What's the best adventure game?
What's the best adventure game?
isnt this a literal subplot from mallrats
Why are you underage faggots so obsessed with posting normalfag news here? Get some friends.
Brits are fucking sick in the head
>meanwhile in america
Holy fuck those are some ugly O-faces. Also, did she ask beforehand or did she whip out a camera mid-coitus, shove it between her and the dude and take a selfie?
Journey to the Correct Fucking Board
It's super nutritionally dense
There's npthing wrong with that all the animals do it too you know
>she slept with several men
>no one of them was you
Stay mad, incel.
>trying to make this an american thing
But user that's exactly what the placenta is for. Are you being retarded on purpose? I bet you want to wash all that fluid off the baby right away, too.
I wonder what mutilated penis feels like
God I wish that were me
have sex incel
I think you mean western women
Feels rough in your mouth
>There's npthing wrong with that all the animals do it too you know
You don't want to push that logic too far.
As you wish, madame! *starts fucking you quite wildly indeed*
Stop projecting your virginity onto me, user. You can get laid, I promise.
They were all black men
wew lad, that yellow teeth
So what you are telling me is that Americans are animals?
all humans are, senpai
56% of them
Why are women allowed to be whores like this these days? What happened to modesty and shame? There used to be legitimate anguish from women back in the day if somebody thought they were acting slutty. It wasn't something you wanted somebody to think of you, but these days it's just a big "teehee, yeah." Absolutely disgusting.
Traditional American values should be the global standard. People like this woman should be gassed. Not very traditional for America, but just my personal opinion.
Inb4 she decides to travel to some exotic south america country or some mudslime shithole and gets raped and chopped to pieces.
>that creatura slept with several men
shit taste America
>Why are women allowed to be whores like this these days? What happened to modesty and shame?
>all this pearl clutching when you can become part of the cock carousel and fuck all the time
Who let you escape from the snoy censorship farm? Get back there now! This titties arent going to censor themselves boy!
>he doesn't like sluts
nigger, you're gay
Don't you have your own incel reddit to go to?
Yeah, no. I know it must be hard growing up in a 56% Zoo of a country, but Europe is civilized and people actually act like rational humans there. The behavior in the webm is African tribal shithole tier and you defending it tells even more about the current state of America
it's the price we pay for making women equal to men
I think so, all i remember is Stan Lee and chocolate pretzels
My dog eats its own shit, often.
You ready to drop trow and lay out some breakfast on the floor right now, basedboy? Just like my dog, Benny?
nice grammar in that headline
It'd taste better pan fried, maybe with some scallions and butter
Feminism in a nutshell
>Europe is civilized
something something muslim rape gangs something something acid attacks
Imagine thinking that you have to eat the fucking
>be a young British woman in her prime, and looking kinda hot
>needed to travel to the land of morons and super size burgers in order to get properly shagged
The actual state of Britbong men, shit lol
I think when you dropped your scalp, you scooped up a roach when you picked it up and put it back on. Might want to check your head for holes, retard.
>>he doesn't like sluts
Oh, I can like a slut, but only when she's MY slut. Women can be slits all they want to the man they belong to. Surely you don't have any problems with this, right? Surely you're not okay with women giving themselves to other men when they're yours, right? Have some backbone. Have some respect. If a woman is acting funny, you either laugh or slap.
Have a sex, tranny
No because there no benefit to eating your own shit. Don't just ignore the first part of my post.
imagine if the genders were reversed
people would be shitting their pants screaming about how sexist, misogynist etc etc this is
>animals do it so it's fine
Animals also eat their own shit. Male lions have harems and kill the young of other lions whose pack they usurp. Are you telling me that I can not go around eating shit all day while killing other people's kids?
I don't know about the best - I'm not a connoisseur of adventure games - Gabriel Knight 3 was good.
But the HARDEST? KGB. Prove me wrong.
Not really though
shut up incel
>Eternal anglo
There ain't much benefit to eating the Placenta either, that you couldn't get from 500ml of Orange Juice and a protein bar, you virgin weirdo lol
Don't forget the sailboat
Also obviously morally and legally wrong things are out of the question. We live in a society
Women climaxing that often is the biggest fake news
Wouldn't even be a headline. This headline was made just to encourage women to even further make themselves more trashy.
no England is an island of the coast of Europe.
>england is an island
You're either a murilard, or an anglo. Guaranteed.
She didn't record her climaxes, she recorded theirs.
Remember when Brits could handle a little banter? Brexit can't happen soon enough. The EU has turned you lot into pussies.
OP pic is the women climaxing ant it?
Learn how to please a woman and you will never need to worry if she fakes
>of the coast of Europe
I'm just hastily throwing in a reference to something before the thread gets shitcanned.
wrong on both guesses btw
>Oh, I can like a slut, but only when she's MY slut. Women can be slits all they want to the man they belong to.
Words in the OP pix says "theirs" donnit?
Seething tranny
It's certainly her mid-coitus, but there's no way to know whether or not she's actually cumming.
Animals rape, kill, and throw their own feces everywhere. I guess we should do the same right now.
Shouldn't this be considered illegal for "revenge porn" or some other privacy related nature?
but what if she isn't dating anyone?
Women want to be like men.
>there's no benefit to eating poop
That's where you're wrong, kiddo. I actually want you to look this up, poop pills also exist. Some animals eat their own shit for a reason, dumb ass.
Women take to God damn long, not my fault I can cum in 3 pumps but she needs 5 hours to cum
she has great teeth for brit standards
Then you better get to know her father before she is.
Anyway, when are you lads getting married?
*hits pipe*
Based and pooppilled.
>3 pumps
Jesus nigga, I ain't got that kind of time. I just do 1, in I jizz then out I is
>Why are women allowed to be whores like this these days?
Same reason why men are allowed to be whores. Men were degenerate sex tourists for centuries.
Larping as a puritan doesn't make you edgy or interesting
>guys eat placenta like animals, because animals do it, so it's good
>but don't eat shit like animals
try noit to defeat your own argument next time
what a filthy hoor
>considering that hot
What is wrong with Brits?
>kinda hot
Jesus Christ, get some taste, dunecoon.
wheres the video
>Traditional American values
So Jewish sodomy? It's already worldwide, relax.
Yeah some animals have to. Humans arent one of them.
And unless you're some sort of defective, you shouldn't need a fecal transplants or poop pills. And even in those cases it's not your own poop you're eating. So you're still wrong.
Why you trying to justifty eating your own shit so bad anyway?
so is this a magazine about fucking dogs?
Holy cringe
She cute. Hope her adventure ends well.
I'm not larping, I've been this way. You don't have a clue how shit it feels being raised with these values and becoming an adult with the current state of the world to work with. It's almost impossible to navigate through life without having to tip toe past """offensive""" language like "nigger" and "fag" or having to bend over backwards for sick in the head deluded and desperate men in women's clothing.