What's next for his gaming career?

What's next for his gaming career?

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he's going to make a gacha game

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Pressing the off button

Nice vidya thread


Still can't believe people are stupid enough to buy these. I'm pretty certain many of them even spend over a hundred just to hope they get all of them

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Ideally, when Suzy cheats on him he will leave her and devote his time to his own ambitions.


Optimistically, when Suzy cheats on him he will commit suicide.


Realistically, when Suzy cheats on him he will jump through hoops to convince himself that he actually finds it hot.

>Suzy being able to find someone else
Arin is like 5x more attractive than Suzy.


dick shape visible in every photo

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>suzy cheating on arin
arin is the only reason she has money, no way she would risk losing that

Suzy is a fucking hag. She would be dumb to leave someone with that money and fame even though I dont find Arin very good looking

Based Mike

I bet if she removes her caked makeup and clothes she goes from a 6/10 to a 2/10.


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Remember the humans fall flat episode where arin talked about seeing Mike Matei’s dick and how it was humongous

She's like a 1 or 2 out of 10 for me regardless.

Suicide, hopefully.

I'll have to check it out.

Not to mention she is just so fucking ugly. It hurts to look at her

he's going to try and turn his dirty pair ripoff into an actual anime.

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suzys got good feet tho

Hey, people are stupid enough to keep buying rehashed Pokemon games.


Arins story about Mike Matei's huge penis

I dont hate game grumps but it is the worst thing that has happened to Arin...he was so much more productive and creative before...it's like Gabe finding Steam,the end of creativity

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Pic or you're lying.

> Current state

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Is there a source to this statistics?
I'm genuinely interested

Remember that time he needed to say nigger 30 times after driving with one?

>the whole show is made with their "intentionally bad" voice acting
>there's literally nothing interesting about the show and the whole joke is "HAHA IT'S GUYS BUT THEY ARE GIRLS!!!!!!!!!"
>people still watch it

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>classic rpg figures
>it's a nigga mage

it's a BLACK mage

Hang yourself.


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