So, will MGS V ever come to the switch?

So, will MGS V ever come to the switch?

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ground zeroes barely ran properly on 360 and ps3, what makes you think phantom pain can run on switch?

nope sorry but the Switch couldn’t handle it maybe you’ll get a MGS1 port someday though

The Switch is more powerful than the PS3/360.

MGSV was first released for ps3/x360 so why the fuck couldn't it be run on the switch? The switch is WAY, WAY more powerful than the ps3/x360.

calm down autist, it's not that much more powerful

why would you even want it to?

I mean, aside from the fact I played it for 300 hours, it was a huge let down

why does the switch only have nothing but wii u ports then? I bet my iPad has more juice than it


it's a bit more powerful
It only has WAY more ram but gpu/cpu are pretty much last gen tier

Why would you want the worst game is the series?

If a wii u can handle assassins creed 4 despite being literally an overclocked gamecube, I think the overclocked 360 specs of switch can handle MGS V, which has worse texture and geometry detail than AC4, juuuusst fine

Both run at a locked 30fps ya Muppet

Wasn't the game roughly 2 years old the time the switch released? Why bother.

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keep saying it user, maybe someone will believe you one day

nothing warms my heart more than manchildren defending their $300 tetris and zelda machine

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name a switch game that looks better than tlou or halo 4, you fucking cant. why do you think rockstar hasnt ported gta 5 yet? because the switch cant fucking run it

What kind of weird fucking choice is that for a game? There are way better games from way better companies that are more worth getting on Switch than MGS V. Who on earth would even buy this?

That's entirely up to Konami

Technically they can port MGS4 too since Sony don't own IP anymore

Fuck you port faggots. Demand original titles, you fucking pieces of shit. The Switch drought is all because you shitheads keep gobbling up the ports like cuks.

Just ask them if they'd be able to play Dwarf Fortress on it.
Immediately shuts them down.

clip related is the Switch's game library

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Imagine mentioning halo 4 as an example of a game with good graphics on a console that ran GTA V


I want to fuck Big Boss.

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More like shitch


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leaked screenshot

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What is this called? I could actually use another game on the switch, all I have is smash and odyssey

Does anyone want it on the Switch?

That looks awesome what is it :v

>when will [game] come to the Switch?!

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so you can play it in your cuckshed with no electricity

Man, you need some new material Eric. These days you're just so transparent.

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replace ports with definitive editions and then it's correct

I don't think it's such a weird choice. V has the same king of mission structure as peace walker, and that was great as a portable game. The Fox engine is fairly scalable, so porting wouldn't be too hard. The metal gear name sells well, and there's probably loads of nintendo-only babies coming fresh off smash bros who'd want to see more of Snake. I think it would at the very least be a moderate success by port standard.
But that's probably why Konami will never do it. Not worth wasting time and effort for a "moderate success by port standard".

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here's your switch port bro

Do you people actually fucking like video games or do you just come here to shitpost and make fun of people that use different platforms than you do

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>optimization isn’t a thing

Why on earth, would they show IN THE TRAILER, the side by side comparison...? from fucking actual graphics, to the worst, worst version? What the fuck? Why wouldn't they just show the pocket edition, don't show us what IT COULD look like lmao.

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Mario Odyssey looks better than Halo 4

Can't even run a corridor shooter like doom at 60fps. Not to mention the obvious shitty texture downgrade.

Switch is more powerful than those consoles.

>when you just say words, and hope people believe it

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People who have not yet had the displeasure of playing it.

Reminder this port was outsourced to chinks so thats why its ass

I'd rather take Peace Walker on Switch


I was hoping so, but I don't think it will happen at this point. Would have been cool with Wii u to use gamepad as iDroid but oh well.

>Halo 4
Thats a stupid example because I very vividly remember people saying Halo 4 looked like a total downgrade to Reach outside of cutscenes, texture quality was a fucking joke and seeing it in 4K really exemplifies that. Also its resolution, like all other 360 halo games before it, wasn't even a native 720p (its around 640), which means its very easy to compare it to NuDoom on the switch.... only for NuDoom to win due to superior lighting/asset/texture/post-processing quality.

user, even some CoD or whatever games released at X360's lifetime looked better and were better examples. Switch could easily handle a game like Halo 4, you seem to mistake realistic graphics for good graphics - it might be a shock for you to think a PS3 or X360 could be unable to run a game like the new Yoshi, since you probably think it'd kiddie shit, and yet that's how it is.

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"optimization" isn't some magic wand you can wave to make every game run smoothly on the switch.

look at the seething nintendorks

That is literally what optimization is

Why would you want to buy the most boring Metal Gear again?

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I don't like Halo 4, but 4 is an absolute technical marvel on the 360 and there is absolutely nothing on Switch that comes even remotely close.

The reality is the Switch *isn't* as powerful as a 360, or even a PS3.

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Ground Zeroes definitely had some flaws on the PS3. (although I don't know how much better it ran on the PS4, as I don't own one).
There were random glitches like sleeping enemies disappearing from the map, and re-appearing when you walk away. Enemies far away not spawning unless you're close enough, meaning you can't effectively snipe them. And other flaws.

But The Phantom Pain ran oddly smooth on the PS3. There weren't any major glitches or flaws.

So why shouldn't it run on the Nintendo Switch?

I'd rather have AC!D 3 honestly, i played MGSV to death on PC already, frankly im sick of ports and want NEW games.

>Can't even run a corridor shooter like doom at 60fps
Is being this retarded a common thing in your family tree?

>MGS1 plays in the US
>MGS2 plays in the US
>MGS3 plays in Russia
>MGS4 plays in the Middle East, Europe and South America
>Peace Walker plays in Central America
>Ground Zeroes plays in Central America
>The Phantom Pain plays in the Middle East and Africa

What did Kojima mean when he made the best MGS play in Russia, and the worst MGS play in the Americas?

Is he a Russia-boo?