How hyped are you lads for Sekiro?

How hyped are you lads for Sekiro?

Attached: Sekirogiantserpent.webm (640x360, 2.53M)

Other urls found in this thread:

No thanks

More like amazed anyone could be hyped for this game. It has looked like trash from the moment it was shown.

>Bloodborne:Anime edition

No thanks

very few animes place in feudal japan because it's not popular enough setting for the masses that consume anime

you baka gaijin double reddit spacing bastard

I am not a normiefag and I am special, so no

>very few animes place in feudal japan because it's not popular enough setting
Did you just start watching anime yesterday?

Wow very cinematic, but is there a video game in there?

No multiplayer. Pass.

name fifty

This is a movie game

I am.
Getting it day 1 and theres nothing you keks can do about it.

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I am more attracted by Nioh than this, but would play it tho

Very hyped, planning out the weekend, what beer would go best with a game like Sekiro?

Not really. I'll get it and hopefully enjoy it, but I've been less and less interested with From games with each iteration of Souls, and I've been playing their games since Armored Core 1 in the 90's. Maybe I'm just getting too old but it feels like each game has been ramping up the difficulty to the point where it's getting less fun, and it's irritating difficulty and not the fun/fair kind. Didn't even bother finishing DaS3. It wasn't even fun despite the dumbass and poorly thought mechanics that they added/changed to try and make it even tougher.

Not very. I'm keeping an eye on it, but I'll probably end up getting it when it's price drops. Hooray it's good for y'all who are hyped though

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Pretty hyped, but I'm also not a dipshit trying as hard as possible to make it or compare it to a souls game.

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Remember not to buy this if you're still mad at Activision for the layoffs :)

Very hyped. Day one buy probably

Why would anyone be mad at Activision for that? Scaling down on unnecessary expenses during times of growth is what every business does.

wtf why does everyone on Yea Forums hate Sekiro now


>hire new people
>fire them two weeks later
It's irresponsible of them and only magnifies the issue of western corporations which operate only a very limited and short term basis instead of having actual long term plans.

Because the closer we get to release, more and more people realize that a short, no pvp game, with none of the mechanics that made the developers previous games so popular, is much more of a risk than initially expected from a Miyazaki game.

>Its okay when Japan does epic cinematic finishers

not hyped at all. it doesn't look bad in any way but i just have no interest in this type of game right now

Souls games have always had these, they're called parries and ripostes.

Looking forward to becoming a Sengoku jidai parry god, so yes.

seething snoyniggers

salty nitendrones

Boxing cat

It's just souls babies crying like usual because not every game is Dark Souls

wow,what a cool script

>fire them two weeks later
[citation needed]

Sounds like before Bloodborne came out and people were mad it wasn't Dark Souls 3, except this time people are mad it's not Bloodborne 2

Yeah thats bullshit. If it was more souls like everyone would be bitching that From cant do anything else and that its too derivative, etc. And how do you know its short? Do you have the game? Fave it, you just want to hate it and shit post, nothing more. Now heres a (You), now dont go spending it all in one place, you hear?

Devil May Cry is a movie game
Xenoblade is a movie game
Last of us is a movie game
This isn’t.

>no pvp game
This is probably the biggest incline for me.

>Devil May Cry is a movie gam-

Attached: Devil May Cry 3 - Fallen jump cancels.webm (640x480, 2.76M)


Same thing happened with BB until it came out. Same thing will happen with Sekiro, all the haters will be ashamed of their words and deeds.

So basically because it's not Dark Souls 4?

>can't even get above D rank

Attached: 1530185203680.png (646x595, 280K)

Just not sure if I should be excited for this game.
I'm burned out of From Software's formula.
DeS/DaS/DaSIII/BB all play exactly the same.
I know Sekiro isn't a """""souls"""" game, but it looks, sounds, and plays like one. No character customization in regard to playstyles is a bummer too

I'll wait for a GOTY Edition sell with all the dlc. But definitely not at launch

Soulsfags should be gassed

Pretty hyped OP.
This will be the assassins creed I've always wanted.

Would this have gotten less shit if it was actual Tenchu?

Didn't sony pull off the thing in which they announce a game as it was an exclusive on their E3 conference, only it actually isn't, again with this game? That would explain plenty of the salt.

I mean a similar thing happened with kh3, ffxv and mgsv, there were people not knowing that kh3 wasn't an exclusive literal months after the announcement



Phantom Wail is already confirmed as From's final game for Sony's contract.

>giving (you)s to Sekiro-tards

Attached: too_easy.webm (1178x332, 2.85M)

Literally, LITERALLY all big companies do this. When you open a new restaurant you mass hire a bunch of goons and then as business slows you lay off th e unimportant ones.

>DeS/DaS/DaSIII/BB all play exactly the same.

BB plays worse

Seriously, the game needed a parry system fix it never got, it's retarded

soulsfags throwing a tantrum

>This isn’t.
>literally press square to win

None of the enemies really need parry. BB is all about unga-ing the r1 button.

Nice bait.

Attached: Sekiro - Stealth takedown.webm (900x506, 2.92M)

i can't fucking wait!

Yes I know, but that's kinda besides the point.

Isn't sekiro the game that went with the flute playing guy? I really don't want to see that conference again to verify

>Play DMC 5
>10 minute cutscene
>10 minutes gameplay
>another cutscene
>mission end
>10 minute gameplay
>mission end
Prove this isn’t true

Why do you think it needed a fix? Seemed fine to me

>Fastest game with best weapons, by far the best move sets, the best enemies, mid-string stance swap, and best casting system plays the worse.



Because they're all pvp niggers

Removing online is good now maps can be more vertical and not balanced around fucking dumb pvp niggers.

>plays the same as DaS
Gonna assume you either never played DaS or BB because no one can be this retarded

just skip the cutscenes then

Not him, but the parry timings in the Souls games is way too lenient and there isn't a built in mechanism to stop the player from parry spamming bosses to death. It's a really unbalanced mechanic.

DaS1 is the most Unga retard by far tho

but it's not exclusive?

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That's not what movie game means. A movie game is something like Yakuza.

Every time I see a shill thread for a game I become less hype.
I'm at about -250 for Sekiro.

Dodge enemy, and mash r1 after

There are two I can think of off the top of my head:
Plenty of attacks can't be parried.
I'm BB there are bullets.

that has combat
A true movie game is something like Until Dawn or Detroit Become Human

Look at how quick reddit and discord trannies showed up to shit on the game. Do you guys deploy scouts or something to watch out for when threads are made?

Why are you guys hyped for Souls: We took out everything that makes Souls unique edition?

This. They're identical to DMC

I get the feeling the game is going to be extremely short. Like, 5 hour long game.

Then why the fuck are people calling Sekiro a movie game?

You tell those shills! Don't let anyone try to appeal to you, always do the exact opposite!
I bet you get mad at movies for playing sad music during sad scenes because you think it's "emotionally manipulative"

>dodges demon
>mashes lock-on
? ? ? ?

It's not a Souls game.

because they're memeing (I hope)

Actually, there was too many steps. You literally just mash light attack in DMC.

>press button to jump on a tree
>press button to stealth takedown

nice gameplay

Attached: 1552224088307.jpg (750x743, 96K)

Not as hyped as DMC5 but still pretty hyped

sonyfags can't handle a real game it will also run like a slideshow

Because not only projectile-based parries are a silly idea, they are also executed poorly, being able to miss a parry because of the movement of the enemy when it isn't even you who is aiming it is silly, as is that you can parry an attack that has already hit you.

Besides that, what this guy said
Sprinkled with what this guy said
The parry and rally systems are simply not well implemented into the mechanics of the game and they push the design towards boring directions.

It's also the game with the least variety in weapons, enemies and builds, which is what makes the series good.

If I wanted those things you talk about I'd play bayonetta or dmc, which I do, and if you compare the games based on those things then bloodborne is an awful game since it doesn't even do any of that properly.

It is. The best and most memorable scenes in movies that tried to convey some kind of sad or desperate emotion were always dead silent, because the acting and cinematography was enough to carry the scene.

What made Souls unique? Shitty tacked-on stats and garbage PvP? Now tons of games have shitty invasion mechanics.

You know, saying this is Souls cause you have a Z target system and you can dodge and block attacks while locked, isn't something exclusive to Souls.
It was actually introduced in Ocarina of Time and used by many other games.

Saying this is souls because you have backtracking, shortcuts and checkpoints is just as dumb cause it feels like you are describing a metroidvania.
Sekiro having those features doesn't mean it is going to be another Souls game you douches

>press button to attack
>press button to move
>press button to interact

games are not real

>light attack
nigga, this aint musou

>It's also the game with the least variety in weapons
I think you meant most. Having 5 variants of a weapon with the same move set is not actual variety. Every single weapon in Bloodborne is 100% unique.

>It's also the game with the least variety in weapons, enemies and builds, which is what makes the series good.

If anything it will be the same or possibly longer. They didn't have to spend time balancing around 100 different weapons and armor. Didn't have to balance around magic builds. No balancing online.
All effort has went into world building. Each area looks to be pretty big too from what we've seen so even if there's fewer areas overall there will be much more to explore.
This isn't linera straight line DMC cashgrab game. It's a passion project for Miyazaki. They wanted to make this game, unlike the Souls sequels.

what do you plan to control your character with?
by biting into an apple?

would buy if not for this.
good thing there's no multiplayer so i can pirate

Yeah it is. See mgr bayo and godhand

Say it with me, Yea Forums: G O T Y.

Attached: 1552542080601.webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

>It's also the game with the least variety in weapons, enemies and builds, which is what makes the series good.
Every weapon and build in the old games is Unga bash r1 and pew and actively punishes you for anything else. BB doesn't actively punish you for using variety and encourages it even.
DMC/Bayo have shit enemies, bosses, and exploration. The gameplay is literally being locked in rooms with piñatas, which isn't what Souls combat is about.

I would argue that the saw and saw spear are a bit too similar, an argument could be made for Ludwigs and Kirk hammer untransformed sword attacks.

>10 minute cutscene
Why make easily seen trough lies?

>God Hand
>Cinematic finishers

Attached: 1509551930994.jpg (645x729, 26K)

What? Is this some play on words I don't understand? I swear, this site has the shittiest insults.

what did you fucking say?

Attached: zuma.jpg (590x590, 47K)

Ok, I clapped.

The game has nothing that gave previous Miyazaki games longevity, and it's pitiful gamesize relative to other games in its genre indicate at most a 10 hour single player experience with no PVP to give further life to that. The Souls games on their own are pretty mediocre without the PVP alongside them, so this looks to be just that.

>it's another giant enemy boss that's more of a setpiece than an actual battle

I don't know why Japanese vidya devs are so obsessed with this. They clearly know better, since they design some of the best humanoid bosses ever. So why not work to their strengths?

Why make these shitty giant boss fights? Monster Hunter had Zorah Magdaros. Devil May Cry had Gilgamesh. Now Sekiro has this white snake. Souls had a number of these shitty bosses, like Dragon God and Ancient Wyvern.


It's Musou with a higher skill cap tbqhwyf

I haven't watched any promotional material so I'm not sure what to expect.

This is going to be a 40 hour game, at minimum.

So cinematic.

>Press O to atata punch duel final boss

So Bloodborne: Bloodborne edition?

BB had basically no PvP and PvE, and it's considered the best game based on merits of having the best gameplay.

>he fell for the 12.5 gb meme

You can mash attack in DMC and win as well. What's your point?

Thats a ton of assumptions. And PvP was not why souls games were good.

Believe in From.

Maybe if you're incredibly shit at action games, but considering the average Dark Souls player thought any of those games were remotely difficult that isn't too surprising
>BB had no PVP
Opinion discarded.
I wish, the game is actually smaller than that.

It will be far better than Bloodborne, but worse than Dark Souls 3.

It’s just an insult de jour
Same as incel
It used to be cuck and I’m thankful the board moved on from that insult as most had no clue what it meant and couldn’t use it properly.

Because instead of giving fans what they want (dark souls 4, demon souls 2, new ip that plays exactly like those games) they gave us shit we didnt want. No fun invations, no custom classes, no fashion souls, no weapons, no fucking anything that makes soulsbourne what it is.

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Same, that's the best way to do it.

Very fucking excited.

Attached: IMG_0541.jpg (632x548, 24K)

things I don't like
>one weapon
>no PVP, I think the new system is great for it
>no customization
>all the cinematic bullshit, especially the press R1 to cool stealth kills, looks like Arkham City
>grappling COULD have been cool except there are limited grapple points.
>bosses and enemies so far don't look or behave in an interesting way, I've seen so much bloodborne/souls asset+animation reuse its almost criminal

things I like
>dragonrot, might be cool if it doesn't take a thousand deaths to make a difference
>the discount devil breaker shit
>the new poise damage system

Overall I'm gonna pirate it to try it. Might buy on sale in a year or so.

The PvP was dead af from basically release

have we seen anyone fight the snake? could just be something that effects the environment

1. Those aren't finishers.
2. It's disadvantageous to be in that situation and should be avoided because you do less damage and can't crowd control the enemy.

How can a game be better than a masterpiece but worse than a dumb downed cash grab because pc cucks?

this is bait


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Speak for yourself. I dont want another souls game. I mean they fucking made 5 in a row. I'm ready for something new.

A lot of people don't seem to understand that souls games have longevity that is artificially extended by the player dying. This will be no different, especially since you shitters can't call friends to carry you.
Dark souls is a 10-12 hour game.

>looks like Arkham City
You say that like it's a bad thing.

Attached: Batman Arkham Combat.webm (960x540, 2.86M)

>Dark souls is a 10-12 hour game.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-14 at 11.01.47 AM.png (1152x310, 417K)

>resetera trannys invading Yea Forums


>massquoting fromshillware

Now post no death runs.

>You can mash attack in DMC and win

No, you literally can't

>another souls-like game
>We haven't had a new Armored Core since 2013
If they're not going to have PvP then the single player will need to be that much better than the Souls games. Haven't seen anything that really stands out to me though.

>Soulsnigger trying to turn From into a one game studio
Go buy Ubisoft games if you want to play the same game every year.

>opinions i disagree with are trannies.

Leading up to sekiros reveal, Yea Forums was very vocal that they did not want another souls game.

All I said was "no thanks" I'm not interested in the game why are you so mad?

Not indicative of someone's first playthrough.

>invader niggers SEETHING
better luck next year
have fun with your gorrillionth meme build, DaS3 zoomers

It is. AC is pretty competent for a western action game, but its still leagues below any Japanese action game. Batman literally snaps to his enemy for example. You can mash buttons and not even have to worry about engaging a specific enemy, the game will just play itself. Mind you, Sekiro doesn't have that issue, but the cinematic kills are still pretty lame. I hope they either require a lot of skill to set up (difficult stealth) or can be countered by enemies to punish you.


>another souls-like game
It's not a Souls game.

Yet you are still in this thread. This shows you have some level of obsession.

>no customization
There are skill trees and skill arts that you can learn and bind a limited amount of which gives you character builds.

>clawing like a nigger
>instead of using a keyboard
dmc players are beyond saving

>one weapon
It's only a bad thing if the one weapon has only as many moves as a Souls weapon. If it had as many moves as a Devil May Cry weapon, then one weapon would be fine. Nero in DMC5 has only one weapon, yet it never feels like he's limited in his options. Don't forget that The Wolf also has tons of ninja gear, in addition to tons of new moves he gets by upgrading his skill tree.

>grappling COULD have been cool except there are limited grapple points.
That's the way it is in any game with grappling hooks like that. You can't possibly expect everything to be grapple-able. Otherwise, it may entirely be possible for players to fucking sequence break the entire game and just get to the final boss in 5 minutes by using grappling hook tricks.

>bosses and enemies so far don't look or behave in an interesting way
This is the only area of concern I agree with you. In some cases, the enemies are kind of dumb and easy to cheese. A couple of months ago, I saw someone cheesing an archer by hitting it with throwable shurikens/knives and the archer didn't even try to dodge. The AI overall doesn't seem that much smarter than a Souls game.

I wish there were amputations and decapitations, but the combat looks a lot more fun than Nioh to me. It seems like the next step in the evolution of Bloodborne's combat. They don't want you leaving close quarters combat, should be really fast paced.


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>Playing dumb
Back you go.

Attached: ResetEra invades 4chan.png (1713x989, 197K)

Someone won't take less than 20 hours with sekiro on a first run either. Guess we're even.

They're definitely holding their cards on enemy encounters and enemy types. I don't know how they can play it so close to the chest, but they do.

>if you don't like our game you're a tranny from some other site

This but unironically.

9/10 hyped. Setting ain’t what i wanted, but still

I just watched a video that says there's a ton of prosthetics some of which are axes and spears so no there isnt just 1 weapon. Also each prosthetic has about its own skill tree with about 20 upgrades you can unlock. Also you can use 2 prosthetics at a time. People need to do their research.

Holy shit soulfags are seething so hard I love it.

>all that sliding around
>Batman literally slides back ten feet to elbow someone behind him

Attached: ghosts batman gameplay.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

Why would a granny care if sekiro is like souls or not? I mean i feel like they would bitch that you have to be a male and they cant larp as the pretty female they think they are.

It's funny cause they're the ones mad that they can't dressup all cute and pretty. They're the trannies if anything.


>no pvp

Attached: sekiro FTW.jpg (900x586, 103K)

Spoken like a defensive resetranny

Attached: 1468354821591.gif (360x246, 570K)

Seriously. This game has potential. They would still bitch and moan if it was another souls game.


Based. Fuck pvp cucks.

Based as fuck.

>you have some level of obsession.
If you want to look at it that way go ahead, but your response seems like an over reaction, kind of sad tbqh

And you still here replying to (You)s
You are not interested. Just let it go man.

Super hyped but i just wanna know it's good before i buy it

I'm stoked. Day one pirate for me.

PvP babies ruined Souls.

Do people unironically play Souls for the PvP, though?

Attached: Dark Souls PvP.webm (768x432, 3M)

i hate jap history ,aesthetics and anything related to it so not much

Why are you so mad tho? It's just a game silly.

From haven't released a bad game in the past 10 years.

>input 10 button combination to jump on a tree
>input 15 button combination to stealth takedown

Did Yuka Kitamura compose the score for Sekiro?

No they haven't but i won't buy their mediocrities for full price.

Exhibit A: Dark Souls 2 & 3

>dark souls 2

>Dark Souls 2 was complete shi-

Attached: Dark Souls 2 Acrobatics.webm (746x441, 2.73M)

Yes. She even does an interview for it where she talks about all the dynamic themes she had to do for combat encounters.

Awesome. I'm convinced this is going to be 10/10.

Why do people even like kitamura? Her stuff is extremely generic and the best souls songs weren't even written by her (firelock shrine, gwyn, Ludwig the Holy blade, Maria, gherman..)

yes you can

That webm only made me think how ugly DS2 is. Even Demon's Souls, a decade old game has something going for it, in terms of visuals.

About as much as I want to play Bloodborne 0/10

She did Maria's theme, though.

>t. PC so can't

Attached: 1449064761173.png (912x905, 1.23M)

so you are pretending

LEGIT complaint with the game incoming, IMPORTANT POST DO NOT IGNORE

in the old demo, you got emblems from killing enemies, and thus could continue to use your weapons. NOW, you get currency, which is IMO a huge mistake because it uses the emblem animation and looks stupid, but also forces you to visit idols to regain use of the tools

Holy shit, I've never actually watched DMC 2 gameplay. How the hell did they make a game you can just walk through and not notice?

It's the weakest of all of those, but it was distinct enough from the rest that I thought I should mention it.

>moving the goal post
Just fuck off already

>routed speed and challenge runs
nowhere near indicative of a blind playthrough

>4 years, still going strong
Your loss.

Attached: 1446315166567.jpg (395x324, 104K)

DMC2 isn't a DMC game, it's a third person shooter.

Attached: Devil May Cry 2 - Boss Fight.webm (632x474, 2.77M)

Then you shouldn't be using no death runs/speeedrun timing metric to judge sekiro play time either.

Git gud

what goalpost nigger? everyone dmcfag agrees that dmc2 is trash and can be completely skipped

Attached: 1442448269472.jpg (588x559, 63K)

>No outfits
>One weapon
>No leveling
>No Co op or pvp
>One playstyle
No effort:The game.

Attached: 1552309441521.gif (500x257, 556K)

WOW a stealth takedown? It's not like video games have been doing that since AC came out in fucking 2007

So...... this is the gameplay that's so much more superior to Souls.....

You chose the literal worst DMC game that was made by an outsourced company instead of the regular team. It's even worse than DmC:Devil May Cry.

She did Firelink too. I don't think you have your facts straight. Look at just her work on DaS3. It is outstanding.

And that's the final boss, too............

He's obviously talking about DaS1 Firelink, which BTFOs DaS3's theme.

Which one is the best? I'm not into the series drama, is it just like souls? I only played 1 and 2 on the ps2 back in the day.

Attached: 1544051969519s.jpg (224x250, 7K)

5 > 3 > 4 > 1 > DmC > 2

>is it just like souls?
No, not even close.

Holy fuck it looks so boring. Souls games are so fucking shit, and that hasn't changed just because they rereleased the same game slightly changed 5 times or whatever.

FromSoft has been slowly straying more and more from what made it unique. Its more recent games are more them attempting to emulate character action games, but doing it badly. They're also losing more and more mechanics for the sake of a more generic presentation.

Bloodborne was a fine game, but its reception also internally destroyed their creative process. They seem to have the wrong idea on how to develop their games now, and are really catering to a more brain dead audience.

This isn't a Souls game.


its gonna be cutscenes and QTEs brah

3, 4 and 5 are all great, 1 is good but the combat is not on the same level of the others

Idk but it means Sekiro will probably be 7/10 at least.
Yea Forums is always wrong

But user, that's not Ghost of Tsushima

'bout 3/10

will pirate and play but I expect Ninja Blade and Vanquish tier mediocrity

I like it. He's ignoring all the good songs she has done.

>hurr she got no snogs
You said she didn't compose Lady Maria, then shifted the goalposts. Go look at her body of work since you obviously don't know it.

It'll be an 8/10 at the very least, but I can easily see it going for a 9/10.

Stick to Fortnite, buddy.

Attached: Vanquish.webm (800x450, 2.89M)

Why would you even bother pirating a game that you expect will be a 3/10?
I don't understand piratefags.
>this looks like shit fuck this game
>b-b-but I'll pirate and play it anyway just for the luls hahaha
You hate can't stand that the game looks this good while simultaneously taking away your precious pvp and cute dresses.

I'm not ignoring it, read
I praised it. I wasn't talking about ds3 firelink, your comment is irrelevant.

looks like Batman arkham series

Attached: 9540udrtfwl21.png (762x760, 54K)

It's poor fag cope

>Asking for days off because of vidya
Do people unironically do this?

What's the only platform that can't play this?
There's your answer

It's not that much like souls. Souls is slower and more strategic while DMC depends on extending combos to keep opponents from attacking back as well as quick reflexes to dodge other attacks while you're preoccupied. Very different playstyles; DMC isn't as much about positioning as Souls games are. In DMC, you're typically better off rushing in there and going crazy, but you gotta be smart about it or you'll get blown up.

isn't bad at all but it is clunky and it doesn't fairly represent what the series has become. If you're into the franchise then it's cool to check out but it's not too big of a deal.
should be avoided at all costs. There is nothing of value here, unless you're a huge DMC fan and you're deathly curious about this black sheep of the family. Even then, you'll want your time back.
is where DMC as we know it began. This is an excellent starting point as the complexities of the fighting style begin here but it's more held back in comparison to the later games. DMC3 still holds up as an extremely good game with solid level design, enemy variety, and pacing. Highly recommended. DMC3: Special Edition also includes an additional playable character as a bonus campaign.
is a pretty damn big letdown in comparison to DMC3. Not bad but it simply doesn't compare in every aspect. Nero is added as a new character with a new playstlye, alonside Dante who returns with a more complex and revised setup than his DMC3 version. DMC4: Special Edition also adds three additional playable characters in bonus campaigns, so this one's got a ton of variety. It's just, in comparison to DMC3, the levels, enemies, bosses, ect. really suck hard.
is arguably the best yet, or at least equal to DMC3. Some rough spots will likely get to you, like the new character V and the constant back and forth between characters throughout the campaign. Still, it has the best version of Nero yet and possibly the best, but most complicated, Dante yet.

It looks okay but I don't really want to pay full price for it. I still feel burned from nioh dropping so quick after release.

>you expect will be a 3/10
>You hate can't stand
>stuttering in text
Are you genuinely illiterate? My excitement level is 3/10. The game will probably be 5/10, hence mediocrity. Regardless of what the media told you about chasing your dreams, please at least finish grade school.

>How hyped are you lads for Sekiro?
Crazy hype. Bloodborne tier hype.
If this shit is out on Thursday thanks to NZ VPN I won't be going to work on Friday or Monday

Attached: WUT.jpg (744x414, 36K)

As far as difficulty, it's way more on the easy side. DMC5 is casualized as fuck, but trying to go for those S ranks on missions, especially on the higher difficulties, is still quite challenging. I would still encourage anyone to play DMC3 first since it does a much better job at easing the player in but DMC5 is a great starting point too.
>DmC: Devil May Cry
gets a lot of deserved hate for the absolutely awful story and characters. Still, the Definitive Edition isn't quite so bad on the gameplay. The color coded enemies and weapons is dumb as hell but at least the foundation of the game's combat is there. It's way fucking better than DMC2, that's for sure, but I'd rather play DMC1 over this. It's another game that's there if you're interested but it can be safely skipped.

The newer Ninja Gaiden and Bayonetta franchises are also similar and worth checking out too.

It's out on Friday the 22nd, 6pm UK time, 10am pst

>It's way fucking better than DMC2

Attached: Devil May Cry 2 - Boss fight 2.webm (852x480, 2.76M)

Day one pirate for me

Attached: 1530717168148.png (600x520, 127K)

Wrong video? I don't think there's any boss fight in DmC where you can just cheese with guns. And certainly nothing like

>No PvP
>No levels
>No builds
>No shield
>No weapons
>No messages
>No covenants
>No newgame+
>No multiplayer
>Retarded story
>No bloodstains
>Only 11 bosses
>No replayability
>No heavy attacks
>Published by activision
>No stamina management
>No character customization
>The menu looks like a PS1 game
>Big red flashing sign to tell you when to dodge
>Only 12Gb, half the size of Dark Souls III at launch
>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
>90% of the enemies are dudes in japanese armor (i.e. not aesthetically superior western armor)

How do you know
no info anywhere

the fallen are such shitty enemies


>release date has been public for 4+ months
>no info anywhere
If you mean the times, that's the standard steam store update time, ie when games unlock. Unless publishers set a different release hour, which is extremely rare

Phantom Wail is 100% a fake Yea Forums made up thing, a couple clickbait sites ran with it.

Look at all the projection. You're still wasting your own time playing a 3/10 game. Sounds like insanity or something. May want to get that checked out.

Oh whoa theres a cutscene at the start of a missions??? OH NOOO. And at THE END TOO?? And the ones that play mid-mission are just few seconds. Oh and YOU CAN JUST SKIP ALL OF THEM YOU KNOW. The definition of a movie game is a game where your control is constantly taken away or you are forced to listen a conversation, watch a quicktime event or just in general do-pretty-much-nothing-for-a-set-amount-of-time without ability to skip it.


So you have no argument, okay then

Attached: file.png (600x640, 578K)

Kek at least on shadow of mordor it "made more sense" with the shadow strike godammit

>every from game has got to be a rehash or I'll throw my tendies at the walls
>but don't let me catch anyone else rehashing shit or I'll throw my piss jugs, too
kill yourself

Is there a more cancerous fanbase than Souls?

We will see when Sekiro comes out.


No it's not. Plenty of games has local times like RE2 remaster.

>Unless publishers set a different release hour, which is extremely rare
1) learn what the definition of "standard" is
2) learn to read before replying to people

I've seen nothing about the game so far (other than stealth i guess) to suggest that it's anything but "Dark Souls but without _____"

It's not extremely rare, that's the point.

Nioh 2 > Sekiro

why in the name of unholy fuck would you expect UNLIMITED grapple points? What?

It's not a Souls game.

>Why would you expect Mario to have his moveset available at all times

Then what does it compare to?

>press button to do anything
Man, videogames really went to shit these days

It is lol. It's become a bit more common in these last year's but the vast majority of releases are on steam store's standard update time.

case in point, efficient way to prove him right

No, they didn’t do that at all you fucking nigger


Pressing buttons in a quick succession is what people find interesting. Same reason why people in RTS care about APM so much or DMC with TRICKSWORDTRICKSWORD. But these people clearly fall into minority and slower games are more dominant.

Attached: 1528422327428.jpg (640x467, 131K)

Pre-souls, what would you have compared Demon Souls to?

You're damn right about that

Grappling is available at all times, though, so long as there’s a sensible point to grapple to i.e. not the fucking ground or off the map

It was shown at Microsoft's conference. They have the marketing rights.

Again, wrong.
This year alone Metro Exodus, RE2 and God Eater 3 had early unlock times because of time zones. I'm sure there are more but those are games I bought and played early.


>H-heh no pvp??? this is going to flop so hard vros h-haha

>why couldnt they just make ds4 bros it's over

Attached: 1489028608152.png (675x827, 35K)

Zelda and Famito Ueda's two games.

Dmc fans are the most defensive and sensitive fanbase i've seen on Yea Forums. There are like 8 threads up why not just go back to your safe space echo chamber? Or better yet fuck off to /vg/

Very very excited.
The game looks great and I'm very happy that we're getting so many good games in such a short amount of time. With DMC5 just out this is probably the best Q1 this entire console generation and fuck might as well just be the best year this gen.

>Capcom release GOTG
>"Stop making threads about it!"
Rent free.

The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.

delusional much

few American TV shows are set in the wild west these days. cultures get bored of their own history and want something fresh

The take down should entail having to actually aim your jumps and timing the attack properly, in my humble opinion.

why do you insist on saying it is a souls game while simultaneously listing all the reasons why it isn't?

>moving the goal post
That's literally what you did by showing DMC2 though. It's the biggest goalpost move.
DMC2 is one of the worst games ever created and plays nothing like DMC3, 4 and 5 and 1.

absolutely my thoughts exactly

I don't understand what's the issue with it not being a Souls game.
They were certainly great but I'm ready for something little different from the same makers.

I don't see how that .webm is helping your case.

Might this just be the most based post in this thread? I think it just might be
#basedgang #Sekirochads #Fucksoulslets


Attached: vergildmc4gmpl.webm (853x480, 2.87M)

PS4 Preload tomorrow


smash and blizzard fags

how is it souls if it has nothing that makes it a souls game?

I think the whole "from is trying to make action games like DMC and Bayonetta and Ninja Gaiden" is fucking bullshit that only fromfags say.
Sekiro is nothing like those games. There's no crazy technical combos and the game plays nothing like those games. It's a completely different style with a completely different appeal.

>Juggling enemies who don't fight back

I know you like the games style because you never grew up but lets not exaggerate

Doing my first play through of bloodborne, I'm always a step behind

Git gud.

Attached: Bloodborne_Unused_Concept_Art.jpg (1600x441, 190K)

You can beat it in 8 days.

>No PvP
>No levels
False, you literally gain xp
>No builds
Arguably. You still have 3 different skill trees and you still choose what loadout of prosthetics and Ninjutsu and Sword art techniques you have on you
>No shield
>No weapons
Wrong. You use a Katana and producer confirmed there will be points in the game where you will use the Fushigiri cursed sword as more than just a cinematic finisher but also as a normal weapon
>No messages
>No covenants
To be seen really
>No newgame+
This is confirmed wrong, there is NG+
>No multiplayer
>Retarded story
Stop being a fag, we haven't played it
>No bloodstains
>Only 11 bosses
Wrong, trophy list show more, and the mini-bosses are arguably just as fleshed out as a boss is in Dark Souls. Juzou the drunkard is a mini-boss and doesn't have a trophy, yet he is more fleshed out, has more mechanics and a bigger moveset than most DkS1 bosses
>No replayability
This is wrong, 4 endings
>No heavy attacks
Sword arts
>Published by activision
>No stamina management
Posture management instead
>No character customization
>The menu looks like a PS1 game
As long as it works well enough
>Big red flashing sign to tell you when to dodge
Only on certain attacks on which you have multiple options, jump over or Mikiri.
>Only 12Gb, half the size of Dark Souls III at launch
Which doesn't really mean much
>Just zipline all the way to the boss with the grappling hook
You need to kill enemies for xp to level up and gain skill points to progress in the 3 different skill trees
>90% of the enemies are dudes in japanese armor (i.e. not aesthetically superior western armor)
We have seen barely anything of the game and we already know this is not true

Now suck my fat cock.

Based, Soulsfags on suicide watch.


I don't buy dead on arrival games, especially samurai single players ones.

Newfags to the series will most likely find it hard. It's just trial and failure at first, then everything clicks into motion.
Overlevelling (which is easy to happen) and summoning really trivialises these games though. Avoid doing them if you genuinely want to get better.

Attached: 1541817016820.png (775x323, 186K)

Came to post this.

>False, you literally gain xp
It's used to unlock stuff in the skill tree, not to level up
>You still have 3 different skill trees
You can only equip a single skill

How the fuck can a singleplayer game be dead?

samefagging is really easy to spot, you know

basedkiro lmfao god of war rip off much?

I don't think you understand what the meaning of standard is.

>He thinks it's Jörmungandr
Yamato no Orochi. It's part of their national founding myth. Uncultured swine.

There are multiple passive abilities or just skills that are "always equipped" and doesn't have an equipment screen.
The only skills you equip are swordarts and Ninjutsu, but there are many other moves that are always on you. Like the move where an enemy is out of posture and you can run up and jump from them, that's always on no matter what and is just baseline added to your moveset.

oh so its copied from nioh, got it. can from software do anything original?

That serpent is not the Yamato no Orochi. It's just a regular great serpent, but not the Yamato

Attached: file.png (504x339, 128K)

I'm cautiously optimistic.
Basically the worst case scenario I see happening, is it being a thoroughly solid game mechanics-wise, but coming off for me as not having any of the atmospheric charm and "mysticism" of the Souls games if they fail to make the world and story more interesting than regular japanese mythology, which I'm not very keen on.

nice, why don't you show the full clip? where the guy stands there for like a minute and it just keeps going and going like that

Faggots are afraid they won’t be able to adapt and are getting exposed for the casuals they really are

>the guy stands there for like a minute and it just keeps going and going like that
Nice bait.

Of course the game is going to utilize Japanese mythology. Why should this surprise you?

wasn't even aware it was releasing this month until like 3 days ago
probably going to pick it up day 1
it looks better than souls

Attached: 1552089725900.png (1217x1215, 1.34M)

It holds some truth, but you speak for no one. However, as I said, you have a point because they even want to fucking do a Battle Royale while people have been asking for multiple things that will give them easy money.

Serious question: Sekiro or Nioh (1)?


I'm glad there's still companies out there that make what they want instead of chasing the easy money.
Souls was becoming stale and uninspired, despite still being good games but that's just because From knows how to make them.
If you want them to become a soulless drone churning out sequel after sequel maybe Ubisoft would be a better company to buy from.


>instead of chasing the easy money
>they literally want to make a Battle Royale
>Battle Royale is not easy money

Battle Royale is not easy money, only zoomers care about them.

Watching the From shill son youtune whoring themselves up is pretty fucking pathetic

Was referring to Sekiro.
They could have easily made Dark Souls 4 and been like le cycle continues xDDD but didn't.
And they never said they're making a BR just something to be aware of and to be looked into. They'd probably do it for their mech game anyway instead of Souls. It'd make a lot more sense.

this looks cool until you realize you're just flowcharting against a shit-tier enemy

fuckign nigger stop spoiling the game you faggog

Extremely. It will be FromSofts greatest game yet and the defining masterpiece of the next decade.

get out of the sekiro thread if you're afraid of sekiro spoilers

you dumb fucking nigger brainlet

The Great Serpent was already revealed.

Sekiro is more gameplay focused than DMC

Who is posting spoilers?


I'd rather have Bloodborne 2

Guys, how's your relationship with your mother going at the moment?

Attached: gettyimages-1132933306-612x612.jpg (407x612, 46K)

So you're saying you have fetal alcohol syndrome and are a bit fucked in the head huh? Sekiro is about 50 hours long
>with none of the mechanics that made the developers previous games so popular
Instead it has far better mechanics

Well that's kinda the point of combo-videos
You can do the same cool stuff on dante must die with bosses and will look cool but also challenging

Attached: VergilTauntDef.webm (1248x720, 1.22M)

Sekiro literally has the same filesize than DS3 almost. Sekiro is 25 GB.
And it's been confirmed it is at least as long as Souls games. This has been known for months you fucking cuck.

absolutely based.
who cares about feudal japan

Attached: 1550710205945.jpg (730x508, 37K)

348 / 45 / 129 / 1

Onto you

>I'd rather have another rehash instead of something new

How does it hold truth? He literally lied. It's known for a FACT Sekiro is a long as fuck game
Holy fuck you people are such niggers

Do you think if Soulsfags all concentrate hard enough at the same time they can shift into the reality where Dark Souls 4 was made?
I know that's asking a lot but stranger things have happened.

In regards to Dragonrot, do you think dying too much will eventually fuck you over so hard that it would be easier to just restart the game? For example, all the NPCs in the hub area just drop dead

Attached: 1550122788985.png (250x296, 141K)

Sekiro is what everyone wanted, literally everyone, except a loud, whiny manbaby minority of 0.1% of Souls players that are obsessed about the garbage PvP that no one else ever cared about.
This is what 99.9% of people wanted, something NEW.

Pretty hype. I want to pre-order but I'll wait. I don't trust FROM completely on PC ports yet

probably limited by progression or something
imagine dying 15 times to corrupted monk at the start, no way that is going to fuck you over for the rest of the game

Yeah, those are the people that hate Sekiro and want another Souls game AGAIN. No sane person wants another Souls game ever again.

i think it will be like world tendancy. as in, coming with positives and negatives. so while it might fuck you in a lot of ways it might also give you access to some exclusive stuff. but until the game is out i cant know for sure.

>but it looks, sounds, and plays like one
But, it literally fucking DOESN'T you blind cunt retard. How are your brains so non-functioning? It literally plays NOTHING like Souls games or any game anyone has ever made.
Open your fucking eyes moron.

>very few animes place in feudal japan because it's not popular enough setting for the masses that consume anime
Nigga you retarded. It's probably the most popular setting in Japan not just in anime but even games and all other kinds of entertainment.

Attached: 1303320066375.jpg (288x467, 42K)

I doubt it will be that extreme. There's items that help reverse the effect. I hope them and most other items are limited. Kinda like a survival aspect of knowing how to conserve and use them at the right time.

Hub waifu, Emma.

Attached: 1552367931178.jpg (903x865, 172K)


Except Deadwood and Ballad of Buster Scrags are critically acclaimed


Sekiro doesn't have a "stealth takedown", it has a stealth attack. It deals a certain amount of damage, and is not guaranteed to kill. If an enemy has enough health they will tank the hit and then fight you. This has been seen countless times already.
It has no instant kill move, at all. Every visceral attack deals a certain amount of damage, not "instant kill".

So stealth will only be useful for killing Hollow tier pleb enemies, or doing some chip damage to actual above average enemies.

>Isn't sekiro the game that went with the flute playing guy?
No dumbass, that was Ghost of Tsushima, the Ass Creed / Batman clone.

>This is a Souls games without any of the things that makes a Souls game a Souls game
How do people not see how aggressively stupid that statement is?

>there are people that will play this game with English dub
>this game that takes place in Japan
>game where you play as a Japanese shinobi
>fighting Japanese swordsmen
>speaking with Japanese people
Whether you're EOP or not, you gotta admit the setting would feel more immersive and genuine if you played with Nip voices on

Attached: 1549233126985.png (640x675, 200K)

Because it's not a Souls game
It has better everything really. Better and far more complex combat, better exploration (now vertical, not just horizontal), better movement (you can jump, wall jump, slide, swim, and tons more).

That's what I'm planning to do. We won't have the classic english theatre voice acting like in their previous soulsborne games. Better off with the more genuine Japanese VA.

Attached: doll dangerous.jpg (770x1106, 439K)

Holy shit you guys said the EXACT SAME SHIT about Bloodborne

I have a feeling you are the biggest retard on all of Yea Forums, considering it took everyone 4-5 hours to beat the first two areas of Sekiro couple weeks ago when they invited lots of people to their offices to play it.
You might actually be the biggest retard in your country even, considering it's been known for like half a year now that Sekiro is somewhere between 30-50 hours long.

>now vertical
Dark Souls 1 had this, too.

and bloodborne was in fact better because it wasnt dark souls 3? fromsoft are better when making new ips. whats your point?

What are you fucking talking about? Did you not see the trailers? The giant enemy boss fights are insane in this.
Besides, did you not play DS3 and/or Bloodborne? The giant bosses in them were also god tier boss fights.

You're a fucking retard and haven't even played FromSofts games.

Very. I have faith. Also has anyone got the picture of the Wolf hanging out with other character with prosthetic arms like Guts and Nero?

yea it's been shit ever since

You can't deny that Sekiro has a great deal more verticality to the level design than any From game.

yeah i remember using the grappling hook in dark souls one as well. it really made anor londo too easy though.

>bloodborne isn't a souls game, it's completely different and plays nothing like souls!!!
>plays exactly like souls, now people call the franchise "soulsborne"
fuck off frank

The snake is a normal enemy not a boss you dense fuck


I'm not, but vertical world design isn't new, it's just coming back.

>one weapon
It has multiple
>all the cinematic bullshit, especially the press R1 to cool stealth kills
Has nothing like that. Your stealth attacks are not stealth kills, but stealth attacks. They are not guaranteed to kill anything, they deal a certain amount of damage and enemies can tank it if they have enough life.
>grappling COULD have been cool except there are limited grapple points
There are an insane amount of grapple points, everywhere. Just look at any gameplay. They are all over the place.
>bosses and enemies so far don't look or behave in an interesting way, I've seen so much bloodborne/souls asset+animation reuse its almost criminal
No you haven't. They haven't shown any asset reuse yet.

Stop lying.

My most wanted game this year.

Yeah, I imagine there'll be caps at different points. You'll probably be able to get all the NPC's killed through poor play, but I don't think it'll be until later in the game.

Attached: Dark Souls 2 textures.png (1422x800, 2.24M)

>They haven't shown any asset reuse yet.

Attached: 70.jpg (760x368, 40K)

I'm excited for the NPC questlines. Pretty sure one of the interviews mentioned there being quite a bit. There's also the ones that help but die after one time. Gonna be interesting to see who you can keep alive with you on the first playthrough.
>we're about to get those first playthrough feels that Demon's and DS1 brought to us

You didn't even look at any gameplay obviously. It looks insanely good, and doesn't play anything like a Souls game. You all right? You sound a bit confused

>They haven't shown any asset reuse yet.
The game looks amazing but you are either blind or retarded if you didn't see any assets reuse, it's full of them.

They'll never top DaS1's NPC quests.

Ahhh, another fine Sony exclusive to add to the collection....

>grass is the same thing as flowers
>the moon is unique to bloodborne
>an open area to fight a boss in is a souls thing
based brainlet retard

>FromSoft has been slowly straying more and more from what made it unique
No it fucking hasn't you mouthbreather. Sekiro is literally the most unique game they have made so far. Do you not see this game? No game ever in history has had swordplay this good.
This is the opposite of generic. Souls is generic now.


Nice lies. Only thing you didn't lie about was no multiplayer.

>No game ever in history has had swordplay this good.
That's where you're wrong.

Attached: YYZ Drum Solo.webm (1122x648, 572K)

>player is an actual character who talks
>combat is much more involved with more depth, very skill based
>no crutch to cruise through the game with like magic or co-op
>no pvp to waste dev time with

its perfect

Attached: 1474237721685.jpg (102x103, 3K)

I bet that guys first Souls game was Dark Souls 2

You said it yourself, you've seen nothing about the game, so kill yourself instead of saying that it's like a Souls game. It plays completely different. In every, single, way.

Now I want a VR rock band game


>character who talks
He's mute.

Nothing? Why would it have to. It is a completely new type of game no one has ever managed to create before. Open your eyes nigger. It is innovative and groundbreaking.

>lying on the internet
why do this? he literally speaks twice in the launch trailer alone.

>It's used to unlock stuff in the skill tree, not to level up
That is leveling you retard. That is LITERALLY leveling up.
>You can only equip a single skill
Complete lie. You can equip one Combat Arts, these are learned through scrolls you find in the world, unrelated to your 3 skill trees. Every skill from your skill trees is always active when you have it.

probably this weekend or next monday, if the arabs are in the mood of course.

I'll get it eventually, but I don't expect it to blow me away.

I'm all for using authentic voice acting when reasonable to do so, but then recently I did that to Ace Combat 7 and the japanese audio came off as really drab and colorless compared to the english voices, so my confidence in that sort of thing wavered a little.
I'm willing it give it a try though, if it's an option.

Absolutely. I have zero reason not to trust From on a new IP. Every time they do a new IP they fuckin' kill it.

It will be the best selling single player game of 2019

Lousy bait
Because it doesn't work like that? The snake can easily detect you

You realize Bloodborne took 6 months to sell 2 mil right? RE2 already had 5 mil weeks ago. Sekiro will probably only slightly above BB numbers if that.

Sekiro. Nioh is awful.
Nonsense. You retards are misreading what Miyazaki said in that article. He said there is a place in the world for battle royale kind of games, and that IF he ever made one, it would be quite different from the way a battle royale game traditionally is understood.
He did not say he intends to make one, just that if he did, it would be unique as fuck.

>me want rehash hurrrrr
Miyazakis existence must be pure suffering with all these retards who want him to make sequels to everything when the man just wants to make a new and unique masterpiece every time

>the best selling single player game of 2019

Attached: devil-may-cry-5-pc-get-cheap-cd-key_5_.jpg (500x706, 99K)

>comparing a niche exclusive game's sales to a multiplat zoomer zombie game
Sure thing famalamarino

>comparing a single platform games sales to a multiplatform one

They are retards. Yea Forums is full of incredibly low IQ people.

bloodborne is also only on PS4

BB was also a console exclusive. This is a multi-plat and has the FROM name attached to it, which has a massive following on PC right now.

No I didn't? Why are you assuming what I said about anything? I've never said any such thing about Bloodborne.
Sekiro is completely different from Souls. Anyone who isn't a completely subhuman 60 IQ ape can see that. The combat is not similar to Souls games in any way, at all. Literally not in any, fucking, way. AT ALL.

>he thinks that just because Sekiro is multiplatform itll sell more than BB
lmao cant wait for it to flop and have Fromsoft go back to making DaS sequels until the end of time LOL

...No, Dark Souls 1 had vertical world design. What you are replying to is people stating that Sekiro has vertical level design. Individual areas have you climbing up massive towers by wall jumping and using the grappling hook.
Dark Souls never had vertical level design.


Attached: b-but it'll flop.png (1767x1216, 621K)

stop being stupid on purpose

I think I overleveled, but the second day playing made me get why people like these games, btw blood starved beast sucks, none of my weapons have enough range to hit him once he gets to a third health

There literally has not been any, are you blind? Are you actually whining about the fucking MOON having the same craters on it? Ever cross your mind that might be the real moon? That it has those crater formations IRL?


>Not vertical

LOL doesnt matter

>stop saying things that make sense!!! it goes against my narrative!!!!

on ps4 user base? that was fucking trash sales.
God of war sold 9m in what, 3 months? lmao

Not amazing. Why does he come straight down with full force and then cut to his left last moment? You shouldve been split in two after ducking, good thing the game already already anticipates you being shit.

Attached: 1552521362784.png (444x414, 213K)


Attached: 1481953244489.png (1302x1182, 1.52M)

>Wants to avoid spoilers
>Is browsing Yea Forums
Great Serpent isn't even a spoiler.

how does "it'll sell less because it's available on more platforms" make sense?


Attached: absolute cope.png (1618x1325, 145K)

>it makes sense for an action game release by a high profile studio known for the quality of their action games to not sell well because ?????

dark souls 3 on pc had more sales than that

Because it has a larger audience of potential customers.

You realize Bloodborne is a PS4 exclusive? Games sell way better when they are also on PC.
>Sekiro will probably only slightly above BB numbers if that.
Mentally retarded. It is on 3 platforms, BB only on PS4. It will sell many times more, and way faster.
Hack n slash games are very niche. Sekiro will easily sell more. Especially considering it's pure fucking content for like 50 hours, while DMCV is an 8 hour game riddled with microtransactions (in a fucking SINGLE PLAYER game).
You keep proving yourself more retarded with each new post. Of course it will sell more because it's on multiple platforms. Just common logic. It will be a great mega success, and From will never make another rehashed Souls game for you pathetic PvP babies.

>a niche, new IP rivals a 20 year mainstay

could you stop being stupid please

Hard games do tend to sell a lot less than casual games

Not in its first week it didn't

>Sekiro will easily sell more.

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-03-13 at 11.53.18 AM.png (1562x230, 42K)

i remember when people were fucking mad because there was less weapons than in Dark Souls 1/2 but turned out to be much better, because it had actual combat varity

Fromsoft is not niche you stupid faggot

>n-no the game isn't worse i-its just the NORMIES wont buy good games

Just a bit. Not anywhere near THIS vertical. He literally climbs from all the way down there to on top of this tower in the trailer with multiple grappling hook uses.

Attached: Sekiro verticality.jpg (1284x721, 147K)

You are providing evidence for his stance, you know.

>a niche, new IP
after 6 years of souls and the insane growth of the series and popularity?
yea fuck off lmao

Sales on Steam are proportionally indicative of sales everywhere else. Top selling game on Steam, most definitely top selling game everywhere else too.

>Fortnite is the best game ever made

how do you know?
did anyone already played through the game?
>no pvp
wow, they actually made a SINGLEPLAYER experience. they did this even before Dark Souls and it worked. you guys are spoiled to no end.
>with none of the mechanics that made the developers previous games so popular.
it's a fucking stealth action game, do you want every game they create be like Dark Souls? pretty unoriginal, dont you think?

What are you even trying to say here? Nothing about that image contradicts anything I said, in fact it confirms what I just said. That games that are also on PC sell way better than console exclusives.

The individual weapons were more fleshed out, but there is way less play style variety than the previous three games.

That shot was beautiful in the trailer.

I’m on the fence. I’ll wait for reviews.

On the one hand, I trust From to make a good game regardless of genre, and I’ve enjoyed games with no stat/equipment progression like Furi. I always played the Souls games as a dodge/parry-based glass cannon build anyway, so the new playstyle requirement fits me, as did Bloodborne’s.

On the other hand, the long-term appeal of Dark Souls for me was as a medium for consistent, real-time coop adventures with my buddies who live far away. No other game lets us pull off stuff like a Legolas/Gimli/Aragorn trio like those did. Closest things are Borderlands or MMOs.
And stuff like the Arkham-style hardpoints for grapples, and the Assassin’s Creed-esque drop assassinations make me think From is taking all the wrong pointers from the worst trends of AAA games. Next we’ll have Far Cry towers to unlock the map.

No one said that. I said hard games sell less. Are you trying to deny this fact? The most played and bought games in history are incredibly casual and generally designed for young children.

Yeah and even though this didn't happen in the trailer, just think about this. You can jump down from the top of the whole fucking tower and grapple to something before you hit the ground.
It's going to be some insane ninja shit.

>I’ve enjoyed games with no stat/equipment progression like Furi.

They're called "action games".

this 100%

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>And stuff like the Arkham-style hardpoints for grapples
Difference is, there are a lot of them and you can launch the grapple from when you are mid-air, you can even cancel your grapple pulls mid-air and change direction by grappling onto some other place.
It is far cooler than grappling hook in the Batman games.
>Assassin’s Creed-esque drop assassinations
They are not instant kills in Sekiro. Against weak enemies sure, but try that against any above average enemy and they will survive, and then push your shit in in the ensuing fight.

You're just making assumptions that it has Batman or Ass Creed mechanics, even though both of these things work completely different from any of those games. They didn't take inspiration for these mechanics from those games clearly. You just didn't bother to look at newer footage of the game.

>Action game are better without stats and RPG elements because it allows for a higher level of curation when it comes to designing the enemies. Skill trees are more than enough to provide variety for the player.
Was he right?

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Most action games I've played have some progression in the form of moveset upgrades, health, etc. Stuff like Revengeance, Devil May Cry, etc.
Furi was the first one I'd played where there is no objective difference between the final jailer and the first, just your skill level. Still had fun.

and you're telling me thats equal to fucking GOD OF WAR? where do you people even come from

i hate this guy but he is right about that

>all these fucking retards defending an Activision published game

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But he isn't so wrong here.

>most action games I've played have some progression in the form of moveset upgrades

You never games made before the 2000s have you? Old school FPS? Old school sidescrolling platformers and arcade games?

>de jour
cringe, at least learn the right spelling

I meant when you kill the snake, it just keeps wiggling like that

Do you understand how publishing works and what the relationship is between From and Activision in this case?

They're just publishing it. From has had complete autonomy designing and developing the game.

No shit. Only brainlets that suck at games want stat points in action games, it completely trivializes every enemy and boss.

I'm telling you those 2m sales were trash on PS4's user base at the time

Dark Soul nerds will hate this game because they can't hide behind their shields. Hence why they hate Bloodborne as well. "Boohoo, I don't know how to play aggressively where is my babby's crutch???"

very excited. I think the RPG aspects of the souls series tends to hold it back rather than add any real depth. A big part of why Bloodborne is so good is that it drastically cut that down so you had a more uniform play experience which meant they could better develop fights since they had a solid idea of what you'd be equipped with.

Everything I hear about sekiro gives me good vibes and feels like what Fromsoft needs to really step into the ring as a great action game studio and not just the dark souls guys which they've been shoehorned into.

Gonna get into the mood with some samurai films. any of you fags got recs? I'm a huge normie to the genre so don't make any assumptions that i've already seen it.

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I dunno sounds to me like you are the retard, considering From are the publishers in Asia, they just needed some western company to publish it in the west.

Why would you fucking care that it happens to be Activision? They have nothing to do with the game itself.

>Old school platformers
Mega Man is about as old school as it gets and it had moveset upgrades.
Doesn't Castlevania technically have them too, something about destroying candles with subweapons.

The only publisher that actively ruins games is EA. Activation is EA-lite, but they usually aren't heavy handed in the actual development. At least not with developers they don't own, like Bungie and From.

>What is reading comprehension.

>this fucking retard that doesn't know the nature of the publishing deal
Activision = West
From = Asia
Effectively not an activision IP.
No authority over creative process, beyond usual quality assurance.
Learn some basic shit about the vidya industry.

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And why would you think the animation keeps repeating? Are you autistic by any chance?

God, I wish that was me.

>Actually blind
Look at the enemy animations retard.

Seven Samurai is peak samurai kino.

I'm basing my understanding off of IP's video just over a week ago. That's pretty recent -
I never said the assassinations were 1HKO's. My problem with it is that you seem to initiate them at the top of the jump, locking you into the animation all the way down.
The point is that they seem like BAD implementations of the sorts of mechanics. Similar to those games, not necessarily copying them.
I love DMC and Titanfall 2. If they had something like DMC's aerial attacks (full control over your character until the moment of impact) or TF's grapple (any solid surface within range) it would be a good sign.
It seems like they're going the wrong direction with it - like they want a polished spectacle.

they do want every game to be dark souls which is hilarious consdering froms track record and how eclectic a developer they are, basically its just zoomers and young millennials talking shit

watch Yojimbo and Seven Samurai

Activision it's only publishing the game in the west.

>which meant they could better develop fights
half of the boss fights in the game are total trash tho

The gameplay looks great. Fuck PvP shit.

I wouldn't call stuff like Super Mario an action game. And even then you have stuff like mushrooms.

Yeah, they are completely new. Literally not a single reused animation from previous games. Try opening your eyes and using your walnut sized brains for the first time in your life.

I downloaded a torrent of kurosawa's work and I know seven samurai, yojimbo, and rashomon are highly rated, is there anything more underappreciated of his I should know?

was that moveset in the base game?

>From makes another Dark Souls game
>herr derr from can't make anything except durk suls #23

>From makes a game different from Dark Souls (not THAT different, though)
>herr derr no pvp no multiplayer no builds high risk from is finished

I'm still pirating it, but that's because Activision.

Why would you want to have control of your character during the fall? You can't move in air, this isn't an anime game like DMC where you can do some unrealistic magic bullshit double jumps.
>It seems like they're going the wrong direction with it
No, they very clearly aren't. That's just your obscure opinion. Seems like a pretty great direction to most of us.

no its from the second dlc.

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Hell, it wasn't too long ago that FROM Software made like 2-3 Monster Hunter spin-off games on PSP.

>One move on one weapon in the whole game is this notable

Wew what a masterpiece

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Friend just wait, 8 more days and we can play instead of getting spoiled by Yea Forums. Remember don't even open the board until you've beaten the game, you'll get everything spoiled like I always do.

>Dark souls Activision edition
Pay 60 dollars more to play pvp dlc
Pay 40 dollars to get the customization dlc
Pay 100 dollars to play the invation dlc

Go to 4:40. The fucking thing just flops around indefinitely. It's really just an environmental hazard rather than an actual enemy, but it seems unfinished. A good touch would be to have it react to the eye gouge, then slink off into the environment.

no sweetie, you're thinking of dmc5 having microtransactions. not sekiro.