Based Sonybros

Based Sonybros.
>inb4 homosexual nintentards

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A thread died for this

>discovered homosexuality

Unironically why do gays bother people so much?

Living rent free in Sonyfag's heads for a decade.

This is why sony NEEDS californication

Why the fuck are devs bothering to give their characters sexualities?

Clearly this can't have anything to do with Sodomite 76 being less viable than other dps in most situations.

>bringing up Nintendo for no reason
Obsessed much?

They've no personality, so nothing else to do.

It feels fundamentally unnatural to people who aren't gay.

>all of this stuff hinting at soldier and ana being a thing as well as pharah as his potential daughter
>"nah, lets just randomly make him gay for the sake of being inclusive and diverse"

blizzard needs to make up their fucking mind

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it's not the gays it's the politics

They confirmed a long time ago that her father was a Native Canadian. Like when they faced the backlash on the skins she had.

real niggas ain’t gay

>DPS characters aren't meta; viable DPS picks are map-dependent niche, do a lot of burst damage to overcome the massive AoE healing and damage mitigation from goats team comp, or abuse spacing to stay out of goats range and wear them down
>character that doesn't do a lot of burst damage, can't get past shields, and already wasn't picked often at all continues to go down in usage

forgot about that. must have been an easy retcon for blizzard

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someone post the ps4 pride parade

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They're always hypersexual and really egotistical, especially in today's world where putting them in their place is seen as mean and yucky :(

Yeah. Michael Chu is a hack writer and makes shit up on the spot. Then they to fix the holes later.

He's been buffed for a while.

Ironically it's not really gays, but people using them just to gain goodboy points.

Some of them are really fucking annoying, but you can also say the same about almost every living human.

I see them too often in real life. Last thing I want is to come home and see more of them in video games

>since it was dicovered his gay

this is what gay people believe

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Because they desperately had to make it absolutely clear that this game sells on the sole purpose of being fapbait.
Any retard who actually like that genre would still be playing tf2 if ow didn't have more characters to jerk off to later.

>They're always hypersexual and really egotistical
I've seen far more straight people who are like that than gay people, especially in college. But I guess it's okay for straight guys to be sluts and wanting sex constantly.

remember when overwatch was good for a few months?

They lack personality and never shut up about being gay and define their entire identity around their sexuality which is extremely inappropriate in most situations.

>Two career soldiers with a long history can't just get along really well without having hooked up at some point.

Why is this shit so common, why is the end result of every male and female relationship have to be fucking to you brainlets. Also hey stated eons ago that her dad is actually some native american (who only exists to try and deflect the criticism of Pharah having a NA skin)

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>immediately start seething
you sure proved him wrong

S76 was made gay to try and shield OW from the shitstorm that happened leading up to, and following, Blizzcon.

They’re weird and disgusting?

You've probably seen far more straight people in general. Per capita gays can be annoying as fuck.

Nintenchads just don't let that gay shit on their system in the first place.

They're disgusting

Not in my experience, and I've lived in a few gay hotspots.

Straight people do this just as often, it just does not stand out as much because its the status quo.

Degenerate pedophile hypersexuals.

Yeah we play babies games

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You people do know that one of the most popular and demanded ships in Overwatch is Soldier/Reaper, right?

This. I hate forced representation in media, pandering.

I didn't care until I was forced to care.

>why is the end result of every male and female relationship have to be fucking to you brainlets
Because that's how it works in reality you reddit-spacing faggot.

Who "forced you to care"? I still don't care. Is someone at your house beating you in the face every time you stop caring?


>you reddit-spacing faggot.
>crying about something that people have done for centuries because your mortal enemy website tends to do it
Speaking of manchildren.

>gays make their existence known
why the fuck is this allowed? We need to throw all these people down from rooftops.

Every time one of you faggots get called out you get so self-conscious you make your next post describing how you don't care about using reddit-spacing, without the reddit-spacing. Amusing.

>Spread disease, even intentionally
>Very often engage in scat fetishism
>Often target childeren and attempt to indoctrinate them
>Constantly remind everyone that they are homosexual
>Ruin popular culture by trying to inject themselves into everything
These are just some of the reasons

Did you scream and cry about "reddit spacing" when your teachers and fellow students wrote that way in school? Or whenever you see a book or magazine that uses it?

I see /pol/ has overflowed again.

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they are boring and dull just like you.

Because you are all bad people.
>YFW this stigma of gay hating goes away and we go back to throwing rocks at you

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Go back to resetera you absolute fucking shitter.

Never been there, sorry kiddo.

no they don't

and when some not-gay dudebro goes around bragging about how many bitches he has fucked, it's typically not socially accepted

Imagine being so fucking out of touch with reality and delusional that when completely normal people contributing to society who have families and work/study says that gays are obnoxious bad people and african american culture is being loud annoying criminal monkeys they immediately shield their tiny peasized brains by repeating "/pol/ trolls, russian bots, they're not real people".
Fuck off queer.

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OP on the right

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Find me straight guys wearing bright hats, shirts, or having tattoos espousing how straight they are. I just hate people broadcasting it so much. Go to Orlando and see how many of them wear "PRIDE" or "Ask me about my gay agenda" shirts. It's annoying. Straight people dont go around wearing "I like pussy" shirts and shit. Just keep your sex life private it isnt anybody's business and it doesnt make ya special

Why are you so insistent on this, are you in denial perhaps?

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Based on the gays (who unironically lost their position at my corp for being obnoxious) I've meet, their lives are so boring and empty, they don't know what to do with it, or have no hobbies besides stretching their buttholes with new phallic objects.
see you in 3 days

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Not even him but the reddit spacing meme is fuckin retarded. Unless they're doing it after every single sentence, it's not "reddit spacing." Its called a paragraph break and we used to do that all the fuckin time

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wearing bright clothing isn't espousing how gay someone is. Straight people absolutely do wear clothing with stupid sexual slogans on it.
My step brother constantly wears a shirt that says "I like boobies" with a little smiley face, as one example.

>actually reddit spacing is

this break.

It's a form of rebellion, to be visible and let people know, the kind of rebellion straights never have or will need. How fucking hard is that to understand? I agree that people tend to lean too much on their sexuality when creating an identity but it's fucking embarrassing when people pull the stupid "you don't see straight people do that" line

Get a load of this hypocrite.
>Everyone normal thinks Gays and chimps bad
>Y-you're in denial, surely everyone thinks like me, I can't let my bubble pop, I need to do something, I have to post smug anime girl she will protect me.

They are gay

>straight can be that and even more degenerated and still marry
You clearly don't get the point lmaoo

Get out of here Donald.

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Do you really have a problem with people expressing themselves?

>get called about mention Nintendo without anything to do with the thread
>"p-prove the point!!!!"
Uh, no. You prove the opposite.

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>shoehorn in SJW gender sexual politics
>people literally don't care.

Wow, its almost like sjws don't play games.


This. It's just kinda...weird. And uncomfortable. Sometimes.

I have a good friend who's gay and he doesn't really go on about it.

What is literally every rapper/pop singer ever?

What are you rebelling against? You get tons of media exposure in movies, TV, video games, books, you get the marriage rights you bitched about, you get parades and national holidays across several countries. For fucks sake, some black gay actor had to FAKE A HATE CRIME because theres so little of them. Gays aren't oppressed in the West no matter how much they wish they were and it's not "rebelling" against shit.

And he'd be a fuckin idiot for wearing it. I'm not saying it goes one way only. I'm equal opportunity on it. Nobody cares about who anyone sleeps with, gay or straight. It's just an excuse not to have a personality

>Yea Forums
>completely normal people contributing to society who have families and work/study


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>Based Sonyfaggots
>inb4 Nintenbros

Yeah cute whitewashed black women or that creature in the @playstation tweet further up, hard choice for you right? Faggot.

>smug anime girl she will protect me.
>smug anime girl
>anime girl

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>says the people bringing sjw gender politics into games every time someone even mentions gay people

Homosexuals do not bother me
Homosexuals who think their homosexuality is a personality trait bother me

T. Somebody who likes dicks

Gays are AIDS spreading child rapists.

Gay marriage got legalized in 2015. All this acceptance and representation is still very new, and gay people remember when it didn't exist. You're acting like no one was ever shitty to gay people, when they very much so were, even if they are less shitty recently.

>Find me straight guys wearing bright hats, shirts, or having tattoos espousing how straight they are.

literally every freshman in a fraternity on a college campus does this shit on a daily basis.


They ruin everything they touch.

>corrects himself

Because they already had an interesting, existing character who had a fanbase and tacked on his being gay for goodboy points. Same thing happened with Tracer. If you want gay, asexual or transsexual characters, have the balls to do them from the start like Kaine from Nier instead of just taking an existing character and saying 'oh he's gay now'

and obviously those shiptards don't actually use the product they're demanding representation in, as is normal

It's a sin.

They don't bother me if they're not forcing their shit agenda on me all the time. I literally just found out one of the guys I chill with is gay because I said some other guy was acting homo and he took offence to the labelling of homo because he thinks it's a word of slander. He's a chill guy and me and my other friends play switch and shit with him all the time but I don't know if I wanna hang out with people who get offended that easy desu.


What kind of dicks do you like?
Do you care what's attached to the dick or is it just superfluous?

And this is why I'll never touch anything that comes out of Sony ever again.

>take a manly character that everyone sees as naturally straight and some kind of batman punisher hybrid.
>Randomly decide one day when stocks are looking iffy that he's now gay because we said so

No one likes having some bullshit forced on them out of the blue and most people don't identify with being a homo.

Being purposely retarded doesn't help your position. It's extremely clear that he's saying it was never an issue for anyone who played videogames until developers and media in general started forcing it and then loudly proclaiming that everything should be this way and if you don't like it, you're the scum of the earth.

>corrects himself

I prefer feminine dicks when attached to milfs

It's more like the SJW ruin everything by trying to speak for people that they don't represent.

It is. Read any religious book. Don't tell me you're a fedora tipping reddit atheist

So you're saying people are so damn stupid that they think someone can't be both manly and gay?

Just because you're a total fucking loser doesn't mean everyone else is, no matter what your little memes say.

people like this

honestly there's nothing wrong with gay people, they act like normal people except they like people of the same gender big fucking whoop, its just these superfags making them all look bad by bringing attention to the fact they're gay.

But that's the point, sweetie. I'm not religious and neither are you. That's why that post is so embarrassing (for you).

I hate the media that promotes faggots more than gays themselves.

Because 99% of gay people won't shut up about being sooooo gay. We get it, fucking shut up. I don't even like talking about sex with my straight friends.

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>being this insecure about a fictional lump of pixels fictional backstory
Gamers am I right

Homosexuality is not forbidden in christianity. Then again christianity is the most cucked religion on earth so they just pick and choose whatever they feel and add it to the rulebook.

t. user with doctorate in japanese faggotry and a phd in recognizing and memorizing drawings on the internet.

That's a interesting preference I imagine that it's quite hard for you to find good material.

Go be gay somewhere else. No one likes you or your kind. The only people that even pity you are retards that have been protected all their lives so hard that they think being called gay is the worst thing you can do to someone.

Innate retardation. We're talking about people who play Overwatch here.


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More likely this is because he's hitscan and you can't aim for shit on consoles.

Nice to see them soft nerfing him though. Pretty funny they made the character explicitly designed to appeal to traditional shooters and dudebros, and Metzens highschool character project, into the gay dude

>it's a redditor tries to sweetiepost and fit in episode

>broken English

Seems legit.

>obssesed with being a soldier
huh they should have made reinhardt gay and make soldier76 and ana a couple.

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Didn't they also release like two characters since then?

so even though you have all the rights you need you still demand that people treat you with respect when you strap pink dildos to your forehead and kiss little boys on the lips

The less men chasing after pussy means women lose more power. I think we should all start sucking each others dicks today just to piss them off.

>because he's gay
nah he is and always has been a generic soldier character that happens to be gay
also his kit is doodoo pls delete this shit tier designed faggot and give us a better gay character

What's the proper way to include a gay guy then

whats the point of stating the sexuality of a fictional character?
its fucking pointless

uhmm... sorry sweetie, but it takes time to build up the courage needed to come out officially as gay in our society that has yet to fully rid itself of homophobia.

>Sucking male dick only gets better with age!
I don't mind that he, or anyone, is gay but this was a bit too much. It's just indecent.

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I could kinda buy Reinhardt being gay but I also love the idea of him being a romantic straightman.


This, and I have a good feeling that most posters here, outside of Yea Forums, feel the same way, but are so fed up of it that they use their user identity to vent about it.

I've personally always lived by do whatever the fuck you wanna do, as long as it isn't malicious, pandering to a community to me is explotative.

You think hating faggots is only for the religious?
China is the one of the least religious country on this planet and yet has one of the most anti-gay government in power.

It's disgusting to most people. It's normal to stay away from disgusting things.

I never forget a cute trap, it's my special talent.

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A fictional character in an online fps no less.

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cheap exposure for blizz.

Is this a problem?
Isn't one of liberals big fights the inclusion of different characters and genders for people who don't like to play as a straight or white male?
If someone refusing to not want to play as a straight character cause the player is gay is a valid complain, then not wanting to play as a gay character if you are straight is just as valid.

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And just because you hate fags and niggers doesn't mean everyone else in a vaguely similar situation to yours does.

Why is it gross
It's pretty cute to me :3

If you are older than 25 and still browse this website, then yes, you are a looser

>Sucking male dick
You people are so obsessed with futas you need to make sure that people know you're talking about a man when you mention cock.

If you spend a enough time with someone you'll develop feelings for them, just like Stockholm Syndrome. It's perfectly normal human behavior for a males and females to develop feelings out of nowhere and fuck. We're slaves to infatuation and act on impulse. It's just what we are.

fags and trannies are disgusting mentally ill freaks

Imagine this starts happening to actual Blizzard employees.

If mods were smart, threads like this would get deleted and the person who posted it would be banned. Permanently.

Stay away from me I don't want aids

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Doesn’t McCree have 4 or 5 canonical ages ranging from 15 to 250 or something

Gays aren't really more sexual. The difference is the presence of women. Men have higher libidos overall. Lesbians statistically have the least sex, straight couples are more sexually active. So if you put two males together of course they will be most sexually active.

It's kinda hard to avoid if you want to make a backstory to characters and how they relate to each other.

Yes, yes. I know where we are and that this is kinda unfamiliar to us, but to most people who they mate with is kind of a big part of their lives.


But I don't have aids


Next time janitor applications are open i'm applying since I spend all day and night here and cleaning up Yea Forums.

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>they act like normal people
So you never meet gay people before?


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Men and women can't be friends, and women can't be soldiers.

like this

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Without marketing.

This, but unironically. I beat it to lesbian porn all the time. Gays bother me none. Its the flamboyant feminine acting degenerate slutty fruits that I hate to see and it has literally nothing to do with them sucking a cock. My problem is with how they act.

>Unironically why do gays bother people so much?
For me, it's not even that they are gay.
It's that they are so forward about it and make it the entire topic of discussions.

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Oh yeah, you're special alright.


You know, i'd be fine with gays if they didn't mention how much they want cock in them at any given point.

I feel like being gay is an excuse for them to publicly talk about fucking and getting away with it.

They're annoying, disgusting, spread diseases, molest children. And you have to like them or you're evil.