyshart and coping with the fact that your underpowered paperweight is only used for fifa by third world shitskins LMFAO
i literally did not know stupidity like this poster existed in this realm
>rolling launch
>no split screen
>still need an xbox live account
>reach first
I have a ps4 and switch but play my xbone more. I'll be a pleb to Yea Forums virgins but i dont want to game on pc. Literally has nothing to do with being poor either.
The guys in the FIFA business will literally never have to worry about going hungry.
Nice try dumb ass, i'm not a sonybro.
Why would I care what other people do with their consoles? I'm not forced to play FIFA 7000
>gears and halo
kill yourself
Yeah sorry, I meant $1400.
>split screen on PC
>they literally said the xbox account is a free sign up
>implying reach isnt fun as fuck for what it is
Cope harder nigger
It's a dumping ground for sad fat bitter old boomers who can't get over Sega getting blown the fuck out and zoomers who don''t know any better.
>a tablet
>a dying console
Uhh, nope?
You are a special brand of dipshit.
Switch has the normie couch play shit and exclusives.
Sony has the good exclusive single player games.
PC has all the Xbox exclusives and hardware superiority.
Xbox has...??????????
>b-but it's a pc you don't need split scren
Cope, also you still need to make another fucking account and Reach is dogshit, kill yourself reach nigger.
>for what it is
So garbage? you even make it sound subpar.
LOL im sure
>fan of xbox games like gears halo and forza
>owned a 360 with lots of games
>no interest in pc gaming
There you go. PS4 is so much better but adds 0 relevant exclusive multiplayer games.
Normal people don't have gaming PCs, you out of touch retard
Keep buying those $1400 GPUs user I'm sure it's worth it meanwhile I'll chill with my X and play FH4.
the stupidity was even greater than i imagined, horrifying
Halo broke this board when it was Announced pc master race was getting it. Loool cope
Pretty sure basedny is the normalfag choice nowadays.
>prices get higher and higher
>mid tier gpus now cost close to $400
Yeah, normal people have a Switch or Playstation. The smart people own a PC.
Only a retarded mutt would buy an Xbox. Fact.
Still seething I see. Nice boogeyman, but everyone who rightfully makes fun of xbox is not a sonygroid like you want to believe.
>sega genesis
So having a PS4 and a switch has no sense, either
>now watch me whip
>now watch me 4k
>proving his stupidity with each and every post
>so poor he can't afford good computer parts
oh dear...
I don't think you know what "breaking the board" entails, dumb ass. If you want to see what halo looks like when actually breaking the board, go try and learn about the Halo 4 reveal. MCC on PC was nothing close to breaking Yea Forums.
lol, it's as if they think there's something other than movies on their plataform, seething sonyfags
please keep falseflagging
>bringing politics into this out of nowhere
fuck off
I'm just going to pretend you are trolling for my sound state of mind
>anyone that points out how shit xbox is is a pony
Not really. Xbox is perfect for what it is: a home console to play FIFA and MK with your fellow dudebros.
Controllers are better than dualshocks and it outperforms PS. The only drawback there is: it lacks bingwahoo and oscarbait moviegames.
>Nintendo is getting benefits from xbox
>PC is gaining xbox exclusives and extra games from microsoft devs
who else?
Yeah i prefer xbox especially for online multiplayer and backwards compatibility. Sure, I dont game on pc and I know it's unacceptable here but keep in mind, I have sex.
>nintendo pitying xbox
>pc stealing all xbox shit
Anyone with sense mocks Xbox. Thanks for beta-testing, by the way.
Only console that has Halo.
>but PC
I said consoles, and Halo is gonna be crossplay so xbox and PC are gonna partying up while you fags shitpost.
>make another account
But you fucking did to play xbox you absolute troglodyte. How is me making an account on pc any different?
Imagine buying a console for a game that isn't exclusive.
>Nintendo pitying xbox
ok what drugs are you using
>microsoft is stealing games from micro-
>tfw stole yet another exclusive from the xdrones
>nintendo not pitying xbox
>another gaming platform is taking the exclusive from a different gaming platform
uh oh. it's almost like there's a difference between people on PC and people on Xbox.
Imagine playing games
have sex
What is the point of a console anyway? All their exclusives are shit or shit sequels and older better games can be emulated. I'd rather save that $300 for a better PC.
For those that don't want to shell out 800 bucks for a decent PC?
And it hardly matters at all where xbox put their games. You're still giving Microsoft money. Having it spread on PC and Xbox is giving them even more money.
People legit don't realise this. They're still getting your money.
Yeah. Xchad idorts have sex and mustards are still virgins.
>For those that don't want to shell out 800 bucks for a decent PC
so poor people and retards? lmao
>xdrone lying on the internet to make himself feel better
COPE, my dear boy, COPE
You can play games on it without learning to set up a pc.
No cheaters.
Bigger populations for certain games
(this is a reason to own any console, eg transformers wfc/foc on ps3)
Why are you people so obsessed with what other people play on?
to laugh at. thanks for beta-testing.
that's just sonyfags, they're with no games right now because all they have is movies that can be finished in less than 1 day, leaving them with tons of time to spend shitposting on Yea Forums.
>1060 costs $250
>2060 costs $350
>still giving Microsoft money
My windows and games are pirated and my firewall block windows IPs. Try harder, Microsoft's Pajeet.
looks like i struck a nerve lol
poorfag thirdworlders
>SEETHING xdrone failing to cope with the fact that he has no games
oh poor baby
>retard now projecting
Shhh, say it with me: COPE
In the last 6 months we had ashen,below and crackdown 3, what did sony had in the last 6 months? go!
then PC has no games either
we got a live one
>crackdown 3
>paying 2000 dollars for a PC
dumb faggot
>800 dollars every 2 years
using the same 980 ti i bought in 2015 for 600 bucks
kill yourself
>put the disc in and play
>bigger multiplayer community, games like Call of Duty don't die off after a month like on PC
>no hackers in MP games
And this is the big one for me
>everyone's on a level playingfield
Eg everyone has the same graphical settings and uses a controller. Multiplayer is then down to skill.
Not like PC where you can have a significant advantage over someone by putting all your graphical settings to low and run at 144fps and then kill someone on 60fps.
>SEETHING retard triggered by COPE because he can't cope
i'm so sorry, child
Phil played you Xcucks hard. You have nothing left but wojaks and five years of cope.
>crackdown 3
All the xbox games are only on xbox console right? That's a reason right there. Sony and Nintendo don't have xbox games. It's the only console which has xbox games.
>using cope
Can't you guys find a new buzzword to spam or is your creativity limited to Yea Forums
i know its not your first language but you should learn more english words. every day you post the same shit.
sorry i'm cracking down on your COPE, xbot
There only needs to be one, faggot.
PS4 keeps winning :)
>SEETHING fag can't cope
let me speak very slowly for you since you're retarded...COPE, MY, DEAR, BOY
there's like 4 or 5 on PC as well thanks to xbox play anywhere
More like Xbones, amirite?
Looking for justification for being a complete fool.
The platform doesn't matter when the industry as a whole is in deep shit. You can have a switch, xbone, ps4, and pc it doesn't matter in fact you are even of a bigger fucktard since there is like 2-3 games exclusive on each which worth a crap, and even those games are a 7/10.
Fuck poor thirdworld console warriors. This is now a Halochad thread.
>those minecraft sales
Even if we assume all of those 25.6m copies were $20 that still comes out at over 500m dollars. Even if other companies get a cut of that Microsoft is still making an absolute fortune from playstation players. No wonder xbox division suddenly got so rich.
dude wash your hands
seeth and cope harder snoyboi
Naw, you can suck my balls, peasant. Thanks for beta-testing. ;)
Our X-wisdom and Microsoft's AI allowd ud to ascend far beyond your puny console wars and exclusives jerking.
Yes, mans of Sony and Nintendo. You are blinded by asian glitter. You cannot fathom the truth that comes with Xbox.
Embrace Extend Extinguish.
I'm on pc so I haven't beta-tested anything?
>this is what ecksbots actually believe
>learning to set up a pc
just turn it on lmao
>Seething cracker white boy
>xbot pretending he's a pcbro
Oh dear...
Please return those games to their owner
moving all their shit to pc was actually Plan B after that E3 debacle
What is the point of any console? I still don't know.
This will get to a point where Microsoft will offer so many games across their whole ecosystem of devices from PC to console to mobile streaming that there won't be any reason to buy into any other platform because you can have all your games in one place but you can play your games on a variety of devices. This really is the future. Consume exclusivity is dumb as fuck unless you're Nintendo but they have am attractive selling point of their own being portability. The playstation seems outdated as fuck because you're locking yourself into a single platform and if market trends are anything to go by, the average consumer doesn't like that. Sony fans better hope Sony adjusts with the times because 2020 is going to be revolutionary for gaming and the market won't stand by to wait for everyone else to catch up. Companies like Google are going all out with their own shit and they'd be happy if Sony falters off the line and will do everything in their power to keep them down.
>wolfenstein the new order
>wolfenstien the old blood
wait what?
i had no idea the latter was available on disc let alone for ps4
>Switch for exclusives and games that just work better on portable (DQ Builders, World of FF, other grindy JRPGs etc)
>One X for 360 games, RDR2, Metro Exodus and the occasional AAA game to normie it up w/ friends and family
>Steam/GOG for everything else
Used to be a Sonyroach for years, but I started getting sick of them after they botched and killed the Vita and the Gravity Rush series. Their recent commitments to "protecting their playerbase" with stuff like no crossplay and censorship, and FEWER, BIGGER walking simulators about depressed dads and/or lesbians has made me realize they've chosen a path I won't follow.
This image right here is a reason to own an xbox. If consolefags love multiplats like this guy so much then the xbox is the best place to play them on any console and the next gen xbox will probably also be the most powerful since Microsoft have literally said they're going to release the most powerful console next gen.
HTPC is cancer.
>took him this long to take a snippet of someone else's specs
oh dear oh my
>sony btfo! instead of being dead and buried we're still a rotting carcass on the side of the road!
Oh and Halo5 of course
hacked, be careful next time kiddo
Sadly, it's EA. The publisher who deserves getting nuked from the gaming market the most
what compelled you to embarrass yourself like this?
I have a PC, a PS4, and a switch. Is there any reason to get an Xbox?
I agree. Being able to play your games anywhere on any device you want without having to buy them again sounds really cool and is something that I have wanted for a long time.
Bringing more than hype, bringing games.
>microsoft still makes more than both sony and nintendo combined
>3 games that are shit and also on PC
Of course not.
You can buy the games on PC but xbox is there for people who want to play the same games on console. Xbox is a family of devices now not just a home console.
I got all the (you)s I wanted
Thanks for the games, xcuck.
>this delusional
Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil microsoft sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred because they are angry Sony has made multiple 90+ metacritic games
You can clearly see how microsoft fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant after so many 60 rated metacritic games.
You Microsoft fanboys constantly LIE and make things up to fuel your mentally ill hatred of classic games like Bloodborne, God Of War, Horizon Zero Dawn and Days Gone. Sad.
You are sick in the head and need help.
Another typical dumb, delusional, malicious, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy that has no clue about technology or sales or good games, just feces flinging and screaming like an imbecile after State Of Decay 2 was a broken mess and Sea Of Thieves had no content
Another deranged, malicious, delusional, worthless, constantly wrong microsoft fanboy having a meltdown because his favorite plastic toy is overpriced, underpowered, not favored by developers and has no games.
Demented, delusional, constantly WRONG, dumb, hypocritical, worthless, conspiracy theorist, dumb as rocks Microsoft fanboy is angry that PS4 is significantly more powerful, has more developer support, and outselling Xbox almost 2:1 globally. Keep crying and having meltdowns over the facts while leeching off delusional and evil Nintendo fanboys
Friendly reminder to Microsoft fanboys that you pioneered cancer on all platforms and you earned all the hate you get.
These crazy, delusional, constantly wrong, worthless, malicious Microsoft fanboys are a pestilence. There’s never been a group of more vile, stupid, insane fanboys in the history of console gaming.
Microsoft fanboys will continually make disgusting lies like the evil, worthless, malicious pestilence they are the minute the PS5 is announced
Just stop trying to cling to Nintendo. It makes you look pathetic and weak. We don't want your trash "exclusives."
And yet PS4 doesn't have any worthwhile exclusives that aren't single player cinematic moviegames that lose most appeal after the first playthrough.
>True 4k
>Best services
>Best version of games
>Best online
>Best multiplayer
And also for you that have a PC
>Xbox play anywhere
You buy a game on xbox,you can play on pc, and vice versa
Microsoft is not Xbox. Post Xbox and their revenues as well as the profits in comparison to PlayStation and Nintendo. I'll be waiting.
They're not Microsoft fanboys. They're nintens0ys trying to get at the ponies. Any legitimate xbots know that their console is shit and have enough common sense to keep their head down.
Who cares?
Imagine being locked to one platform and not able to play your games that you bought anywhere you like other than your mother's basement.
Is this forced pasta. I saw a thread like this a week ago.
Only if you want the world's fastest console (TM)
Microsoft can literally buy Sony up like 5 times over and still have billions in spare change. Sony isn't even in the same league as Microsoft. Microsoft is competing with the big players at the top like Google and Apple. Only some literal brainlet retard would think Sony is even remotely as rich as Microsoft.
I'm not even that guy btw but you're dumb as fuck for calling that delusional.
At least they have exclusives. At least they try to argue that their shitty movies are games worth owning. You fucking retard xcuckies are actually reveling in the fact that you have no reason to own an xbox while pretending it's a good thing.
YIKES. sony shills are going all out.
>best services
Any service that requires you to pay to play online on consoles is a massive negative point in my book and should be for everyone
There's pretty much no reason to own an Xbox at this point, unless friends do
Even halo, the one legacy IP people cared about is now going to be on PC
>being this delusional
absolute yikes
Microsoft isn't pouring all their money into the Xbox brand, retard.
>>True 4k
PC and only a handful of games have actual 4K on the XboneX, everything else is checkerboarded.
>best services
Like what? Having to pay for online like PS4? muh gaympass which you can just ignore to get games for free or cheap on a PC?
Like what?
>best versions of Games
>best online PC
>best multiplayer
Fuck off.
>imagine getting more enjoyment from a game solely because its exclusive your platform of choice
Unironically, have sex
seek help
Something Sony are too anti consumer to let people do which is unfortunate. If they released their games on PC they'd become massively richer whilst being more consumer friendly. Even if they make their own launcher no one would care because at least the games are there. It wouldn't jeopardise their console either since there are millions of euros who will still buy one to play fifa and cod. PC market and console market cater to completely different demographics.
Too bad Sony is being run by retards though. Pulling out of E3 is one of the most retarded decisions ever.
There's no reason if you play games on pc. Very viable option if you dont play on pc like a huge chunk of the population. We're beating a dead horse at this point.
yeah and I can play games on both of my platforms with shared progress at no extra cost.
>take a shit
>"This is the best shit in the world because it's only in my toilet"
Buying an xbox when you have a capable PC is peak retardation.
Where did I say they are? Moron
Go back to resetera
>microsoft fanboys distort
which console is the worst console full of movies that can be finished in 1 day this gen? come on say it
>Lie for hatred of classic games
what? which console has backwards compability this gen?
>You are sick and need help
lol look at your pic
>Delusioned that sea of thieves and state of decay 2 has no content
yes, they're the games with least content on xbox, and sea of thieves has more content than detroit,god of war and spiderman lol
>Favorite plastic toy is overpriced and underpowered
what? which console runs RDR2 in native 4k? come on say it
>PS4 is more powerful
top kek
>xbox is cancer
xbox is the best console with the most exclusives and best games this gen, cope
>xbox fanboys are stupid insane fanboys
sorry who defend movie games that can be finished in less than 1 day here
>microsoft fanboys in continue to make disgunting likes for evil microshaft
how's ps+ on ps3 and psvita going?
you won't be needing this anymore
They already release some of their games on PC it's called psnow
Isn't PS4 pro 350 USD? At least it's around that price in Japan.
>please fuck my wife!!! - xcuck
DMC 5 on PS4 being censored and the MCC announcement must have really ruptured your ass, Eric.
Not if you want to play RDR2 or get the full gamepass experience or play at the couch.
The only point of ANY console is for fucking retards who are too stupid or poor to set up a gaming PC. The only difference is XBOX is the dedicated retard edition because now it has literally no exclusives on it.
Wow, nice multiplats. Now why don't you post the actual exclusives?
Take the Wii U ports off the Switch section.
Halo 5 is the best MP lol.
Do you think Microsoft is poor or something?
to be the most powerful hardware on the market that you can't play anything but third party micro transaction filled titles and old Xbox games on
they lost momentum to Sony hard back in 2014 and then never reclaimed an ounce of what they promised or desired
and to be entirely fair, they deserved it
Yeah man, I also have a PS1, ps2, ps3, ps4, ps4 pro, a gaming pc with my gtx 1080, a gaming pc with my gtx 2080 and intel core i9 (just for the lolz lol), Xbox, xbox360, Xbox one, Xbox two, Dreamcast, Saturn, your mothers vagina etc. and I have all games ever created by humankind for them, but never play those! but my Nintendo switch, now THAT console, oh lordy lordy it's so good like, woah I play Mario kart 64 on it and my mind is just like, you know like, woah, BLOWN. But yeah I see where you're coming from.
>still take the xbox
Actual exclusives? ok, i can play all ps4,ps3 and ps2 games on pc using psnow, so, here's your exclusives
Streaming isn't the same as a native port. Streaming is fine for mobile or tablets but they should just port the game to PC unless they literally hate money. But yeah sure psnow on PC is a start I guess. They need to adapt to the market quickly to else juggernauts like Microsoft and Google will steamroll them. We've got to a point in time where buying a product and being locked into it isn't what consumers want anymore. Consumers want options and to be connected everywhere they go. Nintendo literally made a handheld to cater to the the market and Microsoft and Google are going down the handheld streaming route. Sony will probably also go down the same streaming route but if you can't play your library on the go like you will be able to on xbox gamepass then what's the point? Gamepass also gets all xbox 1st party games day one.
PC + Console + streaming ecosystem is the future.
Remeber kids even if you don't buy an Xbox you most likely have given Microsoft $500 at some point
see >>COPE
bloodborne, god of war, horizon, red dead 2, persona? also gears of war for xbox
The fable game was cancelled?
That's actually kind of disappointing and I'm not even an Xbot
I'm not even a sony nigger, but the only game there that is on PSnow is Bloodborne. Stay seething, xcuck.
>best multiplayer
You mean multiplayer games that die off in a month when everyone returns to Fortnite and dota 2.
Multiplayer is better on consoles as the community is much larger.
>much checkerboard 4k
Literally wrong unless you're on about the PS4.
see >>COPE
>234 replies
All this love for Xbox, thanks user
I can still play it without a ps4
If you don't/didn't have a PS3/360, Backwards Compatibility is kino.
But that's more of a bonus than a reason to buy an Xbox.
>all these people laughing at me, thanks so much!!!!
It wasn't a fable game just some shitty moba under the fable name. The real fable game is still in development right now at playground studios in the UK.
Ps3 on PSnow is streaming dogshit
Shadow of the colossus can be played on the psnow it's an old game but it still the same game
Nope, god of war,uncharted,last of us, persona, all of them are on psnow
>b-but they die in a month!!!!
When incels try to laugh at Chad he isnt really affected by it user
aw look how much he loves xbox
You're gonna kick Movietron's ass Prime! You're the best!
Source? Because The official website says otherwise and I don't use that service or have a ps4.
sony has been beating nintendo since the late 90s and xbox since the 2000s. at this point xbox will go out like sega and just focuse more on software which they are already doing with game pass on nintendo switch. Just get a PlayStation people doesn't matter if you are a zoomer,doomer or boomer. let's all stick with playstation for now on as our console god
Oh dear...
you won't win anyone over like that shill
Cope should be word filtered to "I have no argument and must resort to low effort deflections"
Haha, yes I am Microhide, I've been waiting a long time for Movietron to challenge me to a one on one fight. I'm gonna kick his ass.
The next Xbox would probably have even closer PC architecture, little to no exclusives, and might just end up being a glorified Steam Machine if the Halo PC release is anything to go by. That's not solely a bad thing though, compatibility with Steam can easily give the next Xbox a huge library at launch, which could win them the next console generation.
now this is cope lmoa
>this delusion
>this failure to cope
a-user...please...just COPE
>locking yourself to one platform
Hello retard.
>other better platforms.
What did he mean by this?
Nice try cuckold, but thanks for the free games.
see >>COPE
>download psplus games every month
>counts as a sale
absolutely assblasted
see >>COPE
re:see >>SEETH
then cope as required.
why is it so bad? im too old for nintendo and xbox just doesn't have alot of exclusives. Sony has always been my go to since the ps2 when i was a kid. Sony killed console wars you either use a pc or get a PlayStation if ur poor
based frogposter
I'm still not too crazy about this whole console war thing Boximus. I mean, they don't call these creeps PLAYstation-cons for nothin'.
69 decides what cope should be word filtered to.
Mine is "I'm Dumb"
>ctrl-F cope
>32 results
>ctrl-F seething
>13 results
Yea Forums arguments are so boring now
see >>COPE
formerly cucks
>a MS game higher than any Snoy exclusive
The fucks that supposed to mean? Playstation... play... that they play games?
There is none really, Microsoft's plan going into next gen is just get people to play their games no matter what system they're on (or even owning a system at all). That's why they're investing so much into their xcloud streaming service and game pass.
"cope" should be filtered to "action needed by xcucks"
you win this round fuckboi... I think?
I use mine for Gamepass every other month when they offer it for 1$.
Boximus, if you lose, then you and the Xbots will have to drop out of the console race forever!
i bet you typed that and thought "yeah i really burned them this time"
Cope should be word filtered to "I'm from reddit"
Aww, he ain't gonna lose, Chip. He's gonna beat the SHIT out of Movietron.
i bet you typed that and thought "oh god, i can't cope t-take this!!!!"
t. too low IQ to appreciate the subtlety of these arguments.
How does Microsoft expect to win next gen when they barely invested in this one?
Hey Boximus, you know what you need to bring to the fight today?
seething have sex u mad ur mom gay
>tfw xcucks can't cope
they pulled a sega and are solely focusing on software
t. resetera tranny
I bet he didn't
>tfw so(n)yggers can't cope
A new exclusive!
>thinking the average playstation owner even knows that exclusives like bloodborne even exist
95m sales later and they can only move around 3m bloodborne sales. Keep in mind bloodborne is mentioned in literally every exclusive thread that's made across every gaming forum and yet it's still sold like garbage. The actual reality of console gaming and what people spout in this echo chamber as colossally different.
this is trolling now?
used to be heated flame wars, now it's one or two words and boom trel'd
and still hardware?
>so delusional he can't accept reality or cope
oh dear...
>A friend of mine left his PS4 over at my house while he does some renovation work on his house.
>has all the big exclusives
I still haven't touched it at all, it's just sitting next to my computer and I just haven't bothered playing it. Sort of feels good because I was actually thinking about buying one for a few games, but it would have been a waste of money
>sony launches a service
>get even more money
>"Sony lost!"
maybe the nintendo games should be removed from the list by this logic, since they don't get any money from their pc players
Haha, I don't need any new exclusives.
Except they didn't, and plan on revealing another console, not even two years after Xbox One X.
They invested over a billion dollars in new studios alone to make new xbox games. The cost of all the games those studios are making (like 20+ games) is probably significantly more than the money they paid for the studios combined. Halo has a budget in the hundreds of millions alone.
Gears of War multiplayer still looks okay. Not much else.
Seething xcuck spotted.
But I have an xbox
microsoft is richer than sega and sony compined. yes they will still make consoles but don't expect to much.
>buying an Xbox One after this announcement
You deserve it.
It's 400 euro here.
Can everyone stop bullying the Sony guy thanks it's not nice
Xbox isn't a better platform.
>anime poster
Opinion invalidated.
lmao look at the gyno on this onions faggot
>what is a pc
I know you don't want to admit it, but it's true.
Look at s.oyboy even 6 cant help him
Better is subjective. If you're getting mad about it then you need to get out more because you're not normal.
No fucking idea.
I only have xbox this gen and since I don't want windows on my pc, I didn't mind the lack of exclusives
but the way microsoft is playing it, I reckon next gen consoles will flop harder than xbox one. The only reason to buy an xbox one is if you already had one and upgrading to X, or your friends play there. For the next gen though, there is literally no reason to go with xbox. Third party support for japanese games was already shit for xbox but I doubt even western game makers will bother with xbox next gen
nextbox will bomb and microsoft will use it as an excuse to pull from hardware market. mark my words
>NGE poster
Don’t even need to look at your games I already know your taste is beyond shit faggot
The time for battle approaches. I, Boximus Prime, leader of the Xbots, keeper of Xbox One X 4k gaming, will now go and take Movietron's Playstation Move controller, and shove it right up his ass. And his arm will still be attached to it.
see >>COPE
>is a corporate shill
Not until you've disavowed Phil.
lmao xcuck get dabbed on
Why disavow the savior of XBOX? He brought it to PC, they're no longer peasants.
lmao so(n)ygger get dabbed on
All this shit slinging happening, meanwhile this guy is creating pure, unadulterated, kino.
>all these pajeets defending xbrick
Xbox one was a "flop" but has sold between 40 and 50 million consoles in total according to market analysts and if you're seriously retarded enough to think western devs won't put games on a platform with 50m users then you should just end yourself right now. I haven't studied economics in nearly 4 years now and my knowledge is a bit iffy but your market knowledge is literally subhuman IQ tier.
>all these shitskins defending shitstation
$0.01 has been added to your account
Boximus Prime's gonna kick your ass Movietron!
see >>COPE
>reading comprehension
Stay mad movie watchers
Tell that to japan
Need anymore proof that Pajeetsoft bankrolls Microshills to invade Yea Forums and /g/?
i hate to be that guy but most normies arent buying gaming pcs. if they even have a pc its a laptop for school that can play shit like counter strike
I still remember this picture. Crazy how accurate it is looking back.
I'd rather play Nogamesbox One over Pozzedstation 4 any day of the week.
everyone already knows. just sit back and laugh and the loo-people
I'm going to beat the shit out of Boximus Prime, and then I'll do the same to you Bumblebox.
The only "flop" this console generation was the Wii U.
see >>COPE
Acceptance should just be parroting MUH SALES MUH SALES MUH SALES MUH SALES over and over and over again.
>coping with the cope
for some reason this is giving me the pc vs mac ad nostalgia
You're yesterday's model, ready for the scrapheap.
see >>COPE
>no reason to own xbox (subjective)
>paints his subjective opinion as an objective one and pretends these corporations care about his console war and will pull games from xbox
Give me one objective reason why western devs will completely abandon xbox in a years time from now when xbox two releases? Even Japanese games are coming out more and more on xbox now like sekiro and kh3 despite the console not selling well there so your logic is flawed.
I feel like complete windows cross compatibility can literally only be a good thing for microsoft. The point of consoles is to serve as a stopgap for average joe low-tier income consumers so they don't have to wrangle with things like upgrades and component installation to get a reasonably priced decent PC, so it's not like people that want to play microsoft games are just going to stop buying xbones altogether.
I didn't really have interest in buying an xbone for any of the titles they were offering though, and now I'm definitely going to be buying the halo ports as they come out. It's the best of both worlds.
Oh really? That's big talk coming from a console with no real exclusives.
x gonna give it to them
You know the xbox live account on PC is just like a steam account right? You sign up and they let you play their games online. Have you never played an xbox „exclusive“ on pc before? Microsoft can get away with alot, but not charging for online on pc.
Before Xbox one certain out almost everyone on Yea Forums hated the idea of games being exclusive to only one platform and now that Microsoft is trying to abolish it, Yea Forums flips back to contrarian mode and now actually DEFENDS Sony's kike practices and will now gladly eat it up like pathetic fanboys.
Fuck you
Name 1 good playstation exclusive that isnt shadow of the colossus and bloodborne, i'll wait
inb4 hack'nslash of war
>Give me one objective reason why western devs will completely abandon xbox
1. Xbox2 has no exclusives
2. PS5 has exclusives
3. people buy PS5
4. Xbox2 sells kh3
That was a deal made with square enix long before it was clear xbox one was going to flop
one odd game here and there doesn't signal strong japanese support. for ever jap game on xbox there are 10 more jap games on other platforms
see >>COPE
And none of these are objective reasons why devs will abandon xbox. Congrats on being exposed as a paid Sony shill.
i dont think they're paid. they're just that retarded for free.
uh oh
A Dark Souls clone? So lame.
Guys, come on now. In reality, all the true Xbros are happy no matter where their games end up, because when everyone plays, we all win.
>muh objective
Give me one objective reason why anyone would buy xbox2
Give me one objective reason why would any dev support a console with less than 10m units sold
If that's how you want to play, then take this Fagatron!
You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.
You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.
You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.
You are pure evil, worthless, lying, mentally diseased human waste.
Big surprise, swarms of mentally ill, deranged, evil microsoft shills in this article spreading lies, hatred, and FUD.
Big surprise, this thread is swarming with sick in the head, hateful, pure evil microsoft sacks of fanboy waste spreading LIES and HATE. You are deranged, mentally ill, and full of horrifying evil and hatred.
That's what microsoft shills are typically like. Dumb, delusional, constantly wrong, full of hatred, hypocritical, and mentally ill.
Once again another thread swarming with pure evil microsoft fanboy shills spreading LIES, FUD, and hate. It seems despite the mentally ill, constantly WRONG, evil microsoft shills spreading LIES, ignorance, and hatred, almost nobody wants an Xbox. Just another malicious, demented, constantly WRONG fanboy shill spreading COMPLETE LIES and hatred.
You can clearly see how microsoft fanboys lie and distort the truth to reinforce their delusions and fanboy hate. Or they're just dumb and ignorant.
Stop spreading fanboy lies, FUD, and hatred and get help.
Yea Forums
i used to be the biggest xbox fan. been there since the og. but now it seems like sony has become king with complete domination of the gaming market(nintendo does't really count anymore they kinda do their own thing) i can't keep defending Microsoft i'm going to PlayStation and pc for ever
Sony platforms aren't better than the xbone x. A PC, sure, but then you don't get all those backwards compatible games from the xhuge and 360.
So no, you consolewarring piece of shit.
take your meds
$0.01 has been deposited into your account
comrade pls comeback, are you really gonna disappoint our lady cortana?
While I appreciate what you're doing, Uncharted 4 isn't packing that much of a punch.
It's over Prime. You were good, but Movietron was better.
reminder that you're literally talking to paid sony shills in this thread
Keep regurgitating the same tired, speech from Phil. Real Xbox fans cannot stand this guy.
Oh shit..
>tfw Sony won 9th gen just because microsoft gave up
We did it bros.
literally bought one for use as a Blu Ray player in the living room on my 4K TV 'cause it was cheaper than other players. was gonna buy MCC collection but theres no point now lol
we lost a good soldier
>only a handful of games have actual 4K on the XboneX, everything else is
If you actually owned one maybe you would know what you’re talking about.
>best online
>when every other game is filled with Chinese bugmen script kiddies
>Give me one objective reason why anyone would buy xbox2
To play xbox games which aren't on any other console
>Give me one objective reason why would any dev support a console with less than 10m units sold
Which xbox console sold less than 10m?
Let this be a lesson to you. Don't FUCK with the Playstation-cons
Reminder that PC and Xbox will never get god of war, horizon zero Dawn, and spider man
>There are still morons parroting the $2000 PC meme.
>You can get a decent GPU for less than $200 now.
>Easily the most expensive piece of the PC
>Most budget builds capable of running modern games at 60fps clock in at under the $900 range, including a Monitor and peripherals.
You forgot paid mircosoft shills
Hahaha you console cucks always make me laugh. Are you all from 3rd world countries that you can't afford to buy all the consoles?
I use my Xbox one X for multiplats and gaming with online friends, my PS4 pro for exclusives, switch for on the go and PC for fps and strategy
Why would I want that garbage? I'll stick to playing good games on my PC.
Did you see that? That's twice he used my games and only once he used yours.
>To play xbox games which aren't on any other console
The 5 or 6 xbox games will be available through xcloud if anyone really wants them. or they can play it on pc if they want to play with no lag
>Which xbox console sold less than 10m?
Xbox2 will, since there is no reason to buy an xbox. Even fucking Wii U had 2 or 3 games for the die hard fans to buy the console for. but xbox2 won't even have that
So honest question is Sony just giving up or what? Everyone else has changed to accommodate the changing market and all other companies from Nintendo to Microsoft are heavily investing in future platforms and technologies yet Sony are just here cancelling events, saying they have no games and not even acknowledging next gen is literally a year away.
Playstation superior, Xcucks inferior.
you can tell he has no friends by the way he's completely disconnected from reality. don't reply to retards.
500$ Console > 900$ "competent" pc + 300$ monitor and peripherals
what the fuck
and to think some incel wasted time of his life to do that shit
PC will emulate it all someday.
10 mill is too low
it will most likely end up selling 30-40 million unless sony fucks up
>getting this triggered over a plastic box
>abandoning all logic to defend a corporation who doesn't even know you exist or even care
Is this how retarded console peasants are? Even a 2k PC is proportionally worth far more than the 500 dollar console. It is more than 4 times more powerful than the console.
Never change, user. Never change.
I appreciate your effort user
>what is psnow
anyway except for gow why would i ever want to play any of that trash?
But it really doesn't you delusional idiot. I'm still having fun for way less
this entire thread rinse and repeat
You know, with gamepass, xcloud, and new consoles coming, he didn't actually damage you all the bad. Have you considered a rematch, or something. I mean, are we really gonna have to leave the console race?
enjoy your huge input delay lol
Always the market, never the games. Why does Sony need to change when they're the industry leader? How come Xbox is still lagging behind, despite shifting to accommodate for the market?
$400 console with silky smooth 4k 60fps or $2000 PC that should do the same job in theory but in most cases it does not and it's obsolete after 18 months or less
PCs are more expensive than buying a similarly performing console because the PC market is completely lopsided because there's barely any competition. Nvidia holds a monopoly over graphics cards and owns something like 80% of the market and even the pro market so their prices become higher and higher every gen but they're still the only valid option because AMD is fucking garbage.
Only now after over 5 years have AMD actually become competitive with processors and prices are going down.
In the other markets like ram and shit, ssds and system ram sticks were extortionately priced for over a year last year when Samsung and the other companies price gouged the fuck out of ram and they're actually being taken to court about it.
Maybe you are right. I'm being too conservative. But it will definitely sell less than xbox one if things continue to go the way they are
>defend a corporation
read my posts again retard. I didn't defend any corporation. I am just bashing xbox for it's retardedness.
Xbox could be doing fine with all the newly acquired studios and game announcements, but non of it matters if there is no reason to buy the box itself
I regret buying xbox this gen. At the same time I won't be buying sony until they stop censoring games. fuck them
Maybe I'll just skip next gen after all. Or build a second pc dedicated for gaming
Someone who can't afford a 2000 dollar pc isn't going to afford a 4k TV
I'm afraid so. I figure that Xbox consoles will be phased out and we'll become a streaming service.
Chip stop fucking around with Windows 10
right, pajeet.
PS4 cannot play Red Dead 2 at 4K! And PC can't even play it, sad.
>consoleniggers talking about delay
feels good to reach over 20fps
I'm not just fucking around, look! I did some analysis and most PS4 exclusives are third person cinematic over the shoulder action movies with 8 hours of cutscenes.
rest in potatos xcucks
>says xbox could be fine with the new studios games
>says theres no reason to own one at the same time
I actually thought you were baiting at first but now I realize how clinically retarded you are. You literally have no friends and barely leave your house if you think there's no reason to own an xbox and I assume you're talking about the games being on PC. If games being on pc makes them irrelevant on console then why are all the best selling console games multiplats e.g. on ps4 pic related?
Get out some more.
Im sure the people in this thread supporting the xbone make fun of it in every other thread
Tired of winning yet, Xchads?
The truth right here
Then Playstation has no games
That’s probably what’s it going to be at this point. A low end but “affordable” PC for the non-PC users at this point(given that’s what current consoles act like now). I’m just wondering how it look now at this point
If it couldn't be used on pc, I bet you would've called it a shitty controller that you don't want anyway. I know how you mentally stunted autists operate
You're right Microhide. Xbots, because Playstation has no real games, we do not have to drop out of the console market. We shall stay.
All my friends either have PC or PS4 or Switches. People that enjoy video games don't get an xbox, white trash that wants to play Madden and watch netflix do.
it IS a shit controller, but it's also not exclusive to the xbone if you're autistic enough to think that it's a pro. sorry, retard.
man i really hope boximus win
Calling someone stupid without saying why is a lame move. It makes it seem as though you dont have an argument, or even a reason. You do have an argument or a reason, right user?
>he doesn't know why he's stupid
based retard with no arguments
Lmao this. It's always Xboners supporting garbage like Anthem and Fallout 76 while they let great games like DMC5 just slip by them (probably afraid of being called "weeb" or something). These are usually the same people complaining that gaming is dying and shit.
Literally every single person I have ever met in my life (so not just limiting it to friends) that owns a ps4 owns it because of fifa, call of duty or more recently fortnite. I don't know a single person who owns bloodborne (I.e. the apparent best ps4 game ever made) either.
I know loads of people who own xbox too a new guy just moved into my accommodation and has an xbox one.
>based retard who doesn't know why he's retarded
based retard still has no arguments
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right again
based retard still has no arguments and proves me right again
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
Holy shit this thread is fucking embarrassing.
lol cope
based retard still has no arguments and proves me right yet again
The Xbots think they've won the next generation, but little do they know that their doom approaches. When we release the PS5 with new Cinematic Masterpieces, the PCbros and Xbots will be vanquished forever! Censor their hentai games Chinkscream! MUAAHAHAHA!
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
based retard still has no arguments and proves me right again
So this is the playstation userbase....
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
based retard still has no arguments and proves me right yet again
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
coping with what moron? I'm starting to think you people don't even know what cope and seethe mean and you just use them because they make you "sound cool"
It's fun to bully the Sony "friends"
based retard still has no arguments and proves me right yet again
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
based retard still has no arguments and proves me right yet again
>seething sonyfag lying to himself
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
lol he got daaaabed on son
based retard still has no arguments and proves me right yet again
Hmmph, Movietron thinks he's the boss of me. Screw him and his Commiefornian LGBT representation. Ellie was my waifu until he made her a lesbian. One of these days, I, Chinkscream, will be the new leader of all gamers, and then we shall rise up!
Isn't posting nujack bannable?
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
based retard still has no arguments and proves me right yet again
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
based retard still has no arguments and proves me right yet again
He will be no match for my new invention, SOULJA WAVE
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
>snoyfags false flagging a false flag
based chads that realize xbox won the gen and that ps4 only have movie games with censored pussies and futas
>no u
Xbox isn't a literal box anymore. It's a platform spanning multiple devices. Next gen will kick this off, but the hardware is essentially going to be a branded prebuilt PC sold directly by MS and you'll play Xbox on your custom rigs, your phones, maybe even your Switch. MS is making this pivot soon. You'll have the console, but Xbox isn't a locked device anymore, it's a service first and foremost.
that was clearly a sonyshart larping to make xchads look bad. you have to be a literal retard to not see right through that.
Chinkscream, you fool. You could never hope to overthrow me. It's time for you to go to the privilege pit.
This fucking confirms it. I always knew Sony marketers operated here with all the "you will be buying spiderman/gow" threads last year.
based retard still has no arguments and proves me right yet again
coping seething sonyfag
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
based retard still has no arguments and proves me right yet again
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
based retard still has no arguments and proves me right yet again
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
Microsoft literally needs xbox hardware for their plan to work. All xcloud streaming games are just xbox's in an azure server farm. Xbox hardware will be here as long as xcloud is here and cloud gaming in general looks to be around for a long fucking time by the looks of it.
>n-n-no it wasnt one of us we dindu nuffin
Xbox is fine as a service. Microsoft wanting to be on everything is smart.
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
based retard still doesn't know why he's retarded and proves me right yet again
They want Xbox to be synonymous with gaming. The pitch is that your buddy asks if you want to play Xbox tonight and he plays Fortnite 2 on his Galaxy S11 and you play on the Xbox Whatever, and then your buddy plays on his Alienware laptop, and then another dude is playing on Switch and you're all signed into Xbox Live playing and logged into their network and infrastructure and buying the games on the Xbox store. It's an ecosystem, not a console. Xbox exclusive will soon mean whatever device is capable of running their services and the game itself. Dropping Windows 10 Store and will integrate Xbox as their one-stop shop for gaming on PC. Frontend will be identical to what is on the console. Look for this within 3 years.
based frogposter